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 Cost breakdown for the money that I will borrow from CBE in

Woldeya District/ is shown as follow as

 Currently the project needs some fund for accomplishment of the

following activities

N.O Description Total Amount of Owners equity Bank loans Remark

money the from CBE

projects need.

1 Civil work , site 29,874,322.91 15,374,322.91 14,5000,000

work, Finishing

work and materials

for the construction

2 Furniture and 6,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000


4 Working capital 4,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000

Total Project cost 40,374,322.91 20,347,322.91 20,000,000

Contribution % 100% 50% 50%

 The total amount of loan will be 20,000,000 ETB.( 14,5000,000 to finish the

remaining construction and 3,000,000 for furniture & Equipment , 2,500,000

working capital) which I can pay back during 10 years with 2year grace

period working time, including interest.

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Executive Summary 

Safe Current is small business unit of The Cleveland Illuminating Company (TCIC), and electric utility. Safe Current
was formed and will be lead by Brian Henderson.

Safe Current has identified three key factors that will be instrumental to its sustainability:

1. Ensure 100% customer satisfaction: Repeat customers and customer referrals are valuable.
2. Design and sell meaningful and valuable power protection products.
3. Design and implement strict financial controls. This is very important because although Safe Current is a
small business unit of TCIC, they must be a stand alone entity financially and and yet they have financial
and accounting responsibilities to the shareholders of TCIC.

Safe Current will offer two main products, surge arrestors and surge protectors. These products are made by a
contract manufacturer and sold under the Safe Current brand name:

 Surge Arrestors: This is a piece of equipment that is mounted on the outside of a house or business near
the meter that offers protection from external electrical surges.
 Surge Protectors: This is a piece of equipment that protects individual or groups of appliances against
internal electrical spikes. All of Safe Currents protectors are of industrial grade.

Brian has an MBA from Case Western Reserve University and has experience working for the large telecom ATT as
an assistant project manager, and Allegheny Power working in the value added services department. Safe Current
has been forecasted to achieve impressive sales for years two and three, with correspondingly respectable net profit.

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1.1 Objectives
 To develop a profitable product for TCIC that is unregulated from the core power generation business
 To become profitable within one year.
 To use this business as a successful model for future ventures.

1.2 Mission
To develop a family of surge protectors and arrestors for consumers that offer safety and value. Safe Current will
leverage the strength of The Cleveland Illuminating Company to help build brand recognition. All customer’s
expectations will be exceeded with their innovative, useful products and complete customer satisfaction is

1.3 Keys to Success

 Offer every customer 100% satisfaction.
 Design and sell meaningful, valuable, power protection products.
 Design and employ strict financial controls.

Company Summary 

Safe Current is an unregulated subsidiary of The Cleveland Illuminating Company that sells direct to businesses and
consumers. It will be operated as a stand alone business leveraging the existing resources and goodwill of TCIC.

Safe Current will be located on site at TCIC, using an office within the complex and also sharing TCIC’s computer
network connection and phone connections. Safe Current will operate their own customer service call department.
Safe Current will use TCIC’s existing call center for sales calls and TCIC’s existing billing system as well as their
order fulfillment and shipping departments. Safe Current will pay a flat rate (10%) for these services.

The Cleveland Illuminating Company has chosen to create Safe Current as a means of increasing the rate of return
to shareholders outside the government regulated rates available to electric utilities.

2.1 Company Ownership

Safe Current is a wholly owned subsidiary of TCIC.

2.2 Start-up Summary

Safe Current will leverage the existing resources of TCIC and pay a set overhead fee for the resources used.
Equipment that will be needed as follows:

 Five computer stations, one laser printer; Microsoft Office, Access, and proprietary software used by TCIC;
network connection to TCIC.
 Five office furniture setups.
 A five extension phone system.

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Start-up Funding

Start-up Expenses to Fund $15,600

Start-up Assets to Fund $39,400

Total Funding Required $55,000


Non-cash Assets from Start-up $17,500

Cash Requirements from Start-up $21,900

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Additional Cash Raised $0

Cash Balance on Starting Date $21,900

Total Assets $39,400

Liabilities and Capital


Current Borrowing $0

Long-term Liabilities $50,000

Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) $0

Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) $0

Total Liabilities $50,000


Planned Investment

TCIC $5,000

Other $0

Additional Investment Requirement $0

Total Planned Investment $5,000

Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) ($15,600)

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Total Capital ($10,600)

Total Capital and Liabilities $39,400

Total Funding $55,000

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Start-up Expenses

Stationery etc. $100

Brochures $2,000

Website development $5,000

Furniture $1,500

Expensed Equipment $7,000

Total Start-up Expenses $15,600

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Start-up Assets

Cash Required $21,900

Start-up Inventory $0

Other Current Assets $3,000

Long-term Assets $14,500

Total Assets $39,400

Total Requirements $55,000

Market Analysis Summary 

Safe Current has identified three distinct market segments that they will target. The first segment is family home
owners, typically with children, and the second is single home owners.

These two segments have been chosen because families with children typically have a large number of electronic
devices and the upper income single home owners often adopt technology using lots of gadgets in their home.

The third segment is commercial businesses that have equipment they want protected. Competition is very limited for
surge arrestors as they require electric utility installation. There is some competition with the surge protectors,
however the competitive products are of a consumer level of quality and protection, different from Safe Current’s
products which offer industrial levels of protection.

3.1 Market Segmentation

Safe Current has segmented the market into three distinct groups.

Family home owners

This segment generally has electronic equipment and lives in middle- to high-end homes.

 69% have at least one child.

 The median household income is $77,000.
 Eat out 2.3 times a week.
 58% of the families have two incomes.
 63% have cable TV.
 49% have a broadband Internet connection.

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Single home owners
This segment is a single person who owns their own home. They are generally professionals who often use a lot of
electronic technology.

 Ages 25-40.
 71% are professionals.
 The median household income is $62,000.
 Eat out 2.7 times a week.
 72% have cable TV.
 71% have a broadband Internet connection.

Commercial sales
This segment is small to mid-size businesses that have expensive electronic equipment that they need protected.
Commercial sales are not industry specific. All businesses, regardless of type, have pieces of equipment that can be

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Market Analysis

Potential Customers Growth CAGR

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Family homeowners 8% 143,545 154,311 165,884 178,325 191,699 7.50%

Single home owners 8% 165,987 179,266 193,607 209,096 225,824 8.00%

Commercial sales 6% 11,254 11,929 12,645 13,404 14,208 6.00%

Total 7.71% 320,786 345,506 372,136 400,825 431,731 7.71%

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3.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

Safe Current is targeting these groups since all tend to have many pieces of electronic equipment all of which are
vulnerable to power surges.

