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2, JUNE 1995

AC Losses in High Tc Superconductors

A.M. Campbell
IRC in Superconductivity, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK

Abstract - The losses in high T, conductors do However although these complications make an
not differ in principle from those in low T, accurate calculation of losses difficult it is possible to make
materials, and the same calculations can be used. approximations which lead to results which are adequate for
However it is necessary to allow for the practical design purposes.
granularity of the materials and the high aspect We can split the applications into two regimes, large field
ratio of the conductors. This paper derives penetrations and small field penetrations. The division
simple, if approximate, expressions for between the two regimes is the extemal field which just
calculating the losses in the most important fills the cross section with the criticai current density,
cases for practical purposes. These are the use
of BSCCO tapes in magnets and cables at power
which is the same as the field generated at the Centre of the
frequencies. The predictions of elliptical and sample by this current distribution.
thin strip models are compared and it is found Experimentally we expect the losses to be dominated by
that an elliptical geometry agrees best with the either eddy current losses, which are proportional to the
experimental results. It is also found that the square of the frequency and amplitude, or by hysteresis
the voltage measured in a transport measurement losses which are proportional to the frequency. In the
depends on the position of the contacts and that latter case large penetration losses are proportional to the
if an unambiguous loss measurement is required amplitude and low penetration losses to the cube of the
it is necessary to include the flux outside the amplitude.
sample in the voltage measurement loop.
A Superconductor Loss
One of the applications of high T, superconductors which For a rectangular superconductorof width 2a and thickness
is nearest realisation is in power cables and transformers. 2d the penetration of a field parallel to the long face (a)
For this purpose we need to know the AC losses at 50 and occurs at poJ,d. This is about 6 millitesla in our tapes.
60Hz. Losses at other frequencies can be found using the The penetration of a perpendicular field occurs at a field Bo:-
same principles so this paper will concentrate on these
frequencies and on silver coated BSCCO tapes. The AC loss B,= ( ~ J / z )u(czo q z l + ~InLj++z21
~ ) (1)
of a supexonductor is not a material parameter like the loss
tangent of a dielectric but can be calculated from the DC where W d .
critical current density. It is very dependent on the shape This field is typically about three times the parallel
of the conductor and there is a large literature on the subject penetration field, the width only enters logarithmically.
in low T, materials. In principle high T, materials can be Fields well above this imply large penetrations and it is
treated the same way, but a number of complications need easy to write down accurate formulae for the loss, at least in
to be addressed. Firstly the rapid flux creep and flat VI homogeneous materials. (The effect of granularity is
curve mean that the apparent J, will depend on frequency if discussed in section VII).
the sample size is comparable to the skin depth.
Furthermore a measurable DC resistance will add an ohmic
component to the transport current loss calculated from the
critical state model [l]. However in high quality wires
this effect is relatively small and we find that in our
BSCCO tapes the loss per cycle in transport measurements
below I, and in magnetic experiments is independent of
frequency [2]. Secondly the materials are granular so that Fig.1. The field lines are Fig.2. If a DC critical
two critical current densities are involved, i.e. inter and intra not distorted and move at current is flowing the
grain currents, both of which may vary rapidly with field. velocity proportional to x. electric centre is at the edge.
Thirdly high T, materials tend to come in the form of flat
strips with a large demagnetising factor which makes the Since the field does not vary significantly across the
calculation of the magnetic field difficult, and finally the sample we can assume constant J, and since the applied field
material properties are very anisotropic. is not significantly distorted we can assume that straight
flux lines move towards the electric centre (Fig.1)
This defines the electric field, it rises linearly with x from
Manuscript received November 16th, 1994. zero at the electric centre, which is determined by
I would like to than M. Ciszek and B. Glowacki for many symmetry. The electric field is x dB/dt, so the local
helpful discussions. dissipation is J,xdB/dt. Integrating this over the cross

