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Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

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A new method to assess infiltration rates in large shopping centers

Yuchen Shi a, Xiaofeng Li a, b, *, Haoru Li a
Department of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Indoor Air Quality Evaluation and Control, Beijing, 100084, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Large shopping centers integrate multiple functions within a single building, which typically results in
Received 16 December 2016 high energy consumption. Building energy performance and indoor air quality are significantly depen-
Received in revised form dent upon ventilation, which is influenced by uncontrolled air leakage (i.e. air infiltration) across the
13 March 2017
building exterior. In general, shopping centers in China are in a state of significant negative pressure due
Accepted 15 April 2017
Available online 18 April 2017
to the sub-optimal management of air conditioning operational systems. Therefore, an accurate esti-
mation of the air infiltration rate is necessary to instruct operational management and to improve energy
performance. Common infiltration rate testing methods often fail to continuously measure infiltration
rates in large inner spaces for extended time periods. This paper presents a new methodology to assess
Field test the infiltration rate using the mass balance of particulate matters whose aerodynamic diameters are
Infiltration rate smaller than 2.5 mm (PM2.5). The deposition, generation and penetration of indoor PM2.5 are also
Shopping centers considered. A field test is conducted in a large shopping center in Beijing (China), with the new method
PM2.5 applied to assess the infiltration rate. The results are verified by the airflow mass balance throughout the
entire building. Also, the methodology helps to determine the main sources of indoor PM2.5 as well as to
instruct how indoor PM2.5 concentration can be effectively reduced.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction annual heating and cooling load in a public building was reduced by
more than 40% [4]. There are various other negative consequences
The large shopping center is an emerging type of large public of air infiltration in public buildings, including compromised ther-
building being built in cities across China. It integrates multiple mal comfort and adverse effects to normal operation of the venti-
functions within a single building, such as shopping, dining and lation system [5]. Also, indoor PM2.5 concentrations are highly
entertainment. Current data shows that the total construction area correlated with outdoor concentration levels because of air infil-
for commercial complexes with large shopping centers will tration [6]. This means that infiltration directly influences indoor
approach 100 million square meters by 2019 [1]. In general, large air quality, especially when the outdoor air is highly polluted.
shopping centers are characterized by higher energy consumption At present, most shopping centers in China are in a state of
for air conditioning than other types of public buildings [1]. The significant negative pressure and have large amounts of air infil-
rapid development of large shopping centers is accelerating energy tration. Fig. 1 shows the field test results of 16 shopping centers
consumption for air conditioning systems. Therefore, it is impor- throughout China [7]. Here, 87.5% of the centers are in a state of
tant to identify viable ways to improve energy performance. negative pressure, with an average infiltration rate of 150  103 m3/
Uncontrolled air leakage across a building exterior is a primary h. The deficiency of make-up air in kitchens is the primary reason
reason for the excessive energy consumption of air conditioning for the huge air infiltration. E-commerce has had a significant
systems [2]. In the United States of America, a simulation study impact on the retail industry, with catering services now becoming
found that improving airtightness of building envelopes resulted in the main way to attract customers into large shopping centers. This
a 3e36% energy saving potential [3]. In the cold regions of China, results in increased cooking in open kitchens and requires larger
when the infiltration rate was reduced from 0.3 to 0.03 ach, the amounts of exhaust air. Based on China's current standards, make-
up air flow should be 80e90% of the exhaust air flow in a com-
mercial kitchen [8]. However, the majority of restaurant owners in
* Corresponding author. Department of Building Science, School of Architecture, shopping centers cannot appropriately operate the make-up air
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China.
system. As such, open kitchens and related services would cause
E-mail address: (X. Li).
0360-1323/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 141

Fig. 1. Field test results of 16 shopping centers throughout China.