While most home owners insurance offers some level of compensation for damage, deductibles are typically high
enough that most people do not make claims. Both segments are already customers and aware of TCIC’s reputation
for safety, reliability and operational excellence, making it easy to solicit their business.

3.3 Industry Analysis

Safe Current operates selling two similar service devices, surge arrestors and surge protectors. While these products
are similar, they have serve different purposes.

The surge arrestors are a product that can only be offered by a utility so it is typically only sold and installed as a
package by the utility.

The surge protectors operate within the more general consumer product segment as evidenced by the fact that surge
protectors can be found by a wide range of retailers such as hardware stores, do-it-yourself type stores, and
computer and electronic retailers.

It should be noted that Safe Current’s parent company, The Cleveland Illuminating Company is an electric utility and
is therefore operating within a regulated industry. Current regulation by the public utility commission (PUC) dictates
that the rate of return is capped at 10.5% for utility activities.

Safe Current however provides a product that operates within the unregulated area of the utility and therefore does
not have rate of return caps. This is quite advantageous to Safe Current because it allows them to leverage the
assets of the utility without being held to the same restrictions as the rest of the utility.

3.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

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Surge arrestors
Safe Current does not face any real competition for the arrestors due to the installation requirement of the electric

While there are four current vendors that sell the actual arrestor equipment, it is far more expensive to buy the
equipment and then pay the utility for installation than buying the package (product and installation) directly from the

Surge protectors
Safe Current faces general competition from several sources. This is qualified as general competition since the
products typically sold (90% of the time) are of consumer quality versus the industrial quality that Safe Current offers.

Due to TCIC’s direct contacts with electrical component manufacturers and their sheer buying scale/power, Safe
Current is able to offer high-quality industrial grade products for prices that are similar to the consumer units.
Competitors in this segment include:

 Hardware stores
 Mass merchants
 Do-it-yourself stores
 Computer retailers
 Electronic retailers

3.4 Products
Safe Current will offer a family of surge arrestors and surge protectors for consumers. A surge protector protects
appliances plugged into it against spikes in voltage.

A surge arrestor or “whole house surge protector” protects all circuits of a house from a surge in current emanating
from outside the building. These products will protect consumers and their sensitive electric and electronic appliances
from power surges or transient voltage.

A power surge is an increase in voltage significantly above the designated level of flow of electricity. If a surge or
spike is high enough it will inflict serious damage, just like applying to much water pressure through a hose. Too
much will case the hose to burst. The same thing happens when there is too much electrical pressure through a wire,
the wire “bursts.”

Surge protectors work by diverting the extra electricity into the outlet’s grounding wire. A surge arrestor offers the
same protection, however, the protection occurs before the current comes into the home. There are several sources
of surges.

The most familiar source is lightning. When lightning strikes near a power line, the electrical energy creates a boost of
electrical pressure. A surge arrestor is the best form of protection against lightning as a lightning surge will overpower
most surge protectors.

A more common source is the operation of high power electrical devices such as refrigerators and air conditioning
units. These appliances cause spikes when their compressors or motors are turned on and off, creating sudden, brief
demands for power and upsetting the flow of the electrical voltage.

These types of surges can be protected only by surge protectors because the spike occurs within the home and not
from the electrical grid.

The last main source of surges come from the utility company’s equipment. The complex system of equipment that
brings electrical power from the grid into the home may have points of failure that can cause uneven power

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A combination of a surge arrestor and surge protectors on major or expensive electric/electronic components can
significantly decrease the possibility of surge/spike damage.

Safe Current will offer two main products, surge arrestors and surge protectors. These products are made by a
contract manufacturer and sold under the Safe Current brand name:

 Surge Arrestors (whole house surge arrestors): This is a piece of equipment that is mounted on the outside
of a house or business near the meter that offers protection from surges eminating from outside of the
house. This product costs $235 including installation.

Only the electrical utility can install a surge arrestor because the unit is connected directly to the outside
meter and the electrical grid. A surge arrestor is the ONLY protection against spikes that come in through
the outside electrical lines.

 Surge Protectors: This is a piece of equipment that protects individual or groups of appliances against
internal sources of spikes. A protector offers a bit of protection against outside surges, however, most
outside sources of spikes are of high enough voltage to overpower most protectors.

While most hardware stores, electronic stores, and mass merchants sell some sort of surge protector, the
products offered by Safe Current are differentiated by their industrial grade offer and, a far higher level of
protection than most other surge protectors. These units are $50 each and offer the best protection when
used in conjunction with a surge arrestor. Any type of electric or electronic appliance of value should be
protected such as furnaces, refrigerators, stoves, TVs, stereos, computers, modems, phones, etc.

Safe Current has chosen to outsource production because 1) it has numerous relationships with contract
manufacturers that can make the products for far less than they can, 2) production would create significant capital
costs which are truly unnecessary. The beauty of this business model is the usage of contract manufacturers and the
leveraging of TCIC resources.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Safe Current has developed a targeted strategy that allows them to leverage their competitive edge and quickly gain
market penetration. Safe Current’s competitive edge is its ability to use The Cleveland Illuminating Company’s utility
status for the sale of house surge arrestors and protectors.

The marketing strategy will concentrate on the ability to offer supreme, inexpensive protection for an entire family’s
stable of electric and electronic appliances. This campaign will be communicated through various methods and will
focus on the product offerings coming from the safe, established TCIC, an icon of Cleveland for over 50 years.
Please review the following sections for a more detailed analysis.

4.1 Competitive Edge

Safe Current’s competitive edge is their ability to leverage the huge advantage of being aligned with The Cleveland
Illuminating Company, an electric utility serving the Cleveland market for over 50 years. TCIC has spent a long time
developing brand equity and Safe Current will be able to tap into this equity immediately.

Safe Current will also be able to use TCIC’s extensive vendor connections and buying power. The last component of
their competitive edge is Safe Current’s exclusive ability to install house arrestors. This last edge is a sustainable
edge since no other company will ever be able to make arrestor installations, a function of the regulated power

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4.2 Marketing Strategy
Safe Current’s marketing strategy will seek to communicate the idea that the products that they offer are in effect
cheap insurance against large electric and electronic appliance damage or losses.

