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Q.TRat on aloalaoas +N INDEX olepencand ~ Topic Name Date Page No. Signature Moat count 126/03] 2022] | - 5 FIR(Fisect infoumation He Paxt) lorfou [2022.16 -7 156(3) of cupc Application undex Aection loalayl2020|9 — 12 Inveastrgation 22/oc [2] 13 - 18 ease dirauy 29fou}go2r] (9-23 Infexvlew IZ qloy (2022) 24 - 26 change sheet 27-31 (05/2022 Furaming of Charge 5/65/2022] 32-35 bailable Aepleahon fos odpenee clos/2022 | 36-39 AA AAANIV baitable Moab Ni pal eair /Osfro2ayo- ug aceus: peer TRB tig NJosf2022, Juu-46 Semion +stal ni[os[20r2|4 1" 5° Surenaen OF accused IY 65) 2028'- 53 ON tasve of wie IL Gort @F Pound Pee Raropenty 4esPee > (9/os]2022 5U-5 6 Inoot count by lacodtudent poe [9 [05/2022 ye © scanned with OKEN Scanner “PRACTICAL - 4 Moot cow Meaning and imposctance -Moot cout £4 ont the most excitin vate fou ow stuclent. Thr puoceeclings ina moot count mittou weal-tife cout P44 0ceeol ings. The pupede of the actvity 14 to Aulb ® fae students ounderstond fow weal cours WeHks anol thei puopen cole of. conduct He impatttance of cuess code of conduct ond tht use of paymal language . Mooting A a gureat Way to develop” ons — confrdence speaking > wane ltng SRILA and weseauyoh acumen. pater in moat Cott 2 tou budlol ing future — judige : pati Us not just eat acl vocate, but © for and auditvrataws Most” inteu - college OW In-tea | i an Mookng sessions — whieh gives | drvcens chance +00 oth work with Phere” futon . anol | Me competion Universities folol © scanned with OKEN Scanner Keep weading to feaun move about moot court and how they wouk -A moot couxtt us a seprica Of ea Ottis proceeding. He | purpose of moot courtt competitors th to) 6omakes §=— Students wane of the coullt pyoceedln welated +° alrsputes between pater. Tree compettors = are aug anised moatly aw ws law AschoolA fax atodenta asho with +o puAve thet car ees as fawy eu judge and As bitter. TRIA puatoe ALIP in the olevelop ~ment of legal ARMA, sresettach acumen and Apeehing his. Tht - PHOceA oft mooling is “not the - AGM On public apeoking ont on debating > Moot cowets, arye move INtFHACHUE in nature and there IA CHT Oat, qestroning © scanned with OKEN Scanner F Moot courts have +059 teams—Defendard | ane! Respondents Tx Mooting presents Oo hypothetical case and both teams 2 aHe = HEYUIHEA 40 stexearioh nm and Represent the iu oguments . TRL mooting culture begon in tndfain sgt , and 4sinee then kox been used as a tool of Ppexsuasive adlvocacy to huain thy Eutwre genenotion of lawyeu Impostance of Moot counB -The puatice . havin moot counts A conssdeued nedertany became of mutiple “exons. we have tratecl sor of- uthich below - (ay St helps students +o engage and understand legal IAAUR. by) it bilbs atodents analyte legal topic’ anol watk on its sweseauch (2) Stodents lean +o warxk in teams aNd leayn ferom +helt tea mmates © scanned with OKEN Scanner can demonstuate RIL a) Stvol ents : : and legal Skills te) Students con IMpsove theiMconfrdeng AP eaking ARIUS . and W Students can /eaym FHOM YOU pees and clevelop you clebating shits (J) MooHin ws intellectually wy ewaudiny ond stimula bing fox budding [andy eH . ; Moot coutts ane cuygon ited in law schools +0 rntellectuall Atimulate — Atuolents “40 clevelop ARIUA that wolll be of queat tmpoxtange 'n thy futune. The legal aHeak coveted ymolex moot cout = awe ~ publicén teunatonal (ow Human +i9hts 5 Asugitiation , intesnation -a Caw, te Of fh) sec eopuenH'en = eda. A moot coutt SompeH Hen — psiovtoles apy Atudent voi th A foundatfona platfHm © scanned with OKEN Scanner co that Atuclents can be prlepayed to face ty = professtonal srivatuy qualifying ushich = equines a few Ateps. Diffuuence between Moot cout and count - A moot coutt ws and aHtlfrefal count PHepaxes fox the law students wh eu eas a Coult | in always establish by on act = agnd th 45 fuelicral PHoceyy . In a moot court Hy Atvdent, Hy low weal have to adigue on botnd only wheas ing ae tha Erlings augumenh Que clont as peu the sawond PHoceduyal wwoles. In Qa court thy Juclgemext is Finely deliveted on the bases of foets anol elucumsAtances. Aftex completion of tht both Aides HHS Jvclee. questions Hy mootests on +h law potnts. the © scanned with OKEN Scanner Var "ous “Pp ect fre DSOUTATOH of Hy law +h authotiHeA ect conelesion - There in no final Tuelge -ment fn the =moot cout aftext +h question fF ay not paxt& then the, mittake ower 4e4ssson of competit'on made by +he mooten giving tho poresentaton can be detected and notce to tht Atvolents +0 couutect it fo thy next puesentation . Moot Count isa com pulios dubfect 5 we take psesentatfons fou Pineal year students fox inteu Mad evalut'en - a © scanned with OKEN Scanner Practical -2 FIR (Foust infostmation Report) (Undex Section 154 4 Cpe) Farom Binny Suivastava Village - Rampur aambazaax Medical Road houakhbux o Distuict - Gos abkhbur 983896 316/Binnyi23@gmaid com Date - 298 may 2021 a To, ‘TRe Police officer in chan Katwahi Police Station nad Sestekhbur 273001 Respecteol Sisy 5 © scanned with OKEN Scanner " fiom Ramputt Roorl to Bhilowa by auto st iekshee 5 have toast my os iginal document beatin: No. (542395 along with someuheye. tf you have any idea ax chance of lass at an appsroxmate area you an meton Hea =came im yous application Gist, +o avotd my misuse of my above document I eek your helb ana wrequest you +e in Hegiakent my FIR im the Bobjeck- Aly matter Fou your setenence P| enclase herewith (@) copy of last alowwment Ww eepy of Radha oO TD puoof Hope you will cdo +H needful favorably at th easliest- Dated — QEMoy 2022 Your Faithfully Birmy Satvastave AGSSAE S31 6/BirMYy 123) gril. mn © scanned with OKEN Scanner Practical -3 Application under Secon t5¢(3)0f Cupe In the comet of chief Judictal Moagistuote at Gouakhbur Diatuict - Goxakhbure ~ complaint no.182 of year 2022 omplaint - Ajay slo Ansh Ci iP ey Ag - 50 village ~Rampwt Polroe Station - Kotwalt Distyiet - Gostakhpwe VS Accused - Auuind S/o Hoxghit =o Age -u5 village - Rammpux Police Station - Kotwal pistuiet -Aorakhbur complaint under section 200 stead with Section! ssb) of thr code of animinal Psrocedurte 004 wegrstuation of FLRundet section 323 and Sos of +he gndran Penal code. © scanned with OKEN Scanner TRe complainant Asay wiespectfu lly 1. That Hu complainant Js @ law citizen of india That complainant is Htestolerd of village Rampur Dis ivet - rovakhbun : 2.-That the accused Auurind 14 the neighbous of th comelainant Both becasue ane Sitvated neax tO each other. 3. That tht accused most of tht ime though a lege amount of quaribage in the clatatn —ushich passes though te have of complarnart ushich black He axtalh - Ue TRat on 2glglgo2 acewed again tarowed o Lastge amount of gr ba. tn tHe Auain” ushich caused inconvenience +o thy complainant Thr accused come out with an juon wood and bega rete abuse thy complainant tL complarna ebtected to 4hr abusers by accused Ap +e wari d dnp, aceesecl then gave Qdbowl +6 complatnant teg_ by using © scanned with OKEN Scanner the tuton vtod = In hig& hand a a leg ob uastn wesult complainant Hecelvecl — turcpotwie THY accused teh eu Fmina lly inti mrcated tu Complainant wlth conseyence in cose complainant even vanrftred him — vol'th Auch complained ay supported +y matbey to the — Poltee . a occuxence was witnessed by Ramand Stta , neighboux tn the looatity . 4 7: al the complainant went te. tHe in Staton at Rampuy wepays matter bub srepout was egtdterted compas Plainant gov me. voent +0 his ent hospital and got olscersey given ae + COPY of complaint the police sdatro oF Rampuy at on thay arate Atbaeheel +heue worth Of T- a He complatnant hodeemplarnt Poltee Sen lost dvpsuhtendent of by senting ‘ hts complornt © scanned with OKEN Scanner by Hegistered Post: even +h no acH'on fort hod been token ogar'n acectsed copy Of complaint sent to to the) Benton supsietntdent Of — Pol Fee at tefoslgo22 fs athached nene col thy a Annexe B. S- TRat thy accused hos eximinal wiecwud and tu 43 question Ge: hature. ELR No gel on toleslacr2 hes beeh filled by anothe neighbour of accused} m cay ltey oc cast oh copy of thot E.tR atbhoche od hewe wo tth ad Annexrune C undex THs cit opritta noes thy complaint pxoys fou legal Gms achen agatnat ey . Unel ex this eaumdance +o complalnad Po ous fox teqel action aginst accused Puoyed — he complatnant peg pectfelly euay eo that Hontble may © scanned with OKEN Scanner count may guractousdly be Pleased jo t- Reqrgte thy puesent complaint : a. Take coy nizence of thr Offence a 5 the content peu de amoont to commission of Offence 4 Inaate ol above tulthorrt anything Qa mere: 3. Sommon ty anol evntsh