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Erosion Management Plan: Umsinde

Emoyeni Wind Energy Facility

Murraysburg, Western Cape


October 2022


Prepared by:
The Biodiversity Company
Cell: +27 81 319 1225
Fax: +27 86 527 1965
Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

Report Name Umsinde Emoyeni WEF – Erosion Management Plan

Reference Umsinde WEF

Submitted to

Leigh-Ann de Wet

Report Writer Ms Leigh-Ann de Wet is Pr. Nat. Sci. registered (400233/12) and has extensive experience in
assessing terrestrial biodiversity. She obtained her MSc in Botany from Rhodes University and is
currently a PhD candidate at the University of KwaZulu-Natal studying forest ecosystems in coastal
KZN. She has over 12 years’ experience conducting terrestrial biodiversity assessments (including
both flora and fauna as well as specialist avifauna) throughout Southern Africa, West and Central
Africa and Madagascar. She has experience in all 9 provinces of South Africa with a particular
interest in KZN flora, and avifauna.

Andrew Husted

Andrew Husted is Pr Sci Nat registered (400213/11) in the following fields of practice: Ecological
Reviewer Science, Environmental Science and Aquatic Science. Andrew is an Aquatic, Wetland and
Biodiversity Specialist with more than 12 years’ experience in the environmental consulting field.
Andrew has completed numerous wetland training courses, and is an accredited wetland
practitioner, recognised by the DWS, and also the Mondi Wetlands programme as a competent
wetland consultant.

The Biodiversity Company and its associates operate as independent consultants under the
auspice of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions. We declare that we have
no affiliation with or vested financial interests in the proponent, other than for work performed under
the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2017. We have no conflicting interests in the
undertaking of this activity and have no interests in secondary developments resulting from the
authorisation of this project. We have no vested interest in the project, other than to provide a
professional service within the constraints of the project (timing, time and budget) based on the
principals of science.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF


I, Leigh-Ann de Wet declare that:

 I act as the independent specialist in this application;

 I will perform the work relating to the application in an objective manner, even if this
results in views and findings that are not favourable to the applicant;

 I declare that there are no circumstances that may compromise my objectivity in

performing such work;

 I have expertise in conducting the specialist report relevant to this application, including
knowledge of the Act, regulations and any guidelines that have relevance to the
proposed activity;

 I will comply with the Act, regulations and all other applicable legislation;

 I have no, and will not engage in, conflicting interests in the undertaking of the activity;

 I undertake to disclose to the applicant and the competent authority all material
information in my possession that reasonably has or may have the potential of
influencing any decision to be taken with respect to the application by the competent
authority; and the objectivity of any report, plan or document to be prepared by myself
for submission to the competent authority;

 All the particulars furnished by me in this form are true and correct; and

 I realise that a false declaration is an offence in terms of Regulation 71 and is

punishable in
terms of Section 24F of the Act.

Leigh-Ann de Wet

The Biodiversity Company

June 2022

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Project Description ................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Terms of Reference .................................................................................................. 2

2 Limitations........................................................................................................................ 2

3 Legislation........................................................................................................................ 2

4 Project Area ..................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 Geologic Setting ....................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Digital Elevation Model ............................................................................................. 6

4.3 Slope Percentage ..................................................................................................... 6

5 Field Assessment ............................................................................................................ 7

6 Types of Erosion .............................................................................................................. 9

6.1 Erosion Causes ...................................................................................................... 11

7 Soil Management ........................................................................................................... 12

7.1 Soil Erosion ............................................................................................................ 13

7.2 Management Measures .......................................................................................... 13

7.2.1 Measures for previously degraded areas ........................................................ 14

7.2.2 Rehabilitation for eroded areas ....................................................................... 14

8 Methodologies ............................................................................................................... 15

8.1 Steps for Erosion Control ....................................................................................... 16

8.2 Monitoring and Reporting ....................................................................................... 17

9 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 17

10 References ................................................................................................................. 18

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

Figure 4-1 The location of the Umsinde WEF project area ................................................. 4

Figure 4-2 Project area and the location of the WEF on site .............................................. 5

Figure 4-3 Digital Elevation Model of the area .................................................................... 6

Figure 4-4 Slope percentage of the area ............................................................................ 7

Figure 5-1 Location of the turbines ..................................................................................... 9

Figure 6-1 The types of erosion (Senanayake et al., 2020) .............................................. 10