1051-8223/95$04.00 0 1995 IEEE

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section and a complete cycle of an AC signal with peak conformal transformations to the critical state model for the
amplitude B gives a loss L:- f i t time. The results of Norris for thin snips or films have
recently been extended by Indenbom and Brandt [6] and by
L= 2J$a jlm3 Zeldov et. al. [7] who also give many of the intermediate
results which were lacking in the Noms paper.
If we pass a DC current equal to the critical value through The elliptical wire is the easiest to deal with. The
the sample the Bean model tells us that the electric centre critical state penemtes as a series of concentric ellipses and
moves to the edge of the sample as in Fig.2. The flux has the rather surprising result is that the loss per unit volume
to move twice as far so the loss is now 4J,Ba. In fact it is independent of the aspect ratio. This is in marked
can be shown that this expression is exact for any shape of contrast to the loss per unit volume in an oscillating field,
the cross section [3] if a is taken as the maximum value of which tends to infinity as the thickness in the direction of
x which is inside the sample. This brings out the fact that the applied field goes to zero. It means that we can use the
the loss is rather independent of sample shape but depends loss of a round wire for a wire of any aspect ratio,and that
mainly on the width perpendicular to the applied field. For the loss is not very dependent on the wire shape.
AC fields and currents the loss is multiplied by a factor At the critical current the loss per cycle per unit lengt$
(l+i2/3)where i=&. for an elliptical wire with a critical current I, is O.16p,Ic
and that for a thin rectangular film is 0.12&,1: so that the
B . Silver Loss difference is not very great. However at low currents the
We can apply the same reasoning to find the loss in the behaviour is rather different. The ellipse follows the usual
silver sheath since the electric field will be the same as in I3 dependence in common with most hysteretic systems
the superconductor at the same value of x. The loss is which trace out a Rayleigh loop at low amplitudes.
obtained by averaging oE2 and is (7r/3)(0wB2a2)joules per However in the film the losses are proportional to f.
unit volume of silver. If we have an alternating current the The losses reduce rapidly with i=I/I,. -Athalf I, the loss
loss is multiplied by a factor (1+3i2/8). The effect of the in an ellipse is reduced by a factor of 16 and for a idm it is
electric field in the superconductor due to the transporr 40. If losses are a significant problem there are clearly
c m n t has been ignored since it will be much smaller. advantages to be gained by making a cable large enough to
For the result to be valid we must avoid the skin effect be operated well below its critical current.
regime. This means that the area of silver must be small In reference [6] it is stated that the Bean model does not
compared with 62 where 6 is the skin depth of silver. If apply to thin films, which has caused a certain amount of
this does not hold the superconductor will be shielded from confusion. The basis of this remark is illustrated in fig. 3
the field by eddy currents and can be ignored. If the where the connection between the elliptical solution and the
condition is met we can then write the ratio of the silver film is made clear. The Bean model applies to the ellipse
loss to the superconductor loss R as : of any aspect ratio and can also be applied to the film if it is
accepted that J, flows in a very narrow surface layer in the
(3) central region. It is only when we add up the current across
the thickness to get a current density per unit width, j,, that
where B* is the p a h e 1 penetration field. The skin depth we find that the centre portion is not saturated, but carries a
of silver at 77K is about 3 mm and for our tapes ad/ti2 is current which is less than the critical value per unit width.
about 0.1. This means that the silver losses will begin to However as the Bean model only refers to a current density
dominate the hysteresis losses at an amplitude of about per unit area it is misleading to say that it cannot be used.
60mT which is considerably smaller than the fields in


A Superconducting Losses.
The surface loss due to small applied fields is well
documented. More important are the losses due to transport
currents, which can never involve large penetrations since
when the critical state reaches the centre we have reached the
Current dendly
critical current. For low currents we can use the expression
for the surface loss using the local field generated by the
current in the same way as for an an applied field. This will
give an order of magnitude estimate even at the critical Fig.3. The current density in a thin film is a projection of
current. However the most important shapes of conductor the Bean model for an ellipse onto the x axis.
have analytic solutions.
The round wire problem was in fact the first application A second conclusion in reference [6] is that in a
of the Bean model [4]. Solutions for an ellipse, a thin magnetisation measurement there is an apparent surface
strip, asperities, and a gap between strips were obtained by banier of Hc=jJ7r due to geometric effects. It is because the
Norris [5] in a very comprehensive paper which applied initial penetration is proportional to the square of the field

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rather than the usual linear penetration. However calculation loss is (2/7cz)(A,/S2) where A, is the cross section area of
shows that this is a much smaller effect than suggested. silver so that by avoiding the skin depth regime we
automatically ensure that the silver loss is less than the
superconductor loss. (This underestimates the loss since
the silver loss depends on the RMS voltage, rather than the
in-phase component. For planar geometry, which can be
solved analytically, the error is a factor of 4).


3 10 Analytic solutions have been found for the case of an
ii Parallel Penetration applied current and transverse field in thin films [6,7].
Hc / rc 4 + -
There are a number of different cases, the one illustrated in
fig. 5 is where the applied field is less than the self field so
that the effect is an asymmetry of the critical state on the
two sides. Losses in this situation were not quoted but
0 0.4 0.8 since one side gets smaller while the other gets bigger we
Differential Permeability would expect the effect of the external field to be second
order in B/B*. This situation needs more work, but for large
Bo we can use the results of section II.
Fig.4.The penetration of an applied transverse field into a
film. This is infinite for zero thickness, the lines are for an
aspect ratio of 1:40.