serious negative pressure throughout the entire building, resulting indoor CO2 concentration is significantly influenced by human
in a significant amount of air infiltration and excessive energy release and SF6 is a very strong greenhouse gas. Hence, these two
consumption. Hence, the assessment and monitoring of infiltration tracer gases are not suitable for assessing and monitoring the
rates in shopping centers are necessary to instruct the operational infiltration rate in shopping centers.
management of air conditioning systems. Another method to assess the infiltration rate is using the indoor
There are two standard methods to measure the infiltration and outdoor airflow mass balance. It's based on the principle where
rate: fan pressurization and tracer gas. The fan pressurization a building is in steady state, when airflow coming into the building
method involves the mechanical pressurization or depressurization equals to that going out of the building. Thus, the infiltration rate
of a building, then measuring the resulting air flow rates at given can be calculated by knowing the inlet and outlet air flow rates.
indoor-outdoor static pressure differences [9]. As a result, it does However, when this method is used in large shopping centers the
not measure air infiltration rates under normal climate conditions workload of measurement will be tremendous, because there are
and building operation. The tracer gas method covers techniques over 50 air handling units (AHUs) and over a hundred outlets. The
that use tracer gas dilution for determining the air change rate of a measurement will therefore require a large number of testers or
single zone. These techniques include concentration decay, con- take days, and the operating state of the HVAC system may change
stant injection and constant concentration [10]. The decay method during the process. Hence, this method is not applicable in our
involves seeding the zone with a tracer gas, ensuring a uniform study.
concentration within the zone and then analyzing the decay of the This paper proposes a new calculation method to assess the
concentration over a given time period. Other methods use the infiltration rate in large shopping centers based on the mass bal-
constant injection of a tracer gas or a constant concentration. Heidt ance of particulate matters (PM). Given the ubiquity of PM in the
and Werner [11] concluded that the decay method was more outdoor environment and being cost-free, this method is able to
suitable for measuring air exchange rates of relatively tight spaces, avoid the disadvantages of the tracer gas and airflow mass balance
whereas the constant injection method was more suitable for method. However, unlike commonly used tracer gases, the depo-
‘leaky’ spaces. The tracer gas method has been used in office sition, resuspension and penetration of indoor particulate matters
buildings [12e14], residential buildings [15e18], student dormi- cannot be neglected. According to previous studies, between the
tories [19] and motor vehicles [20]. However, for large shopping diameter range of 0.3e10 mm, larger particles are easier to be
centers, the tracer gas method does not seem suitable due to the deposited and resuspended and more difficult to penetrate
huge consumption of tracer gas and also the high implementation [23e28], which will influence the accuracy of the new method.
costs. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two Thus, smaller particles are a better choice for our study. Besides,
kinds of commonly used tracer gases. Taking CO2 as an example, since people pay more and more attention to the hazy weather, the
under the CO2 constant injection method in a large building with a measuring instruments and on-line monitoring of PM2.5 are uni-
volume of 4  105 m3, the ASHRAE suggests that the difference of versal and of mature technology. Hence, PM2.5 are chosen to
indoor and outdoor CO2 volume fraction be no less than 700 ppm establish the mass balance. After the new method is established, a
[21]. Here, according to Eq. (1) [22]: field test of the infiltration rate is conducted in a large shopping
center in Beijing (China). Then the airflow mass balance is used to
FCO2 verify the result calculated by the PM2.5 mass balance method. This
N¼ (1)
ðc1  ce ÞVZ new method makes the assessment of infiltration rates in large
shopping centers more feasible from both an implementation and
whereN is the air change rate, h1; FCO2 is the CO2 release rate, m3/ costs perspective.
h; c1 is the volume fraction of indoor CO2, ppm; ce is the volume
fraction of outdoor CO2, ppm; andVZ is test area volume, m3. Now, 2. Methodology
the consumption of CO2 can be calculated. Assuming the air change
rate is 1.5 h1 in a large building, then 420 m3/h CO2 gas or 750 kg/h 2.1. PM2.5 mass balance
dry ice would be consumed in each experiment. Here, the storage
and release of such amounts of tracer gas is difficult. Furthermore, Taking internal building space as a control body, the airflows
142 Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