Figure 6-2 Types of wind erosion (Qld, 2011) .................................................................. 11

Table 3-1 Relevant legislation ........................................................................................... 3

Table 5-1 Current state/risk of erosion at the various turbines .......................................... 7

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

1 Introduction
The Biodiversity Company was commissioned to compile an erosion management plan for the
Umsinde Wind Energy Facility between Murraysburg and Richmond in the Western Cape

The purpose of the erosion management plan is to provide strategies and measures to prevent
erosion and associated sediment transport during the various phases of the project. In short
erosion control principles include:

 Minimise the impact of erosion;

 Ensure water runoff is controlled and does not lead to erosion and sediment
contamination; and

 Progressively revegetate or stabilise disturbed areas.

1.1 Project Description

Umsinde Emoyeni Wind Farm (Pty) Ltd is proposing to establish the 147 MW Umsinde
Emoyeni Wind Energy Facility and associated infrastructure. The Environmental Authorisation
(DFFE Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/2/686) for the proposed wind energy facility was granted on 06
September 2018 and amended on 20 April 2021 and the latest amendment on the 07 June
2022. The Umsinde Emoyeni Wind Energy Facility and associated infrastructure is located
near the town of Murraysburg in the Beaufort West Local Municipality in the Western Cape
Province. The proposed wind energy facility is located within the Beaufort West Renewable
Energy Development Zone (REDZ). The authorised Umsinde Emoyeni WEF has been
registered as a Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) as per the embedded generation investment
programme with the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure.

The project will include the following infrastructure as authorised:

 Up to 33 wind turbines (capped at 147MW total capacity) with a hub height of up to

160m, blade length of 90m and rotor diameter of up to 180m;

 Hard standing area of up to 55m by 35m;

 Temporary Laydown areas of up to 150m by 60m each;

 Temporary turbine laydown areas;

 Electrical cabling and on-site substation;

 Existing farm access tracks and watercourse crossings will be upgraded;

 Internal access roads;

 On-site office compound, including site offices, parking and an operation and
maintenance facility including a control;

 Anemometer masts;

 Security fencing; and

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

 CCTV monitoring towers.

The following properties have been identified for the Umsinde Emoyeni Wind Energy Facility
and associated infrastructure:

 Portion 3 (Portion of Portion 1) of the Farm Driefontein No.26;

 Portion 7 (De Tafel) Portion of Portion 2) of the Farm Driefontein No.26;

 Portion 10 (Portion of Portion 1 of the Farm Driefontein No.26;

 Remainder of Portion 2 of Farm Driefontein No.26;

 Portion 1 of the Farm Klein Driefontein No.152;

 Remainder of the Farm Klein Driefontein No.152;

 Portion 2, portion of Portion 9 of Farm Witteklip 32;

 Remainder of the Farm De Hoop No. 30; and

 Portion 4 of the Farm De Hoop No.30.

Umsinde Emoyeni Wind Farm (Pty) Ltd has commissioned Nala Environmental (Pty) Ltd to
undertake the ground truthing and subsequent finalisation of the EMPrs in terms of NEMA EIA
Regulations. As per the conditions of the Environmental Authorisations, independent specialist
walkthrough’s have been undertaken to inform the final layout and final Environmental
Management Programme for the wind energy facility and associated infrastructure.

1.2 Terms of Reference

The aim of the survey was to:

 Review of existing information related to the development; and

 Compilation of an erosion management plan, including guidelines on how to minimise

the impact of erosion long term.

2 Limitations
The following limitations should be noted for the study:

 The assessment area was based on the spatial file provided by the client and any
alterations to the development area subsequent to the site visit may affect the results;

 The biodiversity and botanical assessments associated with the approved EIA did not
list any focus areas for erosion control.

3 Legislation
The following legislation is relevant to the project, this might not be a comprehensive list and
some legislation might be excluded (Table 3-1).

