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Abnormal Returns from the Common Stock

Investments of the U.S. Senate
Alan J. Ziobrowski, Ping Cheng, James W. Boyd, and
Brigitte J. Ziobrowski

The actions of the federal government can have a profound impact on financial markets.
As prominent participants in the government decision making process, U.S. Senators are
likely to have knowledge of forthcoming government actions before the information be-
comes public. This could provide them with an informational advantage over other in-
vestors. We test for abnormal returns from the common stock investments of members of
the U.S. Senate during the period 1993–1998. We document that a portfolio that mimics
the purchases of U.S. Senators beats the market by 85 basis points per month, while a port-
folio that mimics the sales of Senators lags the market by 12 basis points per month. The
large difference in the returns of stocks bought and sold (nearly one percentage point per
month) is economically large and reliably positive.

I. Introduction
Decisions made by the federal government often have serious implications
for corporate profitability and are therefore of keen interest to the financial mar-
kets. U.S. Senators are among the most important participants in that decision
process by virtue of their role as lawmakers and overseers of most federal agen-
cies. Senators may also be embedded in social networks that provide them with
access to valuable information. As such, Senators might be able to capitalize
on this superior information through stock trading. Yet, despite their access to
special information, neither federal law nor The Senate Code of Official Conduct
places any unusual restrictions on the Senators’ common stock transactions. Ac-
cording to the U.S. Senate Ethics Manual, “The strong presumption would be that
 Ziobrowski,, Georgia State University, Department of Real Estate, J. Mack
Robinson College of Business, P.O. Box 4020, 33 Gilmer Street SE, Atlanta, GA 30302; Cheng,, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Industry Study, College of Business,
777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431; Boyd,, Kent State University, De-
partment of Finance, College of Business Administration, Kent, OH 44242; and Ziobrowski, bzio-, Augusta State University, School of Business Administration, Augusta, GA 30904.
The authors express their appreciation to the Georgia State University Department of Real Estate for
its financial support of this project and to former U.S. Senator Max Cleland of Georgia for his assis-
tance in helping us obtain a great deal of the data at no cost. We also thank Jonathan Karpoff (the
editor) and Brad Barber (the referee) for their helpful suggestions. All errors are our own.
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662 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

the Member was working for legislation because of the public interest and the
needs of his constituents and that his own financial interest was only incidentally
related .”
However, public choice theory (see Buchanan and Tollison (1984)) suggests
that such a presumption is unrealistic. That people act to maximize their personal
utility in their public capacities as well as their private lives is the most funda-
mental principle of public choice theory. Thus, voters can be expected to make
choices that they anticipate will maximize benefits to them personally or mini-
mize costs. Of more relevance to this study, their elected government officials
can be expected to behave likewise. As an example, it is well documented that
as a member of Congress in the 1940s and 1950s, Lyndon B. Johnson frequently
used his political influence at the Federal Communication Commission to obtain
licenses for his radio and television stations and to block competition from invad-
ing his markets in Texas. Johnson’s influence allowed him to ultimately grow an
initial investment of $17,500 into a multi-media company worth millions. 1
There is no academic literature dealing with Congressional common stock
returns. The only related literature is Boller (1995), who investigated a random
sample of Congressional delegates (both Senators and Members of the U.S. House
of Representatives) and found that 25% of them invested in companies that could
be directly affected by ongoing legislative activity. However, this result merely
suggests a potential conflict of interest. His research did not demonstrate that
these investments yielded unusually large returns.
Our goal in this research is to determine if the Senators’ investments tend
to outperform the overall market. Such a finding would support the notion that
Senators use their informational advantage for personal gain. We test whether the
common stocks purchased and sold by U.S. Senators exhibit abnormal returns.
Assuming returns are truly “incidental,” we hypothesize that U.S. Senators should
not earn statistically significant positive abnormal returns on their common stock
acquisitions (the null). Rejection of the null, i.e., a finding of statistically sig-
nificant positive abnormal returns, would suggest that Senators are trading stock
based on information that is unavailable to the public, thereby using their unique
position to increase their personal wealth.
Federal law requires all Senators to disclose their common stock transactions
annually in a Financial Disclosure Report (FDR). We use an event study method-
ology to measure abnormal returns for common stock acquisitions and sales re-
ported by the Senators in their FDRs during the period 1993 through 1998. The
trigger events in our study are the stock purchases and sales made by the Senators.
Since these transactions were not publicly reported until long after they occurred
(anywhere from five to 17 months later), the subsequent returns of these stocks
could not have been market reactions to the actual transactions themselves. Any
statistically significant abnormal returns therefore would likely be the result of
reactions to events anticipated by Senators and motivated their transactions.
We find that the behavior of common stocks purchased and sold by Senators
indicates that Senators trade with a substantial informational advantage. Using
the calendar-time portfolio approach with the Fama-French three-factor model

1 See Dallek (1991) and other biographies of Lyndon B. Johnson for more details.
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and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), a portfolio that mimics the pur-
chases of U.S. Senators on a trade-weighted basis outperforms the market by 85
basis points per month, while a portfolio that mimics the sales of Senators un-
derperforms the market by 12 basis points per month. For Senate stock purchase
transactions, the abnormal returns are both economically large and statistically
significant. When measuring cumulative daily abnormal returns we find that the
cumulative daily abnormal return from common stocks purchased by Senators is
more than 25% during the 12 calendar months immediately following acquisition.
Common stocks sold by Senators exhibit slightly positive cumulative abnormal
returns throughout the year following the sale. But during the 12 months prior to
sale, the cumulative daily abnormal return is also over 25%, peaking close to the
time of sale.
We also analyze the data for several subsamples to examine the sensitivity of
the results to the Senators’ party affiliation and seniority. When transactions made
by the Senators are separated by political party, we find no statistically significant
differences between the abnormal returns of Democrats and Republicans. How-
ever, seniority is a significant factor. The common stock investments of Senators
with the least seniority (serving less than seven years) outperform the investments
of the most senior Senators (serving more than 16 years) by a statistically signifi-
cant margin.

