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MAY 2023
For the past years, plastic wastes have increased dramatically due to urbanization and population growth. In
developing countries like Uganda it is very difficult to handle and dispose off plastic waste and 70% of the
plastic is discarded as waste. Due to improper solid waste management enormous amount of plastic is dumped
into the landfill which is a severe threat to the environment. In other ways, a large amount of plastic dumped up
in water bodies in case of a heavy down pour. 11 million tons of plastic is thrown into the water bodies each
year according to United Nation Environment Program.

Currently most of the recycling machines and mechanisms are selective of the types of plastic waste, very
expensive and hence only big recycling companies can afford them.

From the existing studies of manufacturing pavers from waste plastic mixed with sand which includes using of
the iron vats where plastic is mixed with sand and then heated using firewood, was found that most of the
paving blocks failed as a result of plastic being evaporated or burnt which leads to poor bonding of the plastic
with sand.

This called for the need to design a machine which creates long lasting products from waste plastic and hence
will reduce plastic circulation in the environment for a long period of time. An efficient and affordable paving
block manufacturing machine has been designed as it will offer the necessary requirements. The aim of the
project is to recycle the plastic waste into a paver blocks and hence will reduce the cost of paver block when
compared to that of a conventional concrete paver block.

In this project we are utilizing plastic wastes (polyethylene, High density polymer, polyethylene terephthalate)
and raw sand. This machine will not only recycle most of the waste plastics but will also produce ready to use
paving block as the end product.

This project involved the sizing and selection of different machine components. A final machine assembly was
developed using Solid works software and mechanism simulated.

The first plastic waste recycling mill was in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania in 1972 (Bradbury,2017). overtime
government programs and environmental activists started educating people about the habits of recycling and
forced manufacturers to produce plastic that was easier to recycle. These efforts paid off with the adoption
of HDPE and PETE plastics in 1980s, which were designed with recycling in mind, (AAA Polymer)

In 1988 the closed loop triangle symbol to identify plastic resin in packaging was adopted and quickly become a
popular symbol for recycling,

PLASTIC: "Plastic is a wide range of synthetic (or) semisynthetic organic solid material suitable for the
manufacturing of industrial products".

 Plastic are polymers of high molecular weight.

 Plastic includes materials composed of various elements such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, chlorine and sulphur.


 Resistance to corrosion and chemicals,

 Low electrical and thermal conductivity,

 High strength -to -weight ratio,

 Colors available in a wide variety and transparent,

 Resistance to shock,

 Good durability,

 Easy to manufacture,

 Resistant to water and have low toxicity

There six common types of plastics that are recyclable (EPE, 2019)
 Polystyrene (PS), example; foam hot cups, plastic cutlery containers

 Polypropylene(PP)example; lunch boxes, ice cream containers

 Low density polyethylene (LDPE)example; garbage bin and bags

 Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC), example; juice or squeeze bottles

 High density polyethylene (HDPE), examples; shampoo container, milk bottles

 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), example; fruit juice, soft drink bottles.

The importance of recycling plastic is that plastics are durable, lightweight and inexpensive material. They can
readily be molded into various products which find uses in many applications. (Andrady and Neal, 2009)

Most plastic recycling facilities use the following two steps to recycle plastics.

Step 1: Sorting plastics automatically or manually to make sure all the contaminants are removed from the
plastic waste stream

Step 2: Melting plastic directly into a new shape 0r shredding into flakes then melting down before being
finally processed into granulates. Therefore, better understanding of the process ensures successful plastic
recycling (Leblanc, 2020)

In Uganda companies such as plastic recycling industry (PRI) carry out plastic recycling and the goal is to
reduce high rate of plastic pollution while putting less pressure on virgin materials to produce brand new plastic
products. This approach helps to conserve resources and divert plastic from landfills or unintended destinations
such as lakes.
Plastics are not well collected from the environment and as a result only 8% of the plastic is recycled, 12% is
burnt which results into pollution and almost 76% end up in landfills leading to environmental degradation and
other plastics end up in trenches blocking them leading to flooding in the community.
Some of available recycling companies are of high capacity mainly for industrial application hence there is a
need to design a machine which requires less power input, more economical and easily used for small scale.

Waste is not well managed, especially in developing countries. As a result, it ends up in the soil, drainages and
water bodies. This has led to huge environ- mental pollution deteriorating the health of mankind and the other
living organ- isms. In Kampala city for example, there have been various instances of flooding due to blocked
drains all attributed to people carelessly dumping wastes in them. Fertility of the soils has been affected due to
wastes that do not decom- pose.

