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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.

12937 Maternal medicine

An explained variance-based genetic risk score

associated with gestational diabetes antecedent
and with progression to pre-diabetes and type 2
diabetes: a cohort study
H Cormier,a,b,* J Vigneault,a,b,* V Garneau,b A Tchernof,a,c M-C Vohl,a,b SJ Weisnagel,a,c
J Robitaillea,b
Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec City, QC, Canada b Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods
(INAF), Laval University, Quebec City, QC, Canada c Endocrinology and Nephrology, CHU de Quebec Research Center, Quebec City, QC,
Correspondence: Dr J Robitaille, Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), Laval
University, Pavillon des services, 2440 Hochelaga Blvd, Room 2729-N, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada G1V 0A6. Email

Accepted 21 April 2014. Published Online 18 July 2014.

Objective To determine whether an explained-variance genetic explained-variance GRS was higher for pre-diabetic women
risk score (GRS), with 36 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared with women who remained normoglucotolerant at
previously associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D), is also associated testing (1.21  0.18, 95% CI 1.18–1.23, versus 1.17  0.15, 95%
with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and with the CI 1.13–1.20; P < 0.0001). Similarly, women with T2D had a
progression to pre-diabetes and T2D among women with prior higher explained-variance GRS compared with women with prior
GDM. GDM who remained normoglucotolerant (1.20  0.18, 95% CI
1.14–1.25, versus 1.17  0.17, 95% CI 1.13–1.20; P < 0.0001).
Design A cohort study.
The predictive effects of the explained-variance GRS, age, and
Setting Clinical investigation unit of Laval University, Quebec, body mass index (BMI), or the additive effects of the three
Canada. variables, were tested for pre-diabetes and T2D. We observed an
area under the curve of 0.6269 (95% CI 0.5638–0.6901) for age
Population A cohort of 214 women with prior GDM and 82
and BMI, and adding the explained-variance GRS into the model
controls recruited between 2009 and 2012.
increased the area to 0.6672 (95% CI 0.6064–0.7281) for the
Methods Associations between the GRS and GDM. prediction of pre-diabetes.
Main outcomes measures GDM and prevalence of pre-diabetes Conclusions An explained-variance GRS is associated with both
and T2D. GDM and progression to pre-diabetes and T2D in women with
prior GDM.
Results Women with prior GDM had a higher GRS compared
with controls (38.6  3.9, 95% CI 38.1–39.1, versus 37.4  3.2, Keywords Genetic risk score, gestational diabetes mellitus,
95% CI 36.7–38.1; P < 0.0001). In women with prior GDM, the susceptibility genes, type 2 diabetes.

Please cite this paper as: Cormier H, Vigneault J, Garneau V, Tchernof A, Vohl M-C, Weisnagel SJ, Robitaille J. An explained variance-based genetic risk
score associated with gestational diabetes antecedent and with progression to pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes: a cohort study. BJOG 2015;122:411–419.

complicated by GDM.2,3 GDM appears as a preview to

important adverse metabolic complications in the years
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as glucose following delivery, such as cardiovascular diseases and type
intolerance with first onset or recognition during preg- 2 diabetes (T2D).2,4,5 Using population-based data, Feig
nancy, and is characterised by impaired insulin secretion et al.2 observed that the prevalence of T2D after GDM
and action.1 About one woman out of five has a pregnancy was 13.1 and 18.9% at 5.2 and 9.0 years after delivery,
respectively. A systematic review revealed that the cumula-
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 411

Cormier et al.