II. Data and Research Design

Many of the Senate FDRs used in this study were obtained from the Web
site However, the FDRs available at the site covered only
current members of the Senate and only three years of data were provided at the
time of data acquisition. Therefore, it was necessary to acquire additional FDRs
from the Senate Printing Office.
In the FDRs, Senators identify all common stock purchases or sales, together
with the date of the transactions and the approximate value of the transactions.
We look only at assets not held in blind trusts since Senators do not report the
holdings or transactions on any assets held in qualified blind trusts. The data
have some serious limitations. First, although each report is personally signed
and authenticated by the Senator, none of the FDRs are audited for accuracy by
any government agency or organization outside the government. Therefore, we
cannot verify the accuracy or completeness of these reports. Second, the care
used to fill out these reports varies widely. Some are typed, some are handwritten,
some include monthly financial statements from their brokerage firms, and some
use abbreviations and terms that are impossible to decipher. Thus, extraction of
the data was frequently difficult and despite our best efforts may have resulted
in occasional errors. Third, the available data do not permit us to measure the
magnitude of profits earned by individual Senators. Senators report the dollar
volume of transactions only within broad ranges ($1,001 to $15,000, $15,001
to $50,000, $50,001 to $100,000, $100,001 to $250,000, $250,001 to $500,000,
$500,001 to $1,000,000 and over $1,000,000). The broad ranges also present
problems for trade-size-weighted analysis.
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664 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

The database includes common stock transactions made by the Senators,

their spouses, and their dependent children. The transactions have been recorded
with the name of the Senator, the transaction date, and the approximate value of
the transaction. Assets were matched by name with CUSIP numbers from the
Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) databases.
Without knowing any details about the information the Senators may pos-
sess, we cannot assume that abnormal returns would necessarily be seen within
days or even weeks of the stock purchase. Furthermore, the timing of abnor-
mal performance is likely to vary across securities depending on the political and
economic issues under discussion and the companies or industries affected. We
therefore examine returns for a full calendar year (255 trading days) after the
acquisition or sale of the stock. Abnormal performance is measured using the
calendar-time portfolio approach with the Fama-French three-factor model and
CAPM as recommended by Mitchell and Stafford (2000).
Initially, we begin with 6,052 transactions. Before analysis we apply several
screens to the data. Only U.S. common stocks are included in the study. These
screens eliminate, among other things, all preferred stock, ADRs, REITs, foreign
stocks, and mutual funds. We also eliminate all initial public offerings (IPOs)
from the sample. 2 In total, 360 observations are eliminated for the reasons given
above. Among the surviving transactions, approximately 59% of the stocks are
listed on the NYSE, 40% are traded on the NASDAQ, and about 1% are listed on
the ASE.
After separating the transactions into purchases and sales, we begin by cal-
culating the cumulative abnormal return, CAR, for the buy sample and sell sample
on each event-day from day 255 to day +255, where t 0 is the transaction day.
First, daily average abnormal return for the sample transactions is calculated as
(1) AR wi Rit Rmt 
i 1

where N is the number of transactions in the sample (buy or sell), R it is the return
from sample transaction i on trading day t, R mt is the return on the CRSP value-
weighted market index for trading day t, and w i is the trade weight of transaction
i. As indicated previously, Senators report transaction amounts only within broad
ranges. We therefore estimate the value of their trades using the midpoint of the
range reported by the Senators for all transactions less than $250,000. For all
transactions above $250,000, we assume a transaction size equal to $250,000.
Next, we compute the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) for day t as:
(1a) CARt ART 
T 255

where t ranges from day 255 to +255. Although we do not rely on the CARs
as a basis for our main statistical inferences, they do provide an indication as to
2 IPOs were excluded because of the possibility that Senators were allocated these shares during
the IPO process. Loughran and Ritter (1995) have shown that IPOs typically earn a high return on
the first trading day but under-perform the market thereafter. Thus, though they may prove to be poor
long-term investments, these losses are more than likely compensated for by the large first-day returns
earned by many IPOs.
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whether the Senators’ portfolio outperformed the market. We compute CARs for
both the buy and sell samples.
The calendar-time portfolio method for detecting long-run abnormal returns
was first used by Jaffe (1974) and Mandelker (1974) and is strongly recommended
by Fama (1998). To briefly explain, for each calendar day a calendar-time port-
folio is constructed including all those stocks that have an event date within the
prior 255 days. The portfolio return is then calculated as
(2) Rp t ci t R i t ci t 
i 1 i 1

where Rp t is the portfolio return on day t and c i t is the compound value of trans-
action i from the event date to t 1. For an equal-weighted portfolio, the initial
value of transaction i is set at $1. To calculate the trade-weighted portfolio, we re-
place the weight of $1 on the purchase date with the value of the trade. As before,
we again estimate the value of their trades using the midpoint of the range re-
ported by the Senators for all transactions less than $250,000. For all transactions
above $250,000, we assume a transaction size equal to $250,000.
We obtain daily portfolio return series for four calendar-time portfolios: an
equally-weighted portfolio of the buy transactions, a trade-size-weighted portfolio
of the buy transactions, an equally-weighted portfolio of the sell transactions, and
a trade-size-weighted portfolio of the sell transactions. The time span of these
return series is from January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1998.
To draw statistical inferences, we compound daily returns to yield monthly
returns. We then calculate portfolio excess returns by subtracting the risk-free rate
from the monthly return series. We regress the portfolio excess return series on
two models: the CAPM and the Fama-French three-factor model. The CAPM is
shown in equation (3),