By proactively purchasing Safe Current’s products, customers are able to protect against loss and damage of all of
their expensive appliances. While many homeowners probably have some sort of insurance, deductibles are often
prohibitively high, making a claim for damage to one or a couple appliances not worth the money. Safe Current will
use several forms of communication for this marketing campaign:

 Inserts in Bills: Colorful inserts will be added into the bills of TCIC customers. Currently, the customers are
receiving a monthly bill from TCIC and inserts are an inexpensive, yet powerful way of reaching the
 Website: Safe Current will have a website which will be comprehensive in describing the different product
offerings as well as allowing the customer to order directly from the site.
 Direct Mail: Another advantage of the relationship Safe Current has with TCIC is the ability to use their
customer database. This allows Safe Current to generate a targeted list of customers that they can send
product information to.

4.3 Sales Strategy

Safe Current’s sales campaign will emphasize the fact that Safe Current is a subsidiary of TCIC. This will be
effective because TCIC is a well known, stable electric utility known for its safe and reliable operation.

This idea is evidenced by the fact that almost every time that a consumer reaches for a light switch the light goes on.
Sure there are interruptions, often weather related, that interrupt the electrical service, but those interruptions are
reconnected quite fast.

The utility is stable and safe and is always working to serve the customer. These electricity related products will
clearly leverage the brand equity developed by TCIC over the last five decades.

4.3.1 Sales Forecast

The sales forecast has been developed as a forecast and tracking tool to provide the company with realistic sales
goals as well as a way to verify progress. The forecast has been developed as a conservative estimate, not an
aggressive sales promise.

By adopting a conservative forecast, Safe Current increases the likelihood of reaching sustainable sales growth. The
following table and charts provide more detailed information about the sales cycle, both from a temporal viewpoint
and a product perspective.

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Sales Forecast


Surge Arrestors $56,841 $83,434 $95,454

Surge Protectors $37,515 $55,066 $63,000

Commercial sales $37,515 $55,066 $63,000

Total Sales $131,871 $193,567 $221,453

Direct Cost of Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Surge Arrestors $15,915 $23,362 $26,727

Surge Protectors $14,256 $20,925 $23,940

Commercial sales $12,380 $18,172 $20,790

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $42,551 $62,459 $71,457

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4.4 Milestones
Safe Current has identified several quantifiable, reachable milestones that will serve as goals that the entire
organization will work toward in order to make Safe Current a sustainable business.

The following table details the specific milestones as well provides a temporal timetable for expected completion
dates. Following the table is a chart for a graphical representation of the information.

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Milestone Start End Date Budget Manager Department


Business plan completion 1/1/2003 1/15/2003 $0 Brian Startegic


First products shipped 1/1/2003 2/15/2003 $0 Brian Operations

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$50K in sales 1/1/2003 8/15/2003 $0 Brian Sales

12 months of strong sales, 1/1/2003 8/30/2004 $0 Brian Operations

proving concept

Totals $0

Web Plan Summary

Safe Current’s website will be used as both a marketing and sales tool. It will take on marketing responsibilities as
one of the communication methods used to raise awareness regarding Safe Current’s product families. Extensive
product information will be included on the site in an easy to use format.

The site will also be used as a sales tool, allowing customers to purchase the products as well as set up installation
appointments for the surge arrestors. Allowing the website to offer sales support will provide consumers with a
convenient way to purchase the products as well as provide Safe Current with a low-cost sales program that does not
require a live sales support agent. The site will periodically be updated to encourage customers to make repeat visits.

5.1 Website Marketing Strategy

Safe Current will market their website in two primary ways:

 Search engine submission: As search engines become more and more powerful, a large number of
Internet users use them to find relevant information on the Internet. Safe Current will submit their site to
many popular engines ensuring that their site comes up high on the list of hits.
 URL reference in all printer material: The Web address,, will be printed on all
material that Safe Current uses encouraging consumers to check out the site.

5.2 Development Requirements

The website will be developed by TCIC’s internal Web development team for the price of $5,000.

Management Summary 

Brian Henderson received a Bachelors of Science in business and marketing from the University of Pittsburgh and an
MBA from Case Western Reserve University. Upon graduation from the MBA program, Brian went to work for ATT for
three years. At ATT Brian was an assistant project manager, selling telephone accessories using direct marketing
techniques. After his ATT experience, Brian worked for Allegheny Power, a Pennsylvania-based electric utility. At
Allegheny Power Brian was again an assistant project manager in charge of selling commercial businesses value
added services. Brian spent three years at Allegheny before joining The Cleveland Illuminating Company as a Project

6.1 Personnel Plan

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As a side business unit of TCIC, Safe Current will have only a few employees. Billing, sales, and order fulfillment will
be accomplished using TCIC’s existing organization, paying a 10% fee for these services. The employees/positions
that Safe Current will use include:

 Project Manager: Brian will take on a wide range of functions including business development, product
procurement, management, and sales.
 Customer Service Agents (4): These positions will assist customers calling about Safe Current’s products.
Additionally, at times the employees may help Brian with other activities.

Personnel Plan

Project Manager $50,400 $51,000 $53,000

Customer service agent $9,400 $10,800 $10,800

Customer service agent $9,400 $10,800 $900

Customer service agent $9,000 $900 $900

Customer service agent $7,200 $900 $900

Total People 5 5 5

Total Payroll $85,400 $74,400 $66,500

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Financial Plan 

The following sections outline important financial information.

7.1 Important Assumptions

The following table details important financial assumptions.

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General Assumptions

Plan Month 1 2 3

Current Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%

Long-term Interest Rate 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%

Tax Rate 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%

Other 0 0 0

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7.2 Break-even Analysis

The Break-even Analysis indicates what will be needed in monthly revenue to reach the break even point.

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Break-even Analysis

Monthly Revenue Break-even $13,732


Average Percent Variable Cost 32%

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $9,301

7.3 Projected Cash Flow

The following chart and table displays projected cash flow.

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Pro Forma Cash Flow

Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales $131,871 $193,567 $221,453

Subtotal Cash from Operations $131,871 $193,567 $221,453

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0

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New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0

New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

New Investment Received $15,000 $0 $0

Subtotal Cash Received $146,871 $193,567 $221,453

Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expenditures from Operations

Cash Spending $85,400 $74,400 $66,500

Bill Payments $69,962 $101,544 $116,462

Subtotal Spent on Operations $155,362 $175,944 $182,962

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0

Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0

Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $7,200 $7,813 $7,878

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Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0

Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0

Dividends $0 $0 $0

Subtotal Cash Spent $162,562 $183,757 $190,840

Net Cash Flow ($15,691) $9,810 $30,614

Cash Balance $6,209 $16,019 $46,633

7.4 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table presents projected profit and loss.

