A High Step-Up Isolated DC-DC Converter Based On Voltage Multiplier Cell

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A High Step-Up Isolated DC-DC Converter

Based on Voltage Multiplier Cell
Bernardo Andres, Leonardo Romitti, Fabrício H. Dupont, Leandro Roggia and Luciano Schuch,
Member, IEEE

Abstract—Generating sources of renewable systems, like
photovoltaic module or fuel cell, have a low output voltage that has
to be boosted for most of applications, such as grid-tie inverters.
To accomplish this, an isolated dc-dc high step-up SEPIC (single
ended primary inductor converter) with a Greinacher voltage
doubler cell is presented. It has the advantage of continuous input
current, high efficiency, high voltage gain, isolation and demands Fig. 1. MIC converter with emphasis on first stage.
a single switch, being suitable for low power grid-tie photovoltaic
systems. The operating principles and steady-state analysis are side. These VMCs used on secondary side are based on
presented, including the detailed analysis of resonant stage and the switched-capacitor techniques and the most commonly used are
effects of transformer winding capacitances on converter known as voltage doubler (VD) and voltage tripler (VT), with
operation are investigated. Moreover, the effects of resonance the possibility of expansion to raise voltage gain, although
frequency variations on converter efficiency is experimentally
investigated. Experimental results on a 50 kHz, 200 W prototype
increasing the number of converter components [4].
are presented to validate the proposed concept. Many authors have proposed new topologies with high
voltage gain without using transformer, combining voltage
Index Terms—Isolated SEPIC, Resonant stage, Voltage boosting techniques and the use of snubber circuit to reduce
multiplier cell. voltage spikes across the switch [5], or replacing diodes with
synchronous switches, achieving soft-switching and reducing
I. INTRODUCTION EMI issues [6]. Despite of its advantages, non-isolated
converters require additional circuits or techniques to mitigate
H IGH step-up converters are often used in renewable
systems, specifically in low power grid-tie systems with
two converters, where the output voltage of the photovoltaic
leakage current.
Galvanic isolation is desirable for this application in order to
module is low and has to be boosted, making the high-step up maintain security of the whole system, besides mitigating
dc-dc converter very attractive [1]. These systems, as shown in leakage current and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Fig. 1, are also known as ac photovoltaic modules (module- problems [7]. Therefore, regarding isolated converters, in [8] a
integrated-converter – MIC), where a high step-up converter, in high voltage gain converter with a lower transformer turn ratio
first stage, provides a high voltage gain and is connected to a is obtained, through the integration of cascading boost with an
grid-tie inverter [2]. A great number of isolated and non- isolated buck-boost converter and mitigating voltage spike
isolated topologies have been proposed for this application. caused by leakage inductance. Despite of its advantages, this
Several classic non-isolated step-up converters can be used, converter has a large number of switches, which significantly
however, as many of them present reduced voltage step-up ratio increases the cost of whole system and, besides that, maximum
[3], methods to increase voltage gain are needed, such as efficiency obtained is not attractive for this application. There
cascade boost converters, coupled-inductor based boost are other options to increase maximum efficiency and obtain
converters, switched capacitor, switched inductor, voltage high voltage gain, with the use of a resonant full-bridge
multiplier, among others [4]-[5]. Voltage multiplier cells converter, replacing the secondary diodes with active switches,
(VMCs) applied on secondary side provide the advantages of obtaining soft-switching conditions for diodes and switches [9]
increased converter static gain, in some cases clamping the or with addition of a voltage multiplier on secondary side,
voltage spikes on diodes, without elevating voltage stress over reducing turn ratio of transformer [10]. Although these
the switch, unlike voltage boost techniques applied on primary advantages were experimentally validated, those converters still

This work was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria
de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES/PROEX) – Financial Code 001, INCTGD, 97015900, Brazil. (e-mails: adoandres, Leonardo.romitti, roggia, schuch.prof
CNPq (465640/2014-1), CAPES (23038.000776/2017 – 54), FAPERGS {@gmail.com})
(17/2551-0000517-1). Fabrício Hoff Dupont is with Technology Development Group, Community
Bernardo Andres, Leonardo Romitti, Leandro Roggia and Luciano Schuch University of Chapecó Region, 89809-900, Chapecó. (e-mail:
are with Power Electronics and Control Research Group, Department of fhdupont@gmail.com)

Fig. 2. Isolated SEPIC derivation: (a) Classic SEPIC; (b) Isolated SEPIC using cantilever model; (c) Isolated SEPIC with VMC on secondary side.