the accused perton fo comuating tht offence unodlex Becton 323 and cos of Hy Upc - 1. Pass such otha ot fot ther oyoley Person Hon'ble couut may oeem fit and s Puopet on Hy facts and elu eurmtances of HY ease Date - tles/a0s0 Place ~ Gosrabhbusy complainant Ajay slo Ansh Aqe-50 village ~ Rampuy Disdsie+- Qarrabhbor Pee yes © scanned with OKEN Scanner Affidavit I Ajay clo feve by affiurm ancl Stet that — tnfosrmation furnished by mre as mentionec tn application aXe tuve anol coumect +o the beat of omy Knowlecae and belief complainant € ye Aly © scanned with OKEN Scanner eacricAl -4 Investigation indi ) toot ndeu- As indicated by Sec2lh Tnwedigation : of cuiminal pHocedlue code (CuPc) Inuesti gation Incas ponates atl tht = purocecluie undex this code fay » He assautment of Px100f feof by cop aH by any rndtvidual Cothey then q Magistuate fore this benefit An inveatig atron signifies Look Fou material andl Healites £40 ay to see ff of Mot an offense has been submittect Thy oblrgatr'on of . the Tnuestrg ation oftieer isnt just Dit ear ag telanmend cox He cout to fe re ecnatarn a conuicH'on gt to aw out tt genuine unvanished = thwots. J os © scanned with OKEN Scanner Power UY Police office to eee ee Powet +0 Police office +0 investigate a cognizable case without Hy ovsclex MagsAtuate - at aolol Honally ae o nas acHwlty of Police pee not 6e at any Atage otfrcen udill ot bsrovght being wef emed +o Gomes on Hu guound that ty cose wos one which such offrcrol ors hot engaged onde this port of wes exch » Thu Polrce office allowed Lo inv igate bide whe h an whew abl Magtstsuate ardens thu Poltce undex Of cuPC a6 cose. Tn Sech’on +5603) HH eseayok tho NPM ~ cogni Pollr'ce aegiebt gnizable cases a = &aming cs OP RLYOVe of Hy Aitu Hon © scanned with OKEN Scanner when Re gets tht osidlen fom Magqtatuate V/s 16 5(2). Thuestigaton pstoceduye under csype- States that ff — Euom rn fosymation got axe something ee 5 an official Hes ponslble fo¥ a Police headquarter has motivation +46 QAkKoclate +the COMMIASTON wlth ~— an offense which Aa us ENGAGE — under seo ise 40 Heseauch , ty Aend Qa lent will forth wo ies epaut of yy) equive ae Mogtttuate CnNableg to take awan ener, of BUCH ottense » 9 Upon a MERWE ana will continve face +o face on wit! depute one of PLA subaudi -nate officals, commencement of investigation ~ Ty investi ~GFH'0n pstocors Polree © scanned with OKEN Scanner = commences rf He office in chong hos a ste ason +o AVA peck commMiAsion of copnizable aftence. Lnvestigat'en un cognizable offence cases- Section I56(1) empowets an officer rn ch atee of o police Atatfon +o investigate a cognizable case o= tolth ou an avdey of a magisPrate it also limits hig Powe to intuetigation of Avch cases with ip th docel fusttxalreton. Envestigation ih Non - ae offences- SecH’on 155 deals ul th_AAfesumnation Yelat’ ating to a hon — cognizable oftence. No Police aftrcey can Investigate @ non~ coenizable Oftence boi th out thy asides of Qa ComMpetens+ Meagistsyate: © scanned with OKEN Scanner Iroe office Sectron!é6o | we Oo Po i t of the Curpe em pow ees He Police Officen 0 wuequrst thy atbendonce of witnesses who aue with Tn ty justisdiet'on of such Police Atah'on. however uh ene +ho male person in B belo +he age of tB yeas 64 above tho age 6S yeu os WOM eA phyarcalt y Pewon tho On our = mentally infirm | attendance of such peuon will be wequitted at — 7 his place ehene tu Hekl'eles. my A police of freey moak'r7 an Intvesti'ga Hon my srequlHe the atkendence of Ori petson eres fading wwolthi'n ty hii ts oF Acs own oy adjoining ~pPUeayA ry. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Staton inelocdlng = Hy aceuwjed acquarn ted with +tHy Pacts and arse cum#an ce, ot ty Cage, 7 © scanned with OKEN Scanner PuacH'cal - 5 case Dotuy TIrtuoduetion- A case dliany maintained by police officers while investigating a case which contains defails of ow the inquiky was comied out and other pasticulaus such as the olalt on ughich Hu investigation began » Places visited as a pawt of thy investigatio etc. They case indmixsible ax evidence however they can be utsect to aio the couut while Hu investigation)tuial - These ol iasties ave exsentolly Macle fou tHe. puypose of helbing thy investigation officey suefserh Ais] hex memouy write being Puesented as Qa witness fox atail. Section 42 of coupe +olbs about case diauies , ow do maintain them, thein evidentiany valve etc. The ection hos thee clauses— I ONC Chaptex XIE ushich cleats wlth infomation to Hu Polree And +hein © scanned with OKEN Scanner Powers to investigate every polrce office heed +0 maintalin @ case olfauy ushile conn ying 6ut an IAVeAsH gat en. 2. Such cauies may be demanofed by any eximinal wd fox a case that ws unde ingutery ou = trral. Theve Aas re shall be Used +o aid Auch ingqulvy [tural . they cannot be Uked O48 eurdence. 