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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 03 Mar. 2023

CASE STORY TITLE: A Better Alternative for the Youth of Barangay Maligalig

Conflict Identification
Barangay Bayalse is facing unexpected accidents and natural disasters as a result of climate
change and global warming. The severe heat adversely affects their primary source of income,
agriculture, with droughts and sudden, prolonged rainfall leading to flooding. These extreme
weather conditions have caused damage to public and private property, triggered landslides, and
increased the spread of diseases. The negative effects on crops and livelihoods have been
significant, and living organisms, including farm animals, fish, and pets, are also at risk of illness
due to sudden weather changes, further impacting crop production and transportation.
Plan of Action
Barangay Bayalse is experiencing the devastating effects of climate change, including unexpected
accidents and natural disasters that are affecting their livelihoods. To address this issue, we need
to take a comprehensive approach that includes education and training programs, disaster
response teams, sustainable farming practices, water resource management strategies, and
community-based disaster risk reduction initiatives. We must also prioritize mental health
support for those affected by the effects of climate change. By implementing these strategies and
regularly monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness, we can help Barangay Bayalse become
more resilient to the effects of climate change and improve the well-being of its residents.
As I reflect on the current state of our environment, I am filled with a sense of urgency and
responsibility to take action. It is disheartening to see the devastating effects of climate change
on communities like Barangay Bayalse, where extreme weather patterns have led to unexpected
accidents and natural disasters that are affecting people's livelihoods and overall well-being.
However, I am also inspired by the resilience and strength of these communities and their
willingness to learn and adapt to new strategies for disaster risk reduction and sustainable living.
It is clear that we must prioritize education and training programs, as well as implement practical
solutions for sustainable agriculture and water resource management, in order to mitigate the
effects of climate change. By working together and taking a holistic approach to these issues, we
can help protect vulnerable communities like Barangay Bayalse and build a more sustainable and
equitable future for all.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Agustin, Julia Jean T.



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