have the same problem of excessive number of active switches converter is presented in Section II. In [19] a similar topology
for a low power application. is presented, however, some notables differences in our work
In this low power application, some authors have proposed are: reduced leakage inductance and higher magnetizing
a single switch converter, using coupled inductor for isolation inductance, no use of snubber circuit with low voltage stress
and VD circuit on secondary side to increase voltage gain [11]. across the switch and, besides that, primary capacitor C is taken
Despite of these advantages, this topology has a large leakage into account on resonance analysis and effects of winding
inductance, due to coupled inductor, which requires an transformer capacitance are investigated.
additional snubber circuit. Furthermore, maximum efficiency is The converter has the following features: 1) quasi zero-
obtained in a very low power, while in the full-load condition current switching (qZCS) turn-on of switch disregarding the
this value is considerably lower. Similar to this, a current-fed use of snubber circuit; 2) ZCS turn-off of all diodes, mitigating
converter with high voltage gain also uses a voltage multiplier losses associated with diode reverse recovery; 3) Clamp of
on secondary and a snubber circuit on primary, mitigating voltage spikes across the diodes; 4) Small input current ripple
voltage spikes across the switch [12]. Once again, the problems due to input inductor; 5) Reduced voltage spikes across the
are low maximum efficiency in the full-load condition, besides switch, without use of snubber circuit, due to low leakage
the requirement of using a snubber circuit due to high leakage inductance of transformer; 6) High efficiency with low cost,
inductance. Some other works proposed different snubber achieving high voltage gain. Experimental results on a 50 kHz,
circuits that can be used in single switch converters with high 200 W prototype are presented to validate these features.
leakage inductance [13]-[14], but, even with the improvements, In Section II, the derivation of converter is presented,
in general the results are unattractive, without reaching a high showing some cells used on secondary and its influence on
efficiency, considering the addition of an auxiliary circuit. magnetizing current, justifying the choice of VD cell. In Section
Therefeore, single switch converters are more suitable for III, theoretical analysis of proposed converter is presented, with
lower power applications, reducing volume, costs and emphasis on resonant stage and effect of winding transformer
complexity. Basic single switch isolated topologies are: capacitance on converter operation. Experimental results are
flyback, ZETA, SEPIC and Ćuk. Flyback converter is suitable shown in Section IV, validating the proposed concept and
for low power applications, however, it has low efficiency verifying the effects shown on previous section. Section V
because of the high voltage and current stresses on the concludes the paper.
components [15]. Moreover, it presents problems regarding to
high leakage inductance, due to its coupled inductor, which II. DERIVATION OF CONVERTER
causes several voltage spikes across the switch and rectifying From the classic SEPIC topology, shown in Fig. 2a, the
diode, and discontinuous input current, requiring a large input iSEPIC is obtained substituting the inductor Lo by a coupled
capacitance [16]. Isolated ZETA converter has the same inductor, using the Cantilever model, which is an interesting
problem of discontinuous input current and high leakage option to represent the magnetic element (transformer or
inductance. Those two converters always require a coupled coupled inductor) on isolated converters [20], as shown in Fig.
inductor for isolation, even with the use of different cells to 2b. In order to increase the voltage gain without increasing the
increase its voltage gain. Among these options, isolated SEPIC voltage stress over switch, the VMC is added on secondary side,
and Ćuk converters are a good option for this application, since as shown in Fig. 2c. Greinacher VD cell, Dickson and Ladder
they provide continuous input current, however, Ćuk has a VT cells, shown in Fig. 3, are interesting options that can be
higher component count, in standard version and with increase used on secondary side [21]-[23]. Besides the increase of
of cells, as shown in [17]. Hence, isolated SEPIC (iSEPIC) is a voltage gain, the circuit of these cells mitigates the voltage
very good choice, with low component count, and significantly spikes over the diodes. As aforementioned, an appropriate
reducing the dc magnetizing current with the appropriate choice choice of VMC can significantly reduce the dc magnetizing
of voltage multiplier cells (VMCs), allowing to use a current, guaranteeing that the magnetizing inductance, Lmag¸
transformer instead of coupled inductor [18], besides increasing does not store energy. Thus, a transformer is used for galvanic
voltage gain.
Therefore, this paper proposes an isolated single switch dc-
dc converter achieving high voltage gain and high efficiency
using a transformer for galvanic isolation without using a
snubber circuit, which significantly reduces volume and cost of
the whole system. To achieve this, a VD cell is used on
secondary side of an iSEPIC. The derivation of proposed Fig. 3. Cells applied on secondary to increase voltage gain.

shown in Fig. 5.
The main advantage of this feature is the use of a transformer
instead of a couple inductor. Besides the aforementioned
advantage of better utilization of BxH curve, leakage flux on
transformer is intrinsic and results of its design, while in
coupled inductor this is necessary to store energy, resulting in a
dc component on magnetizing current [24]. Leakage inductance
effects on power converters are well known and the main
concern is voltage stress across the switch, due to large spikes,
requiring a snubber circuit. Therefore, Greinacher voltage cell
applied on secondary of isolated SEPIC increases converter
static gain and efficiency while reduces volume and cost.


