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Mapua University

Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics


Villajin, Aaron Chastine V.

Lim, Jude Richards P.
Jacalne, Jed Matthew S.
Ocampo, Charmaine Jerrine
Gacayan, Sofronio Dex

Instructor: Mr. Jan Allen C. Almario

The periodic table is a tabular array of the chemical elements organized by atomic number, from the
component with the lowest atomic number, hydrogen, to the highest atomic number, oganesson. This
virtual simulation aims to help students classify which group the given element belongs to according to
similar properties and how the periodic table can predict an element's behavior in a chemical reaction.
This experiment aims to provide a great deal of information about how to analyze an element's
characteristics. In this virtual laboratory simulation, the students will be doing different experiments to
categorize the fallen element boxes of the periodic table in the laboratory. In the first experiment, the
students will need to identify which among the elements are metals, non-metals, and metalloids. To
determine the element's classification, the students must observe its shininess based on its appearance.
The students will differentiate the elements based on the test results Dr. One conducted to identify the
element's metallic properties, such as ductility and electrical conductivity. The students will conduct a
flame test that is used to distinguish different metal ions depending on the color of the flame. Lastly, the
students will compare the chemical properties of the elements to know which group it belongs to. This
simulation teaches students how the periodic table can be an easy-to-use reference for future

Keywords: Periodic Table, Classification, Metallic Properties, Chemical Properties

Introduction version of the periodic table; as you can see

The Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev was the
first one who created a table that helped derive which is an essential tool for many chemists,
the properties of different elements. The same nuclear physicists, and other scientists
idea has been used to develop the modern worldwide. Mendeleev was a well-known
professor at a university in St. Petersburg, periodic table consisted of 118 elements, 94 of
Russia. Because there were no modern organic which were naturally occurring on Earth, and
chemistry textbooks in Russian, the rest were synthesized. Each element is
Mendeleev wrote one and addressed the housed in its own small block. The information
disordered elements problem. in the block includes the element's name,
chemical symbol, atomic number, and atomic
Putting the elements in any order would be mass.
difficult. It was like attempting to complete a
complicated jigsaw puzzle with only half of the The atomic number of the elements increases as
pieces and some missing details. According to the table progresses from left to right and top to
Khan Academy, Mendeleev eventually wrote bottom. The atomic number represents the
the definitive chemistry textbook, "Principles of number of protons in the atomic nucleus. The
Chemistry" (two volumes, 1868–1870). While table also includes atomic mass, the total
working on it, he made a significant discovery number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus
that would significantly contribute to the of an atom, averaged based on the relative
development of the current periodic table. abundance of the element's isotopes. For
According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, elements that do not have a stable isotope, the
he began ordering the elements by increasing table gives the atomic mass of the isotope with
atomic weight after writing their properties on the longest half-life; in other words, the most
cards. This was when he started to notice certain stable form of the element, in parenthesis.
elements reappearing regularly. Mendeleev
claimed that after three days of intense work on The table's seven rows represent periods. The
this "puzzle," he had a dream that all elements number of electron shells surrounding the
fell into place as needed. When he awoke, he atomic nucleus is the same for each element in a
immediately wrote them down on a piece of single row. Elements in the first row have a
paper — only in one place did a correction seem single orbital shell, while elements in the second
necessary.  row have two orbitals, and so on. Elements have
a seventh orbital shell in the seventh period. The
Mendeleev classified the elements based on table's 18 columns, read vertically from top to
their atomic weight and valence. Not only did bottom, represent groups. In the outermost shell,
he leave room for yet-undiscovered elements, all elements in a group have the same number of
but he also predicted the properties of five of electrons orbiting the nucleus. The exceptions to
these elements and their compounds. He this rule include hydrogen, helium, and the
presented his findings to the Russian Chemical "transitional elements," which occupy groups
Society in 1869. His new periodic system was three through 12. Elements in a group have
published in the Zeitschrift für Chemie, a important chemical properties in common.
German chemistry journal (Journal of Group 18 contains "inert" or "noble" gases, for
Chemistry). example. Group 17 includes five halogens.

