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Kuwait ITF Tournament

FEB 6-14

Perpose to find out what im doing wrong and what I should correct for next weeks

This week I came into the tournament not very confident since I was not playing at
a very good level back in dubai although I played pretty good and fujarah and
dubai and through out that whole week and the next couple of weeks I was playing
at a high level I had to take a break for exams so after that I was not confident. I
was not mentally ready and not mentally confident. When we arrived here I was
playing not bad and was feeling the ball good and once the draw came out I saw
that I had an easy match and so I started underestimating my opponent and started
to take it easy but this was very wronge and would effect me later in the
tournament because I would lose all my rythem and when I started to play again
with the fast rythen I was not able to feel the ball. In the second round of my
singles I played a solid player and I was 2-1 up serving and had many chnaces to
make it 3-1.

Positive things I did this week:

 Alhamdulillah, I got easy match 1st round of singles and doubles, so I got
some points.
 During the practices I was able to fight well and play well when I was in the
 Played well the first 4 games of me second rounds (attacking the ball,
hitting, defending well)
 Stayed positive during most of the practices and matches.
 Solid with the legs and running well and finding good shots when I am in a
very bad position (running side to side / defending)
Negative things I did this week:
 Mindset was not the best from the beginning
 Most of the time instead of focusing on the timing and feeling the ball I
wanted to keep hitting and because of that I would keep missing.
 Took my first singles match too easy and underestimated the guy and
because of that I lost all of my rhythm.
 Chose a bad doubles partner who didn’t care to play the match and was just
having fun.
 Not focusing on what I need to do with the good and right technique and just
trying to hit the ball very hard.
 Not being able to convert the important and crucial points and be able to
take the gap in the matches.
 Not using my brain and giving the opponent easy point.

What I will do this week to make it all work:

 I will be confident and no matter who I’m playing I will have a good
mindset from the beginning.
 If I am not feeling the ball I will focus on the timing and things to really
keep the ball I play and no matter what make sure to put the ball back in the
 I will not underestimate anyone and no matter who is on the other side of the
court I will play my game.
 I already found a very good doubles partner and inshallah we will win.
 Focus on the technique and make sure I am doing it properly.
 When I have the change to make the gap focus 100% of that point and do
whatever it takes to win that point.
 Making sure I focus on ever point and respect each and every point.
 Play according to the score and knowing which shot to play and at which

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