Randomized Clinical Trial of The Accuracy Of.29

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Randomized Clinical Trial of the Accuracy of

Patient-Specific Implants versus CAD/CAM
Splints in Orthognathic Surgery
Biao Li, D.D.S., M.D.

Background: The maxilla position is essential for the aesthetic and functional out-
Hongpu Wei, D.D.S., M.S. comes of orthognathic surgery. Previous studies demonstrated the advantages of
Tengfei Jiang patient-specific implants in orthognathic surgery. However, more data are needed
Downloaded from http://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 03/04/2022

Yifeng Qian, M.D. to confirm the superiority of patient-specific implants over surgical splints created
Tianjia Zhang, D.D.S., M.S. with computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). This
Hongbo Yu, D.D.S., M.D. randomized controlled trial aimed to compare the accuracy of patient-specific
Lei Zhang, D.D.S., M.D. implants and CAD/CAM splints for maxilla repositioning in orthognathic surgery.
Xudong Wang, D.D.S., M.D. Methods: Patients (n = 64) who required orthognathic surgery were randomly
Shanghai, People’s Republic of China assigned to use either patient-specific implants (patient-specific implant group) or
CAD/CAM surgical splints (splint group) to reposition the maxilla. The outcome
evaluation was completed by comparing virtual plans with actual results. The pri-
mary outcome was the discrepancies of the centroid position of the maxilla. Other
translation and orientation discrepancies of the maxilla were also assessed.
Results: The authors analyzed 27 patients in the patient-specific implant group
and 31 in the splint group. The maxilla position discrepancy was 1.41 ± 0.58 mm
in the patient-specific implant group and 2.20 ± 0.94 mm in the splint group;
the between-group difference was significant (p < 0.001). For the patient-spe-
cific implant group, the largest translation discrepancy was 1.02 ± 0.66 mm in
the anteroposterior direction, and the largest orientation discrepancy was 1.85
± 1.42 degrees in pitch. For the splint group, the largest translation discrepancy
was 1.23 ± 0.93 mm in the mediolateral direction, and the largest orientation
discrepancy was 1.72 ± 1.56 degrees in pitch.
Conclusion: The result showed that using patient-specific implants in orthog-
nathic surgery resulted in a more accurate maxilla position than CAD/CAM
surgical splints.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 148: 1101, 2021.)

From the Departments of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial rthognathic surgery has been a classic
Surgery, Shanghai 9th People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao and standard treatment for skeletal den-
Tong University College of Medicine; and Shanghai Key tofacial deformities for decades. The posi-
Laboratory of Stomatology. tion of the maxilla is essential for aesthetic and
Received for publication May 1, 2020; accepted April 8, functional outcomes of orthognathic surgery.
2021. Orthognathic surgery is being reshaped by tech-
This trial is registered under the name “Personalized nological advancements, including digital dental
Titanium Plates vs CAD/CAM Surgical Splints in Maxillary imaging, three-dimensional imaging, computer-
Repositioning of Orthognathic Surgery,” ClinicalTrials.gov
identification number NCT02914431 (https://clinicaltri-
aided virtual surgical planning, computer-aided
als.gov/ct2/show/NCT02914431). design (CAD) and computer-aided manufactur-
The first two authors contributed equally to this article. ing (CAM).1
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer In recent years, virtual surgical planning has been
Health, Inc. on behalf of the American Society of Plastic gradually replacing the traditional surgery model
Surgeons. All rights reserved. This is an open-access article dis- because of its accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility.2
tributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND),
where it is permissible to download and share the work provided Disclosure: The authors declare no potential con-
it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or flicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or
used commercially without permission from the journal. publication of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000008427

www.PRSJournal.com 1101
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2021