The periodic table is a graphical representation Periodic trends are specific patterns in the
of chemical elements organized into rows and periodic table that depict various aspects of a
columns based on their basic properties. Thanks particular element, such as its size and
to the table, scientists can easily understand the electronic properties. Major periodic trends are
relationships and similarities between the electronegativity, ionization energy, electron
elements, which are the building blocks of all affinity, atomic radius, melting point, and
matter. The elements are arranged in increasing metallic character. Periodic trends resulting
atomic number order from left to right and top from the periodic table's arrangement provide
to bottom. In general, increasing atomic mass chemists with an invaluable tool for predicting
corresponds to increasing order. In 1869, the an element's properties quickly. These trends
exist due to the elements' similar atomic is caused by the increase in the number of
structure within their respective group families protons and electrons across a period. One
or periods and the periodic nature of the proton has a greater effect than one electron;
elements. thus, electrons are pulled towards the nucleus,
resulting in a smaller radius. Atomic radius
Electronegativity is a chemical property that increases from top to bottom within a group
describes an atom's ability to attract and bind which is caused by electron shielding.
electrons. There is no standardized method for
calculating electronegativity because it is a This virtual simulation aims to teach students
qualitative property. Electronegativity increases how to arrange elements based on their
from left to right across an element period. If an chemical properties and how scientists can use
atom's valence shell is less than half full, losing them to predict an element's behavior. Students
an electron requires less energy than gaining must correctly place the fallen element boxes on
one. Electronegativity decreases from top to the laboratory's periodic table using various
bottom in a group. Noble gases, lanthanides, and methods to determine their chemical properties.
actinides are notable exceptions to the preceding The students began by determining which of the
rules. Noble gases have a complete valence shell following elements is non-metal (Neon,
and typically do not attract electrons.  Phosphorus, Sodium, Copper, Calcium).
Following that, the students will conduct tests to
The energy required to remove an electron from determine the metallic properties of each
a neutral atom in its gaseous state is ionization element so that they can quickly determine
energy. Ionization energy is conceptually the whether the element is a metal or non-metal.
inverse of electronegativity. The lower this The students will also perform a flame test
energy, the easier it is for the atom to become a because the metal atoms become excited and
cation. As a result, the higher this energy, the produce their characteristic light spectrum;
less likely the atom will become a cation. based on the color of the flame, the students can
Because their valence shell is nearly filled, categorize the elements. Students will need to
elements on the right side of the periodic table compare the chemical properties of the last two
have higher ionization energy. Because of their elements to determine which group they belong
willingness to lose electrons and become to in order to place them in the periodic table. 
cations, elements on the left side of the periodic
table have low ionization energies. As a result, The objective of this simulation is for students
on the periodic table, ionization energy to identify the properties of an element in a
increases from left to right. short period. Identifying the chemical properties
of an element will be easier if the students are
The ability of an atom to accept an electron is willing to familiarize the periodic table. The
referred to as electron affinity. In contrast to periodic table lists all the elements, with
electronegativity, electron affinity is a information about their atomic weights,
quantitative measurement of the energy change chemical symbols, and atomic numbers. The
when an electron is added to a neutral gas atom. arrangement of the periodic table leads us to
Electron affinity increases from left to right visualize specific trends among the atoms. The
within a period. The decrease in atomic radius vertical columns (groups) of the periodic table
causes this. Electron affinity decreases from top are arranged such that all its elements have the
to bottom within a group. The increase in same number of valence electrons. All elements
atomic radius causes this. within a particular group thus share similar
properties. Just by looking at the atomic
The atomic radius is one-half the distance number, the students will identify the element's
between two atom nuclei. Atomic radius protons already. Using the group and period of
decreases from left to right within a period; this an element, they will be able to determine the
number of valence shells and the total number The students dipped the wire loop first into the
of electron shells in an element's atom beaker with hydrochloric acid and then into the
beaker with water. They then hold the wire loop
into the flame of the Busen burner to check for
residual ions. After making sure it was clean,
the students dipped the wire loop into the
Materials and Methods Calcium Chloride sample and to the flame. The
students ensured that the wire loop was cleaned
In this virtual laboratory simulation, the first with hydrochloric acid and water before
phase is exploring and familiarizing the periodic switching to another sample. The students
table. The students were given a short dipped the wire loop into the Sodium Chloride
