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Review of “El zarco”

Well, the book of “el zarco” is a very interesting book, the characters
are Nicolas, this is one of my favorite characters, although he doesn’t
appears to much, because he is a very brave man. However, he is in
love whit Manuela that is a very disgusting woman. Another character
is El zarco, he is a criminal, he uses to steal a hole village and
although he is not brave, he pretends to be and because that Manuela
is in love whit el zarco, her mom does not know, however one day
Manuela escape from her house with el zarco.
Although she thinked that she and el zarco will get married, el zarco
takes her to a village whit only criminals, they were his band, she
thinks that maybe the criminals will respect her because she was the
girlfriend of the boss, however no one respect el zarco, and then el
zarco begins to get angry whit Manuela because of rumors.
Although Nicolas was very sad, he discovered that the sister of
manuelita was in love whit he, so eventually she and Nicolas get
married, and el zarco is killed because he was a criminal, and Manuela
dies of madness.
I skipped a lot of thing because of the time; however, this book is
incredible, I liked so much, and it gave me a lot of good values.
Although it was very long, I rely enjoy it.

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