The circuit of isolated SEPIC with VD Greinacher cell
Fig. 4. Isolated SEPIC: (a) classical; (b) with VD; (c) with VT.
(VDiSEPIC) is shown in Fig. 6. Some relevant issues to
isolation instead of a coupled inductor, consequently providing theoretical performance of the converter are presented in this
a better utilization of BxH curve, reducing its volume and its section: principle of operation with detailed analysis of resonant
leakage inductance, Lr [20]. This can be achieved by the use of stage, voltage gain derivation, voltage stress, current stress, and
VD, but it is not possible with VT cells. analysis of winding transformer capacitance effects.
To better understand this, Kirchhoff current law (KCL) is A. Principle of operation
applied on indicated node in Fig. 4, where classical isolated
In order to simplify the steady-state analysis, the following
SEPIC is presented with and without voltage cells on
assumptions are made:
secondary. Taking into account that the dc current is
1) All power devices are ideal;
theoretically null in a capacitor, the average magnetizing
2) If a well-designed transformer is used, with a high-
current of the converters is given by
quality material, the impact of magnetizing inductor,
iLmag  avg   i1( avg )  iC ( avg )  ni2( avg ) . (1)
Lmag, in converter operation, is small, however, to
For the classical iSEPIC and with VT cell on secondary side, provide higher accuracy in analysis, this inductor is
the average magnetizing current is given by taken into account.
iLmag  avg   ni2( avg )  nI o , (2) 3) Output voltage is constant, therefore, capacitor Co is
not taken into account on the analysis.
where Io is the average output current. In these cases, the The converter has three different resonant operation modes,
magnetizing current has a dc component. For the iSEPIC with according to resonant period (Tr), switching period (Ts) and
VD cell on secondary side, the average magnetizing current is duty cycle. This can be better understood with Fig. 7, where
given by these modes are presented. The best option is the first mode,
iLmag  avg   ni2(avg )  0. (3) nearly to second mode, where total switching losses are smaller,
In this case, the average value of i2 is equal to the average since that ZCS condition is obtained in all diodes and the value
value of C1, therefore, there is no dc component in iLmag. A of switch current on turn-off transition is smaller than in third
simple approach, based on dc level of magnetizing current, is
shown in [24] in order to define if a couple inductor or a
transformer is used for isolation. Basically, the coupled
inductor has a dc level on magnetizing current, while
transformer theoretically has zero dc level on this current, as
Fig. 6. Topology circuit of VDiSEPIC.

Fig. 7. Converter operation according to variation of resonance: (a) below

resonance operation – first mode: DTs > 0.5Tr; (b) exactly resonance
operation – second mode: DTs = 0.5Tr; (c) above resonance operation – third
Fig. 5. Comparison between coupled inductor and transformer.
mode: DTs < 0.5Tr.

Fig. 9. Current flow path in four stages during one switching period in CCM
operation: (a) stage I; (b) stage II; (c) stage III; (d) stage IV.

vC (t )  Vin   vC  max  , (5)
iLin  t   iLin  t0   in t, (6)
vCr  min   Vo
vC  max  
Fig. 8. Key waveforms of VDiSEPIC in CCM operation. i1  t   ni2 (t )  niD 2  i1 (t0 )  n t, (7)
mode. This will receive more attention during the description
of operation stage II and in experimental results. vC  max 
iLmag  t   iLmag  t0   t, (8)
Fig. 8 shows the key waveforms of the converter in one Lmag
switching period, in continuous-conduction-mode (CCM). It is
is (t )  iLin  t   iLmag  t   i1  t  . (9)
important to mention that these waveforms are obtained for
operation below resonance frequency. The converter has four
operation stages in one switching period, as shown in Fig. 9. Stage II (t1 – t2): This stage begins when current i1 changes
The converter operation is given as follows: its direction, therefore, the diode D1 is turned on. A resonance
occurs among Lr and the equivalent capacitance, obtained from
Stage I (t0 – t1): This stage begins when switch S1 is turned a series association of Cr and C reflected to secondary. Hence,
on. For a short period, the current i1 has a linear decreasing, due during this stage, the current through D1 is sinusoidal, while the
to the negative voltage over the leakage inductor, current through the switch is a combination of this sinusoidal
demagnetizing it. This also happens with iD2, that has a linear current, from the resonance, with a trapezoidal current, from
decreasing, with the same rate of i1 reflected to secondary side. input inductor, Lin. Currents through Lin and Lmag are increasing
On the other hand, the switch current, iS, has a linear increasing, linearly, since the voltage across Lin is equal to Vin and voltage
with the same rate of i1. This results in a quasi-ZCS turn on of across Lmag is equal to vC. During this stage, the capacitor C is
the switch. This stage ends when current i1 reaches 0 A and discharged, while the capacitor Cr is charged. The equivalent
diode D2 is turned off under ZCS condition. The duration of this circuit, used to analyse the resonance and obtain the resonant
stage is considerably smaller than stage II and, moreover, the parameters, reflecting Lr and C to secondary, is shown in Fig.
voltage ripple over the capacitors ideally is small, therefore, 10.
because of this, the voltages across capacitors are constant on Taking into account that magnetizing inductance is
this stage. The main equations of this stage are given by significantly higher than leakage inductance, this element can
v be neglected in resonance analysis. In Fig. 10, leakage
vCr (t )  nVin  Cr  vCr  min  , (4) inductance Lr is referred to secondary multiplying its
inductance by square of turn ratio, n², and C is referred to
secondary as CS, dividing its capacitance by n². The equivalent