coming into and going out from a shopping center can be catego- Given that the density of indoor and outdoor air is different due
rized as follows: mechanical air supply from the HVAC system, to temperature differences, the airflow mass balance in the com-
including the fresh air and the return air; mechanical air exhaust; bined building (Fig. 2) is expressed as:
air infiltration; and air exfiltration.
There are three ways for PM2.5 to enter a shopping center: X
Qms;i rms;i þ Qinf rout ¼ Qexf rin þ Qme rin (3)
particles in the supply air from the HVAC system; particles trans-
ported through air infiltration; and particles originating indoors.
The HVAC system in a building has multiple AHUs with different where rms;i is the density of supply air from different AHUs in the
filter efficiencies; as such, the PM2.5 concentration of airflows HVAC system, kg/m3; and rout and rin are the outdoor and indoor
supplied by different AHUs varies. PM2.5 concentration of infil- air densities, kg/m3, respectively. Air is a kind of ideal gas; hence,
tration airflow is affected by outdoor PM2.5 levels and the pene- according to the Ideal Gas Law and substituting Eq. (3) into (2)
tration coefficient. When the outdoor-originating PM2.5 in these yields:
airflows go indoors (along with the PM2.5 that originate indoors), a
portion are deposited onto the surfaces in contact with air, and the P
remainder exit the building through exhaust air and air exfiltration. Qms;i Tms;i cin  cms;i þ D  F
It's notable that PM2.5 remained in the ventilation ducts are not Qinf ¼ (4)
taken into consideration in this method, because it has been Pcout  TTout
studied by Wu and Zhao [29] that for particles whose diameter is
smaller than 3 mm, 99.65% will penetrate through the ducts and get where Tin and Tout are the indoor and outdoor air temperatures, K,
indoors; but for particles whose diameter is larger than 5 mm, the respectively, and Tms;i is the temperature of supply air from
filtration of the duct cannot be ignored. different AHUs in the HVAC system, K.
The following assumptions are made: inlet and outlet airflows The air flow rates in Eq. (4) are affected by the operation mode of
are constant under a given operating mode for the HVAC system; the HVAC system; they are constant under specific operation
PM2.5 concentration of the outdoor air and the supply air is con- modes and easily measured. Temperature and PM2.5 concentration
stant for a given time period; indoor temperature and PM2.5 con- are also easily measured at the scene or monitored in the building
centration are homogeneous. Under these assumptions, the indoor automation system (BAS). Then, in order to calculate the infiltration
PM2.5 concentration will eventually come to a steady state. The rate, the deposition, generation and penetration of PM2.5 should be
steady-state PM2.5 mass balance in the building interior (Fig. 2) is determined.
mathematically expressed as:

n   2.2. PM2.5 deposition, generation and penetration
Qms;i cms;i þ PQinf cout þ F ¼ Qme þ Qexf cin þ D (2)
i¼1 2.2.1. PM2.5 deposition
The indoor PM2.5 deposition rate is determined by deposition
where Qms;i is the flow rate of the mechanical air supply from area, deposition velocity and indoor PM2.5 concentration. Deposi-
different AHUs in the HVAC system, m3/h; cms;i is the corresponding tion areas include both smooth and rough surface areas, which
PM2.5 concentration in the supply airflows, mg/m3; n is the number accommodate the variations in deposition velocities for different
of on-going AHUs; P is the fraction of PM2.5 that penetrate the surfaces. The expansion equation of the indoor PM2.5 deposition
building envelope (i.e., penetration coefficient), dimensionless; Qinf rate in Eq. (4) is expressed as:
is the air infiltration rate, m3/h; cout is the outdoor PM2.5 concen-
tration, mg/m3; F is the indoor PM2.5 generation rate, mg/h; Qme is D ¼ ðAu vdu þ Av vdv þ Ar vdr Þcin (5)
the total flow rate of mechanical air exhaust, m3/h; Qexf is the air
exfiltration rate, m3/h;cin is the indoor PM2.5 concentration, mg/m3; whereAu and Av are the smooth surface areas for particle deposi-
D is the indoor PM2.5 deposition rate, mg/h. tion, m2; u and v are the subscripts for horizontally-upward and

Fig. 2. Airflows in a shopping center.

Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 143

vertical surfaces, respectively; Ar is the rough surface area for

particle deposition, m2; and vdu , vdv andndr are the corresponding X

deposition velocities, m/h. In Eq. (5), horizontally-downward

Ar ¼ lr Af ;i (11)
smooth surfaces are not included because its PM2.5 deposition
velocity is near to 0 (i.e., negligible); this was previously proven by a where k is the number of stores;Af ;i and Aw;i are the floor and
study at Berkeley [23]. vertical wall areas in each store, m2, respectively; Af ;p and Aw;p are
the floor and vertical wall areas in public spaces, m2; lu is the
additional horizontally-upward-surface factor, which describes the Deposition velocity. The study at Berkeley showed that the additional horizontally-upward deposition area provided by the
deposition velocity onto a smooth surface was influenced by par- furniture per unit floor area in each store; lv is the additional
ticle size and flow conditions near the surface [23]. The researchers vertical-surface factor, which describes the additional vertical
drew curves describing how particle size and air velocity affected deposition area provided by the partition walls and furniture per
the deposition velocity based on simulation and experiment. The unit floor area in each store; lr is the additional rough-surface
“deposition velocity-particle diameter” curves of vertical and factor, which describes the rough-surface deposition area pro-
horizontally-upward surfaces were different. The current method vided by the clothing surfaces per unit floor area in each store.
uses these results to calculate the deposition velocity of smooth
surfaces. Indoor PM2.5 deposition rate. Substituting Eqs. (6)e(11)
Another study established a model room for simulations, into Eq. (5) yields:
obtaining the relationship curve of area-weighted deposition ve-
(" # "
locity and particle diameter under different surface roughness [24]. k 
X  k 
The area-weighted deposition velocity is the deposition velocity D¼ Af ;i þ lu Af ;i þ Af ;p vdu þ Aw;i þ lv Af ;i
weighted by the areas of the vertical, horizontally-upward and i¼1 i¼1
# )
horizontally-downward surfaces. The current method uses these X
results to calculate the deposition velocity of rough surfaces. þ Aw;p vdv þ lr Af ;i vdr cin
Assuming that PM2.5 diameter distribution is identical for the i¼1
entire inner space, then the deposition velocities of different sur- (12)
faces are calculated by the following formulas:
For a given shopping center, the stores and public usage areas
m are obtained from the relevant CAD drawings; the additional area
ndu ¼ vdu;i xi (6) factors are surveyed and measured in typical stores. Now, the sur-
i¼1 face areas for particle deposition can be calculated. Combining
Section and Section, the indoor PM2.5 deposition rate
m is determined.
ndv ¼ vdv;i xi (7)
2.2.2. PM2.5 generation and penetration
The major indoor sources of PM2.5 are smoking, cooking and
particle resuspension induced by light human activities (especially
ndr ¼ vdr;i xi (8)
walking) [25e34]. In most countries, smoking is prohibited in
public places (such as shopping centers). Cooking activities involves
where vdu;i , vdv;i and vdr;i are the deposition velocities of different the combustion of fuel and gas, which emits particles. However,
surfaces in variable PM2.5 diameter intervals (fixing air velocity these particles are directly exhausted to outdoors in the kitchens.
and surface roughness), m/h; xi is the weight percentage of PM2.5 Therefore, the indoor PM2.5 generation rate caused by smoking and
in the corresponding diameter interval; and m is the number of cooking in a large shopping center is zero. Then, particle resus-
PM2.5 diameter intervals. Now, after indoor PM2.5 diameter dis- pension needs to be considered. To evaluate resuspension quanti-
tribution is measured, the deposition velocities of different surfaces tatively, Slinn [35] defined the resuspension rate as:
can be calculated.
r¼ (13)
L Surface area for particle deposition. As mentioned earlier, where r is the resuspension rate, h1; R is the resuspension flux,
deposition areas include both smooth and rough surface areas. As mg/(m2$h); and L is the floor dust loading, mg/m2 Thus, the indoor
for shopping centers, smooth surface areas includes floors, walls PM2.5 generation rate can be expressed as:
and furniture surfaces; rough surface areas are mainly provided by
clothing surfaces in clothing stores and are small enough to be F ¼ rLA (14)
ignored in other areas. Besides, a large shopping center is divided
into two parts: stores and public areas. As such, the surface areas for where A is the surface area for human walking and particle resus-
deposition are expressed as: pension in a shopping center, m2.
Previous researches provided the resuspension rates induced by
X  indoor human activities for particles with different diameters
Au ¼ Af ;i þ lu Af ;i þ Af ;p (9) [27,36,37]. The floor dust loading can be measured using a vacuum
cleaner with HEPA filter to catch smaller particles [38]. The surface
area for particle resuspension is obtained from CAD drawings.
X  Then, the indoor PM2.5 generation rate is determined. Its magni-
Av ¼ Aw;i þ lv Af ;i þ Aw;p (10) tude will be discussed in detail in Section 3.2.3, and finally it's
neglected compared to the indoor PM2.5 deposition rate.
The air infiltration in a large shopping center occurs through
144 Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