(3) Rp t Rf t i +  i R m t Rf t + p t 

where Rp t is the monthly calendar-time portfolio return at month t, R m t is the

monthly return on the CRSP value-weighted index at month t, R f t is the risk-free
rate at month t,  i , and i are the regression parameters, and  p t is the error term.
The intercept, , measures the average monthly abnormal return.
The Fama-French three-factor model is shown in equation (4),

(4) Rp t Rf t i + i Rm t Rf t  + sp SMBt + hp HMLt + p t

The regression parameters for the Fama-French model are  i , i , sp , and hp . The
three factors i , sp , and hp are zero-investment portfolios representing the ex-
cess return of the market (R m Rf ), the difference between a portfolio of small
stocks and a portfolio of big stocks (SMB), and the difference between a portfo-
lio of high book-to-market stocks and a portfolio of low book-to-market stocks
(HML), respectively. See Fama and French (1993) for details on the construc-
tion of the factors. The intercept,  i (Fama-French alpha), again measures the
average monthly abnormal return, given the model. Data on the Fama-French
three-factor model (R mt , SMB, and HML) are obtained from Ken French’s Web
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666 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

site ( Under our null

hypothesis that the Senators’ portfolios do not exhibit significant abnormal re-
turns, the regression intercept ( i ) is non-distinguishable from zero for both mod-
els. Rejecting this null hypothesis would indicate that there is a non-zero abnor-
mal return associated with the Senators’ portfolio.

III. Results
Table 1 shows a breakdown of the common stock buy and sell transactions in
the Senate sample. We divide the transactions by year showing the number of ac-
tive traders each year, the mean number of transactions per trader, and the median
number of transactions per trader. Only a minority of Senators buy individual
common stocks, never more than 38% in any one year. The median number of
buy transactions each year per trader is between three and seven, suggesting Sena-
tors do not buy common stocks often. But the average number of buy transactions
each year per trader is much higher, ranging between 11 and 29 purchases per
trader each year. This indicates that there is a small group of Senators who are
quite active in the stock market. The vast majority of purchase transactions are
less than $15,000 (71%) with 18% between $15,000 and $50,000, 4% between
$50,000 and $100,000, and the remaining 7% are larger than $100,000. The sell
transactions show a very similar pattern. The most active traders in descending
order were Senators Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, John Warner of Virginia,
John Danforth of Missouri, and Barbara Boxer of California, who collectively
accounted for nearly half of all the transactions in the sample.

Frequency of Transactions by U.S. Senators


1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Panel A. Buy Transactions

Total no. of transactions 721 499 553 556 355 458
No. of traders 25 26 25 36 31 38
Average no. of transactions/trader 28.9 19.2 22.1 15.5 11.5 13.9
Median no. of transactions/trader 5 3.5 3 4 7 5
Min. no. of transactions/trader 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. no. of transactions/trader 298 187 262 304 70 165
Transactions $15,000 or less 586 400 342 341 198 373
Transactions $15,001 to $50,000 76 50 122 163 87 74
Transactions $50,001 to $100,000 25 19 24 19 17 7
Transactions more than $100,000 34 30 65 33 53 4
Panel B. Sell Transactions
Total no. of transactions 390 542 550 459 308 295
No. of traders 22 24 25 33 34 29
Avg. no. of transactions/trader 17.8 22.6 22.0 13.9 9.1 10.2
Median no. of transactions/trader 4 3.5 8 3 3 4
Min. no. of transactions/trader 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. no. of transactions/trader 192 239 257 237 79 88
Transactions $15,000 or less 269 402 310 317 148 187
Transactions $15,001 to $50,000 63 89 111 83 115 74
Transactions $50,001 to $100,000 23 16 44 15 19 5
Transactions more than $100,000 35 35 85 44 26 29
Table 1 shows the number of common stock buy and sell transactions made by members of the U.S. Senate during every
year that was included in the final study sample. Traders for each year are the numbers of individual Senators who made
one or more of the transactions included in the final sample.
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Figure 1 presents graphs of the daily CARs for the samples of buy and sell
transactions. For the 12 months prior to acquisition, common stocks purchased by
Senators exhibit relatively small positive CARs (3.4%). After being acquired, the
CARs increase to 28.6% during the next calendar year. The CARs for the sample
of sell transactions are equally interesting. The CARs after sale by the Senators
are nearly zero. However, prior to sale, we see another large run-up in the CARs
during the 12 months before the event-day (25.1%). These results clearly sup-
port the notion that members of the Senate trade with a substantial informational
advantage over ordinary investors. The results suggest that Senators knew when
to buy their common stocks and when to sell. Because of the well-documented
statistical problems associated with the use of event-time abnormal returns, we
do not formally test the statistical significance of the CARs. To formally test the
performance of stocks bought and sold, we rely on the calendar-time portfolio

Daily Cumulative Abnormal Returns for Common Stocks Bought and Sold by U.S. Senators





Abnormal returns




-255 -215 -175 -135 -95 -55 -15 25 65 105 145 185 225 255

-0.0500 0

Figure 1 depicts the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of the buy and sell transactions of U.S. Senators during the period


255 days prior to and after the event date (day 0 on the horizontal axis). To calculate the CAR, we use the expression,
255 ART , where AR is the abnormal daily return on trading day t .