The expression given for the magnetic moment per unit

length is:-

M=jc a2 tanh(H,lH,) (4) FigS. A field applied normal Fig.6. A parallel field
to a f i i increase the penetration does not affect edge
and figure 4 shows the differentialpermeability derived from on one side and decreases it on penetration.
this expression. the other.
The differential permeability is essentially a measure of
the penetration of the field into the sample and it can be Of more practical importance, since it is directly relevant
seen that the steep initial slope is confined to fields very to cables, is the effect of a field parallel to the film surface.
much less than H,. Also shown in this figure are the Experimental results have shown that the longitudinal loss
penetration fields for a typical tape with an aspect ratio of voltage in these circumstances is the same whether the
1:40, a J, of 10000 A/cm2 and a half width of 2”. The applied field is DC or AC with the same peak amplitude 181.
dotted line is the parallel differential permeability and it can This means that the main effect of the field is the
be seen that apart from very low amplitudes the transverse reduction in J, due to the increased total field, which is a
strip behaves very like a slab in a parallel field with the real reasonable result. A parallel field produces a low loss on its
J, reduced by a factor equal to the aspect ratio. own and, if it is less than the parallel penetration field, adds
little to the penetration at the edges, where the main log
B . Silver Losses due to the transport current is taking place (fig.6).
An alternating current in the superconductor is associated Therefore if J, were to remain constant the application of
with an electric field at the surface which for thin cladding a parallel field should have little effect on the losses and
will cause an electric field in the silver of the same there is little difference between an AC and DC field in this
magnitude. Provided we are not in the skin effect regime geometry.
we can assume that the magnetic field is that due to the
superconductor alone and calculate the electric field f ” it. V. CABLES.
The expressions given by Norris [5] for the elliptical
conductor can be used to find the flux inside any point in The main application of these results is to the calculation
the silver cladding and the electric field calculated from the of AC losses in cables. These consist of tapes mounted on
rate of change of flux. This involves some rather heavy the outside of a cylindrical former as in fig.7. Since the
algebra but we can get a good estimate as follows. critical current is reached when B reaches the penetration
We divide the loss by the current to get the in phase field these cables are never in the high penetration regime
voltage. We then apply this voltage to the silver cladding (unless there are seveml layers). The ideal geometry would
and find the loss from ohm’s law. At the critical current be a single uniform layer of superconductor. If the
the loss for an elliptical wire is ( 0 p ~ I ~ ~ / ( 4 x
) ~ ) per superconducting layer is 2d thick and the core radius r the
meter so the RMS voltage is op&/(2x2) volts per meter. loss can be written (2/3n)(j1,,1,%~(d/r)). This is a lower limit
The silver loss is therefore Q[o~,I,/(~R~)] watts per unit to the loss. However mechanical constraints will require a
volume of silver. The ratio of silver loss to superconductor

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significant separation of the tapes According to Norris Hence what we measure on the voltmeter is the electric
the edge losses at a gap in a sheet go as the square of the field along the centre line plus the flux change enclosed
gap size, and by the time the gap width is equal to the strip between this line and the leads to the meter, including the
width they will be effectively behaving as independent section within the superconductor. If we take our line
strips. However for currents close to I, the large integral along the surface instead of the centre line we see
penetration means that even for closely packed strips the that an equivalent statement is that we measure the surface
loss is close to that of the isolated strip so that the field plus the flux change between the surface and the meter,
concentric uniform layer model is no longer useful. The $1.
only effect of the radius on this expression is that a larger If we are below I, there is no central field so that the
radius will reduce the surface field and so increase I,. If voltage is entirely attributable to the changing flux. If we
several layers of tapes are used it will be important to have a DC current in a copper wire there is no change of
decouple them with an insulating layer between each flux and the voltage is the conventional resistive one. In
conducting layer to minimise eddy c m n t losses. general both components will contribute.
The reason for the voltage differencesis now clear. Fig.9
B shows the flux round a strip carrying a current There is far
n more flux cutting the edge contacts than the centre contacts
and the voltage will be greater by a factor of about the
aspect ratio of the conductor.