glass curtain walls and windows with large gaps and frequently speed [41]. Also, the average wind speed of a typical year in Beijing
opened doors for people coming and going. Hence, the penetration is 2.4 m/s, with a wind speed lower than 2 m/s for 62% of the time
coefficient is set as 1, which is also recommended by Thatcher and [42]. Besides, with the rapid development of China's urban con-
Thornburg [36,39]. struction in recent years, large quantity of high-rise buildings are
built in cities. Wind speed is significantly reduced due to the in-
2.3. Summary of the methodology fluence of tall buildings and friction when air current passes urban
areas, leading to an increase in horizontal static wind [43]. The
From the above, the infiltration rate in large shopping centers horizontal static wind is not conducive to the spread and dilution of
can be calculated by Eq. (4) using the new method. The following is pollutants in the atmosphere. Hence, it's one of the main reasons
a summary of how to obtain each parameter mentioned in the new for the formation of hazy weather and can cause a steady outdoor
method as well as some simplifications for the field test. concentration of PM2.5 for a period of time [44]. Fig. 3 shows the
For a given shopping center, air flow rates are constant under measurement results for outdoor PM2.5 concentration from 05:00
specific operation modes of the HVAC system, which allows for December 4th, 2016 to 05:00 December 5th, 2016 in Beijing, China.
measurements after shifting operation modes. Time periods for steady outdoor concentration are frequently
Existing research at Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) showed encountered. During these periods, PM2.5 mass balance can be
that during the spring and summer seasons, the diameter distri- achieved. The PM2.5 concentration of the supply air is dependent
bution of PM2.5 in Beijing remained relatively stable even though on the outdoor concentration and filter efficiency in the AHUs.
the general concentration was different [40]. As such, diameter Since filter efficiency does not significantly change for short time
distribution can be measured ahead of time instead of being periods, the concentration of the supply air is also steady during the
measured at the scene. Then the deposition velocities of the process of reaching the PM2.5 mass balance.
different surfaces can be obtained in advance, which simplifies the For assumption 3, air change rate and air infiltration through
calculations and field test. doors and windows are two factors that influence the homogeneity
Typically, when the usage area in the shopping center does not of indoor temperature and PM2.5 concentration. A high air change
change significantly, the surface area for particle deposition can be rate contributes to a healthy indoor environment; as such, large
treated as an invariable parameter. In fact, the area won't change by amounts of supply air are required in shopping centers, which also
much in one year's time, because generally the leases for stores are contributes to indoor airflow distribution and promotes the ho-
on an annual basis. mogeneity of temperature and particle concentration. However, the
Finally, the infiltration rate can be calculated after the related opening of doors and windows brings in outside air, which has
temperature and PM2.5 concentrations are measured. Since tem- different temperatures to indoor air as well as a higher PM2.5
perature and PM2.5 concentration sensors are accurate and inex- concentration. Hence, it affects the temperature and PM2.5 con-
pensive, the measurement is simple. The authors note that, for centration homogeneity of the nearby areas. In order to maintain a
many shopping centers in China, the temperature and PM2.5 con- good indoor environment, doors and windows are usually closed in
centration are monitored by the building automation system (BAS), a large shopping center. Also, temperatures throughout a large
allowing real-time values to be easily obtained. This also allows the shopping center are centrally monitored and controlled in order to
infiltration rate to be monitored in real-time. As such, the new be close to the set point; this ensures a thermally comfortable
method ensures routine management for infiltration rate moni- environment. Hence, indoor temperature and PM2.5 concentration
toring in large shopping centers. can be regarded as homogenous.
In Eq. (4), temperature is a correction term of the air density and
3. Validation has little effect on the result; as such, its homogeneity is only
theoretically analyzed. However, in order to verify the homogeneity
3.1. Validation of the assumptions of indoor PM2.5 concentration, two field tests were conducted in a
large shopping center in Beijing (China). The shopping center had a
Equations (2)e(4) in Section 2.1 are established under three total area of 87, 000 square meters, with three floors aboveground
assumptions. and one underground floor. The building was multi-functional,
For assumption 1, the inlet and outlet airflows are constant incorporating retailing shops, restaurants, a supermarket and
during the process of reaching the PM2.5 mass balance because the other businesses. The three aboveground floors were connected by
air valves are not regularly adjusted under a given operating mode a tall atrium, but the underground floor had no atrium connection
of the HVAC system. to the first floor nor were there doors or windows to provide
For assumption 2, the outdoor PM2.5 concentration is some- exposure to outside air. As such, infiltration did not influence the
what dependent on outdoor climate conditions, especially wind PM2.5 concentration in the underground floor. Therefore, the three

Fig. 3. Measurement results for outdoor PM2.5 concentration.

Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 145

aboveground floors of the shopping center were treated as the 3.2. Methodology validation
control volume.
The first field test acted as a pre-experiment. It divided each In order to verify the viability of the new method, another field
floor into 45 to 55 districts (based on area size), then arranged a test was conducted at the same test building.
measure point at each district. The PM2.5 concentration was
measured by a Portable Explosion-proof Dust Meter (TSI, Model 3.2.1. Deposition velocity
AM510) at each measure point. The height of the measure points During the field test, the particle diameter distribution of the
was 1.5 m which corresponded to the breathing zone when people indoor PM2.5 was measured by an Optical Particle Size Spectrom-
were standing. Fig. 4 shows the arrangement plans and results. The eter (TSI, Model 3330). Table 1 lists the measurement results of the
pentagram stands for the measure point, with the number near it PM2.5 diameter distribution and the data of deposition velocities
representing the serial number of each point. The average con- under different particle size, which were obtained from Alvin C. K
centration of the three floors was 62 mg/m3, which is marked [23]. and Zhao [24]. Equations (6) and (7) calculated the deposition
beneath each image (Fig. 4). The green pentagrams represent velocities of the horizontally-upward and vertical smooth surfaces,
measure points whose concentration was between 57 and 67 mg/m3 which were 0.1319 and 0.0006m=h, respectively. The area-weighted
(average concentration ± 5 mg/m3). Blue pentagrams represent deposition velocity of the rough surfaces calculated by Eq. (8) was
measure points whose concentration was within 52e57 mg/m3 and 0.2145m=h. Table 2 lists the calculated results.
67e72 mg/m3 (average concentration ± 5 mg/m3 ~ average
concentration ± 10 mg/m3). Red pentagrams represent measure 3.2.2. Surface area for particle deposition
points whose concentration was within 47e52 mg/m3 and Retail stores in the tested shopping center were classified into
72e77 mg/m3 (average concentration ± 10 mg/m3 ~ average three categories: restaurants, clothing stores and others. The three
concentration ± 15 mg/m3). The different colors reflect the PM2.5 additional area factors, lu , lv and lr , were different for each cate-
concentration homogeneity throughout the entire building. gory. Fourteen stores in the tested shopping center were selected to
Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows that the PM2.5 concentration around the measure the additional area factors, including four restaurants, five
atrium was over 70 mg/m3, with measure points marked as blue or clothing stores and five other stores. Table 3 lists the average values
red. This is because there were three sensor doors near the atrium of each additional area factor. The areas of the vertical walls and
on the 1st floor; when people passed by, the doors automatically floors were measured from the CAD drawings. Equations (9)e(11)
opened. For areas near the atrium on the 1st and 2nd floors, the calculated the different surface areas for particle deposition.
concentration was influenced by the outdoor concentration, which Table 4 lists the results.
was 110 mg/m3 on the measuring day. However, there was no
exhaust outlets near the atrium and only smooth surfaces for 3.2.3. Indoor PM2.5 generation rate
deposition; therefore, according to Eq. (5), the concentration non- According to previous researches, for particles whose diameter
uniformity of this area did not significantly affect the calculation was smaller than 5.0 mm, the resuspension rate induced by indoor
result of infiltration. human activities was no more than 1.8  103 h1 [27,36,37]. As
For measure points on the 3rd floor (Fig. 4(c)), the PM2.5 con- such, the resuspension rate of PM2.5 is obviously lower than that.
centration of the first three points was much higher than the others Besides, the maximum value of resuspension rate in the above re-
(over 85 mg/m3). This is because there was a balcony (Fig. 4(c), black searches was obtained by Qian [27] after 30 min of human activities
dotted line) with open doors near those measure points; hence, the in a chamber with floor area of 17.9 m2. While, the occupant density
concentration in this area was also affected by the outdoor PM2.5 is very small in a large shopping center. Fig. 7 shows the hourly
concentration. However, because the influenced area was small, occupant density of the tested shopping center in the National Day
these three points were omitted when calculating the average holiday (Oct. 1st e7th) of 2014. Overall, the occupant density was
concentration and, therefore, also excluded from the subsequent lower than 0.070 m-2 and the average occupant density was
analyses. 0.033 m-2. In other words, averagely there was only one person per
In summary, Fig. 4 shows that the proportion of area where the 30 m2 in the building. Thus, the resuspension rate would be even
PM2.5 concentration unevenness was over 15% was less than 5%; as smaller.
such, it had little effect on the infiltration calculation. Therefore, the The floor dust loading was measured in the test building using a
PM2.5 concentration inside the test building was treated as vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter before a routine clean. The mass
homogeneous. discrepancy of the HEPA filter before and after dust collection was
To further explore the homogeneity of PM2.5 concentration and measured and the calculated dust loading was 0.0003 g/m2. The
validation of the measurement, one additional field test of con- dust loading was quite small because shopping centers were swept
centration homogeneity was conducted and the results are shown frequently by cleaners.
in Fig. 5. This time each floor was divided into 74 to 78 districts and The surface area for particle resuspension was obtained from
more measure points were added. The average concentration of the CAD drawings, whose value was 60789 m2. Hence, the indoor
three floors was 57 mg/m3 and the outdoor PM2.5 concentration PM2.5 generation rate calculated by Eq. (14) was no more than
was 95 mg/m3. Obviously, the results demonstrates a better uni- 3.28  104 mg/h, which was only 1.7% of the indoor PM2.5 deposi-
formity of indoor PM2.5 concentration. tion rate. In fact, the ratio was much lower than 1.7% according to
To verify the concentration homogeneity in the vertical direc- the above analysis.
tion, two measure points were selected in each floor to conduct the Based on the above reasons, PM2.5 resuspension is neglected
tests. The story height was 3.65 m in the test building and PM2.5 and the indoor PM2.5 generation rate is set as zero in the proposed
concentrations were measured at 0 m, 0.5 m, 1 m … 3.0 m, 3.5 m at method.
each measure point. The results are presented in Fig. 6 and they
show no significant difference of PM2.5 concentration in the ver- 3.2.4. Infiltration rate
tical direction. After particle deposition and generation were determined, the
Hence, assumption 3 of Eq. (2)e(4) is valid. infiltration rate was calculated using the PM2.5 mass balance
equation. Table 5 lists the input parameters in the calculation
146 Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