Managing waste properly is essential for building sustainable and livable cities, but it remains a challenge for
many developing countries and cities. Effective waste management is expensive, often comprising 20-50% of
municipal bud- gets. Operating this essential municipal service requires integrated systems that are efficient,
sustainable, and socially supported

Hence there is a need to design a machine that manufacturers paver blocks which take long time without
coming back into the cycle thereby reducing their number in the environment.
The main objective of the project is to recycle plastic bottle wastes to produce low cost sustainable building units
through designing a machine that produces paver blocks
1.1.1 Specific objective.
To select and size the components of the paver making machine assembly.

To design a machine that manufactures paving blocks from waste plastics that is cost effective.

To prepare a computer simulation model of the designed machine that manufactures paving blocks from waste

To determine the technical and economic viability of the new innovation


1. Which parameters do i require to design the machines?
2. How is the selection and sizing of the components done?
3. Which software type and version is required for making the drawings of the machine?
4. Which simulating software type and version is required for simulation?
This project is aimed at studying and designing a machine that will be used to manufacture of paving
blocks. This will reduce the quantity of waste plastic in the environment.

Urban areas globally are faced with a problem of poor plastic disposal which causes flooding due to drainage
blockage especially during rainy seasons. In Uganda almost every house hold uses a plastic product like, cups,
plates, basin which is poorly disposed once damaged. That is to say, once burnt they release toxic gases which
pollute the air and when dumped on ground, they cause land pollution as they act as water blocking
components. Therefore, manufacturing paver blocks from recycled plastic reduces the amount of plastic that
end up in the environment, landfill and also reduces the cost of the paver block when compared to that of a
convention concrete paver block as plastic is readily available and can be collected from the public at cheaper
cost, compared to cement which is very expensive. Therefore, this calls for the need to design a machine that
manufactures paving block from waste plastic.

This project will take a period of six weeks to be completed.

The project will take a case study of Kampala district whose total population is about 3652000 people.

The design of block making machine from waste plastic is estimated at producing 800 bricks in 12 hours with a
mold that makes four bricks at a time

1.6 Geographical scope.

This study will cover urban areas of Kampala, Uganda where flooding of drainage channels occur
especially during rainy seasons

The project is limited to only manufacturing of paving blocks using waste plastic and sand.


 Reduce the amount of waste plastic that end up in landfill

 Designing an affordable plastic paver block manufacturing machine for all communities including
low income/slam areas
 To create employment opportunities.

This chapter provides an overview of previous studies related to the subject of this research work. This is
done in order to obtain the key data collection requirement for the research to be conducted. It includes the
advantages and disadvantages of some existing machines.


Solid waste management is one of the major environmental problems in the world today and its generation
rates are rising rapidly. Solid waste refers to the range of garbage arising from animal and human activities that are
discarded as unwanted. It is generated from industrial, residential and commercial activi- ties in a given area.
Examples of solid wastes include plastics, metal, papers, glass, etc

In 2012, the world's cities generated 1.3 billion tonnes of solid waste per year, amounting to a footprint of 1.2
kilograms per person per day. With rapid popula- tion growth and urbanization, municipal waste generation is
expected to rise to2.2 billion tonnes by 2025. [1]

Globally, poor sanitation is one of the main causes of ill health and socio-eco- nomic problems. Poor sanitation
is also a major development obstacle in most developing countries like Uganda. (WHO, 2008) However,
prioritization and investments in solid waste management by individuals and governments in most developing
countries is limited, creating an imbalance between the popula- tion’s

The main damping site for solid waste in Kampala is Kitezi Landfill that was com- mission in 1996 however
KCCA upon the extortion of the site has purchased 135 acres of land at Ddundu in Mukono and procured a
Transaction Advisory Services of the International Finance Corporation for the forthcoming PPP Con- tract.
(KCCA, Laying the foundation for Kampala city transformation: [2]

Data from Kiteezi landfill suggests that the actual waste transported to the site is approximately 1,300 tons/day.
Approximately 50% is collected by KCCA and the rest (i.e. 33%) is collected by the private operators. The
primary sources of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation are private households, transient population, market
places, commerce, industry, public administration, kindergartens & schools, hospitals and tourists to be covered by
the municipal waste collection system. [2]
Furthermore, from the study that was carried out on plastic waste management in Uganda, Kampala central
division, 40% of household respondents use plastic bags to store plastic waste, 15% use sacks for storage and,
35% have no contain- ers and dispose waste at a central point located at some distance away from residential
areas, burning (incineration) as a method of disposal is done by 13%. Recycling is done by 1% of the
manufacturers (Rugwiza, 2012).

