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Am I in a Sales Process or a Buying Process?

The following article is a transcript. You can view the What is your RFP wins to lose ratio?
full video below, as well as more in this series on our
Knowledge Hub If we are to improve our success rate for any sales
engagement, we must move it into a sales process.
Here is guidance from my own experience how we
can achieve this.

• First, slow down and pause for a moment.

Did we help the buying organisation prepare this

RFI, RFP or sales engagement? If not, there is
a higher probability we will not win this deal if
we remain in their buying process. Here is the
reason why. The buying organisation has worked
hard preparing this project and will probably have
past their project mid-point. At the point in time is when they become less open to new ideas.
Am I in a sales process or a buying process? Their attention will be focused on execution.
The incumbent seller will also have laid traps
That may sound a simple question to a
that favour their RFI / RFP response or sales
sales team or sales leader. Our immediate engagement.
response would probably be, “Of course
a sales process!”. This question is not as • Is this an ideal opportunity we can win?
straightforward as it first appears.
Do not engage unless this is an ideal RFI / RFP or
Irrespective of the fact we are in sales when a buying sales opportunity; we are confident we can win.
company contacts us, we are in a buying process.
Furthermore, they are some way along that process. Ok, so that makes a lot of sense for RFIs and RFPs.
According to the Corporate Executive Board, buyers What about all those other sales engagements, surely
typically do not contact us until 57% of their way we are managing those as a sales process?
through their purchase decision.
Not necessarily. If buyers are not contacting us until
Being in a buying process is itself not a bad thing; 57% of their way through their purchase decision, we
there will be a deal to be won. What is bad is the will be in a buying process. So how do we them into
fact we think we are in a selling process. Misjudging our sales process? We need to consider the buyer’s
where we are will make it harder to persuade and mindset and their behaviour at different stages of their
influence others. project.

Let us take the most extreme example, a Response • During the beginning, they will be more open
For Information (RFI) or Response For Proposal to new ideas.
(RFP). Who is in control of that RFI or RFP process?
Of course, it is the buyer controlling the process. Assuming we are asking the right questions, and
Only the company helping the buyer develop the RFI our solution is an ideal fit to address their priority
or RFP is close to being in a sales process. needs, we will move through the discovery phase
fast. Doing so allows us to focus on building and
If you regularly respond to an RFI and RFP, take a strengthening relationships with all those involved
look at your Customer Relationship Management in the buying process. To better understand their
(CRM) data. priority needs and competitively position our
proposed solution.
These represent our ideal sales leads to use one or more of these tactics, they may be
engagements that Marketing supports us to find. equally applicable to the other sales stages.
Getting in early means we have more control in 1. Avoid presenting yourself as the only viable
managing the sales engagement. choice who can help them avoid the threats
ahead. Positioning yourself as the only viable
• During the midpoint, buyers realise time is choice will only force them to dig their heels in.
running out.
Objectively present the threats we see ahead with
Midpoints are also the stage when most buyers a specific, clear plan of action how we can help
reach out to sellers. If we engage at this stage, avoid them.
we must do our discovery quickly. Once again,
if our solution is an ideal fit, my experience 2. If this is an ideal opportunity and the price is
is the discovery phase completes quickly. If our only option, consider using what I call the
discovering the information we need is dragging ‘Bookend Pricing Strategy’. I am not a fan of
its feet, our solution is probably not an ideal fit. price discounting because it ties up downstream
That, of course, assumes we are asking the right resources that should focus on delivering higher
questions. profit and revenue deals. This strategy has helped
me avoid price discounting. Always accompany
Buyers who contact us at this stage most buyers this strategy with strong testimonials reinforcing
know what they need, or think they know what why you are the ideal choice.
they need. To become more relevant and offer
value, we need to find problems they are not There are two ways you can use the Bookend
expecting. Pricing.

Be careful. These are challenging times to My preferred approach is to bookend our

introduce a new problem. Fear-arousing solution between a competitive high and low
communications will not motivate our audience to priced alternative. We need to avoid positioning
take action. We must pair our message conveying ourselves as the lower cost alternative. People
a potential problem with a clear, specific, easy to tend to lean towards the compromise choice
follow the plan of action. Include an equally clear, falling between what they need at a minimum and
specific and easy to follow plan how we will deal what they could spend at a maximum.
with their priority problem.
If we do not know our competitor pricing,
Do this, and we have a greater opportunity to use market research to bookend three price
move the buyer into our sales process. alternatives we present. Chances are our
competitors’ pricing will fall within this range.
• Towards the end of the project, buyers are
focused on execution. By constructing this set of alternatives, we
increase the likelihood they will select our ideal
Engaging with a sales lead at this stage can be solution as their best choice.
challenging. If we decide to adopt a price discount
strategy, we risk remaining in a buying process.

To take more control moving the engagement

towards a sales process, we need to be masters
of persuasion. Here are four persuasion tactics
I have found to be very effective. I provide many
more during our training courses. If you decide
3. Be careful in offering too much choice. We are
working to manage this engagement in our sales
process. Often prospects do not know precisely
what they want until they have surveyed what is
available to them.

Offering too much choice, especially when we

are entering a buying process late can frustrate
the buyer. The bookend strategy presenting no About the Author
more than three alternatives with our ideal solution
positioned as the compromise choice works well Treve Wearne is the founder of Nazca Services
here too. Limited. Treve supports businesses and sales
teams, positioning themselves and increasing
4. Take our ego out of the buying and sales process. sales revenues. Improving sales forecasts, talent
We usually have a couple of testimonials we development and retention in the most challenging
are most proud and want to share. They may business environments.
demonstrate the best use of our solution, but if
they do not relate to our sales lead’s situation, Contact Nazca Services
they can work against us.

Present only those testimonials whose

circumstances are most comparable to our sales

No matter at what stage we engage with a sales

lead, we can always influence and persuade. Doing
so helps us move a sales lead out of their buying
process into our own sales process.

We have created a Guide that will help you take

greater control of your sales engagements. Download
the Guide Using Sales Prospecting Tools to Improve
Sales Pipeline Reviews.

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Am I in a Sales Process or a Buying Process v1.1

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