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Pro Forma Profit and Loss

Sales $131,871 $193,567 $221,453

Direct Cost of Sales $42,551 $62,459 $71,457

Other Costs of Goods $0 $0 $0

Total Cost of Sales $42,551 $62,459 $71,457

Gross Margin $89,320 $131,108 $149,996

Gross Margin % 67.73% 67.73% 67.73%


Payroll $85,400 $74,400 $66,500

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $6,000 $8,000 $10,000

Depreciation $1,404 $1,404 $1,404

Rent $6,000 $6,000 $6,000

Utilities $0 $0 $0

Insurance $0 $0 $0

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Payroll Taxes $12,810 $9,675 $9,975

Other $0 $0 $0

Total Operating Expenses $111,614 $99,479 $93,879

Profit Before Interest and Taxes ($22,294) $31,629 $56,117

EBITDA ($20,890) $33,033 $57,521

Interest Expense $4,610 $3,889 $3,105

Taxes Incurred $0 $8,322 $15,904

Net Profit ($26,904) $19,418 $37,109

Net Profit/Sales -20.40% 10.03% 16.76%

7.5 Business Ratios

The following business ratios detail both ratios specific to Safe Current as well as ratios specific to the general
industry. Variances in Safe Current’s ratios relative to the industry’s can be explained by the fact that Safe Current is
able to leverage the valuable assets of TCIC, an electric utility, to achieve above market margins. As a small
business unit of an electrical utility it is normal for business ratios to be different from the competition.

Ratio Analysis

Sales Growth 0.00% 46.78% 14.41% 8.79%

Percent of Total Assets

Inventory 22.53% 23.67% 15.38% 17.86%

Other Current Assets 10.42% 7.46% 4.24% 43.53%

Total Current Assets 54.52% 70.94% 85.47% 77.93%

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Long-term Assets 45.48% 29.06% 14.53% 22.07%

Total Assets 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Current Liabilities 29.51% 20.71% 13.67% 31.98%

Long-term Liabilities 148.65% 86.96% 38.28% 20.70%

Total Liabilities 178.16% 107.67% 51.96% 52.68%

Net Worth -78.16% -7.67% 48.04% 47.32%

Percent of Sales

Sales 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Gross Margin 67.73% 67.73% 67.73% 20.85%

Selling, General & Administrative Expenses 88.10% 54.09% 50.95% 6.60%

Advertising Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.49%

Profit Before Interest and Taxes -16.91% 16.34% 25.34% 1.44%

Main Ratios

Current 1.85 3.43 6.25 1.96

Quick 1.08 2.28 5.13 1.15

Total Debt to Total Assets 178.16% 107.67% 51.96% 57.62%

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Pre-tax Return on Net Worth 119.55% -898.84% 155.82% 3.71%

Pre-tax Return on Assets -93.44% 68.95% 74.86% 8.76%

Additional Ratios Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Net Profit Margin -20.40% 10.03% 16.76% n.a

Return on Equity 0.00% 0.00% 109.07% n.a

Activity Ratios

Inventory Turnover 10.91 7.80 7.00 n.a

Accounts Payable Turnover 9.23 12.17 12.17 n.a

Payment Days 27 30 28 n.a

Total Asset Turnover 4.58 4.81 3.13 n.a

Debt Ratios

Debt to Net Worth 0.00 0.00 1.08 n.a

Current Liab. to Liab. 0.17 0.19 0.26 n.a

Liquidity Ratios

Net Working Capital $7,200 $20,209 $50,844 n.a

Interest Coverage -4.84 8.13 18.07 n.a

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Additional Ratios

Assets to Sales 0.22 0.21 0.32 n.a

Current Debt/Total Assets 30% 21% 14% n.a

Acid Test 1.08 2.28 5.13 n.a

Sales/Net Worth 0.00 0.00 6.51 n.a

Dividend Payout 0.00 0.00 0.00 n.a

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7.6 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table details the projected balance sheet.

Pro Forma Balance Sheet


Current Assets

Cash $6,209 $16,019 $46,633

Inventory $6,487 $9,522 $10,894

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Other Current Assets $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Total Current Assets $15,697 $28,542 $60,527

Long-term Assets

Long-term Assets $14,500 $14,500 $14,500

Accumulated Depreciation $1,404 $2,808 $4,212

Total Long-term Assets $13,096 $11,692 $10,288

Total Assets $28,793 $40,234 $70,815

Liabilities and Capital Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $8,497 $8,333 $9,683

Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0

Other Current Liabilities $0 $0 $0

Subtotal Current Liabilities $8,497 $8,333 $9,683

Long-term Liabilities $42,800 $34,987 $27,109

Total Liabilities $51,297 $43,320 $36,793

Paid-in Capital $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Retained Earnings ($15,600) ($42,504) ($23,086)

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Earnings ($26,904) $19,418 $37,109

Total Capital ($22,504) ($3,086) $34,023

Total Liabilities and Capital $28,793 $40,234 $70,815

Net Worth ($22,504) ($3,086) $34,023

Mobile Phone
Repairing PDF
book free

Mobile repair book is a

120 page complete
manual that answers all
the basic to core level
questions for entrants
into mobile phone
repair technical support
segment. The book

Page | 32
takes the reader one step at a time, combining a strong theoretical knowledge based on Mobile phone devices (how they
function, description of their internal chip components with tutorial on the basic foundation electronics for repairing and
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If there is complete guide-book on Mobile phone repair ever known, then this book is the one and only complete guide-book
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Mobile Phone Repair PDF Free 2021

What this book teaches is practicable towards becoming a good Mobile phone technician. The tutorials cover
Microelectronic device dis-assembly and re-assembly, troubleshooting, BGA soldering, detailed electronics fundamentals,
flash programming and many others. The book ends with a chapter of information on how to set up a shop and efficiently
managing a mobile repair services support center. Discover the secrets about mobile phone repair with these books.

About the Author:

Er.D.P.Tiwari has setup and managed a regional training service centers within the last twenty years; taught thousands of
Mobile,Computer,Laptop,TV repair technicians in partnership with governments ,NGO,INGO and individually over the past
twenty years.

He holds a Bachelor of Engineering(BE) in Electronics & Communication Engineering. He also holds multiple industry
standard certifications from major OEMs. He consults in Information and Communication Technology, a training consultant
who has mentored a good number of individuals who run successful businesses. His classes are never boring as he has a
knack for making complex topics both understandable and entertaining.