Virtual planning enables the surgeon to perform surgery, oral soft-tissue defects, infections, cranio-
osteotomies and move bone segments as needed to facial syndromes, bone metabolism disturbances,
optimize the final outcome.3,4 It is crucial to accu- allergies to titanium implants, and pregnancy. All
rately execute the virtual plan during the operation the participants provided written informed consent.
to obtain the planned surgical result.5 Currently,
surgical splinting is still the most commonly used Sample Size
method to translate the virtual plan to the operation A sample size calculation was performed to
field.6,7 However, because the positioning of the max- determine the minimal number of patients for the
illa depends on a stable condyle-fossa relation, which present study. To detect a potential difference of
often cannot be guaranteed, it is difficult to obtain 0.75 mm between the two groups and an assumed
the expected accuracy using the splint technique. SD of 0.92 for each group and with a power of
To overcome the limitations of surgical splints, 80 percent at a level of significance of 5 percent,
several methods have been developed to maximize a minimum number of 25 patients were needed
the advantages of virtual planning, such as surgical for each group. Finally, 64 patients were included F1

guides, intraoperative navigation, and patient-spe- in our research after taking a 20 percent dropout
cific implants.8–14 With the development of three- rate into account (Fig. 1).
dimensional printing techniques, patient-specific
implants have been rapidly applied in craniomaxil- Randomization
lofacial surgery since 2013.11–14 Earlier studies have
After written informed consent was obtained,
demonstrated that patient-specific implants can
the patients were assigned randomly by means of
obtain good accuracy in translating virtual plans to
a block randomization procedure with the use of
intraoperative sites in orthognathic surgery, such as
a computer-generated list of random numbers to
for precise repositioning and fixation of the maxilla
use either patient-specific plates (patient-specific
in Le Fort I osteotomy.12–14 However, most of these
implant group) or CAD/CAM surgical splints (con-
studies only described the accuracy of the patient-
trol group). The randomization and allocation
specific implant system and lacked a systematic
were performed by an independent statistician.
comparison with a conventional, CAD/CAM sur-
The allocation sequence was concealed
gical splint control group. We designed a random-
from the surgeons, enrolled patients, and the
ized controlled trial (Patient-Specific Implants to
researcher. Sealed envelopes were used for
Increase the Accuracy of the Maxilla Position) to
sequential numbering. The randomization and
assess whether using patient-specific implants would
allocation procedures were performed at the trial
result in a more accurate maxilla position than using
center. All the preoperative preparation proce-
CAD/CAM surgical splints in orthognathic surgery.
dures were the same between the two groups.


It was impossible to blind the patient and sur-
Trial Design geon to the treatment group for the whole study,
This Patient-Specific Implants to Increase the especially during the operation. However, the sur-
Accuracy of the Maxilla Position trial was designed geons and researchers were blinded to the treat-
as a single-center, randomized, controlled, clini- ment group during the virtual planning phase. The
cal trial. The trial protocol was developed by the doctor performing the clinical examination after
authors and was approved by the human research the operation was also blinded to the grouping.
ethics committee of our hospital. All procedures
were performed in accordance with the relevant Interventions
guidelines and regulations of the hospital. After the computed tomographic data and
digital dental data were obtained, virtual planning
Participants began with the use of the standard computer-
Patients who were diagnosed with a skeletal aided surgical simulation routine for patients in
maxillofacial deformity (skeletal class II and III) and both groups (Fig.  2).3,4,8 Once the surgical plan
required orthognathic surgery, including maxillary was reviewed and approved by the surgeon, three-
surgery, were recruited at their first surgical appoint- dimensional models of the bone segments, in both
ment. The exclusion criteria were previous orthog- the initial position and the final position, were
nathic surgery, previous maxillary or mandibular imported into CAD/CAM software (Geomagic
trauma, maxillofacial tumors, segmental maxillary Studio, Geomagic; Research Triangle Park, N.C.)