tive incidence of T2D ranged from 2.6 to over 70.0% in Clinical Investigation Unit at the Institute of Nutrition and
studies that examined women from 6 weeks to 28 years Functional Foods (INAF) of Laval University, Quebec,
postpartum.6 Canada. All subjects gave their written consent and ethical
Gestational diabetes mellitus is recognised as a multifac- approval was obtained from the Laval University Ethics
torial disease in which it is likely that environment trig- Committee. This trial was registered at as
gers interact with genetic variants.7 Given that women NCT01340924.
with prior GDM are at an increased risk of developing
T2D later in life,5 and that women with a family history Data collection
of T2D are at increased risk of GDM,8 it is possible to Data have been carefully collected for each participant
hypothesise that GDM and T2D may share similar genetic using standardised procedures and validated tools. Weight
susceptibilities and risk factors.9–11 Genetic variants deter- was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg on a calibrated balance,
mining the risk of T2D may, therefore, also be associated height was measured to the nearest millimeter with a stadi-
with GDM. ometer, and body mass index (BMI) was then calculated
New genetic variants associated with susceptibility to (kg/m2).
T2D have been discovered in recent genome-wide associa-
tion studies (GWAS).12,13 Advances in genetic knowledge Oral glucose tolerance test
have demonstrated many new loci related with increased A 75-g, 2-hour, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was
T2D risk.14,15 The Diabetes Prevention Program showed performed in the morning after an overnight fast. Blood
that a higher T2D genetic risk, estimated with a score from samples were collected at 15, 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, and
34 single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with 120 minutes for the measurement of plasma glucose and
T2D, was also predictive of the progression to diabetes in insulin levels. The interassay coefficient of variation for
high-risk individuals.16 the OGTT was 1.0% for a basal glucose value set at
In the present study, genotype frequencies and effect 5.0 mmol/l. Plasma glucose was measured enzymatically,18
sizes of the SNPs in the diabetogenic genes were compared whereas plasma insulin was measured by radioimmunoas-
in women with prior GDM and a control group of women say.19 Impaired fasting glucose was characterised by a
without GDM history. Our objective was to determine fasting glucose value of 6.1–7.0 mmol/l, and impaired
whether a new explained-variance genetic risk score (GRS) glucose tolerance was characterised by a normal fasting
with 36 SNPs related to T2D is associated with antecedent glucose value (<6.1 mmol/l) and a 2-hour post-OGTT
GDM, and whether this GRS is predictive of the subse- glucose value of 7.8–11.1 mmol/l.20 The glycated haemo-
quent development of pre-diabetes and T2D among women globin (A1C) was measured using Cobas Integra 800 and
with prior GDM. We hypothesised that a higher standardised with the National Glycated Haemoglobin
explained-variance GRS, which includes T2D-related loci, is Standardization Program (Integra Inc., Roche, Switzer-
also associated with prior GDM and predicts pre-diabetes land). In accordance with the 2013 Canadian Diabetes
and T2D. Association latest guidelines, pre-diabetes was defined as
impaired fasting glucose, and/or impaired glucose toler-
ance, and/or A1C (between 6.0 and 6.4%). T2D was
defined as fasting plasma glucose ≥7.0 mmol/l, and/or
Participants and study design 2-hour plasma glucose post-OGTT ≥ 11.1 mmol/l, and/or
The study population has been described previously.17 A1C ≥ 6.5%.20
Briefly, a total of 296 women were recruited through access The homeostasis model assessment for insulin sensitivity
to administrative data from the Regie de l’assurance mala- (HOMA-IS) index was calculated using the following for-
die du Quebec (RAMQ), the provincial health plan registry. mula: (fasting insulin concentration 9 fasting glucose con-
Women living in the greater Quebec City area, aged centration)/22.5.21 The Matsuda index was calculated as
≥18 years, with a pregnancy between 2003 and 2010 were follows: 10 000/√[fasting glucose concentration 9 fasting
invited to participate. Women were excluded if they were insulin concentration 9 (mean glucose 9 mean insulin)].22
pregnant at the time of the study or if they had type-I dia- The area under the curves for glucose and insulin excur-
betes. A total of 3896 women were sent a letter. A total of sions after the glucose load were calculated using the trape-
688 women contacted the research team, of whom 95 were zoidal rule.23 The insulin secretion index was estimated by
not eligible (pregnant at the time of the study or had type-I the ratio between the area under the curve for insulin and
diabetes) and 297 refused to participate. The study sample the area under the curve for glucose.24 The insulinogenic
thus consisted of 214 women with prior GDM and 82 index for insulin secretion [(insulin at 30 minutes fasting
women without prior GDM (controls), recruited between insulin)/(glucose at 30 minutes fasting glucose)] was also
October 2009 and August 2012. Women were tested at the calculated.25,26