Mobile Phone Parts components Identification | Chip smt-

smd components
Inside a Mobile phone, a circuit board is one of the main components, along with various other individual sections such as
the Cover(Housing),liquid crystal display (LCD), antennae pad, microphone, battery, speaker,Vibertor and Camera. The
Mobile phone circuit board is considered to be, for all intents and purposes, the brain area of the phone. It runs the entire
system. There are several components of the circuit board that work together to ensure the proper functioning of the Mobile
phone.List of major mobile phone parts/components.

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Mobile Phone Majar Parts/Components Name List

1. Battery
2. Housing
3. Touchpad
4. Display
5. PCB(Motherboard)
6. GSM Antina pad
7. Flex Cable
8. Mic(Analog & Digital)
9. Speaker(Ear & Ringer)
10. Camara
11. Vibrator
12. Charging pad

Mobile Phone Parts Name List and Their Function

(Mobile Phone parts name list with pictures)

1. Mobile phone Battery

Lithium ion batteries are considered to be one of the best batteries used in mobile phones. Currently, such batteries are
widely used. Such batteries have low self-discharging ratio and can be used for longer than other batteries and weigh less. If
the working capacity of the batteries decreases, it should be fully discharged and recharged.

Lithium ion is the most common battery because it can store the most energy in the smallest space. That’s measured in
terms of specific energy density, which refers to how much energy, in Watt-hours, a kilogram of battery could hold. For
lithium ion, the figure can be between 150 and 250 Wh/kg, while a nickel metal hydride (or NiMH) battery can hold about 100
Wh/kg. In other words, lithium ion batteries are smaller and lighter than other types, and that means smaller devices with
longer battery life.

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Some of the above batteries have three pins and some have four pins. If there are three PINs, Positive, BSI and Negative.

BSI-Battery Standard Identification

BTEMP-Battery Temperature Management

BSI: The PIN is placed on the mobile phone to identify the resistance inside the battery and the type of battery and the
charging sensor.
Btemp: The pin is placed to manage the temperature of the battery. The TDR (thermistor) is placed inside the battery of the
mobile phone. Since this Btemp pin of the battery is directly connected to the power IC, the supply from the battery becomes
the thermistor. So the voltage is calculated by the power IC and the temperature of the battery is obtained. This PIN is not
found in all mobile phone batteries.

Battery capacity

The capacity of a battery is measured in milliampere-hours (or mAh), which indicates how much energy the battery can
deliver over time. For instance, if a battery has a rating of 1000 mAh, it could deliver 1000 milliamps of power for 1 hour. If
your device uses 500 milliamps of power, the battery should last about 2 hours.

The maximum voltage, ampere, watts it can give to all the batteries used in the mobile phone is written on the battery as
shown in the picture below. The voltage in the battery of a mobile phone ranges from 3.7 to a maximum of 4.8 but the
ampere may vary. The more amperes written on the battery, the more backup you can give.

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2. Mobile phone Housing

The outer shell for the protection of all the parts inside the mobile phone is called housing. The design and color may vary
according to the housing mobile phone set. The housing of some of the mobile phone sets in our market is available in the
market. If it is broken or discolored, a new change can be made.

The main part of phone housing is made of polycarbonate, and the metallic one is made of aluminum. Nowadays, among all
the plastic stuff on the shelfs, metallic phone housings are more noticeable. Usually, aluminum and magnesium are used for
housings. Aluminum is very solid and light, but it is difficult to make the needed shapes and details. Magnesium alloys are
comparatively good in molding, but comparing to aluminum alloys, magnesium ones are not corrosion resistant and require

3. Mobile phone Touchpad

An electronic visual display that the user can easily control with the finger of his hand is called a touch pad. Apart from
mobile phones, touch pads are also used in computer monitors, laptops and gaming devices. There are many types of touch
pads. The touch pad currently used in smart phones is very responsive, so it works at the slightest touch. Indium tin oxide
coding is done without layers (insulators) in such touch pad glass.

The touch pad contains several layers of material. The top layer is the pad that you touch. Beneath it are layers (separated
by very thin insulation) containing horizontal and vertical rows of electrodes that form a grid. Beneath these layers is a circuit
board to which the electrode layers are connected. The layers with electrodes are charged with a constant alternating
current. As the finger approaches the electrode grid, the current is interrupted and the interruption is detected by the circuit
board. The initial location where the finger touches the pad is registered so that subsequent finger movement will be related
to that initial point.

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4. Mobile phone Display

The mobile phone display is really like a computer monitor. The display of the mobile phone is considered an important part
because the CPU sends all the data in the mobile phone to the display as per the order given on the keypad or touch pad,
including the level of the antenna tower, battery level, phone numbers, photos, mobile phone menu. Nowadays, most
expensive multimedia sets use high resolution displays. The display used in mobile phones can be of the following types.

The display, when combined with the touch element, is ‘the’ major element of the user interface and as such we go to great
lengths when testing screens during our review process to measure a displays quality by measuring Contrast Ratio, Color
Calibration, Brightness and Sunlight Legibility.

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LCD : liquid crystal display technology

A liquid crystal display is the most common display type among mobile phones because of its low power consumption and
good image quality. They are generally easy to read, even under direct sunlight.The smallest element of an image displayed
on a LCD is the pixel. Each pixel normally consists of a layer of molecules aligned between two transparent electrodes, and
two polarizing filters.

LED- light emitting diodes technology

A semiconductor LED diode that emits light when charged with electricity. They come in diverse colors and some LEDs even
contain multiple elements and are therefore capable of emitting light with different colors.

TFT:Thin Film Transistor technology

TFT technology is an active-matrix technology, meaning that a tiny circuit (a transistor) is located next to each pixel, allowing
the pixel to be turned on and off individually. This permits faster response time and greater contrast compared to passive-
matrix technology.

OLED:Organic Light Emitting Diode technology

The term OLED is actually an acronym, and stands for organic light-emitting diode. For the unaware, a light-emitting diode is
basically just a light source, and they’re used widely in electronics. But OLED is different because of the organic part. In an
organic diode, there’s a thin film of organic compound that emits light when you pass an electric current through it.

IPS:In-Place Switching technology

(IPS-In-Plane Switching panel) An active matrix LCD screen technology developed by Hitachi in the mid-1990s that provides
more uniform color reproduction and greater viewing angles than traditional twisted nematic (TN) LCDs. Maturing for more
than a decade, IPS was deployed in tab phone and various smart phones. Viewers appreciate the wide angle and color
quality, because tablets are widely used as movie players and photo albums.

