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Physica C 310 Ž1998.


Numerical modelings of superconducting wires for AC loss

Naoyuki Amemiya ) , Shun-ichi Murasawa, Nobuya Banno, Kengo Miyamoto
DiÕision of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National UniÕersity, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan


Superconducting properties of superconducting wires as well as the influence of their composite structure and twisting
should be taken into account for their numerical modeling for AC loss calculations. Furthermore, complicated electromag-
netic conditions in electrical apparatuses under which superconducting wires are used influence their AC loss properties;
superconducting wires carry their transport current and are exposed to the external magnetic field whose direction and
magnitude vary spatially. A series of numerical models of superconducting tapes based on the finite element method has
been developed. In each model, some of the above-mentioned factors that could influence the AC loss properties are taken
into account. The models are formulated with the current vector potential and the scalar magnetic potential ŽT– V method..
Superconducting property is given by the E–J characteristic represented by a power law. The current distributions in
non-twisted and twisted superconducting tapes carrying their transport current andror exposed to the external magnetic field
are calculated with these models to estimate their AC loss. The current distribution in a short piece of superconducting tape
exposed to AC magnetic field is also calculated. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Numerical modeling; Current distribution; Transport AC loss; External AC magnetic field; Finite element method

1. Introduction

Reduction of AC losses is a critical issue for large scale applications of superconductors. Therefore, the
quantitative evaluation of AC losses is important for the development of superconductors and their applications
to electrical power apparatuses. Though many analytical models and formulas have been proposed for some
simple conditions w1–4x, the AC losses of practical superconductors with complicated electromagnetic properties
and used under complicated electromagnetic circumstances are difficult to be calculated analytically. If
numerical models that can simulate the electromagnetic phenomena inside superconductors are developed, they
help the understanding of the electromagnetic phenomena inside superconductors better, and the detail of the
AC loss property of superconductors can be evaluated numerically.
The authors have been developing a series of numerical models for superconductors by the finite element
method to simulate the electromagnetic phenomena in superconductors and to calculate their AC loss.

Corresponding author. Tel.: q81-45-339-4119; Fax: q81-45-338-1157; E-mail:

0921-4534r98r$ - see front matter q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 4 2 7 - 4
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 17

In this paper, first, what should be taken into account for numerical modeling is surveyed. Electromagnetic
properties of superconductors and the electromagnetic conditions under which the superconductors are used
should be taken into account in modelings. Next, a series of numerical modelings by the finite element method
are described together with some typical numerical results. Though they are described for tapes, of course, they
can be applied to wires with other cross section. Three dimensional analysis is ideal, but it consumes too much
CPU time and memory. Therefore, up to now, the authors have been developing two dimensional models that
can be applied to many practical problems reasonably. In each model, some of the above-mentioned factors that
could influence AC loss properties are taken into account. With the first model the current distribution in a cross
section of non-twisted superconducting tapes can be calculated. With the second model, the current distribution
in a cross section of twisted superconducting tapes can be calculated, but it requires more CPU time and
memory than the first model. With the third model, circulating current distributions induced by a spatially
distributed AC magnetic field or induced in a short piece of superconducting tape exposed to the AC magnetic
field can be calculated.

2. What should be taken into account for numerical modelings

2.1. Electromagnetic properties of superconducting wires

High Tc superconductors do not show a sharp SrN transition. This is characterized by small n value that is
an exponent in the power law connecting resistivity and current density. It is known that superconducting wires
such as Bi-2223 Ag-sheathed tapes have anisotropic critical current densities jc ; jc tangential to the tape wide
face is much larger than the normal jc w5x. Multifilamentary composite structure to reduce the hysteresis loss
and improve their mechanical property is another cause of anisotropic electromagnetic properties; in the
direction of the tape axis, the current can flow in superconducting filaments, but in the direction normal to the
tape axis, the current must flow across the normal matrix. Furthermore, if superconducting wires are twisted,
superconducting current flows spirally. The external magnetic field also has an anisotropic effect; the magnetic
field perpendicular to the tape wide face decreases its critical current density more than the magnetic field
parallel to the tape wide face. Such electromagnetic properties of superconducting wires should be taken into
account for numerical modelings.
Granularity of high Tc superconductors is another important property that should be taken into account for
numerical modelings. However, in previous experimental studies, measured AC losses agree with the theoretical
values obtained under the assumption that superconductor is a continuum medium whose electromagnetic
property is given by the Bean’s critical state model w6x. This suggests that, in many practical cases, high Tc
superconductors can be approximated by continuum media at commercial frequencies. Therefore, in this paper,
we confine ourselves where this approximation is reasonable.

