Busines Math Summary - by Nyko Martin Martin

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Shorr Periods oF rime (oxell) The growtn is Liveac | — é Principat. —® Single. Tateresr- (the money Yeo Bare trvest /vorrow/) Time Peed [unit Gmerres w mater r) Abwonr oF nrecesr To obrein a Formuh to Find TP, ror T usr cover Tomar variable and read the remaining wiriatles in The Tretyle a T:Prer ose Pe es Fe FF Deteemive Das werk Frvauca, CALE - Press (20D) hen DATE — Bute 75 the Fipsr . Dare are Shown in HM-DD-YYYY and entered in M1, Doyy | eure | ee tl wep ee, oe - Dare? in tne Same mormar HM. DoYY [evTER } ~ Then press compre LCPT = the resh will be DBD = /Tarerity Value = Principal + Amovor oe Inrereer a ‘ Beschale - Fasrstto $= P (torr) S= P4+(tter Valve or ) Money eee DS (quer)! [need know Tre else now tren have The PuttreVialoe) Conpouwe LwregesT Longer periods on time the growth iS ExPonentiAe gx Forone Vawe Foernes Fu: Fore Vabe i Fv= Pv (144) pus Presear Vale Pv= Fu(t+a)” ee ee 1s wale oF periods L= FU- Pv (Anover or Compasns nreresr is 4 berween FV Pl) bombers or mes the inreres 1S Compounding every Your ms —— Arius lly —p m=! J eMominal Toreresr Pere. Semi - Aomelhy 9 m =2 Ts the rate Thar Usually preceds the hore "Compoonles “or “Compounding © GuwrTey sm = a eee s & E») compounsig ‘meoth ly) Payly 5 m = 365 Job $0.06 mR D= Toral member OF Gmpoundng Periods during The Term _ es Time pertid L, compounsng. Frewency | Tiereny invest B65G20_in @ growth Found fy] Aerec|Y years ar 67. Compoond.ed { Semi =a the jnreresr rave Chungd o [LBSH) mpayrte Gn, Firs yeu r oY Years Laser Years D = maT nemet b=) «3h n= urd (2) Fivviv§ Tiroerriow in Conpoowo DurekesT Peopeens Tirsany’s Company deposits $65.c00 in & growth Ford at LY. emp. Semi- Gonwally. Aerer Yf years, the inreresr rave Chunge To 4.257 Cop Cnmaly eo White is the Uslke or The Fund ar the tnd OF P% Years? PVexears 4d = 0.0475 __ = 0.0975 T le ao = oS (5-4) Yvert FA ees Ovears | Wr Gap Seomramaly TET np ooo Lures pe cv g iv CALC rinse YEARS D CnCware Py [Pv} 65 evo [n]}+ 6 T/y\-6 (wol+ ry = 2 (evez) [pool ver To Starr vsing The Cale Always wo + Le Te War) e Crai+lev| = GB 82 340.05524 Anuuity An Anwvit7 is a Series oF parymenrs (usually in equal anconts) made ax regelrs intervals oF Time ‘Maneroult reas muons ye Trois the Term Of the annviry PT TT: 5 THE Amant OF The Periodic Puymenr OF an (pra) ne Tor! number om prryments: daring ‘the Yeem J+ the Mominal Invecesr rare m= The Compounsng rrequency [wmbér Per Year) dx the peniodic inreresr rare Lom anrtnesr rue per Conpoording pered) Grow ty 7 Paymeny Darerval = lor pervs) & the time between 2 Wecessre Rimars Fiz the Accomhres vale or owre yole OF en annuity Puz Discounred 