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Nama : Aisyah Jasmine Maulana

NIM : E061201010

Fakultas/Prodi : FISIP/HI

Text A

A person is economically free, if he can do what he wishes with his own property, time andd
effort. In all communities, of course, linrits are set upon this personal Freedom. In some
countries the limits are complex; in others they are 5 relatively simple. All individual citizens
are required to conform to the laws made by their governments. Complete economic freedom
of action can cause great difficulties, because the freedoms of various individuals will
conflict. 10 If citizens were completely free, some landowners might build factories in
unsuitabie places. If there was no system of control, factory-owners might make their
employees work too long each day. If they were completely free, workers might stop working
when 15 they got their first pay, and come back to do more work only when they needed
more money. Such economic freedom could create a very unstable economy. Laws related to
economic conditions are sometimes concerned with workers' health, wages and pensions. 20
They are sometimes concerned with contracts between employers and employees. They are
sometimes concerned with the location of places of work. Sometimes they help the
employers; sometimes they protect the 25 Interest of the workers.


1. Answer these questions basing your answer on the text.

a. Under what conditions is a person economically free ?
Answer: A person is economically free, if he can do what he wishes with his own
property, time, and effort
b. What is the opposite of ‘simple'?
Answer: The opposite of simple is complex
c. What are all citizens required to do?
Answer: All individual citizens are required to conform to the laws made by their
d. Why does complete economic freedom of action cause great difficulties ?
Answer: Because the freedoms of various individuals will conflict.
e. What three things might happen if citizens were completely free ?
1) Answer: 1) If citizens were completely free, some land-owners might
build factories in unsuitable places.
2) If there was no system of control, factory-owners might make their
employees work too long each day.
3) If they were completely free, workers might stop working when they got
their first pay, and come back to do more work only when they needed
more money.
f. What kind of economy might complete economic freedom ?
Answer: Economic freedom could create a very unstable economy.
g. What three workers' needs are sometimes the concern of the law ?
Answer: What workers needs are health, wages, and pensions.
h. Between whom are contracts arranged ?
Answer: The contracts are arranged between employers and employees.
i. What else might the laws relate to, besides workers' needs and work contracts ?
Answer: They are sometimes concerned with the location of places of work.
j. What other important point should we note about laws related to economic
Answer: The other important point we should note is about sometimes they help
the employers, sometimes they protect the interest of the workers.

2. Change the following sentences by inserting can.

EXAMPLE He does the work easily. ⇒ He can do the work easily.
a. He earns a lot of money. ⇒ He can earn a lot of money
b. They work very rapidly in that factory. ⇒ They can work very rapidly in that
c. The breeders sell a lot of horses and cattle. ⇒ The breeders can sell a lot of horses
and cattle.
d. The miners provide coal at an economic price. ⇒ The miners can provide coal at
an economic price.
e. A man with a good education usually earns a lot of money. ⇒ A man with a good
education usually can earn a lot of money.
f. People satisfy their needs only if they earn money. ⇒ People can satisfy their
needs only if they earn money.
g. The citizens choose what they want to do. ⇒ The citizens can choose what they
want to do.
h. People use their time and money as they wish. ⇒ People can use their time and
money as they wish.
3. Exercise 2 has provided you with eight sentences using can, Change can to could
in this way:
EXAMPLE He can do the work easily ⇒ In those days he could do the work easily,
but not now.
a. He can earn a lot of money ⇒In those days, he could earn a lot of money, but not
b. They can work very rapidly in that factory. ⇒ In thosedays, they could work very
rapidly in that factory, but not now.
c. Breeders can sell a lot of horses and cattle. ⇒ In thosedays, the breeders could sell
a lot of horses and cattle, but not now.
d. The miners can provide coal at an economic price. ⇒ In those days, the miners
could provide coal at an economic price, but not now.
e. A man with a good education usually can earns a lot of money. ⇒ In thosedays, a
man witha good education usually could earn a lot of money, but not now.
f. People can satisfy their needs only if they earn money. ⇒ In those days, people
could satisfy their needs only if they earn money, but not now.
g. The citizens can choose what they want to do. ⇒ In those days, the citizens could
choose what they want to do, but not now.
h. People can use their time and money as they wish. ⇒ In thosedays, people could
use their time and money as they wish, but not now

4. Combine some of the words in these sentences in order to make new compound
a) He owns a house ⇒ He is a house-owner
b) They breed pigs. ⇒ They are pig-breeders.
a. He owns a car. (He is a car-owner)
b. That man owns some land. (That man is land-owner)
c. They breed horses. (They are horse-breeders)
d. Some capitalists own factories. (Some Capitalists are the factory-owners)
e. That man earns his wages. (That man iswages-earner)
f. Those men mine for coal. (Those men are coal-miners)
g. Those women grow fruit. (Those women are fruit-growers)
h. Mr. Smith makes shoes. (Mr. Smithis shoes-maker)
i. Mr. Jonesworkswith steel. (Mr.Jones is steel-worker)
j. Mr. Brown packs meat in that factory. (Mr. Brown ismeat-packer in that factory)

5. Make these adjectives negative by adding the prefix un-

EXAMPLE : stable ⇒ un + stable ⇒ unstable
a. Economic ⇒ Uneconomic
b. Economical ⇒ Uneconomical
c. Satisfactory ⇒ Unsatisfactory
d. Systematic ⇒ Unsystematic
e. Necessary ⇒ Unnecessary
f. Scientific ⇒ Unscientific
g. Enjoyable ⇒Unenjoyable
h. Available ⇒ Unavailable
i. Suitable ⇒ Unsuitable
j. Equal ⇒ Unequal
k. Productive ⇒ Unproductive
l. Conditional ⇒ Unconditional
m. Important⇒ Unimportant
n. Usual ⇒ Unusual
o. Desirable⇒ Undesirable
Use the appropriate adjectives in their negative forms in these sentences. The
letters in brackets at the end refer to the list of adjectives above.

a) People do not'like working in unsatisfactory conditions (c).

b) The employers decided to close that factory because it was unproductive (k).
c) Complete economic freedom is an undesirable (o).
d) Compared with our need for food, clothes and shelter, some of our wants are quite
unimportant (m)
e) We say that goods are sold at uneconomic prices, when the price is less than the
cost of producing them (a).
f) The goods which he wanted were unavailable at the price he waswilling to pay

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