vC (t )  Vin   vC  min  , (18)
Vin  T 
iLin  t   iLin  t 2   t  R  =iLin  max  , (19)
Lin  2 
Fig. 10. Converter equivalent circuit of resonant stage. vC min  T 
capacitance is composed by a series association of Cs and Cr.
iLmag  t   iLmag  t2      t  R  =iLmag  max  , (20)
Lmag  2 
Therefore, Ceq, resonance frequency, fr, and resonant
is (t )  iLin  t   iLmag  t  . (21)
impedance, Zr, are given by

C Stage IV (t3 – t4): This stage begins when switch is turned

Cr 2 off. Since the current i1 is equal to zero at the beginning of this
Ceq  n , (10)
C stage, there is no change on its polarity, as happens in stage I,
Cr  2 therefore, there is no soft-switching in this stage and, moreover,
differently from stage 2, this one occurs without resonance, and,
1 1 1 n 2 Lr consequently, currents and voltages are not sinusoidal. In this
fr  ;  ; Zr  . (11)
2π  r Tr 2π C n 2 L C eq stage, the capacitor C is charged, while the capacitor Cr is
eq r
discharged. The voltage across Lin is the difference between Vin
Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL), and applying Laplace and VDS¸ resulting in a linear decreasing of iLin, while voltage
Transform and inverse Laplace Transform, considering initial across Lmag is the difference between vC and VDS, also resulting
conditions of i1 and vCeq, as shown in [25], i1 is obtained in time in a linear decreasing of iLmag. This stage ends when switch is
domain, given by turned on. The main equations are given by

Ceq  iLin  max   t  DTs   ... 

i1 (t )  ni2 (t )   niD1  n vCeq (0)sin(wr t ), (12)
n 2 Lr 1 
vC  t   vC  min     t  DT 2 V  V   (22)
C  s DS in

where vCeq(0) is obtained by the difference between vCr(0) and  
 2 Lin 
nvC(0). The main equations are given by
 iLin max   t  DTs   .. 
 
vC (t ) 

CvC (0)  Ceq nvCeq (0)  Ceq nvCeq (0))cos(wr t )   iLmag  max   t  DTs   .. 
C  
(13) 1   t  DTs 2 VDS  Vin  
vCr (t ) 

Cr vCr (0)  Ceq vCeq (0)  Ceq vCeq (0)cos(wr t )  vCr  t   vCr  max     ..  (23)
nCr  2Lin 
 2 
iLin  t   iLin  t1  
t, (14)   t  DT  VDS  Vin  
Lin  
 2Lmag 
vC (t )
iLmag  t   iLmag  t1   t, (15) VDS  Vin 
Lmag iLin  t   iLin max    t  DTs  , (24)
is (t )  iLin  t   iLmag  t   i1  t  . (16)
VDS  Vin 
iLmag  t   iLmag  max    t  DTs  , (25)
This stage ends when current i1 reaches 0 A, and, Lmag
consequently, diode D1 is turned off under ZCS condition. i1  t   iLin  iLmag  ni2 (t )  niD 2 . (26)
Stage III (t2 – t3): This stage begins after resonance is over.
If the converter operates close to second mode, as shown in Fig. B. Voltage gain
7, the duration of this stage is considerable smaller than The process to obtain the static gain of this converter,
previous stage. The capacitor C is in series with Lmag, and its applying the volt-second balance to the input inductor, Lin, is
voltage, vC, can be considered constant, as well as voltage vCr. shown in [25], resulting in
The voltage over Lr is practically null, as well as the current i1,
that is equal to zero until the switch is turned off. This stage Vo n
ends when S1 is turned off, with losses, without soft-switching. M   . (27)
Vin 1  D
This stage happens in first and second modes of operation, but
not in third. The main equations are given by C. Voltage and current stress
The voltage stress over the switch is given by
vCr (t )  nVin   vCr  max  , (17)

Vin V
VDS   o. (28)
1 D n
For diodes D1 and D2, the voltage stresses are given by

