KFP60404 Goodqualitative

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Nuralisa Balqis


Qualitative research questions are the beginning of a project, starting with

sensitizing concepts. Sensitizing concepts is to give the researcher a sense of how
observed instances of a phenomenon might fit within conceptual categories. Due to
start with Sensitizing concepts, research questions need begin with one concept or
phenomenon. Don't make research questions complicated and make it easy.
Research questions should start with “what or how”. What question is to
understanding or exploring a topic to trying to get. How question is trying to
understand process how something came. Besides that, avoid using “why question”
because “why questions” that something qualitative research not so really great. In
addition, qualitative research questions also use exploratory verbs, exploratory verbs
are conveying the language of emerging design. These verbs tell the researcher that
the research will do the following; discover, explore, seek to understand or report the
stories. Besides, qualitative research needed to avoid casual verbs such as; cause,
affect, influence, impact or relate. Next, Qualitative research question are open -
ended not using “yes or no” question. Other than that, when researcher do research
question it also focusing on a particular group or setting. In addition, also should
expect the question to change.

Qualitative and quantitative research questions may differ. Quantitative

research question using are, do, does can?” And for qualitative using research question
“what, where, why, how?”. Tips for qualitative research questions is to analyze and
summarize the question. Research question are mixed method the research question
might have 4-6 question, combination qualitative and quantitative question. If
researcher decide on 6 question researcher can use 3 qualitative at 3 quantitative
research question

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