2.2. Electromagnetic conditions in electrical apparatuses

Superconducting wires are used under complicated electromagnetic conditions in electrical apparatuses.
Superconducting wires carry their DC or AC transport current in DC or AC external magnetic field.
Furthermore, the direction and the magnitude of the external magnetic field vary spatially due to cabling or
winding structures w7x. These conditions should influence the current distribution in superconducting wires and
their AC losses.
18 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

3. Numerical model of cross section of non-twisted superconducting tapes

The current distribution in non-twisted superconducting tapes carrying transport current andror exposed to a
spatially uniform magnetic field is calculated by this numerical model to estimate their AC loss. In such
conditions, since the current distribution is uniform along the tape axis, a two dimensional model of the tape
cross section can be used; the current flows only along the tape axis which agrees with z-axis, and the current
vector potential defined in the following has only x and y components.

3.1. Formulation

The numerical model is formulated with current vector potential T and magnetic scalar potential V by the
finite element method. This formulation is called T– V method w8–10x. T is related to the current density in the
superconducting wire J as,
J'==T. Ž 1.
The magnetic field produced by the current in superconducting wire Hs is given as,
= = Hs s J. Ž 2.
The total magnetic field is the sum of the external magnetic field H0 and Hs ,
H s H0 q Hs . Ž 3.
From Eqs. Ž1. and Ž2., V can be defined as,
y=V ' Hs y T . Ž 4.
Then total magnetic field is given as,
H ' H0 q T y =V . Ž 5.
Ohm’s law with an equivalent conductivity s is used as the constitutive equation w11x,
J s s E. Ž 6.
Then, Faraday’s law and modified magnetic Gauss’s law are written as,
1 E
== ž s /
= = T s ym
Ž H0 q T y =V . , Ž 7.
=Pm Ž H0 q T y =V . s 0. Ž 8.
Generally, time-varying electromagnetic fields are described with Maxwell’s equations; Faraday’s law,
Ampere’s law, Gauss’s law for electric field, and Gauss’s law for magnetic field. Since there is no concentration
of electric charge, Gauss’s law for electric field can be neglected in this work. Ampere’s law, Eq. Ž2., is taken
into account by the introduction of the scalar magnetic potential, Eqs. Ž4. and Ž5.. Therefore, Faraday’s law and
magnetic Gauss’s law should be solved explicitly. In other words, since the number of unknown variables is
three in two dimensional analysis; Tx , Ty and V , three independent equations consisting of Faraday’s law and
magnetic Gauss’s law are required to determine the potential distribution. In this work, time derivative of
magnetic Gauss’s law is used, because its time differential form is same as Faraday’s law. Our goal is to obtain
the approximate potential distribution, T Ž x, y . and V Ž x, y . that satisfies Eqs. Ž7. and Ž8.. This is done by the
finite element analysis based on Galerkin method whose procedure is as follows w12,13x:
1. Discretization of the spatial and time domain.
2. Introduction of interpolation functions to give the approximate function for potentials.
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 19

3. Formulation of the system of equations by Galerkin method.

4. Solution of the system of equations to determine the approximate potential distribution.
First, the whole domain is discretized into a number of triangular elements. Time discretization is made by
the backward differential method.
Second, we need to define the shape of approximate functions for the potential; Tx , Ty and V . We introduce
the interpolation functions Nje Ž x, y . Ž j s 1, 2, 3. defined as follows in the e-th element.
Nje Ž x , y . s Ž a ej q bje x q c je y . j s 1, 2, 3 Ž 9.
2 De
a1e s x 2e y 3e y y 2e x 3e ; b 1e s y 2e y y 3e ; c1e s x 3e y x 2e
a2e s x 3e y 1e y y 3e x 1e ; b 2e s y 3e y y 1e ; c 2e s x 1e y x 3e Ž 10 .
a3e s x 1e y 2e y y 1e x 2e ; b 3e s y 1e y y 2e ; c 3e s x 2e y x 1e
1 x 1e y 1e
1 1
D s Ž area of the e-th element. s 1 x 2e y 2e s Ž b 1e c 2e y b 2e c1e . Ž 11 .
2 2
1 x 3e y 3e

where x je and yje Ž j s 1, 2, 3. denote the coordinate values of the j-th node in the e-th element. It can be easily
shown that
1 isj
Nie Ž x je , yje . s d i j s ½ 0 i/j
. 5 Ž 12 .