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 5 • Accuracy of Patient-Specific Implants

Fig. 1. Enrollment, randomization, and follow-up. PSI, patient-specific implant.

to design the surgical splints and patient-specific intermediate splint that exceeded 7  mm, or the
plates (Fig. 3, above). condyle was at the anteroposterior position of the
For the splint group, surgical splints were temporomandibular joint fossa on the computed
designed according to the typical procedure. The tomographic scan.
mandible-first method was used in the following For the patient-specific implant group, a
situations: counterclockwise rotation or inferior cutting guide and patient-specific plates were
repositioning of the maxilla with maxilla-first designed for the maxilla surgery. The cutting
method resulted in a maximum thickness of the guide, including both the left and right parts, was

Fig. 2. The flowchart for the design and surgical procedures of the two groups. PSI, patient-specific implant.

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2021

Fig. 3. The virtual surgical plan, the design of the cutting guides, and the patient-specific plates. Le Fort osteotomy (above, left)
and the repositioning of the maxilla (above, right) were simulated. The cutting guides were designed on the maxilla in the initial
position (below, left). The patient-specific plates were designed on the maxilla in the planned position (below, right) (gray, bone
collision needed to be removed; red, the cutting guides and the patient-specific plates).

used to guide the osteotomy and screw holes to After all the designs were approved by the
drill in the patient-specific implant (Fig. 3, below, surgeons, stereolithography files of the guide
left). In addition, the patient-specific plates were and patient-specific plate were exported for the
used to simultaneously reposition and fix the manufacturing process using a three-dimensional
maxilla. printer with a selective laser melting technique.
Each set of patient-specific plates included Both the splints and the patient-specific implant
four separate customized plates, which were were sterilized with the regular process before the
designed to be placed on bilateral zygomatic but- operation.
tresses and the nasal rim separately. The shape of
all four plates fit the bone surface of the maxilla at Surgery
the planned position. The screw holes on the four In the splint group, Le Fort I osteotomy was
plates corresponded with the drill holes on the routinely performed, and the maxilla was down-
cutting guide (Fig. 3, below, right). When passive fit fractured. Then, the CAD/CAM surgical splints
between the bone surface and plate was achieved were used to reposition the maxilla according to
and the two sets of screw holes were aligned, the the traditional procedure, and maxilla fixation
maxilla was brought to the planned position, and was accomplished with standard (in stock) tita-
the fixation procedure was finished. nium plates.
The maxilla-first procedure was chosen for all In the patient-specific implant group, oste-
the patients in the patient-specific implant group. otomy was performed, and one set of the screw
The conventional CAD/CAM splints were also holes was applied to drill in the maxilla under
prepared for the patient-specific implant group the guidance of the cutting guide (Fig. 4, above).
for safety concerns. As in our previous experi- When the maxilla was down-fractured, four cus-
ences, it was quite difficult to reposition the tomized patient-specific plates were fixed on the
proximal and distal mandible segments using the maxilla below the osteotomy line using the screw
customized plates. Therefore, the surgical splint holes predrilled by the cutting guide. Then, the
was still used to determine the final occlusion and maxilla segment was manipulated until passive fit
mandibular position for both groups. between the plate and maxilla was achieved and

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 5 • Accuracy of Patient-Specific Implants

Fig. 4. The cutting guides were placed and temporarily fixed to the bone with screws. The cutting slot in the guide could
indicate the removal of the bone collision (above). The maxilla was simultaneously positioned and fixed with the use of the
patient-specific plate as planned (below).