Fig. 4. Measure points layout of each floor in the first field test.
Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 147

Fig. 5. Measure points layout of each floor in the second field test.
148 Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

94 and 150mg=m3 because filter efficiency was different in different

According to the parameters above, the infiltration rate calcu-
lated by the PM2.5 mass balance equation was209  103 m3 =h,
indicating that the building was under significant negative
In order to verify the accuracy of the above result, the airflow
mass balance was used to calculate the air infiltration rate. The flow
rates of all exhaust outlets in the test building were measured to
obtain the total flow rate of the mechanical air exhaust, which
yielded a value of403  103 m3 =h. The exfiltration rate was close to
0 because the building was under negative pressure, which was
verified by testing the air flow direction at the openings. Table 5
lists the total flow rate of the mechanical air supply and the tem-
perature of the airflows. Now, according to the airflow mass balance
in Eq. (3), the outdoor airflow infiltrating rate was 187  103 m3 =h.
Table 6 lists the infiltration rates calculated by the airflow and
PM2.5 mass balances. The relative error between the results was
12%, which was within the acceptable error range. This means that
the proposed method would be feasible in practical applications.

3.2.5. Sensitivity analysis

In Eq. (4), all the parameters can be measured with acceptable
value of accuracy except the deposition rate. So sensitivity analysis
is performed for the determining factors of deposition rate: surface
areas for particle deposition and different deposition velocities.
Surface areas for particle deposition are determined by the usage
area in shopping centers, which, as mentioned earlier, won't
change much in one year's time. In the proposed method the area
values were obtained from CAD drawings and the additional area
factors were measured in typical stores. Overall, its variation range
was ±5%. Studied and reviewed by Lai [23,45], the variation range of
deposition velocity on horizontally-upward smooth surfaces was
0.0542e0.2125m=h; and the variation range of deposition velocity
on vertical smooth surfaces was 0.0002e0.0019 m=h depending on
the friction velocity. Researched by Zhao [24], the variation range of
area-weighted deposition velocity on rough surfaces was
0.0565e0.7200 m=h depending on the surface roughness.
Based on the variation ranges above, the output of sensitivity
analysis is listed in Table 7. It's obvious that infiltration rate is the
most sensitive to the deposition velocity on horizontally-upward
smooth surfaces, because the area of horizontally-upward smooth
surfaces for particle deposition is the biggest among all deposition
surfaces; and the result is the second most sensitive to the area-
weighted deposition velocity on rough surfaces due to its wide
variation range. Nevertheless, the relative error is no more than 25%
when parameters vary in their ranges. Thus, the variations of
determining factors for deposition rate are all considered in the
sensitivity analysis.

4. Discussion

Fig. 6. PM2.5 concentration homogeneity in vertical direction.

The traditional tracer gas method is not suitable to assess the
infiltration rate of shopping centers with large inner space due to
The mechanical air supply from the HVAC system included fresh significant consumption of tracer gas and high implementation
air and return air. The field test was conducted in the transition costs. The airflow mass balance method needs large amount of
season (March 27, 2015), when the building was not heated or measurement workload when used in large buildings. Based on the
cooled. As such, the fresh air temperature was equal to the outdoor PM2.5 mass balance, the proposed method makes it feasible to
air temperature and the return air temperature was equal to the assess the infiltration rate in large shopping centers. Although the
indoor air temperature. The air flow rates were measured by a deposition, generation and penetration of PM2.5 are treated in
thermal balloon anemometry (Beijing Detector Instrument Co., Ltd. detail, the measurement error is still approximately 15e20%. As
Model D30JS). such, further research is required to enhance measurement accu-
The PM2.5 concentration of the mechanical air supply was racy. However, considering that the measuring error for airflow in
measured in the AHUs after the filters by a Portable Explosion- ducts or outlets is about 5e10% [46,47], it could be said that the new
proof Dust Meter (TSI, Model AM510). The values were between method makes the infiltration rate assessment in large shopping
Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 149

Table 1
Parameters to calculate deposition velocity.

