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Mechatronics Engineering (MCTR 601)

Ball Levitation using a PID control

Proposal done by:

Ahmed Daw 52-6444 T-30
Khaled Elbadawy 52-11226 T-30
Ahmed Hatem 52-8833 T-30

Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Ayman Elbadawy


Table of contents:

Project description: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3

Labelled diagram: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4

Initial circuit schematic: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5

Initial list of components: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6

• Project Description:

The objective of this project is to regulate the height of a ping-pong

ball through the use of a fan located at the base of the apparatus, along
with two ultrasonic sensors. One sensor measures the ball's height while
the other serves as a reference point for the user's desired height. The
desired height is determined by the user's hand placement, which is
detected by an ultrasonic sensor that relays the information to the other
sensor mounted at the top of a tube. This sensor controls both the height
of the ball and the fan's power. Depending on the height detected by the
sensors, the fan's speed is adjusted accordingly to maintain the ball's
stability at the desired height. An LED is used to indicate that the height has
been achieved, by lighting when the desired height is reached.

Labelled diagram:

Ultrasonic sensor 1

Electric fan

LCD Panel

Ultrasonic sensor 2 +
green LED
board (should be

Circuit diagram (initial Schematic):

This circuit diagram above shows the needed connections to control the voltage of the fan

The circuit above shows some of the basic connections to the microcontroller (just an initial

Initial list of components:
Some components like breadboards, resistors, capacitors and batteries were not
mentioned as their numbers and values are yet to determined as we work on the

Component Required number

Ultrasonic sensor 2

Fan 1

LCD panel 1

Hollow transparent tube 1

Power Supply (exact value to be 1

determined based on the fan used)

Male to male jumpers many


Microcontroller board (could be 1

ARDUINO UNO, or our own PCB)


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