3. The accused on his/her agent. ty not allowed +0, now entitled to ark fox and dee guch — dlrasires. Arawever, Aectto IG1 OH BeoHon 1US Of thy fndian Evidence Act, 972 ray Ary TN case thy dliavy has beer” used by He ™ OFF cen who Made ft to sefsesh hes/ Aen memany , ox if thy count uher Ht lary Lo cHO4LA — Quest 'oh and counter uch Police offrcey. © scanned with OKEN Scanner SecHon (6! and IY5 have been explatned below fox Hu Pu poses of aq better undeestand ing of ection 17123) of Ht CH. p.c. Seaton ié! of Hua indran Evidence Act (G72% Heferh +0 Ht aduese pauty's sight +o a document used fox » ty pau pose of sHefsreshing memay, The accused by ty dlicesetion of Hs count may be allowed +o inspect te Port ouloy entuty psourded that etthey Avoh entury hos been Ti by He count +o contsadiet 2 ee ee a o 40ch entry to He fHes h AL meMasy. Sechoniye deal, wlth csyany exo mination oF Lolth exs : tO psteurows <3 wlth srespeat Statemengds made by suas Pica eq , © scanned with OKEN Scanner wAlH'n gy OH Heolu ceal 'Nto Atm rn wHth'ng however such courHinges ABhould hot be = =Ahown +0 Aim Ags attenHon when TH inuestt9ation genes began when it ended Places visitea and a datotemenf of Lacts deviveol From +h rn YestigaHon ave sone IM poston} oletaily. © scanned with OKEN Scanner text Iuston- Fsrom He above tr when have obszeuved thal cose diatifes even though not admissible ax 4vbstontVe eutdehce aue on imposttont = pat of te investigation rf onalyzed pstopex ley they may lead +e Further People which might fenie- lend aleorres: give. they ave ons of +H toola +0 aid Ho couut in steaohing ita dectAr'on howe vey they ayy e hot i th twining Point of Hyucese ttself . ; i tf TRese ol afer should be Maintarneg i in P*LOPculy andl mnfaumation Th er ho e ubl be complete FeEMPeH ed ui qive Medi bility to th: Trey oh ;} oo NVC FH oatigg oc is Pica gg : © scanned with OKEN Scanner pracriens jew nteuvie : ap interviews with asking He yestrons hen ! ofential ight — lavoyent - client . +0 enesgy ancl mankeling ae ae nutuning feacs and w ae jooiough clrents » But if you thy introt Inteuureo o+ fail to psurepave Hu most effecHve /awyer elrent inteture™ —questons you'll Likely ming out on mason oppoxtt -untHtes fox you INA your cellent: ae a gqxead alien? fnteuview is cH fool +o an effective client intake PHocerrs and itt an I'm poxttort Initral Atep to PHOU Tal ne Qa Client - centered expesfence., © scanned with OKEN Scanner The & us do puepaxe! AARINg Hee attoht att oviney — client intey urew questions that — can quickly ond eftecti vely let you now arhot your aitents need. At thi xame Hru th sight qwestions will also Alb establ’sh cleat eommunication and expectations on both dides. In tho following erfole welll offer HPS fos how to Heflin ‘youn initial atent jnteuurew» tn addich’on . we'll Offet some lawyer — elrent intenviets ex: Sample qesh'ons +o Intequate (nto us Youy PHOcers . perfectthy a Mnrtexutecs Wwest'ons can 2 a br 1 AP ReueH Ce f'n Impstoving a rent intake fet Stet coh PHtocess, £0 ah eos 4 queny? © scanned with OKEN Scanner At thy pue- Infeyurewd stage consi dey your gouls and tet them govidle your Pxeparatons. Aha means consi dein g that you toanh +o Qet out of +h infestureco neloding teaxintng about leg al trsvee hanol esteal raking a POA itive offert expeutence and attend eo cothning HY © scanned with OKEN Scanner Pracrical -1 Chosigerheel Chasugesheet us thr outcome of investigation Uheleu Sect’on 157 Of +h code of cott minal the psrocedluure of Investigation Ruoceduste in csuttm inal cases hos been incostpoHated ft = requlyes Hy — intimetton of infwimaHen +o thet police offices on dy commlAsion of a cour iMme - chasuige Sheet - A chauge sheet usa final wept puepayed by tH investigation — OH ate enfosrcement agencies fol pssov ing thr accusation