the upper screw holes of the plate were aligned horizontal plane (xoy plane), the facial midline
with the predrilled holes on the maxilla. After was aligned with the sagittal plane (yoz plane),
installing all of the screws, positioning and fixa- and the coronal plane of the skull coincided with
tion of the maxilla were simultaneously completed the coronal plane in the software (zox plane). This
as planned (Fig.  4, below). For both groups, the way, the x axis was in the mediolateral direction,
mandible position and final occlusion was deter- the y axis was in the anteroposterior direction,
mined by the surgical splint. and the z axis was in the inferosuperior direction F5
(Fig. 5).
Accuracy Evaluation Three landmark points of the maxilla seg-
A postoperative computed tomographic scan ment, the upper incisors and bilateral mesiobuc-
was acquired within 1 week after the operation to cal cusp of the upper first molar, were digitized
represent the actual surgical outcome. The post- on both the planned and postoperative models
operative skeletal models were generated and (Fig. 5). A “reversed” routine developed by Xia et
imported into computer-aided design software al.15 and Hsu et al.2 was used to ensure that the
(3-Matic; Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium) and landmarks corresponded between the planned
compared with the virtual plan to assess the surgi- and postoperative models. The planned models
cal accuracy. were kept static and served as targets. During the
Using a semiautomatic fusion tool in 3-Matic, registration, all the landmarks and the maxilla
the postoperative models were registered to the segments were hidden. Only the region above the
virtual plan by surface registration of the skull Le Fort I cutting line was visualized. These pre-
above the Le Fort I osteotomy. This procedure set cautions were performed to avoid operator bias.
the postoperative models into the same coordi- The postoperative computed tomographic mod-
nate system of the planned models. els were registered to the planned models using
The skull model was oriented such that the the surface-best-fit method. Finally, after the reg-
Frankfurt plane of the skull was parallel to the istration was completed, all hidden landmarks for

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2021

AQ7 Fig. 5. The postoperative model of the maxilla (light yellow) was regis-
tered to the virtual plan (gray) by surface registration of the skull above
the Le Fort I osteotomy. The x axis was in the mediolateral (left/right)
direction, the y axis was in the anteroposterior direction, and the z axis
was in the vertical (inferosuperior) direction. Three landmark points of
the maxilla segment (the upper incisors and bilateral mesiobuccal cusp
of the upper first molar) were digitized on both the planned and post-
operative models. The coordinates of all landmarks and the centroid
of the maxilla segment were used to calculate the discrepancies in the
maxilla position between the virtual plan and the postoperative results
(blue, postoperative model; red, virtual plan).

the maxilla segment were displayed and their raw normal distributions were presented as the mean
coordinates were recorded. (SD); and nonnormal variables were reported as
The coordinates of all landmarks and the cen- the median (interquartile range). The primary
troid of the maxilla segment were used to calculate outcome was compared by independent samples
the discrepancies in the maxilla position between t tests. The translation discrepancies and ori-
the virtual plan and the postoperative results.2 The entation discrepancies between the two groups
translation discrepancies were calculated along were evaluated using a random-effects general-
the x, y, and z axes, and the orientation discrepan- ized linear model fitted with shared frailty to
cies were calculated in pitch (rotation around the account for intracluster correlation within the
x axis), roll (rotation around the y axis), and yaw same person. The Mann-Whitney U test was used
(rotation around the z axis). for the comparison of the intraoperative blood
loss. The frequencies of the categorical vari-
Outcomes ables were compared using Pearson chi-square
The primary outcome was the discrepancies of or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate. The data
the centroid position of the maxilla. The second- were analyzed by SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc.,
ary outcomes included translation discrepancies Cary, N.C.). A value of p < 0.05 was considered
along the three axes, orientation discrepancies significant.
around the three axes, and intraoperative blood
loss. The translation discrepancies were calcu- RESULTS
lated along the x, y, and z axes and the orientation
discrepancies were calculated in pitch (rotation Trial Participants
around the x axis), roll (rotation around the y From August 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018,
axis), and yaw (rotation around the z axis). a total of 64 patients were recruited and assigned
randomly and equally to both groups. After
Statistical Analysis excluding those lost to follow-up (n = 1) and those
All the analyses were carried out on an inten- who refused the operation (n = 5), 58 patients
tion-to-treat basis. Continuous variables with were included in the primary analysis (27 in the