Fig.7. A schematic representation of the arrangement of Fig.9. The field lines round Fig.10. Only if the leads
eight strips round a former to form a cable. a strip carrying a current . enclose a large loop is the
voltage proportional to the

It is common to measure transport current losses by To obtain a model independent measurement of the loss
means of voltage taps on the conductor but it has recently the loop containing the voltmeter should extend to a point
been pointed out that this voltage is very dependent on the well away from the conductor so that the lines of force are
position of the contacts [2,91, and cannot therefore be a true circular (fig.10). The voltage will be the same for any
measurement of the loss. The meaning of a voltage point on the circumference so a single measurement will
measurement is illustrated by reference to figure 8. suffice, but there is the considerable disadvantage of a large
inductive signal which will be difficult to balance out

Fig.8. Voltage contacts go from the edge of a strip to an

electrostatic voltmeter.

Although the results are obviously independent of the

nature of the voltmeter the argument is clearest if we VlC

imagine an electrostatic voltmeter where the indicated Fig.11. This shows the calculated error in the loss if we
voltage is the electric field between the plates k. We now use voltage contacts at the edge of a film, and an ellipse of
apply Faraday’s law of induction to a loop consisting of 40:l aspect ratio.
unit length along the centre of the wire, (where the field is
E,,, then along the radial sections to the voltage leads and The indicated voltage can be calculated for any distance of
finally along the leads themselves. E is zero along these the meter in both the elliptical and film approximation
sections. using the expressions for the flux in references [5.6,71 .
Fig.11 shows the ratio of real loss to apparent loss as
Then: E,,-E,=d(q$+&)ldt or Ev=d($l+qbZ)ldt+Ec (5) measured by voltage contacts on the edge of the sample for

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the two cases. It can be seen that near I, the error is less rather less good, which needs to be explained.
than a factor of two, but for low currents there is a The figure shows that we can predict the behaviour of
substantial discrepancy. single BSCCO tapes carrying transport currents at power
An interesting result is that although at low currents the frequencies from a knowledge of the DC critical current with
film loss goes as 14,the apparent loss as measured by edge suscient accuracy for practical purposes.
voltage contacts goes as I3 in the usual way. Therefore the
predicted I4dependence of the loss will not be picked up by VI."ARY MATERTAL
a conventional resistive measurement.
Multifilamentary high T, materials are now becoming
OB available, and are proving to have unexpected benefits in
terms of resistance to mechanical deformation. However
without twisting the wire there is no reduction in AC
r 0.6

2 0.4
losses and there may be an increase. Fig 14 shows the
field lines for an applied field and transport current for a
monolithic and multifilamentary material. The flux lines
0 must cross the superconductor and the normal material, and
09 for the case of the multifilamentary material we can just
5K average the properties over the cross section.
1 ' . " * " " I For the case of the applied field the loss per unit volume
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 OB 1.0 is 2d,B as before, where J, is the average over the cross
Ilk section. This means that if the area of superconductor is
Fig.12. A comparison of the error in the loss between kept constant the total loss of a conductor increases in
voltage contacts on the edge of the superconductor, and proportion to the width occupied by filaments perpendicular
contacts separated from the superconductor by 0.5" of Ag. to the field. It is independent of filament diameter.
For the case of transport currents the same arguments
To obtain an unambiguous loss measurement we need to apply to the average J, of a filamentary material as to a
sample the flux over a distance much larger than the strip monolithic wire so that for a given critical current the loss
width. However for practical purposes quite a small loop is independent of the size or distribution of filaments.
will be adequate. Figure 12 shows the ratio for a loop of
OS", which is about the thickness of silver between the
contacts and the superconductor in a real wire, and it can be
seen the discrepancy is much reduced.
A comparison of these conclusions with the experimental
results of Ciszek et al. [8] is shown in fig. 13.

10 7
0 Experiment
0 Experiment I

Fig.14. External and self field Fig.15. Flux can diffuse

flux lines in multifilamentary from the ends or cut
and monolithic wires. through the sides.

This conclusion is based on the assumption that the flux

> 0 moves across the filaments. Flux can reach the centre of
1 I 1 the conductor by two routes. It can cut the
0.1 1 superconducting filaments and move in from the edge, or it
can diffuse between the filaments from the ends of the wire
In the latter case the filaments behave independently and
Fig.13. A comparison of the measured edge voltage of a the loss is proportional to the filament diameter rather than
monofilament BSCCO tape with two models. the conductor diameter. This clearly leads to a large
reduction in losses. However the diffusion time constant
The lines show the voltage calculated for the edge of an for a kilometer of wire is about twenty years, so measures
elliptical conductor and for the thin film model. The must be taken to provide a shorter diffusion path. This is
experimental results are for a 4mm wide tape with an aspect done by twisting the wire so that flux rings can be nucleated
ratio of 1:40. It can be seen that the elliptical model gives at the filament crossovers and expand to the mid points
a good fit. If we allow for the half millimeter thickness of between crossovers. The effective diffusion length is now
silver between the contacts and the superconductor the fit is the twist pitch. For twisting to be effective the pitch