Table 2 shows the results of the calendar-time portfolio analysis for both the
buy and the sell samples. Both the equal- and trade-weighted buy portfolios pro-
duce positive mean market-adjusted returns. The mean annualized return for the
equal-weighted Senate buy portfolio is 25.8% vs. 21.3% for the market portfolio.
The mean annualized return for the trade-weighted Senate buy portfolio is 34.1%,
suggesting that the Senators invested more money in the stocks that ultimately
performed best.
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668 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Calendar-Time CAPM and Fama-French Three-Factor Portfolio Regressions of the Senate
Buy Sample, Sell Sample, and a Hedged Portfolio for Years 1993–1998
(12-month holding period)

Buys Sells Hedged Portfolio

Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade-

Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted

Mean return 1.932 2.476 1.594 1.504 1.961 2.595

Std. dev. 4.748 6.354 5.233 5.800 1.883 3.620
Market-adj. return 0.311 0.854 0.028 0.118 0.339 0.973
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.115 0.508 0.316 0.336 0.432** 0.844**
Fama-French Alpha 0.323** 0.849** 0.012 0.196 0.334 1.045***
Rm Rf 1.008**** 1.001**** 0.987**** 1.060**** 0.021 0.059
SMB 0.296**** 0.342** 0.319**** 0.135 0.023 0.207
HML 0.263**** 0.554**** 0.482**** 0.232 0.219*** 0.322**
Adj. R 2 0.920 0.666 0.908 0.592 0.084 0.086
Dependent variables are event portfolio returns, Rp , in excess of the one-month Treasury bill rate, Rf , observed at the
beginning of the month. Each month, we form equal- and trade-weighted portfolios of all sample firms that have completed
the event within the previous year. The event portfolio is rebalanced monthly to drop all companies that reach the end of
their one-year period and add all companies that have just executed a transaction. For the CAPM regression, we use Rpt ,

to estimate the regression parameters i and i in the expression Rpt Rft 
i + i Rmt  
Rft + it . The intercept,
, measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model. For the Fama and French three-factor model we

use Rpt , to estimate the regression parameters i , i , sp , and hp in the expression Rp t Rf t 
i + i Rm t
Rf t + sp SMBt + hp HMLt + p t . The three factors are zero-investment portfolios representing the excess return of the
market, Rm Rf ; the difference between a portfolio of small stocks and big stocks, SMB; and the difference between a
portfolio of high book-to-market stocks and low book-to market stocks, HML. See Fama and French (1993) for details on
the construction of the factors. The intercept, , again measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model.
****, ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 0.5%, 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10% levels, respectively.

Regressing the two buy portfolios on the market risk premium alone (CAPM),
the Jensen alpha is positive although not statistically significant in either case.
However, when we regress the buy portfolios on the Fama-French three-factor
model, the Fama-French alphas are both positive and statistically significant in
each case, indicating a substantial informational advantage. The Fama-French al-
pha was much higher for the trade-weighted buy portfolio supporting our earlier
contention that Senators tend to invest more funds in the better performing stocks.
In looking at the other coefficients generated by the Fama-French regressions, we
find that the beta coefficients for both buy portfolios are relatively close to one,
suggesting that the Senators tilted toward stocks with average market risk. Coeffi-
cients associated with the size factor, SMB, are positive and statistically different
from zero, suggesting that Senators favored smaller companies. Coefficients asso-
ciated with the value/growth factor, HML, are negative and significantly different
from zero indicating that Senators also favored growth stocks with low book-to-
market value ratios.
The market-adjusted returns are negative for both the equal- and trade-
weighted sell portfolios. Although the Jensen alphas and Fama-French alphas
are negative for these portfolios, neither is significantly different from zero. As
with the buy portfolios, the results suggest that Senators tended to sell stocks
of smaller companies with average market risk and higher book-to-market value
To combine the effects of the buy transactions with the sell transactions, we
analyze a hedged portfolio in which we hold the purchase transactions long and
short the sell transactions. The results of this analysis are also presented in Ta-
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ble 2. The Jensen alphas are positive and statistically significant for both the
equal- and trade-weighted portfolios. The Fama-French alphas are positive for
both the equal- and trade-weighted portfolios but statistically significant only in
the case of the trade-weighted portfolio. These results indicate substantial infor-
mational advantage. Again the trade-weighted alphas are much higher suggesting
that Senators invested much more heavily in the most profitable transactions. As
we would expect for a hedged portfolio, the beta coefficient is not significantly
different from zero indicating little market risk. Coefficients associated with the
size factor, SMB, are not significantly different from zero indicating that the Sen-
ators’ buy transactions and sell transactions involve similarly sized firms. The
coefficient associated with the value/growth factor, HML, is positive and statis-
tically significant on an equal-weighted basis suggesting Senators’ buys involve
more growth firms than their sells. The negative and statistically significant HML
coefficient in the trade-weighted regression indicates that on a value-weighted
basis, Senators invest more money in value stocks than they sell.
Taken collectively, the results of these analyses are economically very sig-
nificant. Barber and Odean (2000) measured common stock returns for 66,465
randomly selected households in the U.S. from 1991 to 1996 and found that the
average household underperformed the market by approximately 12 basis points
per month. Jeng, Metrick, and Zeckhauser (2001) examined the returns to corpo-
rate insiders when they traded shares of their respective company’s common stock
during the period 1975 to 1996 and found that insiders earned an economically
significant positive abnormal return of 50 basis points per month. In comparison,
we find that members of the U.S. Senate outperformed the market by almost 100
basis points per month. Although some of the abnormal returns measured for the
Senate portfolios are not statistically significant, we are somewhat hampered by
the short time-series of monthly returns, which invariably lowers the power of our
statistical tests.3 Nonetheless, the economic returns earned by the Senators are
extraordinarily large.
Because a few Senators purchased a disproportionately large number of
stocks, it is necessary to address concerns that a few high volume traders might
seriously bias our results. To do this, we calculate a calendar-time portfolio for
each Senator and then we average the returns across Senators on each calendar
day. Analyzing the data in this fashion gives each Senator’s calendar-time portfo-
lio equal weight in the analysis. Assuming only a few high volume traders were
responsible for the abnormal returns found in the full sample, the abnormal re-
turns should disappear with this analysis. On the other hand, the persistence of
positive statistically significant abnormal returns would suggest that trading with
an informational advantage is reasonably widespread among Senators who trade.
Table 3 presents the results of this analysis. When we equally weight the
returns of each Senator, the buy portfolio earns a compound annual rate of 28.6%
on an equal-weighted basis and 31.1% on a trade-weighted basis compared to
21.3% for the market. Both Jensen alphas for the buy portfolio are positive, but
only the trade-weighted Jensen alpha is statistically significant. The Fama-French
alphas for the buy portfolio are positive and statistically significant on both an
3 Financial Disclosure Forms of the Senators are only retained six years by law. After six years,
they are destroyed.
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equal- and trade-weighted basis. On the sell side, we see no evidence of abnormal
returns with Jensen alphas being slightly negative and Fama-French alphas being
slightly positive, none of which are statistically significant.

