Bookkeeping - Question Bank (2022)

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Bookkeeping 5: The Trial Balance 11

SECTION B – Practical tasks

5.1 – Trial Balance

Below is a list of balances to be transferred to the trial balance. Place the figures in the debit or credit
column, as appropriate, and total each column.

Account name Amount Debit Credit

$ $ $
Bank interest received 108
Bank charges 695
Heat and light expenses 22,303
Wages and salaries 32,918
Computer equipment 6,200
Receivables 19,348
Bank overdraft 2,416
VAT repayment due/owed from HMRC 3,834
Payables 8,631
Bank loan 8,000
Capital 10,000
Sales 109,679
Purchases 51,008
Sales returns 3,567
Purchases returns 1,039

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