1 Presenr Peor menr Tnrerel Mombe: ooiDeemonnt a tiee Dewly every dev) 36S weer ly SZ Br- we-enly ay { Semi-rhnthly 24 Hen thly lever wonrh) i Quaerer hy (every 3 monrs) y Semi- Armahy (err fronts) 2 Aanva ly (ears Zest) 1 N=mar Colalare Time (FT seheays expessee in Yours, os the inerar rare) CM WORK (2up) + [cele | Ce\~ The invval Cashrly, + BUTER [Ee ee 200) (Be) Cop + Ugo 1[e0BA) (sh inflow 17 You Aore\ for: 1 61 5 the Frepumey or CO lene» far) ‘ 1 all Gor > Gow % the seme onril all peynsnrs me Pads Onl eo fs [up fey 7 T+ 4ever 4 wes 1ar) Tee = Soren/ Care or Rewer Rare oF Th own MET Peesenr VALUE ~ dprecmine # berveen Posenr Vale oF all Cash inrlows (rerrns ) ans Presenr vibe vpv or all Ch O07 rows (iovesrnenrs ) MPV = Puigee - PV ourrbus Prosecr WPV Do mpexpecrss oN BETER mun repiies HE —y Wy |r Pe eee: MPV =0 ~~ ty ERAL “Loss ) asiecr Proseer pev (1265.14 + 31007.% 4 1,206.64 M0651) ~ 4 leo.0%, WU = II], S17.tS ~ [00,000 Neu = 115/725 Yr >0 Secu HIS GU bond bad Br. oma rare Parable Semi-annoally ond meres n Fe 7% 2009, Perer Pirchused irom Feb marker aS 47 compounded Semi-annvalk,, Oy Feo © Lote he sold the inter rate in TH mareer WS 2Y- Grp Smiconalh, 18) 291F, when joreetsr rhe in TH md when the — Whar was the Porchite Price Or The bond) Tw roerbriw $1Sc00 0 & te FV ira pole or fon) Toke the Coven RATE ang oe A @meendng, Pes % Cal dul, = Sinn ole 3a ire Fied_b —» b~—, = 223) 2fo21s | Fine Pot ce Feb = ISow xo.ols =($225 (the Bov> Paymenr ig roe Fate Valse sms the Cevvien Rate) Find MV por he Whele Boub a 10 years x 2 (semi-anmal) >| M220 VW wis the Iarker Tnreesr rem WHEN Yoo PoRCHASE 0, 47 © ily W=4\ [Aro 6 = Oy bese 6 Sion Use CALE Te ceremine PY Pv =- 13, 773, és — Wher mes tre Sells Bice or Tr bond? Sel: ello onn'/ (ATOR TY Fes tol? Time period Flor] se date and merores on Seffing on Feb Love [ws M/ (Fans 22 seroma ae Passions, So 2027 -202o = Aan Milter ee) G the marker inreest_Feite when yy Sell the Bond USe cole w0| Cpr_PV —> ~8 795.28 . How toch dit he make or lees inthe (utsrrinr Porchase Price = $13,773.64 (the Firsr PV caloferes) Sale Price > $15,995.26 (the 2 Py colalited) Gain on Trsesrmerr = Sele Poree ~ Forchase Price 1S, TPS.2€ - 7PREY = $2201.67 le ttide $2201.64 on me Trwegnar. View RATE: Macwer rare or hewmen “Thur the Prchoser oF Tre bot will eam ie the bond is Purchased ci 11S Correnr Naplar Price ane bell Unril matori ry. Price oF the Bou? Vier RATE = CoPow Rate —» PAR in the MARKET yielo pare > Cop BATE—e DiscoouT pereNrs on Yew? nA Yeu rare < Cupow Rare —o Previn Sonmary Terminelsy a” Porchase Price = Face Wabe |ppoup is Recvased ar PAL Yield Rare = Covfen Rate Slo ar PAR Porctuse Price > Face Vale — |poue is Roacinserer 47 Yelk Rare < Coupon