introduction to the periodic table and its parts sample and held it into the Bunsen burner to
with the help of Dr. One. The students are check the flame's color. After cleaning the wire
acquainted with the three main chemical classes loop, the students dipped it into the Copper (II)
of the Periodic table: Metal, Non-Metals, and Chloride sample and checked the flame's color
Metalloids, which they will later use in the using the burner on the workbench. The students
experiment. Next, the students were asked to noted their observations in the logbook after
determine which of the three main chemical testing all of the samples. The students were
classes Mercury (Hg) belongs to. Since some of asked what caused the different colors that they
the element boxes in the Periodic table were not saw in the flame test. The students were able to
arranged, the students were asked what kind of compare the results with the flame colors known
experiments would help them categorize those to be produced by some of the periodic table
fallen elements. After this, Dr. One asked the elements using the periodic table wall of the
students to pick up the elements and transfer laboratory. They clicked the flame test option on
them to the workbench. They were asked to the control panel of the wall. 
observe and determine which of the following
elements is clearly not a metal. For the students After this, the students were tasked to correctly
to test the elements' shininess, they used the place the first three fallen-out element boxes on
forceps to have a closer look at the elements. the wall. They then went back to the overview
They later placed the elements back in their and clicked on the element families button on
corresponding container after observing them. the control panel. Most of the groups in the
Afterward, the students were asked which of the periodic table have a common naming;
following elements they tested doesn't have a examples include the elements in group 17
characteristic metallic appearance. Dr. One has called halogens, whereas elements in group 18
also tested the elements' other metallic are known as noble gases. The students were
properties, such as ductility and electrical asked how many valence electrons sodium has
conductivity. After the first test, the students when forming an ionic bond with Chlorine with
could now categorize the remaining four the help of the periodic table. They also need to
elements into metals or non-metals. They were determine what Cs and Cl react to form using
asked to assign the correct color to each element their location on the periodic table. After this,
box by clicking on it until it had the right color.  the students will determine which of the group
elements has a complete octet of electrons.
After correctly identifying the metals among the There are other known trends in the periodic
five elements, the students need to find the table; the students were asked what the
position of the metal elements in the periodic oxidation state of Chlorine is using the trends of
table. The students used a standard analytic oxidation states in the periodic table. 
procedure called a flame test. The students
started the test by clicking the wire loop to The students proceeded with the experiment by
check if it was clean before testing the samples. clicking on the holo-table on the right side of
the room. On the holo-table, the students virtual simulation, the students were given
observed the atomic radii of some elements important information about the periodic table.
within the same group (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and The students were able to explore and
the same period (K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V). The students familiarize themselves with the periodic table.
also saw the electronegativity and ionization The students were introduced to the three main
energy of the elements on the dashboard. Since classes of elements: Metals, Non-Metals,
the arrows on the control panel on the wall are Metalloids. Metals are elements that are shiny,
incorrect, the students were tasked to assign the malleable, and good conductors of heat and
correct trends for atomic radius, ionization electricity. A non-metal is an element that does
energy, and electronegativity. After assigning not have the properties of a metal. At the same
the right direction of arrows, they need to time, a metalloid is an element having
choose which is the reason for an increasing intermediate properties of both metals and non-
atomic radius within one group and the reason metals. Afterward, the students were asked
for a decreasing atomic radius within one which of the chemical classes does Mercury
period. The students were also asked which (Hg) belongs to. The students identified
other trend can cause an increase in ionization Mercury (Hg) as a metal; all metals except
energy. The students looked at phosphorus and Mercury (Hg) are solids at room temperature
Neon's chemical properties to assign the last two and normal pressure.
missing elements in the periodic table. After
assigning the missing elements, Dr. One showed They need to perform several experiments to
the students the atomic number of all the figure out where the fallen-out boxes go in the
elements on the wall. The students were asked periodic table. The students were asked what
what they thought the atomic number kind of experiment would help them categorize
represented.  some of the elements. The students agreed with
all of the questions' options, such as testing the
Afterward, Lucy—an aspiring scientist, visited element's ductility, observing their shininess,
the laboratory to ask further questions about the and measuring their electrical conductivity.
periodic table. She asked the students what the Testing the metallic character of the elements