412 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Genetic risk score in GDM and T2D

Selection of risk alleles rs10811661, rs7754840, rs1801282, rs1111875, rs1470579,

The GRS was assessed based on the 34 SNPs confirmed to rs5219, rs13266634, rs7578597, rs1552224, rs10923931,
be associated with T2D in a previous study by Hivert rs11708067, rs10010131, rs4747969, rs7578326, rs13292136,
et al.16 on a population of European ancestry. We added rs864745, rs757210, rs1531343, rs4607103, rs7961581, rs10
two SNPs, rs2237895 (KCNQ1) and rs12255372 (TCF7L2), 830963, rs243021, rs231362, rs4457053, rs340874, rs917793,
in the new explained-variance GRS model, which were pre- rs972283, rs8042680, rs7957197, rs2191349, rs780094,
viously found to be associated with GDM.11,27,28 As shown rs896854, and rs11634397) were genotyped using validated
in Table 1, to construct the explained-variance GRS model, primers and TaqMan probes (Life Technologies Corpora-
selected SNPs (rs2237895, rs12255372, rs7903146, tion, Burlington, ON, Canada).29 DNA was mixed with

Table 1. Type 2 diabetes risk loci

Genes SNPs Alleles (risk/other) MAF* OR** Study Overall study

A, risk allele/a, other allele

AA Aa aa
n (%) n (%) n (%)