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde Emoyeni WEF

Table 3-1 Relevant legislation

Conservation of Agricultural resources Act no 43 of 1983
Environmental conservation act no 73 of 1989
National forestry act no 84 of 1998
National environmental management act no 107 of 1998
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry February 2005. Environmental best practice specifications: construction integrated
environmental management sub series IEMS 1.6. third edition Pretoria

4 Project Area
The Umsinde Wind Energy Facility is part of the Greater Umsinde Emoyeni Wind Energy
Facility (previously Phase 1), which is expected to have a maximum generating capacity of
147 MW. . In total, the WEF is expected to have 33.The turbines will be a three-bladed
horizontal-axis design with a hub height of up to 160 m and a rotor diameter of up to 180 m.
The electricity from the turbines will be transferred via a 33 kV electrical network to a 33 / 132
kV onsite substation (Figure 4-2). Where feasible and possible this will be underground. The
on-site substation will house electrical infrastructure such as transformers and switch gear to
enable the energy to be transferred into the existing national grid. Temporary laydowns and a
permanent hardstanding area of up to 55 m by 35 m will be established adjacent to each
turbine location. This will be used to provide a platform for cranes to operate during
construction (and unscheduled maintenance), as well as a clear area to lay out turbine
components prior to erection. Up to three additional temporary laydown areas of up to 150 m
by 60 m in size will be required for equipment and component storage during construction.
These areas will be levelled and compacted and used for component storage.

The project location is situated 24 km North-East of the town Murraysburg and 10 km North
from the R63 within the Beaufort West Renewable Energy Development Zone (Phase 2, REDZ
1) of the Western Cape Province (Figure 4-1). The land uses from a desktop point of view for
the surrounding project area predominantly includes farming and natural areas (Figure 4-1).

Fire Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

Figure 4-1 The location of the Umsinde WEF project area

Fire Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

Figure 4-2 Project area and the location of the WEF on site

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

4.1 Geologic Setting

The soil is made up of mudstones and sandstones of the Beaufort Group (incl. both Adelaide
and Tarkastad Subgroups) supporting duplex soils with prismacutanic and/or pedocutanic
diagnostic horizons dominant (Da land type) as well as some shallow Glenrosa and Mispah
soils (Fb and Fc land types). In places, less prominent Jurassic dolerites (Karoo Dolerite Suite)
are also found (Mucina and Rutherford, 2006).

According to the land type database (Land Type Survey Staff, 1972 - 2006), the project area
is mainly characterised by the Fc 131 land types. The Fc land type consists of Glenrosa and/or
Mispah soil forms with the possibility of other soils occurring throughout. Lime is rare or absent
within this land type in upland soils but generally present in low-lying areas.

4.2 Digital Elevation Model

A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has been created to identify lower laying regions as well as
potential convex topographical features which could point towards preferential flow paths. The
project area ranges from 1584 to 1753 Metres Above Sea Level (MASL) (Figure 4-3).

Figure 4-3 Digital Elevation Model of the area

4.3 Slope Percentage

The slope percentage of the project area is illustrated in Figure 4-4. The slope percentage
ranges from 16 to 18%. The majority of the project area has a moderate slope (between 16
and 18%), erosion is still likely to occur as a result of both water and wind. In this area more

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

likely due to wind. Erosion as a result of heavy rainfall events may occur sporadically creating
the wash areas distinctive of the area.

Figure 4-4 Slope percentage of the area

5 Field Assessment
The current state of the areas surrounding the turbines and along the roads were assessed
during the walkdown in March/April 2022. The areas identified with a higher erosion risk
includes the areas surrounding the rivers/drainage lines, areas of wash, which are already
highly erosion-prone, the portions with a greater slope and the areas surrounding the roads.
One of the main areas where erosion was observed is within wash areas, which are already
erosion-prone (Table 5-1). The locations of the turbines and roads are shown in Figure 5-1.

Table 5-1 Current state/risk of erosion at the various turbines

Turbine Comment
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
2 is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream. Standard erosion
control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
8 This turbine is located in an area of high SEI and strict erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located in an area of Very High SEI and strict erosion control measures must be
10 This turbine is located in an area of high SEI and strict erosion control measures must be implemented.
11 This turbine is located in an area of high SEI and strict erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located within a ‘wash’ area pone to siltation as well as gully and rill erosion. Strict erosion
control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.
17 This turbine is located in an area of high SEI and strict erosion control measures must be implemented.
18 This turbine is located in an area of high SEI and strict erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to a ‘wash’ area pone to siltation as well as gully and rill erosion. Strict
erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to steep rocky slopes and is at high risk for erosion. Standard erosion
control measures should be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located adjacent to rocky areas with a high erosion risk, strict erosion control measures
must be implemented.
This turbine is located on a rocky flat area prone to sheet erosion with silt deposition downstream.
Standard erosion control measures must be implemented.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

Figure 5-1 Location of the turbines

6 Types of Erosion
There are four main forms of water erosion, some of which is not immediately apparent. A
short description of each is provided below and visually presented in Figure 6-1.

