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To become more aware of

issues that concern younger
populations, which can
reliable, consistent, and increase an organization's
Elaiza Katrice Santos 10-Faithfulness 17 responsible no impact.

2. Sangguniang Kabataan is a
A good leader should have step to further practice
Yes, I've recently become
the intelligence to lead and young adults in their
aware of the Sangguniang
make the best decision leadership skills. They will be
Kabataan due to the tasks
possible for the community. a great help to the
and research assigned by
Also, a leader should have government officials to
the school.
compassion for their improve the conditions in the
Ulric Alison Q. Reñido 10-Faithfulness 17 people. community.

3. yes, I'm aware, since i am

one of the young people
open mindedness and who are about to reach tinutulungan nila ang mga
clear-headed attitude, has legal age, i should expand kabataan na ma-reach out
ability to be flexible and my knowledge about the nila and ma engage nila ang
adaptable, and has general touth council so i listed mga youth in effecting
10- respect and empathy and read articles about positive change in
Paula Elmido CONFIDENCE 15 towards others youth council society/community.

4. Yes, it was frequently They are there to help by

Responsible, Organize and mentioned in our serving the community by
Open-minded barangay. participating in local
governance. It also helped
Ysabella Marie Sildura aspiring young leaders to
Basay 10-Optimism 15 honed their skills.

5. For me the qualities of a

Yes, because SK is one of The importance of SK in our
good leader is how she
the biggest, good community is they give us
appreciate the teamwork of
Rica Mae M. influencer especially in us reason to influence us in a
her team, if you are a best
Segismundo 10- Gratitude 15 youth. good way.
leader you must be
appreciate all the things
that your team done even
tho little or big. You must
always be number one
supporter of your team
because they had a trust
you all the time.

6. SK usually have focus on

young people like me. I think
the importance of it is having
Ashley Estanislao a project. Like if they do a
yeah, i often hear a lot certain project, it'll involve
about it in a certain event people inside the
10 Faithfulness 15 reliable and responsible around my community. community.

7. Yes, because my mom

Jayson Baldevia 10-Faithfulness 16 Can manage everything explain it to me A good future of the youth

8. A leader is a wise decision Its importance is to help

maker,calm headed,reliable people particularly kids to
in making progress and can Yes because it is have a moment to shine or
Dayniel Rome Q. being people together or important to stay tuned in just help people in the
Santiago 10-Confidenc 16 understand the people for the community community overall

9. To pursue and to improve

Grade 10 - Stay authentic and be Yes, because of their the abilities, talent or skills of
Guevara, Adrian J. Confidence 17 consistent program children's in the baranggay

10. Yes I'm aware because to

The Qualities is to give give SK pagpapaaral sa The importance is to give
some food and money to mga bata para makapag relief goods, Ayoda,pabahay
Edgiemar Villon 10-Respect 19 others. tapos sila at anopa
11. Yes,The Sangguniang
Kabataan or youth council For me,the importance of the
is the governing body of sanggunian kabataan is to
A good leader is the youth assembly or make their lives well and to
responsible and humble to Katipunan ng Kabataan of give them attention for their
Marjorie O. Ponce 10 Optimism 18 their constituency every barangay needs..

12. the importance of the youth

development in the
community participation
helps youth become
empathetic citizens who
Yes. Why not? Because could potentially continue
the participants shall be similar work when they
Arheana M. Dador 10- Respect 15 Motivation skills able to build partnership become adults.

13. Effective Communication: A

good leader is an excellent
communicator. They have
strong listening skills, can
convey their thoughts and
ideas clearly, and can adapt
their communication style to
different audiences.

Empathy and Emotional

Intelligence: A good leader
understands and
empathizes with the
emotions and needs of
Yes, I am aware, Because
others. They have the
angguniang Kabataan is a
ability to build relationships,
council meant to A venue for young people to
resolve conflicts, and
represent the youth in reach out and engage their
motivate their team
each barangay in the fellow youth in effecting
members based on an
Eudesa V. Manbiotan 10 - Confidence 15 Philippines positive change in society.
understanding of their
individual strengths and

14. From the name itself, I'm

One that is kind and No, I live under a rock assuming its helping kids
Lorylei Naomie D. San generous, and cares about when it comes to these make a difference by giving
Jose 10 - Integrity 15 their people and their cause things them a chance to do it?

15. yes, being a responsible

and smart voter in
upcoming elections is
important because it choosing an effective leader
upholds democracy, in the upcoming SK election
ensures representation, is vital to ensure proper
impacts policies, holds representation of the youth,
officials accountable, decision-making aligned with
A good leader has a clear promotes fairness and their interests, youth
vision of the future and can equality, and safeguards empowerment and
inspire others to work the democratic process. engagement, positive role
towards that vision. They Your vote matters, and by modeling, and the
have a sense of purpose using it wisely, you can development of future
and can communicate it help shape the future of leaders for sustainable
Elleandre Antonio 10- respect 16 effectively to their team. your country. development.