Serial number Particle diameter Weight percentage Smooth surface Rough surface

(mm) xi Horizontally upward Vertical Area-weighted

vdu;i vdv;i vdr;i
(m=h) (m=h) (m=h)

1 0.300e0.374 21.68 0.0202 0.0011 0.1980

2 0.374e0.465 17.52 0.0288 0.0008 0.1980
3 0.465e0.579 12.45 0.0360 0.0006 0.1980
4 0.579e0.721 7.00 0.0576 0.0006 0.1980
5 0.721e0.897 5.18 0.0720 0.0005 0.1980
6 0.897e1.117 7.26 0.1008 0.0004 0.2304
7 1.117e1.391 3.12 0.1548 0.0004 0.2336
8 1.391e1.732 6.01 0.2160 0.0003 0.2369
9 1.732e2.156 13.33 0.3600 0.0002 0.2466
10 2.156e2.500 6.45 0.5760 0.0002 0.2628

Table 2 centers practicable within an acceptable range of error.

Deposition velocities of different surfaces. Under the proposed method, the infiltration rate of shopping
Deposition velocity (m=h) Values centers could be supervised in real-time by monitoring indoor
vdu 0.1319
temperature and PM2.5 concentration, which avoids excess energy
vdv 0.0006 consumption caused by excess air infiltration. This method could
vdr 0.2145 function as a routine means for shopping centers to instruct oper-
ational management and improve air conditioning energy perfor-
mance. The proposed method also informs the reduction of indoor
Table 3 PM2.5 concentration for large shopping centers. According to Eqs.
Three additional area factors. (4) and (5), indoor PM2.5 concentration is expressed as:
Category lu lv lr
Restaurants 0.44 0.42 0 Qinf Pcout þ Qms$i cms;i þ F
Clothing stores 0.03 0.29 0.25 i¼1
cin ¼ (15)
Others 0.25 0.24 0 P
Qms;i TTms;i
þ Qinf TTout
þ ðAr vdr þ Av vdv þ Au vdu Þ

Table 4 In order to make the result dimensionless, the equation above is

Surface areas for particle deposition. transformed into:

Surface area (m2 ) Values

c F
Au 79074 Qinf P þ Qms;i cms;i þ cout
cin i¼1
Av 18982 ¼ n (16)
Ar 3273 cout P
Qms;i TTms;i
þ Qinf TTout
þ ðAr vdr þ Av vdv þ Au vdu Þ

This equation shows that there are two ways to reduce indoor

Fig. 7. Hourly occupant density in the test building.

150 Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152

Table 5
Input parameters in the infiltration rate calculation process.

Parameters Symbols Values

Penetration coefficient P 1
Indoor PM2.5 generation rate (mg=h) F 0
Indoor PM2.5 deposition rate (mg=h) D 1.97  106

Indoor air temperature ( C) Tin 20.5

Outdoor air temperature ( C) Tout 19.1
Temperature of the mechanical air supply ( C) Tms;i 19.1 (Fresh air)
20.5 (Return air)

Indoor PM2.5 concentration (mg=m3 ) cin 177

Outdoor PM2.5 concentration (mg=m3 ) cout 230
PM2.5 concentration of the mechanical air supply (mg=m3 ) cms;i 94e150
Total flow rate of the mechanical air supply (m3 =h) i¼1 Qms;i
215  103

Table 6 PM2.5 concentration: increase filter efficiency (i.e., decrease the

Comparison of infiltration rates calculated by the two methods. c
value of cms;i
) and decrease infiltration rate (because the outdoor
Methods Infiltration rate (103 m3 =h) Relative error PM2.5 concentration is usually higher than the indoor concentra-
Airflow mass balance 187 12% tion). Fig. 8 shows the effect of the air infiltration rate and filter
PM2.5 mass balance 209 efficiency on indoor PM2.5 concentration in the tested shopping

Table 7
Output of sensitivity analysis.

Input Typical value of the input Range of the input Infiltration rate calculated by PM2.5 mass Relative error to the infiltration rate calculated by
parameter parameter parameter balance (103 m3 =h) airflow mass balance

Au , Av , Ar See Table 4 ±5% 206.8e210.6 10.9e12.9%

vdu 0.1319m=h 0.0542e0.2125m=h 188.0e230.2 0.8e23.4%
vdv 0.0006m=h 0.0002e0.0019m=h 208.7e208.8 11.9e12.0%
vdr 0.2145m=h 0.0565e0.7200m=h 207.0e214.3 11.0e14.9%

Fig. 8. Effect of air infiltration rate and filter efficiency on indoor PM2.5 concentration.
Qms;i cms;i
h ¼ 1  Pi¼1n
Qms;i cout
Y. Shi et al. / Building and Environment 119 (2017) 140e152 151

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