The 8 Pillars of Change

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+1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London OUR METHODOLOGY The 8 PILLARS of Change © mmm mmm A 1. AGREE A HIGH LEVEL PLAN Treat your ‘programme’ as a change programme. Too often a tactical and piecemeal approach is wrongly adopted. Agree a high level plan, including the case for change, Purpose, clear desired outcomes, sponsorship, governance, staff readine change planning, risks, communications, implementation and realising benefits ie. formal€-pilars-f-change! wr +1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London Programme Structure. fmm 2. A BUSINESS MODEL FOR THE NEW WORLD The success of a change programme will hinge on developing the right business model for the ‘new world’. Clearly to be shown in early presentations, including how the business will work across central functions, operating companies and geographies. IT /IS systems to support the business - implement needed changes. im tm 3. DEVELOP TOOLKITS These are learning kits for tackling all the new skills required to deliver effective and lasting change and amongst others include effective engagement, leadership, culture, conflict resolution, negotiation and managing resistance.€-pilars-f-change! a +1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London mm tim Mmm 4. ENGAGEMENT IS KEY Everyone should feel part of the change, giving feedback, demonstrating new behaviours and ways of working and showing involvement. State the facts and give the benefits. Staff should ask ‘What's in it for me?’ Engagement happens when people do things differently. 5. PEOPLE RESIST CHANGE The well-known ‘change curve’ shows phases of denial, resistance, acceptance and reconstruction. In practice, only 10% will be early adopters, 10% resist strongly and the majority (80%) will slowly come around to new ways of working (accelerated by a good change programme!). Get the early adopters to lead resistors. mmm mM€-pilars-f-change! a7 +1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London 6. OPPORTUNITIES FOR CREATIVE EXPRESSION There are wonderful opportunities for creative expression. For example, with a merger develop the leadership story and new values / brand identity through graphics, sound bites and film. Get staff to show they are engaged and adopting New Ways of Working by making their own local videos through a ‘credibility campaign’ Mmm tom MMMM 7. ASSESS AND DEVELOP CULTURE Cultures are fascinating, differing, vital and living expressions of ‘how we do things around here’. Some are ‘command and control’, others are more empowered. You can assess and change culture and behaviours ~ a start is a good diagnostic tool to provide the baseline and vocabulary for moving forward. Mmm mm |€-pilars-f-change! a +1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London 8. MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN! Ultimately managing change combines hard business skills and rigorous approach to programme management with creative skills. These include emotional intelligence, design, good judgement and practical awareness that people are ‘the ones’ who will make change happen and deliver business results. WU GET IN TOUCH At The Labovitch Consultancy we are pleased to discuss any potential project with you even at the earliest stage. We will do so freely without cost or obligation but of course in the strictest confidence First Floor Unicorn House 221-222 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JP United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1227 471640 Mob: +44 (0)7887 758116€-pilars-f-change! 87 +1823, 11.08 PM LLaboviteh’s 8 Ptars of Change | The Laboulch Consultancy [London First Name Last Name Email Phone A Short but direct message here CO Iagree to your terms & conditions (/terms-and-conditions/) * SUBMIT SUBSCRIBE Get all the latest news, alerts, insights and documents from The Labovitch Consultancy. | Enter your name | | Enter your email A | © “Think Studi (tp: /think tudo) - Website Designers Kent (http//think studi | Cloud Hosting Powered by Copyright © The Labovitch Consultancy. CloudSpace UK (http: // npe:ianovien co.ukite-8-pilars-oF- change! er +1823, 11.08 PM Labovitehs 8 Pillars of Change |The Labovtch Consultancy | London ‘Terms and Conditions (/terms-and-conditions/) | Privacy Policy (/privacy-poliy/) S (htips:/Avwwlinkedin.convin/leon- labovitch- (https://twif@2b8SiUpbovitchConsul)€-pilars-f-change! Ww

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