afoavime cst trains aout of low: Thiererst in @ upmitted — by Hy Police is badtcally ofprcet —_P- +H accused ence ast hos committed ang offence punishable penol Atatute having effect puove that with any aude +0 connected noe any india: © scanned with OKEN Scanner Thr wepaxt entails ana Hu Stu ingent Hu embodies all Hecanols selehd fsrorn commencement of tnuesdigaton PHoceduye of lodging an FIR +o te compteHon OF Investigation and Puepanatron Of Final — Repaid. Section! of Hy code of curlminal Puecedusye IS13 Psoutdes tos, veposyt of He Police oftrceyy, eriling Of Hy chaxige sheet indioates +H end of investigati Contents of 4 Change sheet _ Section 173¢2) Which née Ruescuibes Hy details +o be mentioned i'n g Charegerheet and A they ave a4 UNdlen. (Thi onamen of the pasttreys * tb) Fa nature oF HE Infomation, (2 TRY names of tM penton, sho q os to be Acqwaintead with Hi CH CUomsA+Fances of Wy Case, © scanned with OKEN Scanner fo have col) uthethex any offence APP Costs been committed and rf «0 by whom (e) tthether +41 aceusect has beeh au sted - th) whether hi hos been weleased ©n his bond and ff Ao weatheH with on without Ausetes. (p whether he hos been fosywasteled rn curstecly undet peo H'on!70. PUNPose Of a chauge-sheet — Thy purpose of a Chan Pe - Aheet ws ot S a i nati ty a peusen of cHiminal chatiges beng tMAUed against te them. afteu thy Chaar sheet is | Filled thy Petsen against ushom Hye charge -4sheet has been Prleg comes +o be known as anacewedl . Tha Felling of. chastge sheet with +H mMagqratuate 'nditoates commence -ment of ou iminad p19 ceealings. = ree eQyet , © scanned with OKEN Scanner Time - Peuiod fot Filling chau ge -rhed — Tn cases ushpre thy offence Ls vol th impHisoment of Ponishable lo ye au the Pinel se poHt Jess than v/s 173 halk be erilect by Hy investy _gule®n — ageney with 17 Go days and mn investigatTon agency within bo days anol in cases tsheue HI offence wrecoHtded +o have been comm! theol 14 pountshble lth imps izonmenh fox mote thah 1oqeaH rife impos onment ost oleath penalty Hy Investigator agency = in such matter have +6 File dhe tx Hepat with Ao cays furom tA date of HY FIR being Jeeqgiaterea . Rxocess Aftex Eilling a charge sheet- Th Repaut may conclydle that an offence appears +o have been committed by a past ff cutax PELsn ar | © scanned with OKEN Scanner and fn ~ yaueh a Coxe thy peraons MaqaAtuate may do on of tee things - I ht may accept thr sepott dnd take eognizance of + offence and TAKAO - : 2. he J may disaguee with thy stepartt 0 7 Wop aay proceeding , 3. Hh may - olitteet fu they Inuestiqaton bheles ub- 4ectH'oni3) of sech'on ic. conclusion — Thi = fhuestiqatfon puocess 7 Involved in” cstiminad coses ie extern ly TAM OLUGh. Ft involves a » ia Potecedue ushi'ch heed 5 : di tligence, followed) with due a } — “a Pleas ga © scanned with OKEN Scanner PracTicaLl-& Framing of — choHee Furaming of tHe charge rn Hy Cape 1 Store when thr Police fos Completed yey invest igaty on and Avbmi -tecl Hu Chawtoe Aheet Wegin thi of fense a PYUoeh TR, count INV 90 Lon huneaftey Sseuutiniy ex Hy chau Sheet ane PHOPoses to Puome Change aga nat He acettsed peuen. 7 oe of Change fn eupe TOP OM ta ng adyunct madin and HH mn bry ‘minal . at gt curminal Aural CArC oe fk: name dugg ests Hegulate thr entite Process Of a oHImMUnol +nial befave esiminal cowel, come oF Chovt ee, in eRPe A def iNet Unde Chapteu PV TEI Oe IMIBIE rage ETE mainly © scanned with OKEN Scanner Starting — Lsiom section 9.11 UP +o Section 2208, Section 2)! Contents of ees Every chavige UNA 447s coche Shall State thy offence coith whieh Hy aceusec/ lA choug ed. Q. rf Hu law whieh CHeates Py oftere gives rt any Apecifiic - name He © Pf ense Mag be descuibed in He Chay e by that Name only: 3. The chouege an be courtten in Pe language count: SecHon 212 Pauticulases Os to Hmg, Place Sas and Contain ate TR cheat Shall Hy . Ave Pett au losy ad to l Hing andl Place of thy aleged Bttence and Hy p eeson tit any) j 4 Gg sina ustem ay Hu ting PRES © scanned with OKEN Scanner (rf any) mm wespect of which it wos commited a, atte wesonably Avfficied +6 give thy 1 accused noH#ce of Huy math woth which ht Jd chased ouged« Stage of Fstaming ot chaos ge ~ Rota ming y th eRPe Keogh Ly, a ee , © Hu Police hos completed ar InvestigaH'on and suomithed ty Chant de Aheet alleging ty