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 5 • Accuracy of Patient-Specific Implants

patient-specific implant group and 31 in the con- Table 1.  Demographic Characteristics of the
trol group). Participants
The flowchart of the study is shown in Figure 1 Characteristic PSI Splint
and the flowchart for the design and surgical pro-
No. 27 31
cedures of the two groups is shown in Figure  2. Age, yr
The demographic characteristics were similar  Mean 23.8 23.6
between the two trial groups (Table 1). Different  Range 19–32 19–33
types of skeletal malocclusion were distributed  Female 15 21
equally between the two groups.  Male 12 10
 Class II 7 9
Primary Outcome  Class III 20 22
There was a significant between-group differ- PSI, patient-specific implant.
ence in the primary outcome, the accuracy of the
maxilla position. The maxilla position discrep-
ancy was 1.41 ± 0.58  mm in the patient-specific Table 2.  Maxilla Position Discrepancy in the Two
implant group and 2.20 ± 0.94  mm in the splint Groups
group (Table 2). PSI Group Splint Group
Mean SD Mean SD p
Secondary Outcomes Centroid position, mm 1.41 0.58 2.20 0.94 <0.001
For the patient-specific implant group, the larg- Translation <0.001
est translation discrepancy was 1.02 ± 0.66 mm in the   discrepancy, mm
 Mediolateral 0.37 0.40 1.23 0.93
anteroposterior direction, which indicated that the  Anteroposterior 1.02 0.66 1.12 0.82
postoperative maxilla was unexpectedly located pos-  Superoinferior 0.61 0.44 0.96 0.74
Orientation 0.246
teriorly to the planned position. The largest orien-   discrepancy, deg
tation discrepancy was 1.85 ± 1.42 degrees in pitch,  Pitch 1.85 1.42 1.72 1.56
which indicated that the maxilla had an unplanned  Roll 0.63 0.52 1.25 1.18
 Yaw 0.63 0.44 0.88 0.71
rotation around the mediolateral (x) axis. PSI, patient-specific implant.
For the splint group, the largest translation
discrepancy was 1.23 ± 0.93 mm in the mediolat-
eral direction. The largest orientation discrepancy was found in pitch for both the patient-specific
was 1.72 ± 1.56 degrees in pitch. implant and splint groups. One hypothesis for this
There was no significant between-group dif- result is that all the internal fixation plates, includ-
ference in intraoperative blood loss. The median ing the customized plates in the patient-specific
volume of intraoperative blood loss was 600  ml implant group, were only fixed on the anterior
(interquartile range, 600 to 800 ml) in the patient- wall of the maxilla, which made a pitch rotation
specific implant group and 650 ml (interquartile the most likely deviation.
range, 500 to 800 ml) in the splint group. For the patient-specific implant group, the
largest translation discrepancy was found in the
Safety and Side Effects anteroposterior direction, which might result
No significant differences in serious adverse from the same cause as pitch rotation. For the
events were noted between the groups. The inci- surgical splint group, the largest translation dis-
dence of infection was 3.7 percent (one of 27 crepancy was found in the mediolateral direction.
patients) in the patient-specific implant group This discrepancy should be given enough atten-
and 3.2 percent (one of 31 patients) in the splint tion because an incisor-midline deviation would
group. cause constant complaints from both the patient
and the orthodontist after the operation. One
possible explanation is that undetected bone col-
DISCUSSION lisions might cause a slight lateral shift of the max-
Our randomized controlled trial showed illa when it is mounted on the unstable mandible.
that using patient-specific implants resulted in a In addition, it was difficult to evaluate the midline
more accurate maxilla position than using surgi- during the operation because of the presence of
cal splints. The patient-specific implant group swelling and soft-tissue deformation.
showed smaller discrepancies in all three dimen- However, the smallest translation discrep-
sions for both translation and orientation, except ancy was found in the mediolateral direction
for pitch. The largest orientation discrepancy for the patient-specific implant group. The rigid