With these interpolation functions, potentials in the e-th element are approximately given by the linear
interpolation of the potentials of the three nodes of the element; Txej , Tyej , and V je Ž j s 1, 2, 3..
Txe Ž x , y . s Ý Nje Ž x , y . Txej , Ž 13 .
Tye Ž x , y . s Ý Nje Ž x , y . Tyej , Ž 14 .
V eŽ x, y. s Ý Nje Ž x , y . V je . Ž 15 .

It is to be noted that the subscripts i and j which appear together with superscript e are the local node numbers
defined in the e-th element.
Third, the system of equations is formulated by Galerkin method. For the first step in this part, the residuals
of governing equations, Faraday’s law and magnetic Gauss’s law, are defined as follows.
1 E
RX s = = ž ==T qm / Ž H0 q T y =V . , Ž 16 .
s Et
RY s = P m Ž H0 q T y =V . . Ž 17 .
These residuals will vanish with the exact solutions of T and V . The Galerkin method enforces the following
conditions for the e-th element

R ie s HH Nie Rd S s 0; i s 1, 2, 3 Ž 18 .
20 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

where R represents an element of RX or RY . Substituting Eqs. Ž13. – Ž15. into Eq. Ž18. yields a set of equations
for Txei , Tyei , and V ie Ž i s 1, 2, 3.. After integrations and backward differential approximation, this set of
equations for the e-th element can be written in matrix form as,
1 1
ž w M e x q w S e x  Txei ,tq D t ,Tyei ,tq D t , V ie,tq D t 4 s
/ Ž wM e x Txei ,t ,Tyei ,t , V te 4 q  K ie,tq D t 4 y  K ie,t 4 . ,
Dt Dt
i s 1, 2, 3. Ž 19 .
These equations for an element are assembled together, and then the following equations for the potentials at all
nodes are obtained.
1 1
ž Dt /
w M x q w S x  Tx i ,tq D t ,Ty i ,tq D t , V i ,tq D t 4 s
Ž w M x Tx i ,t ,Ty i ,t , V t 4 q  K i ,tq D t 4 y  K i ,t 4 . ,
i s 1, 2, 3, . . . , N Ž 20 .
where nodes are relabeled with global node numbers. In Eqs. Ž19. and Ž20., wMx is a matrix depending on the
nodes locations, wSx is a matrix depending on the nodes locations and equivalent conductivity of elements, T,
V 4 is a vector including T and V , and  K 4 is a vector depending on the nodes locations and H0 .
Finally, the potentials at all nodes are obtained by solving Eq. Ž20..
In T– V method, the total transport current can be given by the boundary condition. The following relation
between the transport current I0 and T on the boundary of the calculated domain is derived by integrating Eq.
Ž1. over the whole domain.

I0 s H J P nd S sH Ž = = T . P nd S sE
s s Boundary
T P d s. Ž 21 .

If the tangential component of T on the boundary is assumed to be uniform, T0 , that is given by Eq. Ž21. as,
T0 s I0rL b Ž 22 .
where L b is the length of the boundary. With this relation, the transport current can be given by the boundary
condition. The boundary is placed far from conductors including superconductor, and the domain excluding the
conductors is assumed to be Žquasi-. vacuum whose electrical conductivity is finite but much smaller than
conductivities of normal metals and the equivalent conductivity of superconductor. This small but finite
conductivity of vacuum domain relaxes the influence of the assumed uniform tangential component of T on the
boundary. If the conductivity of the vacuum domain is small enough, the leakage current in this domain is

3.2. Modeling of superconducting property [11,14]

Superconducting property is given by the E–J characteristic represented with a power law
E s Ec
ž /Jc
Ž 23 .

where Jc is a critical current density and Ec s 1 = 10 -4 Vrm. Then, the equivalent conductivity of supercon-
ductor ssc is derived as,
J Jcn 1yn
ssc s s Ž==T . . Ž 24 .
E Ec
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 21

Since the elements S in Eq. Ž20. depend on ssc , ssc is determined iteratively at each time step until the
following condition is satisfied for all nodes.
T kq 1 y T k
-´ . Ž 25 .
T kq 1
Though maximum of ssc is set at 1 = 10 13 –1 = 10 15 Srm to enhance the efficiency of calculations, this
limitation does not affect the numerical results w15x.