offense aga tnst ; 4hy aceukea peeson-Tk, Count +h ere aftey Aes lnizey @ th chosrge Aheef andl petopete af Fsxtame . chovge ag atngd see accused — persgn, Reasons foy Raaming of chat 9r-cenc : Re . Fataming of chow ge po Reeeeocaanencer © scanned with OKEN Scanner eventuali Hes attached +o ty tat lo of a dtl'mihad ase. Under thy tas, +t oby ect of Hu Param tng Of chaste = Ih RPC Ho give clea neHee to Hy aceUeg PeUok about Hy het trite Char ges vroley udtioh lo dy going to & be — tutte dl by th court. TR Tudet pos +o contin to doce ments HefPeruseo te unde Seaton tr8 document Filed along of th A chorea sheet Uk ACUUT CCS of an rsriminod Joes Ye Fan all Avoh expert o 3h HequlXeo Aertulers, wv A\? © scanned with OKEN Scanner PRATICAL-9 -Apptication fox bailable offence When Q person ounestec! he/ Shi has ao legal wight to got thi boil. Bail » ft legal welerse of a peuson fHOr te wctoay of Hu police who chasxige with ceutoain offences. Bail Applreatton Bait applteatron Ls Eiled before the coud undey Foun WS rn ths 2nd scheclule ” fou the HeleOse — ot Q pexgen tr qustedy. Thy barl 16 Prleol by tL advocate on behalf fou Ht accused TR, PESUS VL has +0 wm fountéeh bone aye . He cout then SUMLIES Lotorre he Us we] Sesea/ on +h batt. Boil in baitable offence - Section 436 of the Pst ocedusie code gf cutminal pxovides fort th bail of © scanned with OKEN Scanner a pewuson allege ol Y cornmittin o cuir which 4 — batlable In notuHe - The bail ts He sight of tha pesoh this Section furthest coAtkK an obl igatoxy duty on tu police 0” ty cost to gutant bait to th person alleged of commiting cutie bailable fm notuse tha section -+fuy then cleaws shat wheneuet a peton usho Jb alleged of comm iting a cuime othich, ds bailable Gn application tn nature makes befoue thr comet on thy poltce office then +He count Ot TAL police office +hen truco om OH thy ns Police officral haste allow batik. it Wy Qhso tht duty of the Polrce office to PY4on on hes Spite of we lease the Personal bond, in thy = ofelet of xunety © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ae foils to puodve tht AuHety within? days ushile casting Auch duty on police officer law WHalkses a petesumpton in fovows Of +At accused +o the effect that the endigent anal poor 40 that AL cannot AuMange sun ety > and free fae At has to fe Yreleaseol on personal Lecwntzance. ae A new ection YacA LZ included - . Yyeay 2OOS fo tt Und etsial PH scones. unde UugeA. if a person has uncleygong holt of thy mastium Sentence fox the atlegea offence then Aa url t be =Uteleased on thy pesesonal bord with a OT th out aa Mohammad! i eaten cans +he Amity Rishadl? Us State of up t supyeme count pefol +ky mene/ on Ar baa i: of sHIMInal a ntececert, reese © scanned with OKEN Scanner | batl cannot be coenied. In sumit vs State of UP the coutt held +hat even Tf there are othe cHTTn iinoL cases pending fhe aceudsecl con be gute nted batl. chanduadtoam! dnd othex Ys COD f was Aalol that He accusecl may feave the counduy afte gecking Peumission of the ome count but tho wHeason given by the accused pag to putopagte Hirde aelrgton found +o be unsatts ~faetouy he polree off{reer neeo/ net est accused wnnec sdan tly and ths mag rdtHote cto not aside, detent'on eos wl by TRL claecRInk + be prov lofed be fuyntshed ACCUS eof . anol mechnically 7 unex Section ut must to the Police anol should and Billed by the Tr Officer sholl Posnrch thy game befoste the Mag VS tH ate O44 avthorizing fer dletendion . © scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAL - 10 Application fax Non bailable offence Undleu section U37 of tn cocle of ees Puoceduye th any person 14 A USPR of alleged of +, detained oss corn mitting any non- barladble offence is coereated without wasmant ost appe ass before a eo Uuytt othey than a hiqheowtt ex ound of dsexssron AE oy be weleasect At bail , but an pevon may hot be steleased or bail tet 1. Th thene Ls teagonable goceund to belive see hey ofl dy ee of Q ost hme pentskable “sith death Ost Itfe — fmpuisonment. Ri ALCh otfence Us a ; Corn offence Gre pais a Previously wnvictest po an Offence penibhble got ih like et Pie) ey © scanned with OKEN Scanner pmpstisonme nt art aleath ot oh Offence puntshabte vot th rr pols onment dort “1 years ast be haol beer Poreviewsly aonvictecl hax +09 © Lim of an OLfenoe da + is avgnieable ancl Knon-bailable. 