Calendar-Time CAPM and Fama and French Three-Factor Portfolio Regressions of the
Senate Buy Sample and Sell Sample for Years 1993–1998, Analyzed as Portfolios of Stocks
Held by Individual Senators (12-month holding period)

Buys Sells Hedged Portfolio

Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade-

Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted

Mean return 2.115 2.285 1.799 1.868 1.937 2.039

Std. dev. 4.981 4.905 5.209 5.119 2.391 2.445
Market-adj. return 0.494 0.664 0.178 0.247 0.315 0.417
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.232 0.444* 0.132 0.042 0.364 0.486*
Fama-French Alpha 0.489* 0.568*** 0.118 0.181 0.271 0.387
Rm Rf 1.107**** 1.104**** 1.043**** 1.040**** 0.064 0.064
SMB 0.267**** 0.253**** 0.238**** 0.181*** 0.029 0.071
HML 0.163** 0.095 0.416**** 0.399*** 0.253** 0.304***
Adj. R 2 0.882 0.848 0.900 0.891 0.033 0.058
Dependent variables are event portfolio returns, Rp , in excess of the one-month Treasury bill rate, Rf , observed at the
beginning of the month. Each month, we form equal- and trade-weighted portfolios of all sample firms that have completed
the event within the previous year. The event portfolio is rebalanced monthly to drop all companies that reach the end of
their one-year period and add all companies that have just executed a transaction. For the CAPM regression, we use Rpt ,

to estimate the regression parameters i and i in the expression Rpt Rft 
i + i Rmt  
Rft + it . The intercept,
, measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model. For the Fama and French three-factor model, we

use Rpt , to estimate the regression parameters i , i , sp , and hp in the expression Rp t Rf t 
i + i Rm t
Rf t + sp SMBt + hp HMLt + p t . The three factors are zero-investment portfolios representing the excess return of the
market, Rm Rf ; the difference between a portfolio of small stocks and big stocks, SMB; and the difference between a
portfolio of high book-to-market stocks and low book-to market stocks, HML. See Fama and French (1993) for details on
the construction of the factors. The intercept, , again measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model.
****, ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 0.5%, 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10% levels, respectively.

Comparing Table 2 (whole sample) to Table 3 (weighing the Senators equal-

ly) we find that the results obtained from the buy portfolios are very similar. The
sell portfolios also behave similarly in that neither case produces evidence of sta-
tistically significant returns. We therefore conclude that our results are not biased
by the heavy trading volume of some Senators and that trading with an informa-
tional advantage is common among Senators.
Positions of power within the Senate (committee memberships and chair-
manships) are generally determined on the basis of political party and seniority.
To explore the impact of party affiliation and seniority on stock performance,
Senate stock transactions are grouped by party (Table 4) and then by seniority
(Table 5).
We find that our analyses of the calendar-time portfolios of Democratic Sen-
ators produced similar results to our analyses of the total sample. Both the equal-
and trade-weighted buy portfolios of Democratic Senators produce significant
market-adjusted mean returns with the trade-weighted market-adjusted returns
being approximately twice as large as the equal-weighted adjusted returns, again
suggesting larger investments in the best performing stocks. The equal- and trade-
weighted Democratic buy portfolios produced higher annualized returns than the
Senate sample as a whole, with returns of 28.6% and 36.1%, respectively. In each
case, the Jensen alphas are positive but not statistically significant. Both Fama-
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Ziobrowski, Cheng, Boyd, and Ziobrowski 671

Calendar-Time CAPM and Fama and French Three-Factor Portfolio Regressions of the
Senate Buy Sample, Sell Sample, and a Hedged Portfolio for Years 1993–1998 (12-month
holding period), Grouped by Political Party and a t-Test for Significance of Party

Buys Sells Hedged Portfolio

Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade-

Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted

Panel A. Democratic Party

Mean return 2.119 2.604 1.844 1.775 1.898 2.451
Std. dev. 5.131 6.916 6.529 6.616 3.424 3.790
Market-adj. mean return 0.498 0.982 0.222 0.153 0.276 0.829
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.242 0.625 0.246 0.153 0.488 0.777*
Fama-French Alpha 0.480** 0.976* 0.286 0.275 0.194 0.702
Rm Rf 1.037**** 1.003**** 0.944**** 0.895**** 0.093 0.108
SMB 0.349**** 0.363* 0.538**** 0.414*** 0.190 0.052
HML 0.293*** 0.563*** 0.858**** 0.705**** 0.565**** 0.142
Adj. R 2 0.868 0.569 0.860 0.637 0.259 0.022
Panel B. Republican Party
Mean return 1.727 1.741 1.356 1.296 2.009 2.067
Std. dev. 4.923 5.106 4.564 4.826 3.049 4.426
Market-adj. mean return 0.105 0.120 0.266 0.325 0.387 0.445
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.116 0.014 0.311 0.261 0.161 0.275
Fama-French Alpha 0.120 0.232 0.241 0.303 0.328 0.535
Rm Rf 0.973**** 1.000**** 1.091**** 1.047**** 0.121 0.047
SMB 0.180**** 0.138 0.191*** 0.013 0.028 0.151
HML 0.430**** 0.380*** 0.003 0.086 0.405**** 0.466**
Adj. R 2 0.895 0.757 0.831 0.603 0.113 0.073
Panel C. t-Test for Significance of Difference in Party Affiliation
Mean return : Democrats 2.119 2.604 1.844 1.775 1.898 2.451
Mean return : Republicans 1.727 1.741 1.356 1.296 1.822 2.067
Mean D Mean R 0.392 0.862 0.488 0.479 0.076 0.383
Pooled std. 5.028 6.084 5.639 5.796 3.242 4.106
t -test stat. 0.506 0.916 0.559 0.534 0.223 0.613
Significance (p-value) 0.614 0.361 0.577 0.594 0.824 0.540
Dependent variables are event portfolio returns, Rp , in excess of the one-month Treasury bill rate, Rf , observed at the
beginning of the month. Each month, we form equal- and trade-weighted portfolios of all sample firms that have completed
the event within the previous year. The event portfolio is rebalanced monthly to drop all companies that reach the end of
their one-year period and add all companies that have just executed a transaction. For the CAPM regression, we use Rpt ,