The forecast of municipal waste generation is mainly dependent on two factors, namely the population growth and
the economic growth. KCCA has estimated waste generation in Kampala based on the following factors;

• Year on year GDP growth of 4.55%

• Population growth

• Growth in per capita waste generation at 0.91%

Plastics are polymers of very large molecule made up of smaller units called the monomers which are joined
together in a chain by a process called polymerization. The polymers generally contain carbon and hydrogen
with sometimes other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine (UNEP, 2009)

Plastic have become an integral part of our lives. The amount of plastic used annually has been growing
steadily. Its low density, strength, user friendly design, fabrication, long life, lightweight and low cost is the
factors behind such phenomenal growth. Plastics have been used in packaging, medical delivery systems,
artificial implants, communication materials and many other uses. With such large and varying application
plastics contribute to an ever increasing volume in the solid waste stream. The world’s annual use of plastic
material has increased from around 5 million tons in the 1950 to nearly 100million tons in 2001(Siddique et al,

Quantities of waste plastic have been rising rapidly during the recent decades due to the high increase in
industrialization and considerable improvement in standards of living, but unfortunately the majority of these
waste quantities are not being recycled but rather abandoned causing serious problems such as environmental
pollution since plastics don’t readily degrade naturally.

Presently the management of waste plastic is a major environmental issue. Strategies like landfill deposit,
incineration and recycling have been adopted. Land filling occupies productive land and renders it unfit for
other application. Incineration and pyro lytic conversion of waste plastic results in the emission of hazardous
atmospheric pollutant including CO2 (a greenhouse gas). Recycling is adopted for handling plastic waste
though its costly and a tedious practice because of collecting, sorting and processing of waste plastic.
Kov et al investigated the fresh and hardened properties of lightweight aggregate concrete that are prepared
with the use of recycled plastic waste sourced from scraped PVC pipes to replace sand as fine aggregates.
Concrete mixes were tested in which sand was partially replaced by PVC plastic granules in percentage of
0%,5%,15%,30% and 45% by volume splinting tensile strength 28days values are 3.06,2.89,2.82,2.56 and
1.83MPa respectively. (Kov et al, 2009)

I identified that one of the rapid growing challenges in Kampala city is solid waste management that later
contribute to increase of health problems and poor sanitation. I through research found out that a lot of waste in
form of plastics is generated every year in Kampala and a large per- cent age of ends in landfills and other in
drainage channels. plastic waste does not decompose once damped in the soils and this hinders fertility putting in
considerations that Agriculture is the back-bone

From this background, am to design a machine that makes pavers blocks from waste plastic materials by melting
plastic, mixing in sand and mild scale and then molding the mixture to form a building unit block that can be
inform of pavers, bricks and blocks. Not only did i focus on addressing the issue of solid waste management in
Kampala but also providing an alternative cheap construction material and later impact on the issue of increasing
unemployment in Uganda through providing citizens with knowledge on how to establish their own recycling
centers for a living or once the production of this machine will be commercialized.

Plastics are categorized under 2 basic types: thermo softening and thermosetting plastics.
Thermo-softening plastics soften easily when we subject to heat them and can be remolded into new shapes.
Thermosetting plastics are heat resistant, although if subjected to heat strongly enough they do char and burn.
They are made of long-chain molecules with lots of strong covalent bonds holding the chains together.
Thermo-softening plastics majorly include the following types; polyethylene terephthalate (PET) , polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) , high density polyethylene (HDPE], Low density polyethylene (LDPE), Unplasticised Polyvinyl
chloride (UPVC), Plasticized Polyvinyl chloride (PPVC) Polypropylene (PP)
For this project we focused on PET because they contribute the highest percentage of solid waste collected in
Kampala according to KCCA. Examples of PET type of plastic include water bottles, soda bottles and other
packaging materials of that caliber.