TCF7L2 rs7903146 T/C T = 0.40 1.37 DIAGRAM 41 (13.8) 154 (51.9) 102 (34.3)
CDKN2A/2B rs10811661 T/C C = 0.18 1.26 DIAGRAM 202 (68.0) 84 (28.3) 11 (03.7)
CDKAL1 rs7754840 C/G C = 0.35 1.25 DIAGRAM 33 (11.1) 139 (46.8) 125 (42.1)
PPARG rs1801282 C/G G = 0.10 1.18 DIAGRAM 241 (81.1) 52 (17.5) 4 (1.4)
HHEX rs1111875 C/T T = 0.37 1.17 DIAGRAM 113 (38.1) 146 (49.2) 38 (12.8)
IGF2BP2 rs1470579 C/A C = 0.34 1.17 DIAGRAM 36 (12.1) 129 (43.4) 132 (44.4)
KCNJ11 rs5219 T/C T = 0.40 1.16 DIAGRAM 37 (12.5) 162 (54.6) 98 (33.0)
SLC30A8 rs13266634 C/T T = 0.25 1.15 DIAGRAM 166 (55.9) 112 (37.7) 19 (6.4)
THADA rs7578597 A/G G = 0.13 1.15 DIAGRAM 241 (81.1) 51 (17.2) 5 (1.7)
CENTD2 rs1552224 A/C C = 0.13 1.14 DIAGRAM+ 226 (76.1) 65 (21.9) 6 (2.0)
NOTCH2 rs10923931 T/G T = 0.11 1.13 DIAGRAM 5 (1.7) 56 (18.9) 236 (79.5)
ADCY5 rs11708067 A/G G = 0.17 1.12 MAGIC 207 (69.7) 80 (26.9) 10 (3.4)
WFS1 rs10010131 G/A A = 0.43 1.11 DIAGRAM 103 (34.7) 131 (44.1) 63 (21.2)
CDC123 rs4747969 C/T C = 0.19 1.11 DIAGRAM 9 (3.0) 97 (32.7) 191 (64.3)
IRS1 rs7578326 A/G G = 0.36 1.11 DIAGRAM+ 123 (41.4) 137 (46.1) 37 (12.5)
CHCHD9 rs13292136 C/T T = 0.06 1.11 DIAGRAM+ 262 (88.2) 32 (10.8) 3 (1.0)
JAZF1 rs864745 G/A A = 0.46 1.10 DIAGRAM 80 (26.9) 151 (50.8) 66 (22.2)
HNF1B rs757210 T/C T = 0.42 1.10 DIAGRAM 59 (19.9) 131 (44.1) 107 (36.0)
HMGA2 rs1531343 C/G C = 0.10 1.10 DIAGRAM+ 2 (0.7) 53 (17.9) 242 (81.5)
ADAMTS9 rs4607103 C/T T = 0.26 1.09 DIAGRAM 161 (54.2) 118 (39.7) 18 (6.1)
TSPAN8 rs7961581 C/T C = 0.29 1.09 DIAGRAM 26 (8.8) 119 (40.1) 152 (51.2)
MTNR1B rs10830963 G/C G = 0.32 1.09 MAGIC 36 (12.1) 119 (40.1) 142 (47.8)
BCL11A rs243021 A/G A = 0.44 1.08 DIAGRAM+ 58 (19.5) 146 (49.2) 93 (31.3)
SLC22A18AS rs231362 G/A A = 0.43 1.08 DIAGRAM+ 93 (31.3) 152 (51.2) 52 (17.5)
ZBED3-AS1 rs4457053 G/A G = 0.35 1.08 DIAGRAM+ 32 (10.8) 142 (47.8) 123 (41.4)
PROX1 rs340874 C/T T = 0.42 1.07 MAGIC 104 (35.0) 134 (45.1) 59 (19.9)
GCK rs917793 T/A T = 0.23 1.07 MAGIC 18 (6.1) 103 (34.7) 176 (59.3)
TSGA13 rs972283 G/A A = 0.44 1.07 DIAGRAM+ 100 (33.8) 132 (44.6) 64 (21.6)
VPS33B rs8042680 A/C A = 0.39 1.07 DIAGRAM+ 52 (17.5) 129 (43.4) 116 (39.1)
HNF1A rs7957197 T/A A = 0.15 1.07 DIAGRAM+ 213 (71.7) 80 (26.9) 4 (1.4)
DGKB rs2191349 T/G G = 0.44 1.06 MAGIC 94 (31.7) 146 (49.2) 57 (19.2)
GCKR rs780094 C/T T = 0.38 1.06 MAGIC 114 (38.4) 143 (48.2) 40 (13.5)
PLEKHF2 rs896854 T/C C = 0.49 1.06 DIAGRAM+ 75 (25.3) 154 (51.9) 68 (22.9)
BCL2A1 rs11634397 G/A A = 0.33 1.06 DIAGRAM+ 138 (46.5) 121 (40.7) 38 (12.8)
KCNQ1 rs2237895 C/A C = 0.42 1.24 Danish population 48 (16.2) 151 (50.8) 98 (33.0)
TCF7L2 rs12255372 T/G T = 0.36 1.43 Wang et al. (2013) 33 (11.1) 149 (50.2) 115 (38.7)

DIAGRAM, diabetes genetics replication and meta-analysis; MAGIC, meta-analysis of glucose and insulin-related traits consortium.
*MAF: minor allele frequency, derived from the ALLELE procedure in SAS GENETICS 9.3.
**Odds ratio reported in previous literature (column Study).

ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 413

Cormier et al.