 Splash Erosion.

The impact of rain drops on the ground can lead to soil particles being displaced about a meter
into the air. This can result in surface level erosion.

 Sheet erosion.

This type of erosion involves the removal of a shallow and uniform layer of soil from the
surface. It is caused initially by raindrop splash and then by runoff. Sheet erosion is often
difficult to see as no perceptible channels are formed. Accumulated sediment at the bottom of
the slope is often the only indicator.

 Rill erosion.

This type of erosion is caused through the removal of soil from the surface whereby small
channels or rills up to 300 mm are formed. It is caused by runoff concentrating into
depressions, wheel tracks etc.

 Gully erosion.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

This type of erosion involves the removal of soil from the surface and sub-surface by
concentrated runoff eroding channels greater than 300 mm deep. Gully erosion often begins
as rill erosion, which is not addressed.

Figure 6-1 The types of erosion (Senanayake et al., 2020)

Types of wind erosion are surface creep, saltation and suspension. A short description of each
is provided below:

 Surface creep.

Large particles ranging from 0.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter, are rolled across the soil surface.
This causes them to collide with, and dislodge, other particles. Surface creep wind erosion
results in these larger particles moving only a few metres.

 Saltation.

Occurs among middle-sized soil particles that range from 0.05 mm to 0.5 mm in diameter.
Such particles are light enough to be lifted off the surface but are too large to become
suspended. These particles move through a series of low bounces over the surface, causing
abrasion on the soil surface and attrition (the breaking of particles into smaller particles).

 Suspension.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

Tiny particles less than 0.1 mm in diameter can be moved into the air by saltation, forming
dust storms when taken further upwards by turbulence. These particles include very fine grains
of sand, clay particles and organic matter.

Figure 6-2 Types of wind erosion (Qld, 2011)

6.1 Erosion Causes

A number of factors contribute to erosion, and it is all dependant on the geophysical features
and characteristics in the area. The following is a summary of some of the factors that could
lead to or enhance the erosion risk:

 Rainfall.

Storms of high intensity over a short period have a greater erosion potential, than storms that
have a low intensity that lasts extended periods. Intense storms produce larger raindrops and
are more likely to break up the soil and dislodge particles. The erosion potential of rainfall is
dependent on the slope, geographical layout, and land use of the area. An example of this is:
ploughed agricultural fields have a greater risk of erosion compared to well vegetated natural
areas. Rainfall within the winter-rainfall region is generally less erosive than rainfall within the
summer rainfall region of South Africa.

 Soil Erodibility.

Soil erodibility is determined by the soil’s physical characteristics, of which texture is the main
driver for erodibility followed by structure, organic matter and permeability. Sand, sandy loam
and loam-textured soils tend to be less erodible than silt, very fine sand and certain clay-
textured soils.

 Length and Gradient of slope.

The greater the gradient the higher the velocity of the water and ultimately the higher the
erosion risk. With an increase in the slope length, the opportunity for runoff to concentrate and
achieve an erosive velocity also increase.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

 Soil Surface Cover.

Soil surface covers like vegetation and mulches protect the soil surface from raindrop impact,
reduce flow velocity, disperse flow, and promote infiltration and the deposition of sediment.
This is a basic principle underlying many erosion control approaches which aim to modify the
surface characteristics in order to reduce the flow velocity and reduce the potential for erosion.

On a finer scale the following features increase the soil erodibility:

 Bare areas without vegetation cover;

 Excavated, partially developed and agricultural areas;

 Areas where the topsoil has already been degraded or disturbed;

 Texture contrast soil areas;

 Areas with fine grained soil material with low porosity as well as gravelly covered

 Areas close to water, drainage lines or rivers;

 Irrigated areas; and

 Compacted and developed areas such as parking lots or concrete slabs.