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2021

customized plates provided accurate control of and 1.10 mm and 2.82 degrees for the mandible,
the maxilla in the mediolateral direction. Bone respectively.22 Heufelder et al. also reported a
collisions, which would cause the lateral shift, cohort study of 22 patients.14 Five occlusal land-
could directly lead to failure to install the cus- marks were used to compare the planned and
tomized plates. Thus, bone collisions could be postoperative maxilla positions. The median
detected and removed more easily. deviation of the maxilla position was 0.39  mm.
Unexpectedly, the smallest translation dis- However, these studies lacked a control group to
crepancy was found in the vertical direction in compare the accuracy of patient-specific implants
the surgical splint group. This illustrated that the with that of conventional surgical splints.
intraoperative measurements and evaluations, Later comparison studies could not strongly
such as checking for incisor exposure, were more prove the superiority of patient-specific implants
reliable than we thought. over surgical splints because of their small sam-
Currently, it is well recognized that computer- ple sizes and retrospective designs. Rückschloß et
assisted virtual planning could facilitate orthog- al.23 described a comparison study of 18 class III
nathic surgery and improve the surgical result.16 patients (nine with patient-specific implants and
Therefore, it is essential to accurately set the max- nine with splints) treated with the surgical splint
illa at the planned position during the operation method in 2019. The results showed that patient-
to maximize the role of the virtual plan.6 Because specific implants could obtain an overall higher
of the mobile mandible and the temporoman- accuracy compared with surgical splints, espe-
dibular joint, the traditional surgical splint tech- cially for anteroposterior translational movement.
nique could be unreliable in the repositioning of We found several advantages from our expe-
the maxilla, especially for patients with unstable riences during the application of the patient-
condyle-fossa relations. specific implant technique. Compared with the
As CAD/CAM technology has matured, sev- traditional surgical splint method, the customized
eral types of customized surgical guides have been plates could completely control the maxilla posi-
developed to overcome the disadvantages of the tion without being affected by the unstable man-
surgical splint in maxilla repositioning.8,10,17,18 dible and temporomandibular joint. The maxilla
However, the surgical guides have not been widely position was determined in three dimensions,
applied in orthognathic surgery because of its including in the vertical direction. The internal
own drawbacks, such as its bulky size, associated or external vertical measurement was no longer
slight deformation, and extra time needed for required.
placement and removal. Compared with CAD/CAM templates, patient-
With the development of three-dimensional specific implants had simplified intraoperative
metal printing, patient-specific implants could procedures, as there is no need for fixation and
be regarded as an update of customized surgical removal of a repositioning guide. Because of its AQ8

guides. Because of the titanium material, patient- rigid character, titanium guide and patient-spe-
specific implants are rigid, slim in size, and cific implants could be easily placed at the unique
implantable. Thus, patient-specific implants could planned position. In addition, the compact and
reposition and fix the bone segment simultane- lightweight design also facilitated its intraopera-
ously. Attempts to use patient-specific implants in tive use.
maxilla surgery have been reported since 2013.11 In this study, each set of patient-specific
Several previous case series studies evaluated plates were designed as four separate plates so
the accuracy of patient-specific plates using the that each plate could be placed and fixed sepa-
resulting errors from overlapping the planned rately. Compared to our experiences with other
and postoperative models.12,19–21 However, the designs in a previous study, the separate design
error of the two overlapped three-dimensional and reduced size of each plate increased the ease
models does not equal the position discrepancy of of use and required a smaller incision during the
these two objects and could not fully demonstrate operation.
the accuracy of patient-specific implants. We did not intentionally enroll complex cases
Our previous study used the coordinates of in this study, and craniofacial syndromes were also
several landmarks to calculate the translation and excluded. Although the between-group differ-
orientation errors of patient-specific implants for ence was statistically significant, the actual value
bimaxillary orthognathic surgery and showed of the difference was minor. The accuracy of the
that the largest root-mean-square deviations splint group was acceptable in this study. When
were 0.74  mm and 1.93  degrees for the maxilla it comes to difficult cases, such as patients with

Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 5 • Accuracy of Patient-Specific Implants

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the patient-specific implant over the splint tech-
nique for difficult cases in a later study.
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Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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