to estimate the regression parameters i and i in the expression Rpt Rft i + i Rmt   
Rft + it . The intercept,
, measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model. For the Fama and French three-factor model, we

use Rpt , to estimate the regression parameters i , i , sp , and hp in the expression Rp t Rf t 
i + i Rm t
Rf t + sp SMBt + hp HMLt + p t . The three factors are zero-investment portfolios representing the excess return of the
market, Rm Rf ; the difference between a portfolio of small stocks and big stocks, SMB; and the difference between a
portfolio of high book-to-market stocks and low book-to market stocks, HML. See Fama and French (1993) for details on
the construction of the factors. The intercept, , again measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model.
****, ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 0.5%, 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10% levels, respectively.

French alphas are positive and statistically significant. Consistent with the full
sample, Democratic Senators leaned toward smaller growth firms with average
market risk.
Stocks purchased by Republican Senators did not perform as well as those
purchased by Democrats. Stocks purchased by Republicans have smaller pos-
itive market-adjusted returns with average annualized returns of 22.8% for the
equal-weighted calendar-time portfolio and 23.0% for the trade-weighted portfo-
lio. Furthermore, neither the Jensen alphas nor the Fama-French alphas are sta-
tistically different than zero. However, when analyzed for statistical differences
between the buy portfolios of the two parties using a t-test, the returns from the
buy portfolios of Democrats and Republicans are not statistically different.
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672 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Analyses of the Democratic sell portfolios indicate no abnormal returns after

sale. The equal-weighted Democratic sell portfolio yields a raw mean average
annual return of 24.5% with a small positive market-adjusted mean return. The
trade-weighted Democratic sell portfolio yields a mean average annual return of
23.5%. For both Democratic sell portfolios, the regression analyses calculate a
negative Jensen alpha and a positive Fama-French alpha with none of the alphas
being significantly different from zero.
Common stocks sold by Republican Senators underperformed the market
during the calendar year after sale. The mean annual return is 17.5% for the equal-
weighted Republican sell portfolio and 16.7% for the trade-weighted Republican
sell portfolio. The lower return for the trade-weighted portfolio suggests that Re-
publican Senators sold off a higher volume of those stocks that would do worst

Calendar-Time CAPM and Fama and French Three-Factor Portfolio Regressions of the
Senate Buy Sample, Sell Sample, and Hedged Portfolio for Years 1993–1998 (12-month
holding period), Grouped by Seniority, and a Nested Test for Significance of Seniority

Buys Sells Hedged Portfolio

Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade-

Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted

Panel A. Seniority Less Than 7 Years

Mean return 1.911 2.581 1.359 0.861 2.175 3.343
Std. dev. 5.066 6.034 5.640 5.660 3.132 5.793
Market-adj. mean return 0.290 0.960 0.263 0.761 0.553 1.721
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.071 0.712 0.586* 0.775 0.657* 1.487***
Fama-French Alpha 0.323 0.991*** 0.342 0.818* 0.665* 1.808***
Rm Rf 0.970**** 0.968**** 1.038**** 1.004**** 0.068 0.036
SMB 0.255*** 0.262* 0.147 0.229 0.108 0.491**
HML 0.408**** 0.467*** 0.478**** 0.086 0.070 0.381
Adj. R 2 0.870 0.624 0.772 0.450 0.017 0.104
Panel B. Seniority between 7 and 16 Years
Mean return 2.049 1.817 1.347 1.086 2.341 2.366
Std. dev. 4.806 5.641 4.996 5.108 2.703 3.394
Market-adj. mean return 0.427 0.196 0.275 0.535 0.719 0.744
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.197 0.041 0.347 0.506 0.559* 0.561
Fama-French Alpha 0.306 0.062 0.112 0.493 0.476 0.587
Rm Rf 1.096**** 1.038**** 0.988**** 1.003**** 0.113 0.038
SMB 0.105 0.286* 0.273*** 0.120 0.136 0.149
HML 0.180*** 0.290* 0.304*** 0.133 0.073 0.186
Adj. R 2 0.885 0.580 0.769 0.575 0.008 0.002

Panel C. Seniority More Than 16 Years

Mean return 2.023 2.209 1.879 2.050 1.768 1.776
Std. dev. 4.860 6.734 5.372 7.620 2.526 4.194
Market-adj. mean return 0.402 0.587 0.258 0.428 0.146 0.154
Coefficient estimates on:
Jensen Alpha (CAPM) 0.289 0.297 0.114 0.163 0.170 0.130
Fama-French Alpha 0.534** 0.644 0.447 0.649 0.128 0.059
Rm Rf 0.922**** 0.996**** 1.012**** 1.026**** 0.086 0.024
SMB 0.383**** 0.548**** 0.476**** 0.670 0.071 0.087
HML 0.282**** 0.396* 0.353**** 0.540**** 0.036 0.088
Adj. R 2 0.815 0.570 0.795 0.507 0.005 0.025
(continued on next page)
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Ziobrowski, Cheng, Boyd, and Ziobrowski 673