Rare Peerronr Soup ar | PRemor s Foretuse Pree € Face abe Boo is PURCHASED cr a Discour Yell Rare > Copan are one Disco T be Periodic comm mre b= Fue Redemprion Valve Prat. Periodic Intcresr Ryminr = FUXb Parctase Price = PUpar + Pupednprin tolite & Ji cco bond nas Yield of 67 Compared Stemi annvelly, The bond rttore io bfeiys, Calolar® Porchuse Price 2up cle Te. ore (24) Bere bk ee fees] He \ rhe Pars eu, > lox oo > |#0) ye 8 [PY lew) Prrs 30 f+ 006 2/ 0.03 for Hele-beor gee BOUDS eo Are Certiritures or Comracrs FSSUER -p The Bore wer oF The money , agrees TO repay THE WADER , The Priveijal amovar wren The Bou reaches ATURITY [ers dee) and DP OULy Pay SUTEREST PERIODICALLY GS Spec'Pitd Cure RATE 0 “the ireresr rare Charged on The Powe poses re calalere Peroakic Inveresr paymantS (5 RXEL For The enrire Time Period or we bond Harvpivy DATE _5 pare when the bond expires 2 On ThS DATE the Issvee mosr repay The Pedemvin Vobe (Face vale) pos the minal snreresr: Stoer Tet? > Harores in TYear or less Tnvenederecrtrm wp Herores in more Than TYear, bot egual or less hn Tb Leng Teers-» premores in MORE thin 70 Yeas Repervro VALE (clhe Clee Hr@™L VALLE) Ameyor robe Cepeis by The Ser yo the Holler when BOUD is redeemed or SUrrendera. Boup Pepeeres AT! PARQ > Redempron abe = Face lube Preriur —> Redenpron Valve > Face Valve PiscouuT —» Reesenpron Valve L Face Valve PurcHase (/ALVE: Price tm Holle pays 1 purciase a bart Bours Aoocwssep ar PAR ——» Pirctuse Yale = Face Valve Poerivrr—» Peres Ube > Face vole Discoowt—+ Porctse Vilbe < Face Velo By _AWNVI Hy > Payments made a The END OF ach paymenr @ Auyoiry bul S 7 DUE» Payments made ar The BESIMUIUS OF each paymenr Revel Sirwce mmwiry . Reymenr Period ans rme Tnreresr Cnproniing Period Ate THE SATIE Geweene Auwvir/ 5 Paymenr Peres ant tne Lorerssr Gnpaontg Pero Ate WOT ene SAE USN THe CALCLLATOR TO Solve Peo BLEr7S esr —p Ser the cak 0 EMD-oF-peritd Paymenr [Ovrivaey Aumuivy) or Bee wuns-or perce Paymenr (Awwoiry Doe) [Zep] + [BeN” omelPer } GRE nis Ly use [Zap] GEE] V7 we swim bemeen Bow Ve “the, press (two +r ) When the paymenr dare (ene or beginnrng) is WOT Stared in The guesrron, ASSLITE it To be ar The EWD OF The Poymer Period CAleuearing GENeRne AuMurr/ Compounding Period = Paymeny perce Ey! Locy Saved G20 gver7 month in an atcounr Thar was earning bx Compounded tec, For Leurse What was The amour Sonrcorens Aiomlyrts A Cod OF Perm? pro pyr + ~250 v= 24 [mar © reg) Th =6 Wee He4 VALUES YO ENTER iv FivawcRe CALCoLRoR wy oh mber OF Compoonding pendds Ve mer | Py Presesr Valve FV Foture Valve PMT] — Anoonr 0€ Regular Pemenrs (za-l Bt ond chinge BSWer Ex) TY | Anel care or Loreres. 