TaqMan Genotyping Master Mix with a gene-specific pri- evaluate the ability of each index to predict pre-diabetes
mer and with probe mixture (pre-developed TaqMan SNP and T2D states. Statistical significance was established at
Genotyping Assays; Life Technologies Corporation) in a P ≤ 0.05.
final volume of 10 ll. Genotypes were determined using a
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System, and analysed using
STEPONE 2.1 (Life Technologies Corporation). To assess accu-
racy, we duplicated the genotyping of all SNPs for 5% of The clinical, anthropometric, and metabolic characteristics
the study participants. of the study participants are shown in Table 2. There were
no statistical differences between women with prior GDM
GRS for predictive modelling of GDM risk and the control group when comparing age, parity, and
Using 36 SNPs previously associated with T2D,11,16 we con- time to follow-up after delivery. Weight, BMI, and waist
structed a simple-count GRS ranging from 0 to 72, where circumference were higher in women with prior GDM than
each individual was scored on the basis of their genotype. in women of the control group (P ≤ 0.02 for all). Fasting
Carriers of the risk allele could get a score of ‘1’ if they plasma glucose, 2-hour plasma glucose, fasting insulin, area
were heterozygotes (carriers of only one risk allele for a under the curve for glucose, HOMA-IS, and A1C levels
specific SNP) or a score of ‘2’ if they were homozygotes were significantly higher in women with prior GDM com-
(carriers of two risk alleles for a specific SNP) for the risk pared with the control group (P ≤ 0.03 for all). Insulin
allele. We then created a weighted GRS per participant by secretion and insulinogenic indices were lower in women
multiplying the number of risk alleles present per SNP by with prior GDM (P ≤ 0.0001 for all), compared with
the b-estimate reported for this SNP in the meta-analysis women from the control group. The area under the curve
of glucose and insulin-related traits consortium (MAGIC) for insulin and 2-hour post-OGTT insulin level did not
and diabetes genetics replication and meta-analysis statistically differ among groups. A total of 19.6% of
(DIAGRAM+) studies,30–32 and from two other women with prior GDM were diagnosed with impaired
meta-analyses.33,34 Then, to make the GRS more specific to fasting glucose, 36.9% with impaired glucose tolerance, and
our population, we used the new explained-variance GRS 18.7% were diagnosed with T2D, compared with 1.2, 12.2,
model proposed by Che et al.35 to account for the minor and 1.2%, respectively, in the control group. Thus, among
allele frequency of each SNP: explained-variance GRS = GDM women, 63.1% were identified as pre-diabetic 3 years
log10(Odds ratio)√[2Minor Allele Frequency(1 Minor after delivery.
Allele Frequency)]. In the case where the minor allele was All SNPs were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. As
not the allele associated with T2D risk, we considered the shown in Table 3, the GRSs were higher in women with
frequency of the risk allele as the substitute in the prior GDM compared with women from the control
explained-variance GRS formula. Then, we summed the group (P < 0.0001 for all). The associations remained sig-
results over the 36 SNPs. The b-estimates are the natural nificant after further adjustments for age, BMI, parity,
log of the odds ratios listed in Table 1, and the minor allele oral hypoglycaemic agents and ethnicity (data not shown).
frequencies were derived from the ALLELE procedure in As for the simple-count GRS, women with prior GDM
SAS GENETICS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). had an average of 38.6  3.9 risk alleles, whereas the con-
trol groups were carriers of 37.3  3.2 risk alleles
Statistical analyses (P < 0.0001).
Analyses were conducted with SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc.). Given that women with prior GDM had a higher
Comparisons were performed through the General Linear T2D-associated GRS, we tested whether this GRS was also
Model procedure and using the type-III sum of squares predictive of pre-diabetes or T2D in women with prior
(for unbalanced study design). Means and standard devia- GDM. In a general linear model, the explained-variance
tions (SDs) were computed for participants’ characteristics, GRS significantly differed between pre-diabetic women
anthropometric, and metabolic variables (Table 2). Contin- and women with prior GDM who remained normogluco-
uous variables were tested for normality of distribution, tolerant at testing (1.20  0.18 versus 1.17  0.17, respec-
and log transformations of skewed variables were used in tively, P < 0.0001). The ROC curves (Figure 1) evaluated
subsequent analyses, where necessary. All genotype distribu- the discriminative power of the explained-variance GRS
tions were tested for any deviation from Hardy–Weinberg alone, and of age and BMI, or the additive effects of the
equilibrium using the ALLELE procedure in SAS GENETICS 9.3 three parameters together, between pre-diabetic women
(SAS Institute Inc.). Significance testing for linkage disequi- and normoglucotolerant women. The explained-variance
librium coefficient D was obtained using a chi-square test, GRS ROC curve had an area under the curve of 0.6122,
likelihood ratio, and Fisher exact test (P ≤ 0.01). Receiver whereas the age and BMI ROC curve had an area under
operating characteristics (ROC) curves were developed to the curve of 0.6269. When adding the explained-variance