3- He may be Ht eleased it Hy om oe ‘A brent Alxteeh oo 3 a WOMAN ay wy AIch a Tn ftyimr » u. . Wey be | teloasod f Ho police 6titeer at aes Stage ot truest atvon aha rot there ws no dvds i clend Reon ae non bai lable Offence OH fur they ee 3 Hequlste el: Avbject et? PHOVIACOH, of Aection ug i ; may be syelesed al} bona tol Hho Ub 4 1 eHer on bai | ese © scanned with OKEN Scanner 6. if at omy time ofwtthy = Hh dotict ancl befeaxe +H judd amet tt Hu cout 1A of fn optnion dhot thr aecwed not guilty of any Buch ofgence tren iL nay srelese him on barl wrthout 4uHetiey, 3 © scanned with OKEN Scanner en ao. PRACTICAL - If Application by the accuseal duu en bing Accusecl without Ausuiendexn ing before tht obtarned an oxdlen fot Atay Mag tstuate fo pave in Besar ons comtt. TRA diuecton of Hu Mag tattate wood usholly Buregqul ot and may be enabled tha qocusecl peuons +o appeared in peuson ih Hy complainant whee ty in a csxurminaf anse accusecl ave 4wo sub-Inspectars anol etght constables attached] +o tty atte police Gtotion , Ahmednage Thy chaiged agcunst them a4 alts clazeol stoking an oveHalsp survey of — evrdlence ~ pstadtueeo! befoste § pr|e Zz am of th oprnton that theue are sufficient Juounda +o PHoeceed . agathst ot Sa accused pes Hy oft creer vndler Secu aaa et a ee Pie ye © scanned with OKEN Scanner Tre count of Arson ase hy High “count = cn PAS qn OOley that On AVM Chal HINY of +4 aectls eal betorte tH MoqiAtxate M Aholt be stelered oh barl Oh Av0ch t+eurmys ano cond Hens. Fn ause ot hard @y Hy alivectt'on +o alm if fhY aecus eof P40r3 +o bar! ah tyer' 3 USULE atesr'ng hos Aanchdn tn laws and rn fart csreates a alent tn Hu SAcHas anoity 6 : . t laws tb 3S ession, toto] es WasrtHanted ol brect'ss ae M4sveal trad on srr choleriy SH —_— nae € Hy tocol Telye concerned oS Sholl we enlarged On batt s guck ol Brecty's GH lula ee © scanned with OKEN Scanner epoutel no¢ commene — qace ep tahoe tn teqght ot, ro ow Picea), ey, © scanned with OKEN Scanner Peracrical -!2 Session Tuiol Tuttat- Under tht Acherme x extiminol procedure cod® 1973 4totial can be divided inte Hy following :- '. Session twial Zechion 295 $0 234 ) 2. Tail by magistuate can further be divided inte vomvtant Lutel — Geekton 239 40 250 it eon Lu dheHn be adlevtolectt indo Hu follow thay LA On Police — Hleposet CSe023Q-242]4 YW tors @ otherwise tan on police sepoit ESechHoh guute agol 3. Semmon jpuial- Sectton -25 026 4. Summary Fsrial -SecH'on 2he +026E PLC aN og © scanned with OKEN Scanner , Sessions Rurals (eabton 995-227) - AW cases pontshable by morte than of tmpsitonment — oste furtat cout - to yeor by Bessroh Procedure - (. Sechron Q2F Pswsecutton us conducted by Poblte pstosectorr. Cum, B SeeHon 22¢ opening case fo PxyoseouH'on - De \ 3. Etthey Arschauqe Unde gsectt'on227 Cth tote cam Hy otto col tl Stop) oot fetamtng of chart {e Under Sect'on 12, Guay e Eh charge are furomeal then etthey a) econvich'on on Plea of qetlty (sector 229) ax b date Te — Paraseation evidence Geekton 229) © scanned with OKEN Scanner g. Section ALG when ee prov ght ir PUHSV ANSE ob 7 commitment of ty cos® H unde, Beacon 204 dH pstsecuty) Bhoth open = Ws asse by cleseni bi ng ye charge — boreualt agains HA occ ser anol Brat 4 b 4 what evidence Wh ic lt poropases to estove TH ot ol Hy aceuse ct: 7 onsideation toy gor if vPEN a pS Se case tSection 161-162) ? La) Records of HH ! BW pocuoment — Submitred LELR) : () Hertha svbmtasion af accused and 4 Praseculsn . i Tee Ahirnks Jenne Js no wd JH HOLE) { prow Alsdhatige e yee aaa | er ple e © scanned with OKEN Scanner if Puroceded unclert Sect'on 236 dren evidence for purosecvHoh vot tt be dont Under seadton 2316 . After PHoced hg vndex Aech'on 23t Hrene wot be eithen aogelt+ od beech onr32 O7 b) entering VPON Aefence (Gech’sn23) Adten precowhe to Gechon 23% anqurnent will +ake Plance ondey BSecHoh 234, tast step 44 yodqermerd (on be etther of ceqottal mm oH coneittchton) Section 225. Detail Rapeastenes & f: SecHon 226 case bot\\ a Bess toh court be Openssl Putoseeutoy only . ky public © scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAL - 13 Swuyend eu Y accused on t4xue of wowont TRr question whethex an accused can Swwiende, in tty cowet — of invest! ~“gatton Atape ana J eqyvert fo bering entargea on barl often comeS UP fost