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164 w (pv © $2 48S 968 (140 ory = =f 730.17 $3000» Se See) Por: Fuh + 3av x 003» $40 wwser Poets Fens ars Imonrn berore Re dompren Prrctuse Orree ie Yd 005 97° seor-ansudy Br ley ess. trey bron dan tole i yes Se Zier bloom te Cofpemen \ frees s “p> tit hk Por = 40 é yoeata) rik ; is a Woe 6x git wed fare f= 224 0048 ot Bere $ 6,c00 Coupon rare Fr. Fedeenable Fey 04202 oe 2200 Par 0.044 bce = SYO Dt parclese bory Dor Mata Yell tas 57, oi-omely Step 7: Gdeiey Dirtvesr Pirnenr Derres Ze. a Qecemproa Dare = Feb Ol,20r0 Porche se tees Or ae Devious Freres Paymene bare ~ Aug ol, dol? NC xr satresr : | Piimensder He Feb Ol 20f3 Srep 2 = Glabre Porchse Price on Prenns Tarte Rymwn Dire pope Time Perot » Ag ol,2o ~o Febol,2ote = BS ree > 2e%Ee >i: 004, b> 5 22092 0.045 Poors Fuub = 6a x0.045 > U70 4 295. 5 0.g2S per Hele Yar (ned bore) Ieslare Porcaslice onForche, rep a - Bre Was Ser Ce Se : We “#105 72 Fupol, ton w olan TEL 5 7905.32 (1 20.0055 Row ivre Fu $18cc0 & Gow Pare = EY geurrtely (m=4) bz 0.06 _ o.0/s ¥ au pars beFU 1G $270 6 yeers beter remriny. Me Ba 4> 32 Tine OF Rerchose. Yield rare Pr. amp: aorwolky Rocthose Price? Fu Bom, y= 1 (conmnees tell, ) 4 ~Y (pmrble Arnel) Pu 12,092.07 is Discoow beaos Vied Sop Rreeim pion Wo heme Purchase Lerbawe (8.00 - (207 oF Gon ts 7 Disaorr 182.9 Porch NG is ¢ [74207 Ib Reet Gn ese ell Loleet Siig se rare 5.9L pa Simple. (05.14) = 35° (ser Caf 24,2011 rare Cense 0 E3D% pa. (05d) (07. te) PEER = SS Se tle loan why (6 rit Caleylare “TOTAL EMTEREST PhD OW Comm fe Pee 14 = Fite 0.2 S92 « [pel 62. (07) Sem Imoecr ReLy wiecy ~ to2, 24 > [ 202. 3) Par. 0 (0 month T= larch U, 2or Part 6.47pm Baehver2 =I Tore f Maroney value of #4 104.03 oe \P = YoYo (14 0.06 Ix ) P= 3905, Se 1g 14. chs $1244 rar tery renee (0 ~12) Wx Ate Yet How many deposits 7 (@) @ cur $ S008 (35 Jom te 41336 core 5.057. comp Queeschy (m>4) T+ Srp poze 4336 ( S564. 7) Yr 5.03%. —____—- Py hy =4 wx (5) 20 pars ru= 5 S64. 7205 puro Y= dF ta, $ID rere SUF per. § a Yo ays Se (roe SI Beter a . Jz (OL. Bosl« a 1150, u1 Sil = O08! - Relfing = 0.008 vs b- par. -$448 (nen) EMD My 094 Petr @ 24. Amount oe anreresr Fy = ¥6/134.S° p> %6, 134.50 u>(?.n): # 496 x Y= MW B3e “T= $602.50 He S= $2300 Fo = $ 274550 pa oe vcx $ |Soo : eae 9300264 503, Foe aa ales Hyer ne : fps c ( g300 x64) (eras a 1 Soxea) . oe re ene oe S03, 700 — ( [63,500 + 274, 55e) Te [366,550 ) ( Poers 34152) Syteo - 363050 = b12g650 Perr onal a) eee —— Ye? [ 13,245,25 ) Y= 1.87 - Phat = T =O Fyens, € Fur (8,503. vr (Fe) Y o PGs Ale) re Spline — S47 VO= 64% of S Sales Vilna, + 10% Prorir= $54,315 ele Ds 0 ee wunew 8. 