414 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Genetic risk score in GDM and T2D

Table 2. Participants’ characteristics, and anthropometric and metabolic variables (n = 296)

GDM Controls P
n = 214 n = 82

Mean  SD or 95% CI Mean  SD or 95% CI

n (%) n (%)

Age, years 36.4  4.9 35.7–37.0 35.6  5.2 34.5–36.8 0.26
Parity 2.1  0.8 2.0–2.2 2.2  1.0 2.0–2.4 0.34
Time between index pregnancy 3.52  1.97 3.25–3.79 3.82  2.27 3.33–4.31 0.26
and metabolic testing, years
White 189 (93.6%) – 76 (97.4%) – –
Impaired fasting glucose 42 (19.63) – 1 (1.22) – –
Impaired glucose tolerance 79 (36.92) – 10 (12.2) – –
Pre-diabetes, including 135 (63.08) – 12 (14.63) – –
type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes 40 (18.69) – 1 (1.22) – –
Normoglucotolerant 79 (36.92) – 70 (85.37) – –
Oral hypoglycaemic agents 7 (3.27) – 0 (0.0) – –
Insulin 0 (0.0) – 0 (0.0) – –
Anthropometric indicators**
Weight, kg 73.4  17.5 71.1–75.8 68.7  13.9 65.7–71.7 0.02
BMI, kg/m2*** 27.7  6.5 26.8–28.5 25.6  4.9 24.5–26.6 0.007
Waist circumference, cm 91.1  14.6 89.1–93.0 85.6  11.9 83.1–88.2 0.003
Metabolic outcomes**
Fasting plasma 5.92  1.09 5.78–6.07 5.32  0.38 5.24–5.40 <0.0001
glucose, mmol/l***
2-hour post-OGTT 8.33  2.83 7.95–8.71 6.00  1.61 5.65–6.35 <0.0001
glucose, mmol/l***
Fasting insulin, qmol/l 83.54  46.82 77.24–89.85 95.95  39.40 87.42–104.48 0.0003
2-hour post-OGTT insulin, qmol/l 613.07  424.54 555.65–670.49 488.22  346.88 413.14–563.30 0.07
Area under the curve for glucose, 1063.61  269.66 1027.40–1099.82 795.02  162.55 759.62–830.42 <0.0001
mmol/l per minute***
Area under the curve for insulin, 60 726.07  32 538.66 2245.38–56 325.13 58 667.04  30 843.47 51 950.02–65 384.06 0.97
qmol/l per minute
HOMA-IS index*** 0.61  2.17 0.32–0.90 0.54  1.54 0.21–0.87 0.03
Insulin secretion 58.85  31.00 54.66–63.04 73.36  33.20 66.13–80.60 0.0001
Insulinogenic index*** 135.83  121.62 119.46–152.21 319.01  793.52 146.20–491.82 <0.0001
A1C (%) 5.59  3.87 5.54–5.65 5.34  1.98 5.29–5.38 <0.0001

P values derived from a general linear model adjusted for age, parity, oral hypoglycaemic agents, ethnicity, and BMI.
*P values derived from a general linear model.
**P values derived from a general linear model adjusted for age, parity, oral hypoglycaemic agents, and ethnicity.
***Data were log10 transformed.

GRS into the logistic regression, we obtained an area ance GRS (area under the curve = 0.5478), and the additive
under the curve of 0.6672, thus improving the predictive effects of age, BMI, and explained-variance GRS (area
value. under the curve = 0.6772), as shown in Figure 2.
Using the same statistical model as previously described,
we tested the difference in the GRS between women with
prior GDM who remained normoglucotolerant at testing
and women with T2D. All GRSs significantly differed Main findings
between groups (P < 0.0001 for all), as shown in Table 4. According to the present study, a new genetic score includ-
ROC curves were plotted using specificity and sensitivity ing 36 SNPs previously associated with T2D was found to
data from a logistic regression, including the effects of age be associated with GDM. This study also provides evidence
and BMI (area under the curve = 0.6761), explained-vari- that this genetic score was predictive of pre-diabetes and

ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 415

Cormier et al.