7 Soil Management
Following soil management guidelines are important, this involves the correct storage of the
topsoil layer to ensure the rehabilitation process can be done successfully. The topsoil must
be retained in order for the seedbank and nutrients to be conserved for the rehabilitation
process. The management of the topsoil must follow the mitigations stipulated in the
Environmental Management Programme report (EMPr), the following is just to serve as
general guidelines:

 The correct depth of topsoil needs to be stored. It is generally recommended that the
top 25 cm be stored. Except if otherwise advised by a specialist;

 Topsoil may not be mixed with other soil layers as this will dilute the nutrient level and
reduce the number of seeds per square meter. It could also hinder germination;

 Topsoil must only be handled twice, once to strip and stockpile and once for

 Topsoil must be stored separately away from overburden and must be reapplied
progressively and demarcated as no go areas. Ideally it must be stored for no more
than 3 months;

 The topsoil heaps should not exceed 1 m in height to ensure micro-organisms are not

 Topsoil should not be stripped when wet as compaction will occur;

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

 Stored away from drainage lines or flood plains;

 Sediment fencing to be placed down slope and upslope of the stockpile, to prevent the
runoff of sediment from the stockpile and runoff of the upslope natural area onto the
stockpile; and

 Stockpile must be protected from wind erosion, especially in this highly wind prone
area. If the topsoil is replaced wind nests must be erected to avoid the erosion of the

7.1 Soil Erosion

In order to determine what the main driver is behind the erosion found in the project area a
few things need to be determined. This includes:

 The mechanisms of erosion taking place;

 The various soil environments within which the erosion takes place;

 The significance of erosion should it continue unabated; and

 Whether such erosion is natural or a function of anthropogenic disturbance.

Corrective actions must be put in place to ensure that existing and developing erosion
concerns are addressed with the aim of long-term rehabilitation. The following generic points
should be noted regarding the erosion risk in the project area:

 The timeframe between the stripping of the vegetation layer and the rehabilitation
process is very important. The longer the area is left bare and exposed the higher the
erosion risk, therefore the rehabilitation must be done progressively;

 Rehabilitation must be done as soon as the construction is completed and thereafter

treated as a no go area; and

 The extent of the disturbance will influence the risk and consequence of erosion at the
project area.

7.2 Management Measures

The following practices must be implemented to prevent erosion:

 Ensure slopes in excess of 6% are stabilized, for a detailed description refer to the
rehabilitation plan;

 Make sure the vegetation layer on the slopes and adjacent areas are not stripped and
left exposed and that the area become dried out as this will increase the water repellent

 No surface flow (increase velocity and capacity of water) is allowed to be uncontrolled

as a result of poor water management and drainage systems;

 Pooling of water in one spot can lead to subsurface erosion, ensure this does not take

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

 Where available, utilise existing stabilized roads for site access;

 No areas may be compacted outside of the direct development footprint, this will
ensure that the soil does not become water repellent;

 Should compaction occur the area must be ripped to reduce the erosion risk and then
protected from wind and water erosion;

 Prevent the concentration or flow of surface water or stormwater down slopes, or along
pipeline routes or roads, and ensure measures to prevent erosion are in place prior to

 If required, energy dissipation structures (retention areas or rock rip rap) should ensure
that the surface flows are managed prior to being discharged back into a natural
watercourse to support the maintenance of natural base flows within the ecological
systems and prevent erosion;

 It is important that stormwater control features must be soft engineered to allow the
water to filtrate at a low level thereby preventing runoff and subsurface erosion;

 Restrict the construction footprint and demarcate the adjacent vegetated area;

 Vegetation clearing must be done progressively following the construction schedule,

the whole area may not be cleared at once;

 Areas that are left exposed for a specific reason must temporarily be covered/stablised
to ensure erosion is controlled;

 Dust control measures must be in place, no over wetting and run off is to be allowed;

 Ensure runoff is not trapped in watercourses creating inundated areas.

7.2.1 Measures for previously degraded areas

Previously degraded areas could pose a threat to construction activities and must therefore
be stabilized and rehabilitated:

 Ensure eroded areas are isolated and stabilized;

 Avoid pooling due to increased drainage;

 Sedimentation to be prevented; and

 After construction the area must be rehabilitated as described in the rehabilitation plan.

7.2.2 Rehabilitation for eroded areas

The following are general guidelines to be executed along with the revegetation and
rehabilitation plan:

 Topsoil must be evenly spread over disturbed areas (~150 – 200 mm thick) just prior
to planting/seeding;

 Fertiliser or compost must be used if the soil requires it before reseeding;

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

 Weeds must be removed prior to reseeding;

 Grasses or other suitable species as advised by a specialist to be used to ensure that

the soil is stabilised and the rehabilitation can be successful;

 Mulching of the area will assist with seed development;

 Watering is essential and rehabilitation should ideally occur during the wet season;

 The topsoil in the area is vulnerable to erosion therefore the seeded surfaces must be
covered with a shade cloth material, natural fibre (hessian material) or branches to
reduce the loss of soil while the plants establish;