VD1  VD 2  Vo   (29)
1 D

Even with the increase of static gain, voltage stress across

the switch is the same of isolated SEPIC, while voltage stress
on diodes is smaller. RMS equations of currents are deduced
and presented in [25], playing an important role on converter
design and losses estimation.
Average voltage over the capacitors is given by
V 1  D 
VC  Vin  o ,
VC1  nVin  Vo 1  D  , (30)
VCo  Vo  .
1 D
D. Voltage and Current Ripples
The percentage ripple of iLin, vC, vCr and vCo is given by
DVin  100 
iLin  %   iLin  DTs   iLin  0     (31)
Lin f s  I in 
Fig. 12. Impact of Ct: (a) before the beginning of stage II; (b) in currents of
I in 1  D   100  converter’s operation.
vC  %   vC Ts   vC  DTs     (32)
Cf s  Vin  0 A, starting the discharge of equivalent capacitance, Ct.
I in 1  D   100  Ideally, disregarding voltage ripple of capacitors, during this
vCr  %   vC1  DTs   vC1 Ts     . (33) short period, voltage across Ct is changed from Vo/n – Vin to Vin,
nC1 f s  nVin 
resulting in a linear current. The impact of Ct is shown in Fig.
DI o  100  12a, where waveforms of iCt, i1, iCr, iD1 and iD2 are shown, giving
vCo  %   vCo  DTs   vCo Ts     . (34) a zoom between beginning and the end of Ct discharge. In Fig.
Co f s  Vo 
12b, key current waveforms are shown for a switching period.
These equations will be used in next section to determine
It can be seen from these waveforms that the main effects of
the minimum values of the inductance and capacitances.
Ct discharge are the reduction of resonant period, once linear
E. Winding transformer capacitance current cuts off part of original resonant period compared to
Cantilever model can be used to represent a transformer, when Ct is disregarded, and the increase of peak value of is and
however, stray capacitances are not taken into account. A real iD1 and minimum value of i1.
transformer has windings self-capacitances and interwinding
capacitances. Self-capacitances can be represented on primary IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
side by a single equivalent capacitance, similar to what is done A 200 W prototype of the converter was built and tested to
with leakage and magnetizing inductances [26], and has an validate the proposed concept.
important impact on converter operation, specifically affecting
the resonance of stage II. Interwinding capacitance couples A. Design Guidelines
primary and secondary voltages and gives an indication of how The input voltage is equal to 37.4 V, due to voltage at
much common mode noise is allowed, but can be disregarded maximum power point of a Canadian photovoltaic module,
on four stages of converter’s operation. model CS5A-200M [27], with a maximum power of 200 W, for
Therefore, referring self-capacitance of secondary to an irradiance of 1000 W/m², while output voltage is equal to
primary and disregarding interwinding capacitance in this case, 400 V, an usual value used in grid-tie inverters. Therefore, the
results in an additional stage, shown in Fig. 11, when i1 reaches required static gain is 10.695, while average output current is
equal to 0.5 A. A duty cycle of 0.44 was chosen, keeping
balance between efficiency, turn ratio and voltage stress across
semiconductors. Similar values are widely used in the
conception of high static gain converters with similar values of
input voltage and output power [28]-[29]. Briefly, this occurs
since that high values of duty cycle significantly increases the
Fig. 11. Discharge of capacitance Ct.

