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Past surgeries : had a (6) in 1992, and a wrist operation in 1972

OET 2.0 LISTENING TASK 5 Family history : mother had a (7) colon cancer.

Part A Medications : Premarin 0.625 mg, Aciphex 20 mg daily, Toprol 50 mg daily, Norvasc 5 mg
daily, multivitamin, (8) B-complex vitamins calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C
In this part of the test, you will hear two different extracts. In each extract, a Healthcare daily.
Professional is talking to his patient. For questions 1 to 24 complete the notes with the
information you hear.
Physical examination : blood pressure 154/72, (9) and weight 153 pounds
Now, look at the notes for extract 1.
: spine is straight and nontender. Has a mild kyphosis, but no scoliosis
Extract 1: Questions 1 to 12
: gait assessment shows she has some unsteadiness and a widened base
You hear a neurologist talking to a new patient called Mrs. Lizaveta. For questions 1 to 12,
complete the following notes with a word or short phrase.
: a (10) with trace expansion into the temporal horns
You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

: The (11) is patent

: corpus callosum is bowed and effaced

Patient : Mrs. Lizaveta:
: developed a couple of small T2 signal abnormalities no changes in
Age : 71
periventricular signal

Symptoms &disease : Suspected case of (1)

Further diagnosis : (12) test through lumbar punch method.
Patient’s description of symptoms: she has been walking in a strange manner for the past three
Extract 2: Questions 13 to 24
months. has a broadened base and has developed (2)
You hear a physician talking to a patient. For questions 13 to 24, complete the following
: her balance is declining. Not using any assistive device. notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

: normal bowel & bladder movements. No headache.

: memory is slowing down.

Medical history : no trouble with (3) but she has vertigo. Patient : Mrs. Jamila

: she was diagnosed for (4) in 2014 but no snoring or apnea. Age : 45

Reason for referral : Mantle Cell Lymphoma

: arthritis since 2000 and (5) since 1975.



Patient’s description of symptoms: had abdominal pain eight months back. Treated for
Further treatment : chemotherapy with hyperfractionated,(23)
suspected pneumonia with (13) dexamethasone, doxorubicin, vincristine.

: admitted to emergency ward as her pain worsened : Discontinue aspirin and continue with Estradiol / Prometrium. Ativan as
and when feeling anxiety.
: further diagnosis detected (14) and was
medicated with Percocet. : To start (24) from today and hydration, to avoid tumor lysis
syndrome. Plan
: prescription was changed to Ultram as she was getting
nausea with Percocet. : to add Rituxan a little later, since the patient has circulating lymphoma
: further diagnosis showed (15) and a spleen
: to be evaluated for bone marrow transplant in first remission.
of 19 cm

: positron emission tomography showed (16)

of 1 to 2 cm diameter, and an enlarged hypermetabolic spleen. lymph node biopsy last month That is the end of Part A
detected mantle cell lymphoma bone marrow biopsy showed bone marrow involvement with
lymphoma and has circulating lymphoma cells on (17)
Now look at Part B

Medical history : (18) in 2001, cyst from left neck was operated in 2005

: had tonsillectomy

: gets occasional (19)

Part B
In this part of the test, you will hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear people
Family history : father had (20) and colon cancer talking in a different healthcare environment.

For questions, 25 to 30 choose the answer (A, B, or C) which fit best according to what you
: mother has hypertension and (21) hear. You will have time to read each question before you listen to the audio. Complete the
answers as you listen the audio.
Medications : Estradiol / Prometrium 200 mg, Ultram when gets pain, Baby aspirin
Now look at question 25
(22) for sleeping and iron supplements

(25) You hear two doctors discussing the topic of keeping the immune system under

Which of the following statements best suits this extract?



A. Drugs used for autoimmune diseases blocks the energy pathway to deactivate the disease (28) You hear a discussion between doctors on fake Stop the Bleed kits.

B. Energy pathways are feasible targets to treat certain diseases that involve dietary measures Which of the following statements is correct?

C. Diets are going to play a prominent role in disease management A. Counterfeit tourniquets would probably cost between 25 to 35 dollars.

B. Genuine tourniquets range from 25 to 35 dollars.

C. One should not buy Stop the Bleed kits for a cost lesser than 25 dollars.

(26) You hear physicians discussing the topic of coping with a peanut allergy. ANSWER:

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Children with eczema should not ingest peanuts.

