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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 03 Mar. 2023

CASE STORY TITLE: Natural Reserve Institute of Barangay Bayalse

Conflict Identification
Barangay Bayalse is currently facing significant challenges in various aspects of their lives as a
result of global warming or climate change. They are dealing with recurring problems such as
flooding, landslides, and drought, which are some of the outcomes of climate change.
Unfortunately, these issues have resulted in the loss of property, accidents, and even lives. As a
result of the flooding, the community is experiencing food shortages, adding to their difficulties.

Moreover, due to the effects of climate change, the primary sources of livelihood in Barangay
Bayalse, which are farming and fishing, have been severely impacted. The constant flooding and
landslides have made it challenging for outside assistance to reach the affected areas.
Furthermore, the community lacks the necessary knowledge and resources to properly assess
these disasters and find viable solutions to mitigate their effects.
Plan of Action
Regarding the physical impact, I propose organizing a seminar on disaster risk reduction that will
cover how to manage calamities effectively. This seminar will provide valuable insights on
essential skills such as administering first aid and practical measures to be taken before, during,
and after a disaster. The aim of this activity is to raise awareness and reduce the likelihood of
casualties and damage caused by natural disasters.

In addition, I suggest another seminar focusing on mental health. During times of calamities,
people often experience a high level of stress, leading to paranoia and impaired judgment. We
must support them in coping with the stress and trauma caused by these events, recognizing the
importance of mental health in promoting overall well-being.
Natural disasters have devastating effects on communities, often resulting in significant damage
to property and loss of life. To mitigate the impact of these events, it is essential to invest in
disaster risk reduction initiatives that promote preparedness and effective response. This
includes providing education and training on essential skills such as first aid and practical
measures that can be taken before, during, and after a disaster.

Moreover, the mental health impact of these events cannot be ignored. Disasters can cause
significant stress and trauma, leading to a range of mental health issues such as anxiety,
depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is crucial to address the mental health needs of
affected individuals, providing support and resources to help them cope with the impact of these

As individuals, we can play our part in promoting disaster risk reduction and mental health
Document No.:
Effective Date:

awareness by supporting local charities or volunteering our time to provide education and
support to communities. By working together, we can create a more resilient and compassionate
society, better equipped to face the challenges posed by natural disasters.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Agustin, Julia Jean T.


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