Table 3. Differences in GRS between women with prior GDM and controls (n = 296)

Prior GDM (mean  SD) 95% CI Controls (mean  SD) 95% CI P

n = 214 n = 82

Simple-count GRS 38.6  3.9 38.1–39.1 37.4  3.2 36.7–38.1 <0.0001

Weighted GRS 2.01  0.27 1.98–2.05 1.96  0.22 1.91–2.00 <0.0001
Explained-variance GRS 1.21  0.18 1.18–1.23 1.17  0.15 1.13–1.20 <0.0001

hypoglycaemic agents and ethnicity did not alter the results.

Some limitations for this study should be acknowledged.
Metabolic testing before pregnancy would have been inter-
esting, as pre-pregnancy obesity and abnormal glucose
levels are believed to be strong predictors of T2D. Also,
adding more SNPs to the model, and not only SNPs that
predict T2D, but others that prevent individuals developing
T2D, may show better results as the new explained-variance
GRS takes into account the minor allele frequency and the
b-estimate from odds ratios.

Several studies have already reported associations between
several SNPs and GDM. Huopio et al.36 showed that
rs10830963 of MTNR1B was significantly associated with
GDM, fasting glucose levels, and reduced insulin secretion.
Figure 1. ROC curves: pre-diabetic (n = 135) versus normoglucotolerant Stuebe et al.10 showed that GDM was associated with SNPs
(n = 79) women. within TCF7L2 (rs7901695), MTNR1B (rs10830963), and
GCK (rs780094), which are associated with T2D and fasting
T2D among women with prior GDM years after delivery. glucose levels in non-pregnant women. In addition, a higher
To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that number of risk alleles in women with a history of GDM was
combining genetic information within a score generates a also reported by Lauenborg et al.,37 where they observed
predictor of both GDM and the progression to pre-diabetes associations in 11 SPNs, recently associated with T2D, with
and T2D among women with prior GDM. GDM, and demonstrated the combined additive effect of all
T2D susceptibility alleles on the predictive risk of GDM,
Strengths and limitations and performed ROC curves to assess the discriminative
The strengths of this study include the use of the new accuracy of these genetic variants in GDM. They showed
explained-variance GRS model, because this new weighted that T2D risk alleles additively increase the risk of GDM.
method incorporates odds ratios from meta-analyses and The discriminative accuracy of genetic variants associated
the risk allele frequencies. Within the same odds ratio, dis- with T2D and GDM can be assessed looking at the area
ease risk will vary depending on the risk allele frequencies. under the curves evaluated by ROC curves. The ROC curves
It has been shown that when the sample size is small, the were elaborated for the prediction of T2D risk based on 36
explained-variance GRS consistently yielded better perfor- SNPs (included in a GRS), clinical characteristics (age and
mance than the weighted GRS.35 In the present study, we BMI), and both. Interestingly, the area under the curve of
used both approaches (explained-variance GRS and age and BMI was a stronger predictor of T2D risk when the
weighted GRS) and observed similar results. In addition, explained-variance GRS was considered, suggesting that
the SNPs that were studied were identified from large genetic variants included in the explained-variance GRS
meta-analyses and recent GWAS.12,14 Moreover, the use of added to known predictive factors of T2D risk (Figures 1
an OGTT to assess glucose and insulin responses is more and 2). In comparison, a recent GWAS has shown ROC
sensitive for the detection of impaired glucose tolerance, curves with an area under the curve of 0.66 (95% CI 0.63–
pre-diabetes, and T2D.24 Confounding factors such as age, 0.68) for the predictive modelling of T2D based on SNPs and
time since the last pregnancy, and BMI were also considered clinical characteristics combined (age, sex, and BMI).38 Pre-
in the present study. Additional adjustments for oral vious studies have reported the area under the curves for