TABLE 5 (continued)
Calendar-Time CAPM and Fama and French Three-Factor Portfolio Regressions of the
Senate Buy Sample, Sell Sample, and Hedged Portfolio for Years 1993–1998 (12-month
holding period), Grouped by Seniority, and a Nested Test for Significance of Seniority

Panel D. t-Test for Significance of Difference in Seniority

Buys Sells Hedged Portfolio

Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade- Equal- Trade-

Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted

Mean return seniority 7 years (G1) 1.911 2.581 1.359 0.861 2.175 3.343
Mean return seniority 7–16 years (G2) 2.049 1.817 1.347 1.086 2.341 2.366

Mean return seniority 16 years (G3) 2.023 2.209 1.879 2.050 1.768 1.776
Mean return G1 mean return G2 0.138 0.764 0.012 0.226 0.166 0.976
Pooled std. 4.938 5.841 5.330 5.393 2.925 4.748
t -test stat. 0.181 0.848 0.015 0.270 0.367 1.333
Significance (p-value) 0.857 0.398 0.988 0.787 0.714 0.184
Mean return G2 mean return G3 0.026 0.391 0.533 0.963 0.572 0.590
Pooled std. 4.833 6.211 5.188 6.487 2.616 3.815
t -test stat. 0.035 0.408 0.662 0.957 1.368 0.952
Significance (p-value) 0.972 0.684 0.509 0.340 0.173 0.342
Mean return G1 mean return G3 0.112 0.372 0.521 1.189 0.407 1.567
Pooled std. 4.964 6.393 5.509 6.706 2.845 5.057
t -test stat. 0.146 0.378 0.611 1.145 0.880 1.970
Significance (p-value) 0.884 0.706 0.542 0.254 0.380 0.051*
Dependent variables are event portfolio returns, Rp , in excess of the one-month Treasury bill rate, Rf , observed at the
beginning of the month. Each month, we form equal- and trade-weighted portfolios of all sample firms that have completed
the event within the previous year. The event portfolio is rebalanced monthly to drop all companies that reach the end of
their one-year period and add all companies that have just executed a transaction. For the CAPM regression, we use Rpt ,

to estimate the regression parameters i and i in the expression Rpt Rft 
i + i Rmt  
Rft + it . The intercept,
, measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model. For the Fama and French three-factor model, we

use Rpt , to estimate the regression parameters i , i sp , and hp in the expression Rp t Rf t 
i + i Rm t
Rf t + sp SMBt + hp HMLt + p t . The three factors are zero-investment portfolios representing the excess return of the
market, Rm Rf ; the difference between a portfolio of small stocks and big stocks, SMB; and the difference between a
portfolio of high book-to-market stocks and low book-to market stocks, HML. See Fama and French (1993) for details on
the construction of the factors. The intercept, , again measures the average monthly abnormal return, given the model.
****, ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 0.5%, 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10% levels, respectively.

in the coming year. The Jensen alphas and Fama-French alphas are negative for
both Republican sell portfolios although neither is statistically significant. The
regression coefficients suggest that the stocks Republicans sold were firms with
average market risk, average size, and average book-to-market value. As with the
party buy portfolios, when comparing the mean returns for the respective party
sell portfolios in a t-test, we find no statistically significant differences between
the two political parties.
To examine the influence of seniority, we form three groups with approxi-
mately the same number of Senators in each group: those with less than seven
years in the Senate, those with seven to 16 years in the Senate, and those with
more than 16 years. Stocks purchased by all three groups yield positive market-
adjusted mean returns. Stocks purchased by Senators with the least seniority
earned an annualized mean return of 25.5% on an equal-weighted basis and 35.8%
on a trade-weighted basis in comparison to those purchased by Senators with
middle seniority that earned 27.6% (EW) and 24.1% (TW) and those purchased
by Senators with the longest seniority with 27.2% (EW) and 30.0% (TW). The
CAPM regression analysis of the buy portfolios produces positive equal- and
trade-weighted Jensen alphas for all three groups although only the Jensen alpha
of the equal-weighted buy portfolio of the group with most seniority is statistically
significant. Using the three-factor model, all the buy portfolios also yield positive
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674 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Fama-French alphas. The Fama-French alpha is only statistically significant for