16. a good leader should

embody the sense of
resnposibility and This is important so that the
Raymond baya 10- Gratitude 16 optomistic yes, I’m aware of that. copy right issues

17. Yes, I am aware of the Envisions to provide the

Jerome Dalistan Sangguniang Kabataan youth a peaceful community
(SK) in the community. which is free from the
A good leader possesses
The Sangguniang dangers of drug addiction,
several key qualities that
Kabataan is a youth gambling, domestic violence,
enable them to effectively
council in the Philippines. child abuse, gambling and
10 Integrity 17 guide and inspire others.
It is a unique institution other bad influences and
that represents the voice wrongdoings through
and concerns of the youth participatory community
at the local level. The SK based programs mainly
is composed of elected focused on sports and youth
youth leaders who serve development and protection
as representatives of their of the environment.
fellow youth in their
respective barangays
(villages) or local

18. The engagement in a youth

They have empathy, I am aware. I have heard community and their
Sharmagne Joy C. communication skills and about their movements in representative to the
Realce 11-Humanity 17 Integrity. the community. community.

19. A good leader should

possess qualities such as Yes. As I should because The SK is important in our
strong communication it serves as a platform for community as it provides a
skills, the ability to inspire youth participation and voice and representation for
and motivate others, sound representation in local the youth, fosters youth
decision-making abilities, governance, allowing participation in decision-
empathy and emotional young people to address making, and promotes
intelligence, integrity and issues that directly affect initiatives that address the
honesty, adaptability, and a them and contribute to needs and concerns of
Aera Fernando 10-Optimism 16 clear vision for the future. community development. young people.

20. A good leader is someone

who motivates and inspires
people, has clear objectives
and standards,
communicates clearly, pays
Yes, because of some
attention to others' needs,
programs they organized carry out the objectives of
makes decisions, accepts
Allen Duquez 10-Optimism 15 in schools the youth in the barangay
responsibility for their
actions, and is open and

21. It will help the students to

Rafael Laurence c a good leader that can lead choose the right path in their
Villaruel 10-faithfulness 17 us to bright future Yes life

22. No because it's my 1st

time hearing that kind of
Vox Yael Sistemio Faithfulness 16 Good word I don't know

23. The Sangguniang

Kabataan (SK) is the
youth council that
represents the youth in
each barangay in the
Philippines. It is the
governing body of the
youth assembly or
Katipunan ng Kabataan of
every barangay. The SK
is an off-shoot of the
Kabataang Barangay (KB)
which was abolished
The Sangguniang Kabataan
when the Local
is a venue for young people
Government Code of
to reach out and engage
1991 was enacted. The
their fellow youth in effecting
SK is the youth legislature
positive change in society.
in every local village or
This ISKOLAR-BOS Training
community and initiates
Manual is a good reference
policies, programs, and
for the Sangguniang
projects for the
Kabataan in the performance
development of youth in
A good leader should be of their roles and functions
their respective
Cruz Gabriel able to make decisions towards good governance
communities. The
Christoffer 10-optimism 16 quicklu and confidently for national development.
councilors are elected by
the youth assembly or
Katipunan ng Kabataan of
every barangay. (pwede
yata extend to) The SK
Watch is a citizen-based
initiative to curb corruption
in the SK. The foundation
course in peacebuilding
for SK officials is a
training manual meant to
offer trainers facilitating
training for SK officials a
guide on how to provide
the training. (pwede yata
extend to)

24. Sagguniang Kabataan is an

important organization in the
Philippine youth sector as it
serves as a platform to
involve teenagers and young
adults in building their local
community. It encourages
civic engagement among
youth and provides them a
Clarence Jonathan S. chance to practice their civic
Chil 11-Humanity 18 Personalities Yes affairs and leadership skills.

25. Salvador Brian Joseph

S. 11- Humanity 17 Being a good follower No, Never heard of it not too informed about topic

26. A good leader should be

empathetic, competent Sangguniang Kabataan
Yes. I am aware of SK
enough and has a vision for allows our community to
because I grew up
the betterment of their improve and embrace
hearing about the actions
Eihzelle D. Susana 10-Integrity 17 country and its people. excellent minds.
they've done to improve
the community and
represent the youth.

27. Sangguniang Kabataan in

the performance of their
yes because it's represent roles and functions towards
the youth in their good governance for
respective local national development, young
government councils and people to reach out and
responsible, good in public have the same functions engage their fellow youth in
speaking and good model and privileges as any effecting positive change in
Belgica, Megan Diaz 10-Respect 15 to the citizens. member of the council. society.

28. To give a chance to some

student a opportunity to
Krizha pabia 11 humanity 16 Good mindset and friendly No show their skills

29. For me, the qualities of

good leader should be
intelligent enough to
examine problems and
difficult situations, and a
leader must be able to
communicate the policies
and procedures clearly,
precisely, and effectively.
And the last one is
Humanist; this is the most
important quality of a leader Yes, because this is very The Sangguniang Kabataan
because this is essential helpful to us kabataan so is a venue for young people
because they deals with that's better that we know to reach out and engage
Rodriguez, Sophia human beings and is in the organization their fellow youth in effecting
Marie Aquino 10-Faithfulness 15 personal contact with them. nowadays. positive change in society.
30. The Sangguniang Kabataan
is a venue for young people
Good leaders know what Yes my father mention it to reach out and engage
responsibilities of his/her about but not really know their fellow youth in effecting
Abueg, Jeuz Archilles 10 - Faithfulness 17 role is. what their roles positive change in society.

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