green color on the periodic table represents. will help the students categorize the elements
Since krypton is Lucy's favorite element, she into metals and non-metals. The students were
asked the students if the elements in the same later asked which among the elements is a non-
group as krypton have anything in common. metal. The students chose Neon (Ne) as their
Lucy tested the students' knowledge by asking answer because Neon (Ne) is gaseous at room
what is the element with the lowest temperature and normal pressure. The students
electronegativity. The virtual laboratory proceeded to the workbench to perform all of
simulation ended with a survey to assess if the their experiments. Their first experiment is to
students learned something.  observe the shininess of the elements. They
were asked to click on the forceps to pick it up
Results and Discussion and then click any of the elements to have a
closer look at its appearance. After observing all
In this section, the students will be discussing of the four elements, the students placed them
the results of the virtual experiment per phase. back in the corresponding container. The
This simulation is for students to learn how students were asked which of the elements
elements are organized in the periodic table (Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Copper) they
according to similar properties and how they tested didn't have a metallic appearance; the
can predict an element's behavior. Before
starting the experiment, the students were asked
to wear a lab coat, gloves, and goggles for
safety precautions. In the first phase of the
students answered Phosphorus (P) because it hydrochloric acid, and then into the beaker with
didn't appear shiny. Dr. One has also tested the water. They then held the wire loop into the
other metallic properties, such as ductility and flame of the Bunsen burner to check for residual
electrical conductivity of the elements. All of ions. After ensuring that the wire loop was
their results and observations were saved in the clean, the students dipped it into the Calcium
logbook for comparison and analysis. Chloride sample and held it into the flame. The
Figure 1. Results of the tests students observed the color of the flame; it
Based on the first test results, the students can turned out that the flame turned orange. Before
now categorize the four remaining elements into moving on to the following sample, the students
metals or non-metals. The students were then cleaned the wire loop first. They then dipped the
tasked to assign the correct color to each wire loop into the Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
element box by clicking on it until it had the sample and held it into the flame. The students
right color. In the periodic table wall of the observed that the flame turned yellow. For the
laboratory, the metals are in blue and non- last time, the students cleaned the wire loop first
metals in green. The students assigned the blue to remove the residue from the previous
on the following elements: Calcium (Ca), samples. The students then started to dip the
Sodium (Na), and Copper (Cu) because these wire loop into the Copper (II) Chloride and held
elements have all of the metallic properties. it into the flame. The students observed that the
After identifying which among the five elements flame turned green. All of their observations for
are metal, the students proceeded to Phase 2 of the flame test were recorded in the monitor on
the simulation. Wherein the students will need the workbench. Lastly, they were asked what
to find the position of the metal elements in the caused the change of the color of the flame that
periodic table. they saw in the test. The students later identified
that it is because of the electrons falling back
The students made us of a standard analytic into their original shell.
procedure, called a flame test. This test can
distinguish different metal ions depending on After the students obtained a clear result from
the emission spectrum produced when the the flame test, they can now start to compare it
element is introduced into a hot flame. More with the flame colors that are known to be
specifically, when a metal ion solution is held produced by some of the periodic elements
into a flame, heat will excite the valence using the periodic table on the wall. Dr. One
electrons that emit a particular wavelength in asked the students to pick up the elements,
the visible light spectrum when falling back to Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), and Copper (Cu),
their original state. from the floor and place them in the correct
place on the periodic table wall. The students
placed the three metal elements correctly on the
wall. Most of the groups in the periodic table
have a common naming; for example, the
elements in group 17 are called halogens,
whereas elements in group 18 are known as
noble gases. In this part of the simulation, the
students will learn more about the different
element families. Members of the same element
group usually share similar properties.
Transition metals, for example, are located
between groups 3 and 12 have a specific
Figure 2. Flame Test
electron configuration characterized by an
incomplete sub-shell, which gives them some
The students started the test by picking up the
exciting chemical properties.
wire loop, dipping it into the beaker with
asked which group of elements has a complete
octet of electrons. The students selected the
noble gases because all elements that belong to
the noble gasses, except helium, are
characterized by eight electrons in their valence
shell. The periodic table can also help find the
oxidation state of an element. Knowing the
oxidation number or state is very useful, for
example, when balancing reduction-oxidation
Figure 3. Element families (redox) reactions.

