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Abdelhamid bouhaji Middle School

First Term Second Test

Full name:…………………………………….. Class: 1MS……

Good morning, I am Ahmed.

What is your name?

Hi, my name is
Nice to meet you Rahim.

Glad to meet you Ahmed.

PART ONE: (7pts)

I. Reading Comprehension:
Task One: (3pts) I read the conversation and I fill in the table below:

Greetings Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives

- - -
- - -

Task Two: (2pts) I Find in the conversation words or expressions that are closest
in meaning:
Hello =…………………. I am = ………………
Task Three: (2PTS) I pick out from the conversation two words containing the
following sounds:

/ei / /ai /
……………… ……………….
II. Mastery of Language : (7pts)
Task One: ( 4pts) I match the following:

Full Stop

Exclamation Mark

Question Mark


Task Two: (3pts) I reorder the following words to form coherent sentences.

1- am / Samir / . / I /

2- name / Mohamed / . / is / my /

3- is / ? / your / What / name /


PART TWO : Situation of integration (6pts)

Ben Ten wants to introduce himself. Write what he says.

is nam

my Ten


Best wishes from your teacher Belhadj

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