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must be less than the skin depth, which is about 3mm in The fields which result in a cylinder parallel to an applied
pure silver at 77K and 50Hz and a little longer for silver field are shown in fig.17 and the transport current is
alloys. Making such a conductor will be technically dH/dx. Since for a given J, the value of B is lower by a
difficult; and in any case is only useful for extemal fields, it factor A compared with a homogeneous material the effect
has no effect on self field losses, which require transposed of the diamagnetic grains is to reduce the losses by this
filaments if they are to be decoupled. These conclusions factor.
are in broad agreement with the results of Gammon et. al. If the field is perpendicular to a smp the situation is rather
[lo] apart from the large eddy current loss in the cable. different (fig.18). Demagnetising effects force B to be the
This is may be due to interlayer coupling. same inside the sample as outside. For a given current the
amount of flux crossing the current, and so the losses, are
VII. GRNWUNIY unaffected by the presence of the diamagneticgrains.
Clearly the assumption of perfect diamagnetism will not
A. Large penetrations always be valid and there will be a surface loss on each
High T, materials consist of grains with a high J,, the grain. The importance of this will depend in detail on the
intragrain J,(intra) separated by weak links with a much shape of the grains, their size, and the relative magnitudes
weaker the intergrain J,(inter). The detailed response of of J,(inter) and J,(intra). This is something on which we
such a system to an altemating filed is complex and detailed need more information, but the good agreement of fig.13
calculations will be found in references [ll] and [12]. We suggests that at least for transport currents the grain surface
need to introduce a third amplitude regime in which the losses can be ignored.
grains as well as the weak links between them are penetrated
by the external field. The same expressions apply to the
grains as to the complete wire, although interactions
between closely packed grains will make the results less
We must add a loss of approximately 2BsJc(intra)where s
is the grain size. This result is not affected by a transport
current, but since the only way of measuring J,(intra) is Fig.18. If the field is perpendicular to the strip the
from the magnetic hysteresis, we might as well use the the average flux density is equal to the extemal flux density.
measured hysteresis of the magnetisation curve to predict
the loss in AC conditions.
B . Low penetrations
At very low penetrations the grains can be treated as [l] S. P. Ashworth, Physica C, vol. 229, pp355-360. 1994
perfectly diamagnetic (fig.16). We can treat the system as a [2] M. Ciszek, A.M.Campbel1, and B.Glowcki,
composite and average fields over many grains. B is the Physica C., in press.
average flux density which, if the transport J, were zero, [3] A M Campbell, Cryogenics v01.22, pp3-16, 1978,
would be less than an applied parallel field by something [4] R A Kamper, Phys. Lett. vol. 2, pp290-296, 1962.
like the volume fraction of normal material. We can [5] W.T.N~rris, JShys D., ~01.3, pp489-507, 1970
defiie a local H as the extemal field in equilibrium with the [6] Brandt, E.H., and Indenbom,M., Phys.Rev. B. ,vo1..48,
local value of B, just as we do in conventional pp12893-, 1993.
superconductors, and a relative permeability, A,as B / M . [7] E. Zeldov, J. R. Clem, M. McElfresh and M. Darwin,
is equal to the volume fraction of normal material if the Phys. Rev. B , vo1.49, pp9802-9822, 1994.
grains are long cylinders parallel to the field but in general [8] M. Ciszek, A.M.Campbel1 and B.Glowacki, these
the exact relationship will depend on the morphology and Proc=dws.
needs to be measured experimentally (0.3 is typical). [9] T. Fukunaga, S.Maruyama, and A. Oota, Adv, in
Superconductuvuty VI, Springer-Verlag,Tokyo,
pp633-637, 1994..
[lo] J. J. Gammon, A.P. Malozemoff, M.J.Minot,
F.Barenghi, P. Metra, G.Vellego, J. Orehotsky, and M.
Suenaga, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, vol40,
[ll) Gomt)ry,F., Takacs,S, and Lobotka,P., in 'Studies of
High TemperatureSuperconductors',
ed. A.V.Narlikar, (Nova Science Publishers),
New York, 1991..
112) K-H.Muller. in 'Magnetic Susceptibility of
Superconductors and other Spin Systems'., ed
Fig. 16 A composite of
R.A.Heim et. al ., Plenum Press, p229-25O.New York
Fig.17. The penetration of
diamagnetic grains and the H and B fields.
weak links.

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