3.3. Modeling of composite structure and filament coupling

Two types of models are used for the cross section of multifilament tapes; fine-mesh model and mixture
model. In the fine mesh-model where each element is smaller than filament, the current distribution in each
filament can be studied, but it consumes more CPU time and memory than the another model. In the mixture
model, each element is not smaller than filament, and elements in the filamentary region, a region composed of
superconducting filaments and silver matrix, is treated as the mixture of superconductor and silver matrix
w11,15x. The equivalent conductivity of such elements is given as,
s s lfr ssc q Ž 1 y lfr . sAg Ž 26 .
where lfr and sAg are the fraction of superconductor in the filamentary region and the conductivity of silver
matrix, respectively. When all filaments are coupled together electromagnetically, the mixture model can be
used reasonably.

3.4. Specifications of superconducting tape for calculations

Specifications of superconducting tape that are common for all calculations are listed in Table 1. jc and n are
shown later for each calculations. The frequency of the current and magnetic field is 60 Hz, unless it is specified

3.5. Numerical results for superconducting tape carrying transport current

The cross-sectional model of superconducting tape carrying transport current is shown in Fig. 1Ža.. jc and n
are 2.03 = 10 8 Arm2 and 19.0, respectively. The current distributions calculated by the fine-mesh model and
the mixture model are shown in Fig. 2, when the transport current divided by the critical current, ItrIc , is 0.5. In
the current distribution calculated by the fine-mesh model, the current flows in the peripheral filaments due to
the electromagnetic coupling between filaments. In such a case, the mixture model could be used reasonably.
The transport losses calculated by the fine-mesh model and by the mixture model are 19.4 mJrmrcycle and
16.8 mJrmrcycle, respectively, when ItrIc s 0.5.

Table 1
Specifications of superconducting tape
Size 3.5 mm=0.25 mm
Type of superconductor Bi-2223
Number of filament 61
Matrix Žconductivity. Silver Ž3.33=10 8 Srm.
Cross section of superconductor 0.22=10y6 m2
Fraction of superconductor in filamentary region 0.415
Critical current Ž0 T, 77 K. ; 2=10 8 Arm2
22 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

Fig. 1. Cross-sectional models of superconducting tape; Ža. carrying transport current, Žb. exposed to parallel magnetic field, and Žc.
carrying transport current in parallel magnetic field.

Here, the influence of the conductivity of vacuum domain is evaluated. Too large conductivity of the vacuum
domain results in the large leakage current in this domain. On the other hand, if it is too small, unlikely large
current density due to the numerical error is observed at elements in the peripheral silver matrix domain of the
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 23

Fig. 2. Current distributions in superconducting tape carrying AC transport current; Ža. by fine-mesh model and Žb. by mixture model when
ItrIc s 0.5.

superconducting tape. This unlikely increases the loss in the silver matrix domain. The large variation in
conductivity at the interface between the silver sheath domain of superconducting tape and the vacuum domain
likely causes this numerical error. In Fig. 3, the loss in the filamentary region that is the mixture of
superconductor and silver, the loss in the peripheral silver matrix domain, and the total loss are plotted against
the conductivity of vacuum domain. The loss in the peripheral silver matrix domain decreases with increasing
conductivity of vacuum domain. In this paper, the conductivity of vacuum domain is set at 10 6 Srm, with

Fig. 3. Influence of conductivity of vacuum domain on transport losses when It r Ic s 0.5.

24 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

which large current density due to the numerical error is not observed, and the loss in the peripheral silver
matrix domain and the leakage current in the vacuum domain are negligible.
Next, the influence of the size of the calculated domain, that is the distance between the tape and the
boundary of the calculated domain, is evaluated. When the calculated domain is 4 mm = 4 mm, the leakage
current is 0.1% of the total transport current. If the calculated domain is enlarged to 16 mm = 16 mm to
suppress the influence of the fixed uniform T at the boundary, the leakage current becomes 10% of the total
transport current. When the calculated domain is 4 mm = 4 mm, the leakage current is allowable, but the small
distance between the tape and the boundary where T is fixed might affect the current distribution in the
superconducting tape. To evaluate this influence of the boundary, the AC loss is calculated with a rectangular
boundary and circular boundary. Error is considered to be reduced with circular boundary fitting better to the
shape of the magnetic flux line. The calculations are made with one forth of the 8 mm = 8 mm rectangle as
shown in Fig. 1 and with one forth of the 4 mm radius circle. The transport losses calculated with two
boundaries are 19.73 mJrmrcycle and 19.71 mJrmrcycle, respectively, when ItrIc s 0.5. This result suggests
that the rectangular boundary of 4 mm = 4 mm does not affect the current distribution in the superconducting
tape, and can be used for calculations practically.

