E GC MAED Case Study

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Case Study of a 9-year-old with Behavioral Problem

When this student came to our school in 2019 as

Focus transferee he was a 9-year-old, fourth grader without prior
knowledge about his behavior. We don’t have background
of his attitude from previous school so we conduct
interviews from his family where he lives. I use observation
based on the behavior and the compilations of the different
incident reports, behavioral analysis and guidance behavior

From the given data gathered and based on the

Type of observation conducted the client, who is a 9-year-old,
Problem Best grade four pupil and a transferee shows behavioral
Suited for problem but still need to be diagnose by a professional.
His mother is working abroad, their father who has another
Discipline family cannot take care of them anymore.
He is also physically abused by his stepmother.

He is the eldest but it seems he is the youngest based on

his decisions and behavior.

Teachers report “his way work in the classroom is chaotic,”

and he rarely knew focus on one activity for longer than
two to three minutes.

His grandmother said he should “repeat the instructions


If I will show to one of the students the behavior I like, the

client will do the opposite of that behavior. He doesn't
seem to have any respect for her classmates or me. I
would really like to focus on the client throughout this
course because I feel I need to learn different strategies to
work with him and other students like him.

Unit of Analysis To deeply analyze the client’s behavior and even giving
attention to him is a big challenge, I tried to interview the
client every after class, ask him the following questions:
1. How are you today? (Kumusta ang maghapon mo?)
2. Can you tell me what you feel about your
performance in doing your activities inside the
classroom? (Maaari mo bang ikwento ang
nararamdaman mo kapag gumagawa ka ng mga
gawain sa loob ng paaralan?)
3. What can you say about your classmates? (Ano ang
masasabi mo sa iyong mga kaklase?)
4. What do you feel about going to school everyday?
(Ano ang nararamdaman mo sa tuwing pumapasok
ka sa paaralan?
5. How are you dealing with your grandmother and
other cousins? (Kumusta naman ang pakikisama mo
sa iyong lola at mga pinsan?

Data Collection I use the following to gather and collect the data to monitor
Forms the client’s daily behavior.
1. Interviews
2. School Incident Report Form
3. School Behavioral Form

Data Analysis Upon analyzing the data I gathered through the use of the
Strategies forms, I use the descriptive analysis since the forms I
collected is more on observational.

Written Report See attached file below.

Data Analysis –

Comparison –

Submitted by:
GD-MAED-GC-A Submitted to:


Written Report based on Descriptive Analysis

Background Information:
Honestly, I am not comfortable with this boy, why? Because he makes me feel
powerless because he always opposes my authority. At this point, I do not know how I
would react to his behavior in the classroom. It seems that our school guidance counselor
and I have used every tactic we know working with him, but nothing works. What I find
most difficult is that I always wonder how I treat the class. It is clear to me that something
has to change. Unfortunately, I do not feel able to meet his needs.

But upon knowing his background, that his parents are separated, with her mother
working abroad and his father having another family I began to accept him and teach him
how to cope with misbehaving. He was also physically abused by his stepmother. He
now he lives with his grandmother and cousins. Love and affection is missing with the
child as he continues to misbehave and see our attention.

During his stay in school most other students look up to him and follow his lead.
Many times a student is asked to choose a friend who will help him with something. About
six boys in our class automatically selected him to help them. Except during the break, I
can see that he is the package leader. He tells the other students what to do and if they
do not do that, he gets other students to run away from the one who will not do it. There
have been many times when I went out to meet the students after lunch and found one
of them crying. Four times out of five the disciples wept over what he had said to them.

I had an experience with him making joke of the bolo and using it to bully or give
his classmates extreme fear. That incident is really something that I have to give
attention, called his grandmother to discuss what he did and again study his behavior why
he did it.
Another thing I know about my client is that he was not diagnosed with any
psychological diagnosis sine they are incapable to pay for the test. After many struggles
with my school counselor, with the teachers and with his grandparents, he is not taking
medication. I met with his grandparents and a school guidance coordinator to discuss
various ways to work with him. All ideas raised require cooperation between teachers at
school and parents at home. Over the course of three months of stay in our school, we
tried out almost three different strategies that had been suggested. Now we are back to
where we started without knowing how it was done of this work.

I hate giving negative comments about a student, so I have a good one. My client
can be a very good helper. He has been in class longer than I am. You are very familiar
with everything in the classroom and are always eager to help. I used to jump on this and
take on this power, but when I ask him to help me often, he starts to think it is his job to
help and not someone else. I feel frustrated and want to find a way to work with him that
will benefit him, the class, and me. I have a lot of work on my hands, but when I do it with
work, I hope I will come up with some great ideas.


Based on the data gathered, and the descriptive analysis I compiled, my client is
misbehaving due to different reasons:

1. The presence of his mother who is abroad make him feel distant and lack of love
and affection.
2. His relationship to his father who has another family and to his stepmother who
hits and spanks him always.
3. Physical abuse received form people who are not related to him.
4. Longing for love, affection and care of a mother.
5. He feels that leading can help him boost his self-confidence.
6. He can find comfort in bullying.

Client received a customized schedule of activities, exercises and behavioral

recommendations. The focus was on strengthening the underlying weakness activities
and to improve communication between different functions. His plan included several
activities to strengthen his patience and self-control. Special attention was taught to
soothe the client hypersensitivity and proper acquisition of attention will be given.
I suggest that parents or guardians can evaluate the client to a professional to
diagnose the true behavior problem and to give proper medications and exercises.

There is a continuous observation while the client is still under our school care.
Follow-up such as interview, and visitation is conducted during the times the client is not
present. Loggin in the analysis data to monitor the changes of the behavior is highly

Submitted by:
GD-MAED-GC-A Submitted to:



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