voltage stress over switch. On the other hand, low values of TABLE I
duty cycle increase the required turn ratio, which causes more Main Parameters and Component Rating
transformer losses. Therefore, turn ratio has to be equal to six Parameter/Component Specification/Value
Input Voltage 37.4 V
to obtain the specified output voltage. Finally, switching Duty Cycle 0.44
frequency is equal to 50 kHz. Output Voltage 400 V
1) Transformer Switching Frequency 50 kHz
Switch S IPP051N15N5 (150 V/120 A, 5.1 mΩ)
The transformer was acquired through a local supplier of
Diodes D1, D2 MUR860 (600 V/8 A, vf = 0.9 V)
magnetic materials, called Magmattec – Technology in Transformer
500 nH, 1 mH, 8:48, 2xMMT520T40.31.10B [30]
Magnetics Materials. The design of this component was made Lr, Lm, N1:N2, Core
9 mΩ (3x20 AWG), 318 mΩ (1x25 AWG)
considering a maximum flux density of 0.51 T, using two DCR N1, DCR N2
Input Inductor Lin 220 µH/ 77090 [33]/ DCR: 38 mΩ (1x18 AWG)
nanocrystalline cores, model 2xMMT520T40.31.10B [30], in 4x10 µF/100 V Electrolytic ESK106M063AC3 (32 mΩ)
Input Capacitor C
parallel. These cores have positive characteristics that provide 3x3.3 µF/100 V film BFC246804335 (10 mΩ)
low leakage flux and consequently a small leakage inductance. Resonant Capacitor Cr 3x470 nF/250 V film BFC246817474 (8 mΩ)
Output Capacitor Co 1x100 µF/450 V Electrolytic B43505C5107M000 (960 mΩ)
The primary coil is composed of three AWG 20 wires in
parallel, resulting in a copper wire resistance of 9 mΩ. The resonate with Lr, this intrinsic capacitance cuts off part of the
secondary coil is composed of one AWG 25 wire, resulting in a resonant current in the beginning of stage II. Therefore, the
copper wire resistance of 318 mΩ. The leakage inductance is converter was initially tested with the capacitance C equal to 33
500 nH, while the magnetizing inductance is 1 mH. µF and the capacitance Cr equal to 1 µF. According to (11),
2) Capacitors considering theses capacitances, the leakage inductance, the
The input capacitor and resonant capacitor are defined by switching period and duty cycle, half of the resonant period has
two conditions: maximum voltage ripple of 5% and an a closer value to the period that switch is ON, being equal to 8.8
µs. However, in the experimental test, half of resonant period
equivalent capacitance Ceq that guarantee converter operation
has an approximate value of 7 µs. Taking this into account, both
below resonance operation, according to (10)-(11). From (32),
capacitances were increased until Tr/2 has a close value to DTs.
the minimum capacitance obtained is equal to 32 µF. From (33),
This condition is obtained for C = 50 µF and Cr = 1.4 µF.
the minimum capacitance obtained is equal to 890 nF. It is According to (29) and (30), the ripple of vC is equal to 3.2%,
important highlight that the winding transformer capacitance while ripple of vCr is equal to 3.18%. Due to the low availability
has a significant impact on resonant waveforms. Briefly, the of capacitors in the laboratory, to achieve the required
discharge of this capacitance directly affects the resonant stage capacitances, C is composed of a parallel association of
II, therefore, a linear current cuts off part of resonance, reducing electrolytic and film capacitors, while Cr is composed of a
its period. The experimental results in next section will show parallel association of film capacitors.
this effect. Therefore, the solution is to test the converter using Fig. 13 shows main waveforms of switch at full-load
capacitance values for C and Cr close to what was obtained with condition with a zoom on turn-on transition. iS waveform shows
(32) and (33), and slowly increase these values until converter that converter is operating near to second mode, since half of
is operating near the condition Tr/2 = DTs. As to the output resonant period is lower than the period that switch is on, and
capacitor, the maximum voltage ripple defined is equal to 0.1%, the effect of Ct can be seen, being in agreement with theoretical
therefore, according to (34), the minimum capacitance obtained analysis and waveforms of Fig. 12. Furthermore, the zoom on
is equal to 11.2 µF. turn-on transition shows that turn-on switching losses are
3) Input Inductor negligible. Finally, it can be seen there is a voltage spike across
The input inductor was chosen to guarantee a maximum switch due to leakage inductance of transformer, although, this
current ripple of 30%. From (31) the minimum inductance is not a concern, once that maximum voltage across switch is
obtained is 205 µH. Therefore, an inductor was made using a 95 V, while maximum voltage of switch S1 is 150 V and there
Kool Mu toroidal core, model 77090 [33], with an AC flux of is no need to use an additional snubber circuit. This happens
0.035 T. A single AWG 18 wire was used with 35 turns, because leakage inductance has a small value, a positive
resulting in a DCR equal to 38 mΩ. The obtained inductance is characteristic of well-designed transformers using
equal to 220 µH. nanocrystalline core.
4) Semiconductors Fig. 14 shows main waveforms of transformer. The
The choice of the semiconductors is based on maximum waveform of i1 confirms the converter operation in first mode,
voltage and current stresses over them. Therefore, the chosen
switch is the IPP051N15N5, while the chosen diodes are
10 V/div

B. Experimental Results vGS

vDS iS
The prototype specification is shown in Table I. Tektronix 50 V/div
Encore MD03000 oscilloscope and a Yokogawa WT1600 vDS
power meter were used to measure main parameters. 10 A/div

As aforementioned, the experimental resonant period has a iS 100 ns

10 µs
substantial difference to the theoretical due to the effect of
Fig. 13. Experimental waveforms of switch S1 with zoom on turn-on.
winding transformer capacitance. Different from C and Cr, that

20 V/div
10 A/div
50 V/div

v n1
250 V/div
vn2 10 µs

Fig. 14. Experimental waveforms of transformer.