The number of valence electrons of non- The students were asked to apply the trends of
transition metals, also called main group oxidation states in the periodic table; they were
elements, can be easily found by their location asked about the oxidation state of Chlorine (Cl).
in the periodic table. They answered -1 since they based their answer
on the periodic table.

Figure 4. Valence Electrons using

the Periodic table Figure 5. The oxidation state of elements

The students were asked how many valence This information will be helpful for the students
electrons Na (Sodium) has when forming an in assigning the remaining two elements on the
ionic bond with Cl (Chlorine). The students periodic table wall. Afterward, the students were
answered eight valence electrons because when asked to go to the holo-table on the right side of
forming an ionic bond with Cl (Chlorine), Na the periodic table wall where the atomic radii of
(Sodium) gives up one electron to Cl (Chlorine), some elements within the group (Li, Na, K, Rb,
resulting in a complete octet of eight electrons Cs) and some in the period (K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V).
in the outermost shell. However, when not in a The students were also able to see the
compound, Na (Sodium) has only one valence electronegativity, and ionization energy of the
according to its location in group 1 of the element is shown. There are a bunch of arrows
periodic table. on the control panel on the wall; the arrow
shows the direction of the trend (from a lower to
The students were asked another question on a higher value), but currently, some of the
what will form when Cs (Cesium) and Cl arrow's directions are incorrect. The students
(Chlorine) react. The students answered CsCl change the direction of the atomic radius in the
(Cesium Chloride) because elements in the same period from the right side to the left and the
group have the same number of valence
electrons and, therefore, the same bonding
behavior. Cs (Cesium) donates its one valence
electron to Cl (Chlorine) when forming a bond
to fulfill the octet rule. Next, the students were
direction of the atomic radius in the group from Afterward, a visitor came to the laboratory to
upward to downward. ask questions about the periodic table. The
Figure 6. Periodic table trends visitor's name is Lucy; she is an aspiring
scientist. The first question Lucy asked was
The students were asked about the reason for an what does the green color represents on the
increasing atomic radius within a group. The periodic table. The students answered non-
students answered that it was because of the metals. Next, Lucy asked the students if the
increasing number of electron shells since it elements in the same group as krypton have
influences the element's atomic radius. Next, anything in common. The students answered
they were asked about the reason for a that the elements included in the group of
decreasing atomic radius within one period. krypton have the same number of valence
They answered that the increasing number of electrons. Lastly, she asked what is the element
protons was because the atomic radii got smaller with the lowest electronegativity. The students
as they moved up in group number. There is answered Francium because the element is
also no additional shell, and more protons are implausible to attract electrons. The virtual
present, which draw the electrons to the core. simulation ended with a survey to assess
They were then asked which other trend causes whether the students learned something valuable
the increase of ionization energy when moving about the periodic table.
left to right across a period. The students
answered the decrease of atomic radius since the Conclusion
more tightly bound an element is, the more
energy is required to move an electron. To sum up the research, The periodic table of
Therefore, the ionization energy increases when the elements is an ordered array of all chemical
the atomic radius decreases. Subsequently, the elements in increasing atomic number order. An
students had a look at Phosphorous's (P) and element's atomic number is the number of
Neon's (Ne) chemical properties using the holo- protons in the nucleus of each atom of that
table. After looking at the two elements' element. This means that the number of protons
chemical properties, the students assigned is the characteristic that differentiates each
Phosphorous and Neon to the periodic table. element from all the other elements. Electrons
are subatomic particles that orbit an atom's
Element P+ N I EN nucleus. They have a negative charge and are
much smaller than the atom's nucleus. In a
P 15 16 1011 2.19 neutral atom, the number of electrons equals the
Ne 10 10 2080 - number of protons. However, if the element
contains a negative or positive ion, the protons
Table 1. Phosphorous and Neon's chemical and electrons will differ. The students have to
properties figure it out. The ion number will appear after
the element as a small superscript. A neutron is
Dr. One showed the students the atomic number an uncharged subatomic particle with a mass
of the elements on the periodic table wall after nearly equal to a proton and is found in all
the students placed the two elements correctly. known atomic nuclei, except for the hydrogen