3.6. Numerical results for superconducting tape exposed to external magnetic field

The cross-sectional model of superconducting tape exposed to the AC magnetic field is shown in Fig. 1Žb.
where the external magnetic field is parallel to the tape wide face. The current distributions calculated by the
fine-mesh model are shown in Fig. 4Ža., when the parallel magnetic field whose amplitude Bm , is 62 mT is
applied, and jc and n are 1.69 = 10 8 Arm2 and 8.5, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the current density profile along
OA in Fig. 1Žb.. The current distribution calculated by the mixture model macroscopically agrees with the
current distribution by the fine-mesh model. The current distributions under the perpendicular magnetic field are
also shown in Fig. 4Žb., when Bm s 9.3 mT, jc s 1.95 = 10 8 Arm2 , and n s 12.6, respectively. It is shown that
filaments saturate under very small perpendicular magnetic field as compared to the parallel magnetic field.

Fig. 4. Current distributions in cross section of superconducting tape exposed to external magnetic field by fine-mesh model; Ža. in parallel
magnetic field of Bm s 62 mT and Žb. in perpendicular magnetic field of Bm s 9.3 mT.
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 25

Fig. 5. Current density profile along the tape midplane parallel to tape wide face, OA in Fig. 1Žb.; Ža. fine-mesh model and Žb. mixture

3.7. Numerical results for superconducting tape carrying transport current in external magnetic field

The cross-sectional model of a superconducting tape carrying transport current in an external magnetic field
is shown in Fig. 1Žc. where the external magnetic field is parallel to the tape wide face. At the boundary, it is
assumed that the external magnetic field is much larger than the self magnetic field produced by the transport
current in the superconducting tape. jc and n depend on the external magnetic field w16x. The current
distributions in the parallel magnetic field calculated by the mixture model are shown in Fig. 6, when

Fig. 6. Current distribution in cross section of superconducting tape carrying AC transport current, ItrIc s 0.5, in AC parallel magnetic
field, Bm s 200 mT Ž f s 50 Hz..
26 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

Fig. 7. Cross-sectional model of twisted superconducting tape carrying transport current in external magnetic field.

ItrIc s 0.5, Bm s 200 mT and f s 50 Hz. The total AC loss in such practical conditions that superconductors
carry the AC transport current in the AC magnetic field can be calculated with this model.

4. Numerical model of cross section of twisted superconducting tapes

The numerical model described above can be modified to apply to twisted tapes.

4.1. Formulation

The numerical model is based on the T– V method. Though a three dimensionality is introduced to represent
the effect of twisting, the current distribution is calculated in a plane perpendicular to the tape axis because it is

Fig. 8. Current distribution in cross section of twisted and twisted tapes of l p s10 mm carrying AC transport current in AC parallel
magnetic field, when It r Ic s 0.5 and Bm s 50 mT Ž f s 50 Hz..
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 27

Table 2
AC loss in non-twisted tape and twisted tape of l p s10 mm
Non-twisted Twisted
Loss in peripheral saturated filaments ŽJrm3 per cycle. 509 9.5
Coupling loss ŽJrm3 per cycle. 0 22.0
Eddy current loss in sheath ŽJrm3 per cycle. 4.5 6.1
Loss in non-saturated filaments ŽJrm3 per cycle. – 47
Total ŽJrm3 per cycle. 513.5 85

Loss in non-saturated filaments is estimated analytically.

independent of the axial position. The system of equations is the same as Eq. Ž20.. Spatial discretization is made
with rectangular elements. Ohm’s law is given with a tensor conductivity as w17x,

Jx Õ x2 Ž sf y s H . q s H Õ x Õ y Ž sf y s H . Õ x Õ z Ž sf y s H . Ex

Jy s
Õ x Õ y Ž sf y s H .
Õ x Õ z Ž sf y s H .
Õ y2 Ž sf y s H . q s H
Õ y Õ z Ž sf y s H . Õz2
Õ y Õ z Ž sf y s H .
Ž sf y s H . q s H 0 0

where Ž Õ x , Õ y , Õz . is a unit direction vector of a filament, and sf , s H are equivalent conductivities tangential
Ž 27 .

and normal to a filament. sf and s are defined as,

sf s lfr ssc q Ž 1 y lfr . sAg , Ž 28 .
s H s Ž 1 q lfr . r Ž 1 y lfr . sAg . Ž 29 .