The table 1 below details the types and uses of plastic and recycled plastic [1]


Polyethylene Clear tough plastic Soft drinks and Carpet, fibers, clear
terephthalate(PET) mineral water bottles film for packaging
Low density Soft, flexible plastic. Lids of ice cream Film for builders,
polyethylene(LDPE) Milky white unless a container, garbage industry, packaging
pigment is added bags
High density Very common plastic Freezer bags ,crinkly Detergent bottles
polyethylene(HDPE) usually white or shopping bags
Plasticized polyvinyl Flexible, clear, elastic Shoes soles, blood Hose inner core,
chloride(PPVC) plastic bags industrial flooring
Polypropylene Hard but flexible Ice cream containers, Worm factories,
plastic potato crisp bags
Compost bins
Polystyrene(PS) Rigid, brittle plastic Bottles, toys ,food Clothe pegs, coat
container hangers


The various types of methods, dimensions (sizing), will be chosen scientifically using available literature and
engineering books with procedures for designing machine components.


Data collection and analysis

Design concept selection

Literature review and design analysis

Modelling of design in solid works

Cost analysis of the project

Report writing



Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches are used In this study.

Qualitative research approaches

Qualitative research approaches are used to collect and analyses non numerical data

Qualitative research approaches are;

Group interview: this was used to collect data from population, NEMA, KCCA about the challenges they are
facing with waste plastics and design specification required of the machine to mitigate the challenge.

I further went at bata bata along Entebbe road and collected data from the clients about too much clogged tranches
due to plastic bottles. the results from them was that these bottles need to be collected and turned into other useful
properties like bricks which further motivated me to come up with the design.

Quantitative research approaches emphasize the measurement and analysis of the cause effect relationship
between variables. The approaches used are;

Engineering Design Methodologies: these were used in the design calculus of components and modelling of the
designed components in solid works

The existing technology

Most of the existing machines were seen in the different developed places where plastics are converted

The research on the existing machines was done and much of the information shows that these machines convert
these plastics again into plastics which come again into environment.

Other information was got from internet and visiting north machinery along jinja road where these machines are
sold and the getting information from vendors so as to advance in technology.

the most machines currently used are well studied in a way that the following are highly considered.

 The size or capacity of input and output

 The initial cost of the set up

 The power transmission system

 The design

 Durability

One of the key things I have learnt through project idealization and development is measuring how sustainable it is
to the environment. Through developing this project i learnt that the production process is quite challenging and
more concerns were raised about the fumes that are generated as plastic is melted. From research, we found out
there are industrial source-capture filter machines avail- able from e.g. Sentry Air Systems, Inc. to capture and
extract the fumes created. However, these are not used in the small-scale workshops of Precious Plastic. The
Precious Plastic community encourages to use good ventilation and wear masks to prevent toxic fumes. Melting
one type of plastic at a time at the right melting zone temperature should be safe according to the community. Also
sustainability of the project depends on the economy and society. The needs of people in the community can
outweigh the environmental impact and in the long run affect their economy

PET type of plastic was identified as the major waste material and gathering it is the 1st phase of the of
production. They are in form of water and soda bottles and can be found everywhere in any community in
Kampala, in landfills and waste collection centers. The input waste plastic bottles can be obtained around
university dustbins, tranches in Kampala.

-Shredding them into small pieces that can easily be melted is the second step. This is to be done by using scissors
since the shredding machine has not been devel oped yet. It should be noted that plastic bottle type is different
from the bottle top because they possess different chemical properties so they should be removed before melting to
ensure uniformity.

The shredded plastic are put in a pan/ or an oven upon which they are subject- ed to a temperature of 2600 which
is the melting point of PET type plastic. Locally, this can be done by using pan and melting them with a heat
source that can be charcoal or firewood. However, that can be achieved with a compressing machine. Putting the
small pan into the made stove and melting the plastics from the pan.

Preferably, when the plastic has melted and it is in its molten state, measured volumes of sand and mild-scale are
added and stirred vigorously to obtain a uniform semi-solid mixture/ workable mix. It is then poured into the mold
of desired shape and left to cool Laboratory tests have been carried out to identify the quantities and mix ratios
before the actual production can be done.

Fig 1 Requirements for production of blocks from plastics

Fig 2 showing the lay out of the machine for production of blocks.

Fig 2 showing product of the mixed portion of melted plastic and Sand
Fig 3 showing parts and parts of a paver making machine.

Components of hydraulic pressing machine for molding the mixture of molten plastic and sand
2.7 Design analysis of the machine

To size and select the machine components

2.7.1 Manufacturing of shafts

Shafts are generally manufactured by hot rolling and finished to size by cold drawing or turning and grinding.

The cold rolled shafts are stronger than hot rolled shafts but with residual stresses.