besides showing the effect of Ct discharge after its value reaches

0 A. As well as voltage across the switch, there is a voltage
spike across primary winding, however, it is not a concern,
since voltage peak is not high. Differently, on secondary side
the voltage is clamped because of capacitors, without spikes, an
effect that also occurs on diodes, as shown in Fig. 15. Voltage
stress across diodes is close to output voltage, with a value of -
411 V.
In Fig. 16, turn-off transition of diodes D1 and D2 is shown,
verifying ZCS condition. To understand this, waveforms of
secondary current, i2, and voltages across diodes are shown. For
diode D1, it can be seen that when i2 reaches 0 A, stage I ends,
with its voltage remaining 0 V. According to Fig. 11, before Fig. 17. Impact of Cr and resonance frequency in i1, is and iD1.
resonance begins, there is a linear current due to Ct discharges, it was necessary to use capacitance values considerably higher
and this can be seen in Fig. 15. For diode D2, ZCS condition than shown in Table I.
depends on the operation mode of converter and, as shown The results show that as the capacitance value is reduced,
before in experimental waveforms of switch and transformer, resonant period is shorter, increasing current peak and
this is achieved. consequently increasing RMS value of these currents, which
In section III, it was affirmed that, considering Fig. 7, first reduces converter’s efficiency, since conduction losses are also
operation mode, nearly to second mode, is the best choice for increased. On the other hand, as the capacitance value is
this converter. To better understand this, Fig. 17 shows i1, is and increased, resonant period is longer, decreasing current peak
iD1, varying the resonance frequency through the variation of and RMS value of these currents, however, ZCS condition is
Cr. To experimentally verify this, the secondary capacitance lost, since half of resonant period is higher than the period that
was varied, testing four different values: 0.43 µF, 0.9 µF, 7.97 switch is ON. Besides that, higher values of capacitance
µF and 10.33 µF, in order to obtain different operation modes. increase converter volume, which is undesirable for this
The result is shown in Fig. 18, where waveforms of vGS, i1 and application. To verify this analysis, Fig. 19 shows converter
is are shown, respectively. There is a substantial difference efficiency varying capacitance of Cr, with a nominal power of
among these tested values, since resonant period has higher 200 W, measured by YOKOGAWA WT300. It can be seen that
variations for lower values of Cr. As the capacitance value is maximum efficiency is obtained for values slightly higher than
increased, variations of resonant period are smaller, therefore, 1.5 µF and lower than 2 µF, therefore, according to Table I, the
selected value for Cr is an appropriate choice.
20 V/div
vGS C. Efficiency Results and Loss distribution
i In Fig. 20, the converter efficiency is presented for different
10 A/div output power levels. It is important to highlight that the
v D2 capacitance value of Cr used to obtain the efficiency curve is
250 V/div the same shown in Table I, equal to 1.4 µF. The maximum
vD1 measured efficiency is 96.85 % at 180 W, while the full-load
250 V/div 10 µs
efficiency is 96.6 %. The European weighted efficiency of
Fig. 15. Experimental waveforms of diodes. converter is 95.8 %, while Californian energy commission
weighted efficiency is 96.3 %. It is important to highlight that
the converter efficiency is higher than 96% for most part of the
i2 1 A/div vD1 250 V/div
ZCS turn-off
output power range, as shown in Fig. 20. It is important to
ZCS turn-off
vD2 highlight that the converter efficiency is higher than 96% for
250 V/div
i2 2 A/div
most part of the output power range, proving that a high
efficiency can be achieved when following the considerations
Fig. 16. Experimental waveforms of turn-off transition for diodes. approached in this paper regarding the cell selection for the

20 V/div 20 V/div
v GS v GS

10 A/div 10 A/div

i1 i1
is is
10 A/div 10 A/div

(a) (b)

20 V/div 20 V/div
v GS vGS
10 A/div 10 A/div

i1 i1
is is
10 A/div 10 A/div

(c) (d)
Fig. 18. Experimental waveforms of vGS, i1 and is using: (a) C1 = 0.43 µF; (b) C1 = 0.9 µF; (c) C1 = 7.97 µF; (d) C1 = 10.33 µF.

calculation. The losses of diodes are given by

PD   I Dx ( avg ) v f . (36)
x 1
Where x can be 1 or 2, the ID(avg) is the average current of
each diode and vf is the forward voltage given by the
manufacture datasheet [32]. Since both diodes achieve ZCS
condition for turn-off transition, these losses can be neglected.
The inductor losses can be calculated by
PLin  DCRLin iLin ( RMS ) 2  PL Ae le . (37)
Fig. 19. Measured efficiency varying capacitance Cr. Where DCRLin is the copper wire resistance and iLin(RMS) is
the RMS current of input inductor. The parameter PL is the core
loss density, defined by PL = aBpkbfsc, where a, b and c are
constants given in the datasheet and Bpk is the AC magnetic flux
density. The value of PL also can be determined from the chart
provided by the manufacture core information [33]. Ae is the
transversal core area and le is the core medium path length. Both
parameters are also available in [33].
The transformer losses are the sum of copper losses and core
losses and can be calculated by
PT  DCRn1i1( RMS ) 2  DCRn 2 i2( RMS ) 2  Pe  Ph (38)
Fig. 20. Measured efficiency of the converter.
Where DCRn1 and DCRn2 are the copper wire resistance of
converter. primary and secondary coil, respectively, i1(RMS) and i2(RMS) are
To understand the efficiency behavior, the losses estimation the RMS current of primary and secondary coil, respectively.
is evaluated. In this sense, the losses of each component were Pe is the eddy current loss and Ph is the hysteresis loss. Usually,
calculated. In relation to the switch, the losses can be calculated the core manufacture datasheet provides a graph relating the
by power loss density versus peak AC flux density. In this case,
 