The students were asked what do they think the nucleus. Because protons and neutrons make up
atomic number represented. The students later the vast majority of an atom's mass, subtracting
identified that the atomic number represents the the number of protons (i.e., the atomic number)
number of protons of an element. The number from the atomic mass gives you the calculated
of protons is fixed for every element, while the number of neutrons in the atom.
number of neutrons may vary, creating different
isotopes for each element. The periodic table of elements is divided into
ten groups: the Noble Gases, Halogens,
Nonmetals, Metalloids, Post-Transition metals, predicting an element's properties. These trends
Transition metals, Actinides, and Lanthanides, exist due to the elements' similar atomic
Alkali-earth metals, and Alkali metals. There structure within their respective group families
are seven rows and 18 columns in the table. or periods and the periodic nature of the
Each row represents one period; an element's elements. Electronegativity is a measurement of
period number indicates how many of its energy an atom's tendency to attract and form bonds
levels contain electrons. The table's columns with electrons. Electronegativity increases from
represent element groups or families. Because left to right across an element period.
they have the same number of electrons in their Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom
outermost shell, elements in a group often look in a group. Although transition metals have
and behave similarly. The groups are numbered electronegativity values, there is slight variation
one through eighteen. There are two groups (1 across the period and up and down a group. The
and 2) of elements in the periodic table's s- noble gases, lanthanides, and actinides are
block, or hydrogen block; ten groups (3 through exceptions to the rules above. 
12) in the d-block, or transition block; and six
groups (13 through 18) in the p-block, or main The energy required to remove an electron from
block. Lanthanoids and actinoids are not a neutral atom in its gaseous state is ionization
assigned a group number in the f-block or inner- energy. Ionization energy is conceptually the
transition block. inverse of electronegativity. Within a period, the
ionization energy of the elements generally
The majority of elements are metals. They are increases from left to right. This is due to the
usually shiny and dense and only melt at stability of the valence shell. The ionization
extremely high temperatures. They can easily be energy of elements within a group decreases in
shaped into thin wires or sheets without general from top to bottom. Because of electron
breaking. Metals, like rusting iron, will corrode shielding, this is the case. Because of their
and gradually wear away. Metals are good whole valence shells, the noble gases have very
conductors because heat and electricity quickly high ionization energies. It is important to note
pass through metals. The students can check if that helium has the highest ionization energy of
the element is a metal by assessing if the any element. The ability of an atom to accept
element has metallic properties such as ductility an electron is referred to as electron affinity.
and electrical conductivity. A flame test can also Within a given period, electron affinity moves
be conducted to know which group a particular from left to right. This is due to the decrease in
element belong quickly. The flame test is a atomic radius. Within a group, electron affinity
qualitative chemistry test used to help determine decreases from top to bottom. This is due to an
the identity or potential identity of a metal or increase in the atomic radius.
metalloid ion found in an ionic compound.
When the compound is exposed to the flame of To summarize, the periodic table is significant
a gas burner, it may emit a distinct color visible because it is organized to provide a wealth of
to the naked eye. information about elements and how they
interact with one another in a single, easy-to-
Periodic trends are specific patterns in the access reference. The table can be used to
periodic table that illustrate various aspects of predict the properties of elements, including
any particular element, such as its size and those yet to be discovered. Knowing the
electronic properties. Major periodic trends are periodic table is useful because it organizes the
electronegativity, ionization energy, electron chemical properties of the elements. The
affinity, atomic radius, melting point, and students can determine the trend of those
metallic character. Periodic trends resulting properties and compare them to one another
from the periodic table's arrangement provide based on their position. The periodic table of
chemists with an invaluable tool for quickly elements is vital in modern life, that it has
assisted scientists in discovering many
significant events. The periodic table aided 5414878.html
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required for human survival.  Neutron (n.d.). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved
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How Are Elements Grouped in the Periodic
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