3K in Uyees. emma! Bare Comp Querrely fm=4) Lolo Pu + -lo wo tw Par-o 2th: 106 aN (a2) — toot Aner) the ty 24 TL inesr: $ 3606 or EPI: roep. ganertely (» =) tos or Yrers, Pu dLo6 Y= 4.6% 5 = ane, [r= 13%6.38 ) Ptr +0 Vy (44> le Fu = 43%. 3870 a Pux (0,647. 625% Weise e-. (12697. ) Te Fens : “PS 15078 Vz Met: bY e: ee is) ee March UA, %lY (oa Feo 18, 20% . (02-1018) : Ur. paw E13) Pv DBD = 326 ~ 0.84 yeu Te Tog c fp otee Ta bU3h 4 C014, 0.64 137,130 | 23441 S_ boron ¢ 3092.14 Woy, 2 - 2erl rare, S.27 pa Fux $ 3600.4! Fs %0662 fo r Wh.62 . a aie Ts SS coer 30.24 ~ WB.62 Pr 20M. 0.057. a Yours e 4. | 1609) 4. Pars BEY Georeely Yy=4)m w= 2.48% So a > : 4, ee | Var end ae es Pro S 28S co, Monthly FO= $3,400 70 break-even You Many dls eesyren ry 42,500 (arr ). ve= $18 GSx = 340042500 + 16K qe = Te BS ~ bx = M100 Sx = Fe +¥Ce Bee = Yoo te 94. feat PH time + S645 bre dmoarh © How mame PorimtrT Te Bet = SOS ya IL | Jer ») ' | te VS. a Fu~ Wei BWrenvh ELD drosir Yy>ld SOFT 3 OEY exon How Huth cleposir > ——— we 3D Wr ie aos eee = 3 Cw = 36? ‘ oo Cee i ev> tei PG pat = 340,70 33 = Wr4.eS Y= yx 44 ts uo ¥e4o (01 yer ger YK 4107 ry We +> YK +01 Lente > (0t-4 2oe> Ue > ate Yo ted +0 Abt ie 5 ee ate (40) YoUy ae a oe ee FidAl 2S Quesrons b- Breck Erin Revenue > C GSS Tram Vearding 4G «< B00 wo Sef ruth $ 7400 Fe $254650 ta ve: $1 feo Crmcry ~ SS pon Kenning * Serica ~ BE Crt CC. Breege Een 95 Repent Cottary Y6:65 ~ 0.833 xo ~ 83.64% Cee Be-FE me (Few) Te =Te c Liwx ~ Stews (eo « Flee - (70. = U46Se Beg ts S00 K 24555 ¥ 246 Guory 2 Prarie on lots i CY natn oly, Brook -Cren Vobme_ a Fao. 64 rr~ Y23 boo TSS . iia a = 154 b50_+ [13o2» 64) teenie “368 ‘se i = . Wher the Gli, Orbe WAS Pebues by Dor, Fo = Wow pm ee ees VE > 32% 0 Sales Fort is Sto - a igi Sole Peete Be T2=TC Fe. Hows oS Proms $2000 (eds gr Tea — Fo = MD (roral Gorrinyrien wer Tome Cor Poeie's Margie TON- Fe =0r (tere! Grrrt byron Megn — Fixes sr = NerTrne bo Pont) ter = Hhocw > Stove tot = TR Tuc [end aorninerion Meginm Wel Reine Pal bocheeg) 133 @o = TR - OTR 0 (Boe ~ eee 0. bere ale 195,568.24 i te = 195 SEPM post we: 62, 368 Gu Origa! Yariable Gor 7 BE > Te. Te Sule Price -2or + 307-0° dal treneers - wot) 195,58624 x ode = ($61.51. « (30 > W509 2 ter (0.0) « (1%), 225 Ger Crearryraesr 25" meor’” Cor. c 125% (¢~$ 360 selitg Mote, ~ 2B! T2SwA2S Te SS Hine OT a. Ss $3,2e lor = $2.G00. hop» |S7-0nGe b Se> p27 Opeane ERperse D (O71 or Sr T-Gsr peter We rar ~ 380 by ss 345 Oo GL Mantour aes. rare = Vidil respecriel, A inser = Y90 On Cipwer > 1SES $ 1 inegrs 1645 a> 1,565 2 s00 b~ Cem bh wasp 6% Se p-ves—o 15000 cr C-» 320000 ho ae ripen 7 cn [99 150? 20 Ui2F pans pe /Ul30, 0S, Piscean Rows ave Pamenr on. FC oy (as) 175, 327.50 Fe 2Y Codag) = (72,135 Feb 25 — ( 3!doa) \ (G0, Fee uch of ( %ees)

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