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AMOLED/Super AMOLED: Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode technology

AMOLED display :When compared with a regular LCD display an AMOLED display consumes less power, provides more
vivid picture quality, and renders faster motion response as compared to other display technologies such as LCD. However,

Super AMOLED display : It consists of a set of thin film layers of electroluminescent power-producing organic compounds
and a pixel-modulating matrix. Super AMOLED is a more advanced version and it integrates touch-sensors and the actual
screen in a single layer.

POLED/PMOLED: Plastic Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode (Flexible display)

POLED display: or Plastic Light Emitting Diode, is a display technology that uses a flexible plastic substrate such as
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) instead of glass for the electroluminescent organic semiconductor to be deposited. The
use of more malleable plastic instead of glass allows the display panel to be bent, folded or rolled up without breakage.

PMOLED dispaly:Passive Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode (PMOLED) displays drive a row of pixels in the display,
rather than individual pixels like AMOLED. PMOLED is cheaper to make than AMOLED, but have a restricted resolution and
are not as power efficient as AMOLED, which makes PMOLED a weak candidate for high-resolution smartphone screens.
PMOLED screens light up one row of pixels at a time, turning off the line as it moves to light the next row. Thus, if there are
100 lines in a PMOLED display, each line of the display is energized 1/100th of the time. This limits the size of the PMOLED
display to a maximum of 5 inches with today’s technology.

The display of mobile phones has different layers as shown in the picture below.

5. Mobile phone PCB-Printed Circuit Board)

When you open the housing of the mobile phone, you will see a board with all the components connected as shown below.
This board is called PCB (Motherboard). This motherboard is the most important part of a mobile phone.

Motherboard is commonly exist in Electronics devices and mobile phones. Since it contains of a variety of metals and
semiconductors, it is difficult to recover the materials in PCB. The latest smartphones available on the market today,
researchers and engineers are constantly developing new ways to make our phones smaller, faster and more efficient. Due

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to the increase in capabilities of Motherboard, Motherboard have gotten smaller in size and more powerful. This lets
manufacturers put more components in a smaller amount of space to deliver all of the features.

Circuit-tracing is a term used by mobile phone repair technicians to check broken tracks on the PCB (Motherboard). Many of
the times problems come in cell phones, if the tracks get broken. These tracks are not visible as they are drawn inside the
circuit boards. Most of these motherboards have 7-10 layers which have tracks/lines going from one end to another for
supply of voltage and signals.

6. Mobile phone Antenna Pad

A steel plate / leaf is placed on top of the mobile phone set. This is called antenna pad. In most mobile phones, the antenna
pad is placed at the top, but in some sets it may be placed at the bottom. In the beginning, the mobile phone sets that came
in the market used to have aerial instead of such a plate, but now there is no aerial in the mobile phone sets available in the
market. Both the incoming and outgoing signals from the mobile phone set come and go through this antenna pad. This
plate is well integrated with the motherboard.

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7. Mobile phone Flex cable

The flexible cable used to connect two PCBs of a mobile phone is called a flex cable. The texture of this cable may vary
according to the mobile phone set. Flex cables are designed to fit onto a motherboard, usually by connecting onto a socket.
These sockets are made up of tiny pins which when correctly aligned, sit flush into place and create a connection between
the flex and the motherboard, allowing the flex to draw power and start it’s designed function.

Just like the texture of something is shown below.

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8. Mobile phone Microphone(Analog & Digital)

The microphone receives the sound waves we speak and converts them into electrical waves. The microphone is placed at
the bottom of the mobile phone set. Inside the microphone is a diagram (a sheet of shiny thin plastic) that shakes as we
speak. When we move in and out in this way, a kind of electric wave is generated and our sound wave enters. There are two
types of microphones used in mobile phone sets.

A. Mobile phone Ordinary microphone(Electret Microphone)

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An Ordinary or electret microphone is a type of condenser microphone that has a permanently-polarized capsule.The
capsule, which acts as a parallel-plate capacitor, is charged via a quasi-permanent electret material that is applied to either
the front plate (diaphragm) or stationary backplate. With a permanent charge across the plates, any change in capacitance
in the electret condenser capsule creates an inversely proportional change in voltage across the plates.

Ordinary mobile phones use a two-pin microphone as shown in the picture below.

B. Mobile phone Digital microphone(Mems Microphone)

A MEMS Microphone(micro-electromechanical systems) mic is a pressure-sensitive diaphragm etched into a silicon wafer
via MEMS processing. MEMS mics are largely based on electret capsules and typically have onboard preamps and analog-
to-digital converters. MEMS mics are also known as digital mic,mic chips or silicon mics.

A digital microphone MEMS design will typically have an additional metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chip that acts as an
analog-to-digital converter. These chips effectively take the amplified analog audio signals and convert them into digital data.
These ADCs allow digital MEMS microphones to be more easily integrated with digital products.

Of all the smart mobile phone sets coming in the market today, digital microphone is the most used. This microphone has
three,four or five pins as shown in the picture below.

9. Mobile phone Speaker(Ear & Ringer)

The speaker converts electrical waves into sound waves. The speakers used in mobile phones are very small in size. The
inner structure of the speaker has a permanent magnet ring with a temporary metal in the middle and a coil between the
metal and the permanent magnet. There is also a plastic cone on top of the coil and the outer metal body. When an

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electrical signal with voltage is given to this speaker, the coil inside it shakes. When a signal in the form of AC flows through
the coil, there is a variable magnetic shock.

There are two types of speakers use in a mobile phone.

A. Air speaker B. Ringer speaker (handsfree)
The air speaker is a bit smaller in size than the ringer speaker. The exterior design of the speaker is as shown below.

10. Mobile phone Camara

Cameras are devices used to record video to take photos on mobiles. Such cameras are placed in different megapixels
according to the capacity of the mobile phone. The more megapixels the camera has, the more light this lens can capture
even in low light.

There are generally six types of camera available today, namely your standard main camera, ultra-wide camera, telephoto
or periscope zoom camera, macro camera, monochrome camera, and depth sensor camera.

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11. Mobile phone Vibrator

The vibrator used in mobile phones is like a small motor. It rotates when the supply voltage is given, thus vibrating the
mobile phone. The IC that controls the vibrator switches on and off the supply voltage for a while. When the voltage is given
in this way, it turns on and off for a while. The structure of the vibrator is as shown below.

12. Mobile phone Charging pad/charging flex

Some mobile phones have a charging connector as shown in the picture below. This address is called (Charging Flex).
When it comes to charging problems in mobile phones, this address is the worst.