Ps  RDS (on )is ( RMS ) 2  0.5 f s  VDS is t 3  toff  ton VDS 2Coss  . (35)
 
the local supplier gives an estimation of core losses based on
the peak AC flux density of 0.51 T, considering the graph of
Where RDS(on) is the static drain-to-source ON-resistance, power loss density presented in [30].
is(RMS) is the rms current of switch, fs is the switching frequency, The capacitor losses are given by
VDS is the maximum voltage stress over the switch, is(t3) is the 3
switch current at instant t3, toff and ton are the switching time for PC   ESRI C ( RMS ) 2 (39)
x 1
turn-on and turn-off and Coss is the output capacitance provided
In this case, since the input capacitor is composed by some
by manufacturer [31]. An important issue to highlight in this
capacitors connected in parallel, including film capacitors, the
case is that the switch current on turn-off (t3) is equal to the
ESR is significantly reduced so that the losses associated to this
maximum value of iLin. This value is obtained considering Iin
element are small. The same occurs for resonant capacitor,
and the current ripple ∆iLin.
since RMS current on secondary is smaller than on primary and
Since there is a qZCS condition, the ton is disregarded on
only film capacitors were used. Therefore, most of capacitor

loss distribution is shown in Fig. 21. It is important to highlight

that the use of transformer associated to a cell on secondary side
enable to choose a switch with a low value of RDS(on), which
reduces the conduction losses, while the qZCS reduces the
switching losses. The ZCS condition for both diodes associated
to a low average current results in less than 1 W of losses in
these elements. Therefore, it is expected that the majority of
losses are associated to the transformer, however, its losses
reduces less than 1.5% of converter efficiency. It is important
to mention that losses associated to input inductor are higher
Fig. 21. Efficiency evaluation: Loss distribution.
than in semiconductors, which confirms that the insertion of
this component on primary side is not a suitable choice, since it
losses are due to the output capacitor. can degrade converter efficiency and increase voltage over
In order to validate the currents of converter components, a switch. Finally, the obtained theoretical efficiency for 200 W is
digital simulation was performed in PSIM®. After that, using all equal to 96.85%, while the experimental efficiency is equal to
the losses equations and MATLAB software, the losses and 96.6%, therefore, there is a small difference of 0.25%, which is
efficiency of converter were calculated for full-load condition. equivalent to 0.5 W.
All the RMS equations can be found in [25]. The result of the Finally, Table II shows a comparison among the presented
Comparison among proposed converter with other converters presented in the literature
Converter Static Gain Specification Voltage over main switch Maximum Efficiency Full-load efficiency Isolated
fs = 50 kHz
n Po = 200 W Vin V
Vin = 37.4 V = o 96.85% 96.6% Yes
1 D 1 D n
Vo = 400 V
fs = 50 kHz
nD Po = 100 W Vin V
Vin = 48 V = o 95.8% 93.8% Yes
1 D 1  D nD
Vo = 200 V
fs = 50 kHz
1 D Po = 300 W Vin Vo
[35] 2n = 95% 93.3% Yes
1  2D Vin = 25 V 1  2 D 2n 1  D 
Vo = 400 V
fs = 50 kHz
 3  2n2  n3  Po = 216 W Vin
96.2% 96% No
1 D Vin = 38 V 1  D  3  2n2  n3 
Vo = 200 V
fs = 30 kHz
n+2+D Po = 220 W Vin Vo
[37] = 96.2% 94% No
1  D  Vin = 26V 1 D n  2  D
Vo = 300 V
fs = 50 kHz
1  D  2n 1  D  Po = 200 W Vin Vo (1  D)
[38]  96.1% 94% No
1  D  2 V in = 20 V 1  D  1  D  2n 1  D 
Vo = 200 V
fs = 50 kHz
D Po = 100 W DVin Vo
[39] = 91.4% 91.4% No
1  D 2 Vin = 24 V
Vo = 172 V
1 D n
fs = 40 kHz
1  3D Po = 200 W Vin V
Vin = 20 V = o 94.5% 93% No
1 D 1  D 1  3D
Vo = 250 V
fs = 50 kHz
1  nD Po = 200 W 1  nD
[41] 1  D  Vin 1  D   VC 2  Vo  VC 2 94.3 92. No
1  D  Vin = 24 V 1  D 
Vo = 200 V
fs = 50 kHz
1  nD Po = 221 W M n M n
[42] 1  D  Vi  V 94.8 93.2 No
1  D  Vin = 28 V  n  2 M  n  2 o
Vo = 388 V
fs = 33 kHz
1 D Po = 120 W MVi  2 Vo  2
[43] 2  94.4 92.5 No
1  D  Vin = 12 V 2MVi 2Vo
Vo = 94.86 V
fs = 50 kHz
3  2n2  n3 Po = 250 W Vi Vo
[44]  95.9 95.4 No
1 D Vin = 29 V 1  D 3  2 n2  n3
Vo = 450 V
fs = 50 kHz
2  n  nD Po = 250 W Vi Vo
[45]  96.58 92.21 No
1  D 2 Vin = 16 V 1  D 2  n  nD
Vo = 400 V

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Apr. 2022.

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