4.2. Numerical results for tapes carrying transport current in external magnetic field

The cross-sectional model of twisted superconducting tape carrying transport current in external magnetic
field is shown in Fig. 7. jc , n, and l fr are 2 = 10 8 Arm2 , 15, and 0.39, respectively. Other specifications of the
tape are the same as shown in Table 1. The current distributions in non-twisted and twisted tapes carrying the
AC transport current in the AC parallel magnetic field are shown in Fig. 8, when ItrIc s 0.5, Bm s 50 mT, and
f s 50 Hz. The twist pitch l p is 10 mm. The current is pushed toward the center by twisting. The AC losses in
the non-twisted and twisted tapes are compared in Table 2.

5. Numerical model for superconducting tape exposed to spatially varied magnetic field

In this model, anisotropic electromagnetic properties of superconducting tapes can be taken into account
using anisotropic equivalent conductivities. The circulating current distribution induced by a spatially distributed
AC magnetic field or induced in a short piece of superconducting tape exposed to the AC magnetic field as
shown in Fig. 9 can be calculated with this model.

5.1. Formulation

Two dimensional numerical calculations are made in a plane perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. The
current flows on this plane. The coordinate system is defined as in Fig. 10. The constitutive equation is Ohm’s
law with anisotropic equivalent conductivities.
J x s sx E x , J y s sy E y . Ž 30 .
In monofilament tapes, these anisotropic equivalent conductivities represent anisotropic critical current densities
w5x. In multifilament tapes exposed to the AC magnetic field, the equivalent conductivity along the tape axis is
the average value given by Eq. Ž26., and the equivalent conductivity normal to the tape axis is assumed to be
28 N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29

Fig. 9. Circulating current due to external magnetic field; Ža. superconducting tape exposed to spatially varied magnetic field and Žb. short
piece of tape exposed to external magnetic field.

determined by the matrix conductivity. This numerical model is also formulated with T and V . Eq. Ž7. is
transformed as,
E 1 ET E 1 ET E EV
ž / ž /
E x sy E x
E y sx E y
s m H0 q T y
Et Ez ž. / Ž 31 .

In this analysis, since the external magnetic field is given by H0 , the derivative of V can be neglected. The
form of the system of equations is the same as Eq. Ž20., but the elements of V disappear.
5.2. Numerical results for short piece of tape exposed to external magnetic field
The current distribution in a short piece of superconducting tape exposed to the AC magnetic field is
calculated. The geometry of the model is shown in Fig. 10. In this calculation, the equivalent conductivity along
the tape axis is given by Eq. Ž26.. The equivalent conductivity normal to the tape axis is assumed to equal the

Fig. 10. Model of short piece of superconducting tape exposed to external magnetic field.
N. Amemiya et al.r Physica C 310 (1998) 16–29 29

Fig. 11. Current distribution in short piece of multifilamentary tape exposed to AC parallel magnetic field of Bm s100 mT Ž f s 50 Hz..

conductivity of silver matrix. Fig. 11 shows the current distribution in the short piece of multifilamentary tape
exposed to the AC perpendicular magnetic field where Jc s 6.51 = 10 7 Arm2 , n s 6.74, Bm s 100 mT, f s 50
Hz, and t s 30 ms. The length of the tape is 4 mm. Other specifications of the tape are the same as shown in
Table 1.

6. Conclusion

A series of numerical models of superconducting tapes based on the finite element method has been
developed. The numerical models are formulated with current vector potential and magnetic scalar potential.
Some of the factors relating to AC loss properties, such as superconducting properties, composite structure,
twisting, and electromagnetic circumstances under which superconducting wires are used are taken into account
in each model. The current distributions in superconducting tapes are calculated using these models to estimate
their AC losses. The developed numerical models are useful tools to investigate electromagnetic phenomena
inside superconductors and to estimate their AC losses.


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