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What are the chip components of a smartphone?

The Motherboard of a mobile phone has several small parts or electronic components. When learning mobile repairing, it is
important to learn and understand how to identity these small smd parts or electronic components and understand their
function. Identification of these small smd parts on the PCB of a mobile phone is easy if you know and understand some of
the basic rules. It is also important to understand what to do if any of these small components is faulty.Most of these
electronic components are SMD (Surface Mount Devices). They don’t have any leads like thru-hole electronic components.



3.Inductor (Coil)




7.Band Pass Filter

8.ON/OFF Switch

9.External Antenna Socket

10.Wi-Fi oscillator


12.EMI filters

Mobile Phone chip components Name and Their Function

Mobile Phone components are the electronic function parts,  which are soldered to the circuit board by surface mount
technology. There are many types of SMD components, and each type is packaged in different forms, which results in the
huge SMD components library. According to the function of SMD Mobile Phone components, they can be classified as

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follows, the letters in brackets represent their identification on the PCB.That is the external dimensions of the mobile phone
parts. With the development of SMT technology, the industry has formed a series of standard parts for convenient operation,
all parts suppliers are manufactured according to this standard.list of mobile phone small components/parts.


Chip/SMT/ SMD resistors are rectangular in shape and as a result they are often known as chip resistors. They have
metallised areas at either end of the main ceramic body, and in this way they can be set onto a printed circuit board that has
pads onto which the two ends are set to provide the connection. There are four types of resistor used in mobile phones.

1. Value Printed Resistors

2. Non Value Printed Resistors
3. Fuseable Resistors
4. Voltage Dependent Resistors (VDR)

Function of Resistor

a.Value Printed Resistor

b.Non Value Printed Resistor

Although the external structure of the two resistors above is different, the work is the same. It will pass forward by blocking
voltage and current according to its capacity. It is emitted from one leg of the resistor by giving voltage to the other leg. Such

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c.Fuseable Resistor

The function of a fuseable resistor is similar to that of a fuse. Being a fuseable resistor, it works to protect other items even if
it burns in case of high voltage flow or short voltage in front. If there is a short in the front part, this resistor will break itself
and open the circuit.

d.VDR (Voltage Dependent Register)

This register is kept for security. It stops more when the voltage is high and less if the voltage is low. How much voltage it
stops depends on the voltage it receives, so it is called Voltage Dependent Register.


SMD Capacitor is an electronic component made up of an insulator between two conductors. They are small, leadless and
can be placed onto modern printed circuit boards using pick and place machines used in modern manufacturing. The
comparisons between the the different types of capacitor is generally made with regards to the dielectric used between the
plates. There are two types of capacitor used in mobile phones.

1. Polar Capacitor
2. Non Polar Capacitor

Function of Capacitor

A, Polar Capacitor

The function of this polar capacitor is to filter the DC current. It also accumulates voltage in the polar capacitor according to
its capacity.

B.Non Polar Capacitor

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This capacitor filters the signal according to its capacity. It passes the AC current lightly and stops the DC current

3.Inductor (Coil)

Surface Mount Inductors offer small size, and if designed on a toroidal core less leakage inductance and lower
electromagnetic interference (EMI). SMD inductors are passive components that are placed during surface mount
manufacturing processing. They are positive reactance devices, available in many sizes and form factors optimized for
particular applications. Inductors are also used to destroy or ground unnecessary signals. If the inductor is measured in units
of Henry it is indicated by the wind. There are four types of inductors used in mobile phones.

1. Visible coil
2. Single color
3. Dual color coil
4. Boost coil/Power coil

Function of Coil

a.Visible Coil

b.Dual Color Coil

c.Iron Core Coil

Although the exterior textures of the three coils above are different, the work is almost the same. Such coils are used to
soften the sound in the way of speakers and microphones in mobile phones. This gives the audio signal a slight delay, so
the sound is sweet. Iron is kept inside the Iron Core Coil so it can be used to filter DC current as well as audio signal.

d.Boost Coil

Boost Coil works to increase the voltage according to its capacity.

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Diode is generally made of germanium or silicon semiconductor. The semiconductor diode is a widely used electronics
component found in many electronic circuit designs today. Although there are many different types of diode which use the
same basic structure of an area of p-type material meeting an area of n-type material. There are four types of diode used in
mobile phones.

1. Single rectifier diode

2. Four pack up rectifier diode
3. Zener diode and TVS Diode
4. Light emitting diode (led)

Function of Diode

a.Single Rectifier Diode(Two Legs)

b.Four Packup Diode(Five Legs)

The work of the two diodes above is the same, only its appearance is different. Its job is to convert AC current to DC and
prevent reverse voltage. Reverse Voltage means Negative (-) Voltage instead of Positive () or Positive (-) Voltage instead of
Negative (-).

d.Zener Diode / TVS Diode

The exterior design of these two diodes looks the same but two Zener Diodes are packed inside the TVS Diode. The Zener
diode passes as much voltage as its voltage. This diode can be used in Parallel or Series.

e.LED (Light Emitting Diode)

This diode is a light that is placed on the keypad and display of a mobile phone to illuminate it.


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Inside the crystal are two sheets of quartz. Given its supply voltage, it produces a mechanical vibration and a certain
frequency. Crystals that produce such fixed frequencies have different values. There are two main types of crystals used in
mobile phones. There are two types of crystal used in mobile phones.

1. Reference crystal (RF)

2. Real time clock (RTC)

Function of Crystel

a.RF Crystal

The frequency produced by RF Crystal is called CLK Frequency. The frequency it produces is used to carry various
information and signals. The body outside the RF crystal is written as the frequency it produces.

b.RTC (Real Time Clock)

The CLK Frequency produced by RTC is used to run Time on mobile phones.

6.Transistor(Bypolar & Mosfet)

A three terminal semiconductor electronic device is called transistor. Transistors are widely used in electronic appliances
such as mobile phone,tablet phone,computers,laptop, radio,audio video equipment..etc.A transistor is a three layer
semiconductor which consist a very thin central layer of one type of semiconductor material sandwiched between two
relatively thick layer of second type. There are two types of transistor(bipor n mosfet) used in mobile phones.

a.To amplify the signal

The function of the transistor to amplify the signal is to amplify the small input signal. Such transistors are widely used in
electronics other than mobile phones. When transistors amplify any signal, they only increase the amplitude of the signal
and do not make any difference to the wavelength of the signal. The signal input of the signal amplifier transistor is always
given from the base pin.

b.Switching voltage

The base pin of the three pins of such a transistor is given the biasing voltage to operate it. So the bias is received by the
base pin of this transistor and current flows between the collector and emitter of the transistor. In this way, when the current
flows in the collector and emitter, any goods in the other part can be irradiated.

c.To regulate voltage

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The fluctuating current and voltage cannot be given directly to any sensitive ICs. Given such an unequal voltage, the IC will
not be able to work well and will deteriorate quickly. Therefore, the act of generating current and voltage in the same way is
called regulator. A regulator transistor is used to generate such a current or voltage.