B. Children with eczema should eat peanuts at an early stage. (29) You hear a physician explaining to his nurse about causes of obesity.

C. Parents should avoid feeding every kind of food that can cause an allergic reaction to their Which of the following is the main cause for obesity?
A. The interaction between genes and the bacteria in our guts
B. The interaction between the diet we eat, our genes, and our bacteria in our body.

C. Genes colonized with bacteria that produce more nutrients for the host.
(27) You hear the discussion between physicians on the importance of food challenge
Which of the following statements best suits this extract?
(30) You hear a physician briefing staff about the Herpes virus infection.
A. Food challenge test becomes inevitable with patients with food allergies
Which of the following is not a symptom of the Herpes virus infection.
B. Food allergy tests are an alternative to the food challenge test.
A. Tingling
C. Food allergy tests carry lots of false positives.
B. Bleeding
C. Swollen lymph nodes




Part C
(33) Which one of the following statements is correct?
In this part of the test, you'll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you'll hear health
professionals talking about specific aspects of their work.
A. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry test costs lesser than the Peripheral test.
For questions, 31 to 42 choose the answer (A, B, or C) which fits best according to what you
hear. Complete the answers as you listen the audio. B. The peripheral test can show normal results of the patient with osteoporosis in backbone or
Now, look at extract one.
C. Dual-energy X-ray test measures only heel, the wrist, or the bones between finger joints.
Extract 1

Questions 31 to 36 ANSWER:

You hear the lecture given by a senior physician to junior doctors on the risk factors of
osteoporosis disease.
(34) The mineral density of the bones of all parts will be same;
You have 90 seconds to read questions 31 to 36
A. When a woman reaches fifty years.

B. In Caucasian females over seventy years of age.

(31) A person is considered drunk when the blood alcohol level reaches;
C. When a woman reaches seventy years of age.
A. 0.08

B. 2.08 ANSWER:

C. 0.28
(35) The calcium intake per day in people over fifty years should be;
A. 1200 milligrams per day

B. 800 to 1000 international units per day

C. 2500 milligrams per day

(32) Thirty days of a rat’s life are equivalent to;

A. Three months ANSWER:

B. Thirty human months

C. Three years




(36) Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Salmon has soft bones (39) Which of the following is an autoimmune disorder in hypothyroidism?

B. Vitamin D absorbs calcium A. Hashimoto’s disease

C. Individuals over 50 should take 1200 milligrams of Vitamin D B. Grave's disease

C. Thyroiditis


Extract 2

Questions 37 to 42 (40) Which of the following is not a cause for hypothyroidism?

You hear the brief instruction given by a physician to his staff on the abnormalities in thyroid A. a malfunctioning hypothalamus

You have 90 seconds to read questions 37 to 42

B. a radioactive treatment for hypothyroidism

C. a malfunctioning pituitary gland

(37) Which of the following is not a symptom of hyperthyroidism? ANSWER:

A. Depression

B. Weight loss

C. Tremors (41) In which of the following diseases does the autoimmune system mimic the thyroid
stimulating hormone?
A. Hashimoto’s disease

B. Thyroiditis
(38) Which of the following disease has an inflamed gland?
C. Grave's disease
A. Hashimoto’s disease
B. Thyroiditis

C. Autoimmune disorder



(42) Which of the following statements is incorrect? ANSWERS

A. Goiter can be unnoticeable in certain cases. 1. Adult Hydrocephalus

2. Stooped Posture
B. The nodules or lumps in the gland starts secreting more hormones with the help of the 3. Syncope
pituitary gland. 4. Hypertension
5. Thyroid Abnormalities
C. Certain medications taken to treat hypothyroidism result in hyperthyroidism. 6. Hysterectomy
7. Mild Ventriculomegaly
ANSWER: 8. Caltrate Plus D
9. Heart Rate 87
10. Mild Ventriculomegaly
11. Sylvian Aqueduct
12. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leakage
13. Antibiotics And Prednisone
14. Pleurisy
15. Splenomegaly
16. Diffuse Hypermetabolic Lymph Nodes
17. Peripheral Smear
18. Tubal Ligation
19. Migraines
20. Emphysema
21. Arrhythmia
22. Lunesta
23. Cyclophosphamide
24. Allopurinol
25. C
26. B
27. A
28. B
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. A
38. B
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. B


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