the trade-weighted buy portfolio of Senators with the least seniority. Comparison
of the mean returns from the buy portfolios of the three seniority groups with a
t-test shows no statistical differences between the groups.
Regression analyses of the sell portfolios for Senators with the least seniority
and Senators with middle seniority produce all negative Jensen and Fama-French
alphas, although only the sell portfolios of Senators with the least seniority pro-
duce statistically significant alphas. The equal-weighted sell portfolio of Senators
with the least seniority yields a statistically significant negative Jensen alpha and
their trade-weighted sell portfolio yields a significant negative Fama-French al-
pha. Analyses of the sell portfolios of Senators with the most seniority produce
positive market-adjusted mean returns and positive alphas, none of which are sta-
tistically significant. Again, a t-test reveals no significant differences among the
mean returns of the sell portfolios for the three groups.
Combining the buy transactions with the sell transactions in hedged portfo-
lios, we find that the hedged portfolios of Senators with the least seniority sub-
stantially outperform the other two seniority groups. For Senators with the least
seniority, the Jensen alphas and Fama-French alphas are positive and statistically
significant when transactions are both equal- and trade-weighted. The Jensen al-
phas and Fama-French alphas are also all positive for the middle seniority group,
but only the Jensen alpha for the equal-weighted portfolio is statistically signif-
icant. The hedged portfolios of Senators with the most seniority exhibit small
positive Jensen and Fama-French alphas, none of which are significant. We also
find that the mean return of the hedged trade-weighted portfolio of Senators with
the least seniority is statistically higher than the mean return of the hedged trade-
weighted portfolio of Senators with the most seniority.
As a final analysis, we divide the sample by years and measure cumulative
abnormal returns on an annual basis. We find that, during the years 1993 through
1996, the pattern of cumulative abnormal returns for both the buy and the sell
samples looks remarkably similar to the sample as a whole. In these four years,
the buy samples all show moderate to low positive CARs prior to purchase fol-
lowed by a strong positive surge after the event date. In 1993, 1994, 1995, and
1996, the daily CARs for the buy samples rise 39.6%, 21.6%, 43.6%, and 42.4%,
respectively, during the 12 calendar months after acquisition on a trade-weighted
basis. Sale samples from this same time period also behave consistently with the
combined sell sample. For 1993 though 1996, we find a consistent pattern of very
strong positive daily CARs in the year preceding the sale that peak just prior to
sale. There were no abnormal returns after stocks were sold during these four
However in 1997 and 1998, we see very different results. In both of these
years, we find little evidence of abnormal returns for either the buy samples or
the sell samples, suggesting that something dramatic occurred between 1996 and
1997 that curtailed the Senators’ normal trading habits. We also observe that
trading activity slowed considerably during these two years with Senatorial stock
purchases falling 36% from 1996 to 1997 and sales falling 33% during the same
period. The retirement of and failure to re-elect some Senators who were high
volume traders (e.g., Senator Pell retired at the end of 1996) could have caused
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Ziobrowski, Cheng, Boyd, and Ziobrowski 675

the sudden drop in trading activity in 1997. The sudden change in trading habits
is more difficult to explain since we find no changes in the law that would likely
cause such a reaction. Besides changes in the law, other explanations seem plau-
sible. For example, Boller’s (1995) work received considerable publicity in the
print media and on television. Boller may have created some concern among
Senators that researchers were actively investigating their trading activities.

IV. Conclusions

Members of the U.S. Senate have obvious access to valuable information by

virtue of their government position and social contacts. Our goal in this research
is to determine if the Senators’ investments tend to outperform the overall market,
which would support the notion that Senators use their informational advantage
for personal gain as suggested by public choice theory. We test whether common
stocks purchased and sold by U.S. Senators exhibit abnormal returns.
Cumulative abnormal returns for the portfolio of stocks bought by Senators
are near zero for the calendar year prior to the date of purchase. After acquisition,
the cumulative abnormal return rises over 25% within one calendar year after the
purchase date. The cumulative abnormal returns for the portfolio of stocks sold
by the Senators are near zero for the calendar year after the date of sale. However,
these same stocks saw a cumulative abnormal positive return of 25% during the
year immediately preceding the event date. These results suggest that Senators
knew appropriate times to both buy and sell their common stocks.
Regressing the calendar-time portfolio returns of the entire sample on the
Fama-French three-factor model, we find that stocks purchased by U.S. Senators
earn statistically significant positive abnormal returns outperforming the market
by 85 basis points per month on a trade-weighted basis as a further indication that
Senators use their informational advantage. That Senators use an informational
advantage is additionally evidenced by the fact that the trade-weighted portfolio of
purchased stocks outperforms the equal-weighted portfolio suggesting that Sen-
ators made much heavier investments in those stocks that ultimately performed
best. After being sold by Senators, stocks underperform the market by 12 basis
points per month on a trade-weighted basis although the abnormal returns after
sale are not statistically significant. Combining the buy transactions with the sell
transactions in a hedged portfolio we find that Senators outperform the market
by 97 basis points (nearly 1%) per month on a trade-weighted basis. Abnormal
returns from the hedged portfolio are statistically significant when we use either
the CAPM or the Fama-French three-factor model. Regression coefficients of the
Fama-French three-factor model suggest that Senators favor the common stocks
of smaller growth firms with average market risk.
We find no reliable differences between the returns earned by Democrats
and Republicans but seniority appears to be important. Senators with the least
seniority (in their first Senatorial term) earn statistically higher returns than those
Senators with the longest seniority (over 16 years in the Senate).
When we examine the trades on an annual basis, the return patterns of com-
mon stocks bought and sold by Senators for years 1993 through 1996 appear very
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676 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

similar to the patterns observed for the entire sample. However, in 1997 and 1998,
we find significantly reduced trading volume and no evidence of abnormal returns.
It should be noted that these results should not be used to infer illegal activity.
Current law does not prohibit Senators from trading stock on the basis of infor-
mation acquired in the course of performing their normal Senatorial functions.
Nor can we speculate on the magnitude of profits earned on these transactions
because of limitations in the data. However, it seems clear that Senators have
demonstrated a definite informational advantage over other investors although the
specific source(s) and nature of that information remain unknown.
Until now, the primary focus of ethical concern with respect to legislative
activity has been on campaign finance reform. Some Senators, most notably John
McCain of Arizona, have expressed a strong belief that the methods currently
used to fund political campaigns inherently cause agency problems. However,
our results suggest that the problems may extend beyond campaign financing.
Political power confers many benefits. Among those benefits are privileged ac-
cess to information, the power to influence legislation, and the power to influence
the application of regulatory jurisdiction by administrative agencies. It makes
sense that politicians would use such powers for personal gain and also that they
compete for any rents that arise from such influence. Our results are consistent
with the hypothesis that such rents exist.
The results of this study warrant further investigation. Senate committees can
be studied for abnormal returns and examined to determine if Senators serving on
committees disproportionately invest in companies under their committee’s juris-
diction. Membership on certain key committees may provide Senators with better
investment opportunities than other committees. Connections between campaign
contributions and common stock transactions also seem like fertile ground for fur-
ther study. We recommend that the financial transactions of members of the U.S.
House of Representatives, high-ranking officials of the Federal executive branch,
and Federal judges should all be examined and tested in future research.

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