The residual stresses may cause distortion of the shaft when it is machined especially when slot or keyways are

Shaft of large diameter are usually forged and turned to size in the lathe

2.7.2 Types of shafts

1. Transmission shafts

These shafts transmit power between the source and the machine absorbing power. [1]

The counter shafts, line shafts, overhead shafts and all factory shafts are transmission shafts. So these shafts are
subjected to bending in addition to torsion.

2. Machine shafts

These shafts form an integral part of the machine itself e.g. the crankshafts

Standard size of the transmission shafts

25mm…………..60mm with a 5mm step

60mm……………110mm with 10mm step

110mm…………..140mm with 15mm step

140mm…………...500mm with 20mm step.

2.7.2 Stresses in the shaft

The shear stresses due to the transmission of torque i.e due to torsional load.

The bending stresses due to forces acting on the machine elements. Like gears, pulleys, keys as well as due to
weight of the shaft itself.

2.7.3 Design of the shafts.

The shafts used in this design is mild steel coated with chromium. The shafts are threaded at one end up to 100mm
from to by 1.75mm thread pitch.

The shaft may be designed on the basis of,


Rigidity and stiffness

Designing shafts on the basis of strength, the following cases may be considered.

 Shafts subjected to twisting moment or torque only.

 Shafts subjected to bending moment only.

 Shafts subjected to combined twisting and bending moment.

 Shafts subjected to the axial loads in addition to combined

material specifications quantity Price(ugx)

Chromium coated shafts 32mm dia by 1 feet long 4 85000/= each

Hydraulic jack 50kg ton capacity 1 150000/=

Mild steel plate 310mm by 150mm by 2 160000/= each

20mm thick.

Helical springs 32mm dia by 300mm 4 15000/= each

long by 2mm

nuts M32 by 1.75 4 25000/= each

Table 2 showing Specifications and material used during design

2.8 Selection of components

Hydraulic jack [2]

While choosing the size of hydraulic jack used the following questions were raised

What do you need to lift?

According to my design, the paving mold has four chambers each is expected to carry a paving block of
approximately 8kg making a total of 24kg. there a jack of 50k was chosen

What is the free space available?

The hydraulic jack chosen can extend up to space of 250mm long.

What is the maximum lifting height you would need?

The hydraulic jack chosen can extend up to 250mm which is the space between female and male molds.

The lifting height varies for each lifting step. This jack chosen for this design has three steps a base of 50mm
long , first step is 100mm after extending and another step is 80mm long after extending.

Mild steel plates

Mild steel was chosen in this design because of the following reasons

 Its strong and durable. It can support heavy loads and has a high tensile strength.

 Easy to work with. Its easy to cut, weld making it a popular choice for fabrication projects.

 Recyclable. mild steel is recyclable making it an environmentally friendly choice.

 Low requires less little maintenance and its easy to clean.

 It can be painted or coated.

 Constituents of mild steel.

 Mild steel is easily available on local market in all sizes.

Mild steel composition

The chemical composition of mild steel varies depending on the alloying elements used. Carbon content ranges
from 0.15 to 0.25 percent while other alloying elements such as manganese, silicon, phosphorous may be present
in small amounts up to 1 percent. [2]

The shafts chosen is chromium coated easy movements or reduce friction during movements and mating of molds.

Selection of Helical Springs

The spring is used during retraction of the hydraulic jack

Springs are used to absorb shocks and vibrations, e.g., vehicle suspension springs, railway buffer springs, buffer
springs in elevators and vibration mounts for machinery.

Springs are used to store energy, e.g., springs used in clocks, toys, movie-cameras, circuit breakers and starters.

Springs are used to measure force, e.g., springs used in weighing balances and scales.

Springs are used to apply force and control motion. There are a number of springs used for this purpose. In the
cam and follower mechanism, spring is used to maintain contact between the two elements. In engine valve
mechanism, spring is used to return the rocker arm to its normal position when the disturbing force is removed.
The spring used in clutch provides the required force to engage the clutch. In all these applications, the spring is
used either to apply the force or to control the motion.

Types of springs
Springs are classified according to their shape. The shape can be a helical coil of a wire, a piece of stamping or a
flat wound-up strip. The most popular type of spring is the helical spring. The helical spring is made from a wire,
usually of circular cross- section, which is bent in the form of a helix. There are two basic types of helical springs

compression spring and extension spring.

a compression spring

An extension spring.

