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1. Write three sentences on the state bird and animal of Uttarakhand and

2. Reading enhances our imagination, stimulates our mind and also improves
our memory. Read 2 stories from any book and write 10 words you have learnt
from the stories.

3. Listening is an integral part of learning any language. Watch and listen to

this video carefully.

After watching the video write down any 5 healthy habits.

4. Write one page handwriting daily for 10 days .(

5. Paste pictures of any 5 countable and uncountable nouns in scrap book.

6. Learn all work done in book and notebook.

• Note : make a separate English notebook for holidays and do all the
work given in it .


1. उत्तराखंड और पड
ु ु चेरी के राज्य पशु और पक्षी के नाम लिखोl

2. लिखावट के पााँच पृष्ठ लिखें l

3. ककन्ही तीन पक्षक्षयों के भोजन, घोंसिे और चोंच के बारे में लिख कर उनके चचत्र बनाओ

या चचपकाओ l

4. कक्षा में ककए गए सभी कायय को याद करो l

5. संज्ञा का एक मॉडि बनाओ l

 Note:- प्रश्न 1 से लेकर प्रश्न 4 एक पतिी नोटबुक में करें l


1. Paste and name the state bird and animal of Puducherry and

2. Paste and name any 5 types of fabric.

3. Fold your clothes, help your mother in daily household chores. Click
the pictures and paste it .

4. Revise all the work done.

NOTE : All the work should be done in a scrapbook.


1. Draw the state bird and animal of Uttarakhand and Puducherry with the help

of geometrical shapes.( use A4 sheets to draw bird and animal)

2. Learn the table of 6 and 7.

3. Revise all the work done in Maths book and notebook.

4. Take the print out of the worksheet given below and solve on the same

Note: make a stick file and attach worksheet and A4 sheets of bird,animal
drawn in the same file.

Name: ............................................. Class: ................. Sec: ..............

1. Complete the missing numbers.

a) 439, 440, , 441, ............, ............, ............, ..........., ...........,

2. Write the number name of

a) 706.................................................................................................

3. Write five hundred thirty six in numeral


4. The expanded form of 865 =


5. Write the short form of 2 hundreds + 4 tens + 9 ones = .............................

6. Write the next odd number after 613 ...................

7. Write the next even number after 700 ...................

8. Write the ordinal number of triangle ..........................

9. The sum of 13 and 7 is ............

10. Arrange 456 and 215 in columns and add

11. Add-


6 4 2

+ 2 5 9

12. When we subtract 6 from 9, we get .............

13. Subtract-


3 5 8

- 2 4 9

14. 20 + 32 = ......... + 20

15. Place value of 9 in 392 is ....................


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