 Access must be restricted to avoid compaction;

 Alien plant regrowth must be monitored, and alien invasive management plan must be
implemented; and

 Generous watering during the first two weeks, or until the seeds have germinated, is
required (unless adequate rainfall occurs), i.e., seed beds will need to be kept moist
for germination to occur (to the extent reasonably feasibly given water availability at
the time)

8 Methodologies
The following erosion control measures and rehabilitation specifications may be required to
be implemented to ensure that good environmental practice is conducted, and environmental
compliance is achieved. These measures will need to be implemented if/as required by an
engineer/contractor with the guidance of the onsite Environmental Control Officer (ECO). The
measures are:

 Topsoil to be covered by a hessian material or geotextile or as described in the

rehabilitation plan;

 Stepping of the contours to stabilize the slope to reduce surface runoff, where needed;

 Earth or rock-pack cut-off berms;

 The surface must be packed with branches to promote infiltration of water (refer to
rehabilitation plan);

 Stabilization of near vertical slopes (1:1 – 1:2), will be required. The following methods
may be considered:

o Gabions (preferred method with geotextile material);

o Retaining walls; and

o Stone pitching.

 The slopes of all drainage line diversions must be protected. The following methods
may be considered:

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

o Reno mattresses (preferred method), ensure that the reno mattresses are buried
deep into the subsurface, to avoid undercutting from the water;

o Coarse rock (undersize rip-rap);

o Sandbags; and

o Stone packing with geotextile.

 Areas with concentration of water, caused by the development or associated with it

must be treated as follows:

o If water flow is controlled (sub-critical) the no action needs to be taken; and

o If water flow is erratic and uncontrolled (supercritical), control measures such as

gabions, stone pitching etc. need to be installed to ensure the velocity of the water
is reduced.

 Area must be revegetated to reduce wind erosion; and

 Wind screens must be utilised.

8.1 Steps for Erosion Control

If any erosion features are present as a result of the activities mentioned above the ECO or
Site Environmental Manager must:

 Assess the situation;

 Take photographs from 4 directions to show the extent, record the GPS coordinates;

 Determine the cause of the erosion;

 Inform and show the contractor the soil degradation;

 Inform the contractor that rehabilitation must take place and that the contractor must
implement a rehabilitation method statement and management plan;

 Monitor that the contractor is taking action to stop the erosion and assist then where
needed; and

 Monitor and document the rehabilitation weekly.

Contractor /developer must (with the ECOs consultation):

 Select a system to treat the erosion;

 Design the treatment system;

 Implement the system;

 Monitor the area to ensure that erosion has been addressed adequately; and

 Monitor the soil rehabilitation process until the area has been stabilised.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

8.2 Monitoring and Reporting

For the erosion management plan to be successful regular monitoring and inspections will be
required. The inspections will need to include:

 Pre-site conditions and activities;

 Implementation of measures for erosion noted prior and post development;

 Measures for sediment control;

 Photos of the progress must be provided and dated; and

 Bi-annual monitoring of erosion in the vicinity of the turbines, roads, and other hard-
standing surfaces must be conducted before and after the rainy season to ensure
erosion sites can be identified early and remedied. During construction and for 1 year

A progress report must be compiled, this must also include schedules, upcoming activities,
summary of the efforts, detailed site notes, photographs, summary of training provided for stuff
on erosion avoidance measures, ongoing environmental management efforts with specific
corrective issues and resolutions; incident reports and contingency plans reports.

9 Conclusion
The erosion plan must be implemented to ensure successful rehabilitation and revegetation
of the area. Based on the location of the project area the highest risk for erosion is as a result
of wind. Measures such as the progressive rehabilitation, windscreens, and hessian cover
sheet would help stabilise the newly disturbed areas to avoid erosion. Should the prescribed
guidelines be followed and successfully monitored and readjusted the area could very likely
be erosion free.

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF

10 References
Mucina, L. and Rutherford, M.C. (Eds.) 2006. The vegetation of South Africa, Lesotho and
Swaziland. Strelizia 19. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria South African
Bird Atlas Project (SABAP2). 2012.

Senenayake, S, Pradhan, B., Huete, A., Brennan, J. (2020). A Review on Assessing and
Mapping Soil Erosion Hazard Using Geo-Informatics Technology for Farming System

Queensland Government centre (QLD) (2011).

Erosion Management Plan

Umsinde WEF


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