The main dimensions of a helical spring subjected to compressive force are shown in Fig. 10.4. They are as

d = wire diameter of spring (mm)

Di = inside diameter of spring coil (mm)

Do = outside diameter of spring coil (mm) D = mean coil diameter (mm)


In the design of helical springs, the designer should use good judgement in assuming the value of the spring index
C. The spring index indicates the relative sharpness of the curvature of the coil. A low spring index means high
sharpness of curvature. When the spring index is low (C < 3), the actual stresses in the wire are excessive due to
curvature effect. Such a spring is difficult to manufacture and special care in coiling is required to avoid cracking
in some wires. When the spring index is high (C > 15), it results in large variation in the coil diameter. Such a
spring is prone to buckling and also tangles easily during handling. A spring index from 4 to 12 is considered best
from manufacturing considerations. Therefore, in practical applications, the spring index usually varies from 4 to
12. However, a spring index in the range of 6 to 9 is still preferred particularly for close tolerance springs and
those subjected to cyclic loading.

There are three terms free length, compressed length and solid length. These terms are related to helical

compression spring. These lengths are determined

D = (Di + Do)/2

The spring index, C =D/d.

Solid Length Solid length is defined as the axial length of the spring which is so compressed that the
adjacent coils touch each other. In this case, the spring is completely compressed and no further compression is
possible. The solid length is given by,

Solid length = Nt d


Nt = total number of coils

2.9 Assembly of the machine.

All the machine parts are designed and assembled using a software system called solid works version 2020
The size of the paving block is 203.2mm by 101.6mm

Therefore, the required mold box is 203.25mm by 101.65mm to cater for shrinkage allowances

The male part of the mold is fixed to the upper plates by welding which is also between shafts by means of the

Helical springs are fixed between the lower and the upper plates, the female mould box is also welded on the
lower plate. the plates are provided with four holes through which the shafts pass. The lower parts of the shaft
have steps onto which the lower plate seats up to the height of the jack

The lower parts of the shaft protrude through the base and fixed on the base by welding. The jack is place between
the base and lower place. When a mixture of molted sand and shredded plastic is powered into the female mold,
the hydraulic jack is operated by means of a leaver until the female mold mates with the male for 1 minute.

Water is sprinkled on the mold to easy quick cooling,

The female mold part have dwell and insulated handles for easy removal such that the mold can be detached from
the plate and blocks removed by powering/ tilting the box.

2.9.1 Welding operation


welding was selected for its cheap and mostly used in welding mild steel plates which constitute the body where
the roller elements are mounted with their bearings and a sleeve below the rollers.

Procedure for arc welding

Welding machine is a device which converts 120-240V a.c electricity to the welding voltage of 40-70V.

It generally consists of a large, heavy transformer, a voltage regulator circuit, an internal cooling fan and an
amperage range selector. [3]

Select the appropriate current for the thickness of the plates to produce the required bead to join the two parts.

Welding electrodes are selected of E6011 with the cellulose fiber coating to weld the metal plates of the project.
Mount the electrode in the stinger.

Ground clamp the work pieces which completes the circuit and strike the arc which is the process of creating an
electric arc between the electrode and the work piece, move the arc to create a bead which is the metal from the
melt electrode.

Shape the weld bead by weaving the arc back and forth across the welded path either in a zigzag or figure eight
motion. Chip and brush the weld between passes, each time you complete the pass


Performance Evaluation of paving block manufacturing machine. The performance of the machine is evaluated
basing on output capacity per day. Weighed Shredded plastic mixed with sand in the ratio of 1: 1 will be prepared;
this is used as the feed material to the machine. The machine will then be set into operation for 8 hours. At the end
of the day 3700 pieces of paving blocks is expected which is very near to the anticipated design capacity of 4000
pieces per day. This short fall may due to delays in adjustments of the various mating components. After some
time in operation the machine will operate at full capacity.

[1] W. BAMK, "Uganda Economic Update factsheet," 2017,february.

[2] KCCA, "laying the foundation of kampala city," strategic plan 2014/15-2018/19:140, 2014.


[4] R. crawford, plastics engineering, U.S.A: PERGAMON PRESS, 1987, p. 354.

[5] V. B. Bhandari, Design of machine elements, third ed., pune india: tata Mcgraw hill education private limited, 2007, p.

[6] R. B. Dr, a text book of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines, india: laxmi publications (p) ltd, 2010, p. 33.

[7] J. martin, materials for engneering, third ed., cambridge england: Woodhead publishing limited, 1996, p. 71.

[8] O.P.Khanna, a text book of welding technology, india: Dhanpat Rai pub, 1980, p. 947.


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