consiolerratr'on befosxe alte pacent counts — of esu'mi'nal juetsdretton . Ty puovlgons ad ba'/ and ‘aby wemand ase connected: thtey ala. puoursl'ony of bail by necessary implvoation adhstact We proudston by -suemanal, Rots anol eleecoumtances ee) “ene of Hw acctseal wlth thy comncses of the offence ane geyimporttant Facteus ushics ave faker nto pepe © scanned with OKEN Scanner me, thot i am of tH opinion Hat thdte aoe geo! sopticient . qurevals — Fe POC agatnst aw Ho a coused fat a “of-tences onder SeoH'or3 SR. © scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAL ~ LY Platnt (Suit of — Possession of Property +rtespassecl by adefenol Patoblem — Suit fou possessron of Rxopey t tt e45/0043 by clefemdant TAR gurt a be POF i g Possession o¢- Pxropeety Cleqably Possession O21 tuespassecl of th olefendant who us an pn ath ow fred POrsers'on ot thy PHtopertty | TRy .commt of crorl Todge Rosokh buy ” Plaee— Digdu ep — Sutt NAfo Lio3 years 2ORR Arey Son Ané Aqe- 88° yitlage - Mahariay'ganj Tobstl - Mahastap'yan/ L a eta © scanned with OKEN Scanner Police stat'on —golhayiga Datu tet - Gayakh bw WS -Plainhtf- Ram Son Rohit Aqe~ yo willage-r7 Diktstet— CG ,KiP Defende TRE Plain dip: begs AS followers _ | Thr defenctent ay owney of FOUR po, 9/0 Adelmeas tu 'n COSY (Pood Bttvated af Mahaseajgan) tet out thy Som to ey, fairer : ait at Q Monty wont of Rg agsooo re eres Q PeUr'ed of a THOM slot lgoaa eee eae cae Plante p 2nd pot yay Passer site” eet Phisccas Hy Saw Pecopalty © scanned with OKEN Scanner olexencavy a.TRat On 2/03] 208/ HY nl entetedad upon ty tenanre puemimes (a fy absence of thy plarntt\t? — bsroke Open +H lock Withers #4 consent OF Plain Ht ano vwrithout any avthoselty, 8: TRat imme deat ely on coming to Knows pe ty sore cet of Pasucrble clf's possessor committed by thy depenclant. * Hat the atefenclart has he lectecol ano} Pattlecl 40 YVaeate tH satol porto pity ard — hartleel gvey poxsersion vtepeate — protest, by thy Plarndy. 5: In facet anol circu mulences oft case mention eol Arte bn oy above thes hon’ble co weet ray a be pleased , © scanned with OKEN Scanner rep Rat tA Planter py tees = Re es (a) TRL sure be ocleaxeed jn favowt of tty ~— Plaint#t = anol agers tN defenaent be ostolettedf 0 Aecastaleha by aa) aefedand to foute wlth = rternove nimmself anol ey belongings fern t4+Y house Me gi¢ and debver Ss anol vacant Ports essior of thy putt Prtemr'es. ) That plainttt be allowed gat Of tha Sorte (Te queant any other selrlef ga whU'eh thy = honéle eomt a yo % req pleose be aanted to Ht plained Ih tho Intsesp of Fushtce— Plain Liff . din 3 © scanned with OKEN Scanner PHtya Set Aolyoowte Dote — toloulaort place - Goxuakhpoy Veutfreat'oh Aray He above named plarnty ft do golem rly cleclaue thot crhactevey has heeh states! of =t+kht Platnt ty Knowleclye in pasa (+03 ate tayve +0 of tH ptaint! ff usrteree para No l to 3 are to tstve on thy a basis of [nfestmat an sea elved by hi anol belveol aCe by Rim varttftied at Act vocate — Plaintiff oily Subvestang Asay SonAnth, pate - toloularore ate lage ~ Paha Tey tt Mm Pls tactet - Gros akhboy | © scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAG = 1 Moot count onganistaby Caw Stoderd A moot count 1A wy eplca of = teat count pstoceecl ings Th puipese OF moot coutt compelt+t ond us F0 mape Jfvolerh Quo arte of th cout psroceediing welatec to ols pute befweean potttes . these dompedt'trons we orgained mostly In law School fox students who wlth +o peudvoe thedy carteey ds Lawyer Jedqe anol Astbitura tes - Root cout Ss ont of He most exeiting acttustes a ae i “TRE P30 Ceealthg, mn Qa Moot count nie . ae court P3400 Ceol!) The PUrtohase Qodtenty : rm © scanned with OKEN Scanner te Kelp Jae Atudendy uncer Atangd how sreal cau deed, ana thety PdLOpoH code of wondeuet § Ap MMporrttencg ot oliee Coole and +4y use Cf — fasimaf lanquage . Moott'np US a qureat way +o oleve lop Oe 7 confidence , 3dpesking ; ost ting 4G and S108 casa), acomen , Pasyti eipati'ng CM Poot COE A 43 not > just qireat oe solely salve bud Out bihare Lan, fotutte judge ang hola < MOE Universities am Untes college ox | ber Peltere M20 tng aetsbeht ee anes Studend Netuseachs SS Chaonee yo they ot Work ea th Qo Sam pete ton © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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