416 ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Genetic risk score in GDM and T2D

Table 4. Differences in GRS between normoglucotolerant and T2D status among women with prior GDM (n = 119)

Normoglucotolerant (mean  SD) 95% CI T2D (mean  SD) 95% CI P

n = 79 n = 40

Simple-count GRS 38.1  4.0 37.2–39.0 38.7  4.5 37.3–40.1 <0.0001

Weighted GRS 1.95  0.25 1.90–2.01 2.00  0.28 1.91–2.09 <0.0001
Explained-variance GRS 1.17  0.17 1.13–1.20 1.20  0.18 1.14–1.25 <0.0001

indicated a genetic difference between GDM women and

the control group, and also between pre-diabetic (including
T2D) women and women with prior GDM who remained
normoglucotolerant after testing. This finding is consistent
with previous studies reporting that a combination of all
risk alleles into a weighted GRS was significantly associated
with the risk of T2D.16 A higher GRS is also associated
with less probability of returning to a normoglucotolerant
state, and with an increased risk of developing T2D.16
Consistent with the literature, results of anthropometric
measurements and glucose homeostasis clearly demon-
strated metabolic deteriorations in women with prior
GDM, compared with women without GDM.2,5 In the
present study, women with prior GDM were overweight,
had higher glycaemic traits, and had decreased insulin sen-
sitivity. Pre-diabetes and T2D were more prevalent in
Figure 2. ROC curves: normoglucotolerant (n = 79) versus type 2 women with prior GDM compared with women from the
diabetic (n = 40) women. control group. Similarly, in Polish women with GDM, the
cumulative incidence of impaired glucose tolerance and
genetic information, age, and BMI, and obtained a large T2D over a 3-year follow-up was 41.5%.44 Hunger-Dathe
range of results (0.73, 0.86, and 0.58), depending on the et al.45 showed that the prevalence of impaired glucose tol-
number of gene variants tested.37,39,40 Differences between erance was higher for pre-diabetes (28–53%) and for T2D
results from the present study and prior studies looking at (11–43%) in a longer follow-up after GDM (up to
genetic discrimination for T2D can be explained by the fact 3–15 years). By taking into account the new 2013 guide-
that in our study, ROC curves were evaluated only in women lines from the Canadian Diabetes Association,20 more
with prior GDM (GDM versus controls in the other studies), women were actually at risk because of lower cut-off val-
and therefore women were already more likely to develop ues. In 2009, a meta-analysis with 675 455 women and
T2D because of their history of GDM. Nevertheless, we 10 859 T2D cases demonstrated that women with GDM
observed that the GRS predicts progression to pre-diabetes had a nearly 7.5-fold increased risk of predicted T2D.5 Kim
and T2D, even in this high-risk population. et al.6 reported in a systematic review that more than 70%
The effect sizes of common variants influencing T2D risk of women with GDM will eventually progress to T2D. The
are low, and genetic predispositions may explain approxi- identification of factors associated with subsequent T2D
mately 5–10% of the variance;41 however, the estimated development in women with GDM may determine subjects
effect-size distribution suggested the existence of increas- at risk, in which case more aggressive preventive care could
ingly large numbers of susceptibility SNPs with decreasingly be provided to prevent the development of pre-diabetes
small effects.42 SNPs with intermediate minor allele fre- and T2D. Indeed, lifestyle intervention has been shown to
quency (5–20%) contained an unusually small number of attenuate the genetic contribution to T2D risk.16,46
susceptibility loci and explained a relatively small fraction
of heritability compared with what would be expected from
the distribution.43 For these reasons, the explained-variance
GRS was elaborated by weighting each risk allele by its In conclusion, findings from the present study suggest that
respective effect size on T2D risk and its minor allele fre- a genetic score is associated with both GDM and progres-
quency. In the present study, the explained-variance GRS sion to pre-diabetes and T2D in women with prior GDM.

ª 2014 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 417

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