The transistors used in mobile phones are of the following types.

a.Bipolar transistor that regulates voltage

The bipolar transistor that regulates voltage is black with one large leg on the upper side and three small legs on the lower
side. This type of transistor is placed in the way of charging on some mobile phones and tab phones to regulate the voltage.
This transistor is not used in the smart sets coming in the market today. This regulator is a bipolar transistor that regulates.

2.Voltage switching bipolar transistor

The voltage switching bipolar transistor has three legs in black. This transistor has one leg on the upper side and two legs
on the lower side. A transistor placed for voltage switching is called a switching transistor. The external structure of this
transistor is as shown in the figure below.

c.Mosfet transistor

A transistor made of one of the semiconductors of P / N is called a mosfet transistor. The MOSFET transistor that regulates
voltage is black with 6 or 8 legs. This type of mosfet is used to give the battery a voltage regulator in the way of charging the

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goods like Chinese Mobile Phone, Tablet Phone, Mp3, Mp4 Player, PSP. The exterior texture of this mosfet is rectangular in
shape as shown below.

Function of Transistor

a.Voltage regulator Transistor

The process of regulating Unregulate Voltage is called Voltage Regulator. The voltage regulator transistor works to equalize
the voltage.

b.Voltage Switching Transistor

Giving voltage only when needed is called voltage switching. Switching is the transistor that is kept for the day by switching
only when the voltage is needed. Use Bipolar or Mosfet any transistor to give by switching voltage.

What is the difference between Bipolar Transistor and Mosfet Transistor?

Any Bipolar or Mosfet Transistor can be used to regulate the voltage. The Mosfet Transistor has the ability to operate at a
much faster speed without heat than the Bipolar Transistor, so the Mosfet is considered better than the Bipolar.

7.Band Pass Filter

Band pass filters are installed on mobile phones near network ICs. It filters the signal from the antenna and separates it
according to the band. In mobile phone sets such filters are found to be used for three types of GSM, DCS and PCS band
on the way to and from (RX,TX). The signal and Shape of the band pass filters is as shown below.

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8.ON/OFF Switch

The switch used to turn the mobile phone set on and off is called on and off. We press and release such switches for some
time. When the switch is pressed in this way, the ground given in one pin of the switch is connected to the other pin and
reaches the power IC.

9.External Antenna Socket

A socket placed on a mobile phone to connect a separate antenna from the outside is called an external antenna socket.
This socket has four or five legs in yellow color.

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10.Wi-Fi oscillator

The Wi-Fi oscillator is to generate the required frequency of Wi-Fi IC. It is located near Wi-Fi IC. Most mobile phones have a
Wi-Fi oscillator like RF Crystal.


The inner structure of the coupler is like a transformer. The exterior of such couplers is usually white, green or sky blue and
is lightly marked with gray. The coupler of the coupler is found to be used for coupling any two signals or frequencies in the
mobile phone.

12.EMI filters

EMI filters are also called EMI suppression filters or display filters. It is placed near the display connector of the mobile
phone to protect it from the harmful effects of electromagnetic force. The data from the processor is filtered and goes to the
display of the mobile phone. When the data is filtered in this way, the picture on the display becomes a bit smooth.

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What are the main ICs of a smartphone?

ICs (Integrated Circuit) 

Mobile Phone IC’s and their function

An integrated circuit(IC) is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, microprocessor. An IC is a small
wafer, usually made of silicon, that can hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors.
These extremely small electronics can perform calculations and store data using either digital or analog technology. On the
“Mobile Phone ICs Functions and Identification,” We are going to be looking at the big parts. The big parts here refer to the
ICs short for integrated circuit. It is a good skill to be able to identify mobile phone ICs functions for troubleshooting

1.Power IC

As Power IC is related to Power, it is called Power IC. The main function of the power IC is to take voltage from the battery
and supply regulated voltage to other ICs on the motherboard. This IC supplies the input supply voltage from the battery to
other ICs in the same way even when the voltage of the battery decreases, i.e. the output voltage of the power IC is the
same even when the voltage of the battery decreases slightly. The on-off switch of the mobile phone is connected to the
power IC. We have been using the switch for some time.

How to find Power IC on mobile phone motherboard?

When recognizing the power IC on the motherboard of a mobile phone, there are more nonpolar capacitors around this IC
than other ICs and there is an RTC near it as well as some motherboards may have DC filter coils.

Note: In some mobile phones, the power IC may be packed inside the processor. In this case, nonpolar capacitors and RTC
crystals are placed near the processor.

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The power amplifier IC is also connected to the network. The function of this IC is to amplify the RF signal emitted from the
mobile phone to a sufficient level (as required) and send it. When we are talking from one mobile phone to another, our
voice is amplified by the power amplifier IC and sent out. In this case, the IC takes the most current. When it comes to
network problems on mobile phones, this IC is the one that gets worse.

How to find the power amplifier IC on the motherboard of the mobile phone?

The power amplifier IC is equipped with an external antenna socket and a G.S. The M. antenna is placed near the interface.
This power amplifier IC is also slightly higher than other ICs. Some power amplifiers are also given a sign above the IC (on
the body) as shown in the picture below.

3.Network IC(RF IC)

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This IC is called a network because it is related to the mobile phone network. This network IC is also called RFIC or
Baseband IC. The main function of this network IC is to link between the mobile phone set and the mobile phone tower
outside. The power signal amplifier IC is filtered and amplified to reach the network IC, and the network IC converts the
signal into an intermediate signal and performs various functions such as amplification, mixing and demodulation.

How to find network power IC on mobile phone motherboard?

The motherboard of the mobile phone has RF Kristal and bandpass filters around the network IC. Some motherboards may
also have couplers around the network IC.

4.Wi-Fi IC(W-LAN)

Wi-Fi for wireless local area network on mobile phones. IC is kept. Through this IC we can access the internet without a SIM
card. The function of Wi-Fi IC is to link between mobile phone sets and home Wi-Fi routers through frequency. Bluetooth IC
is packaged within WiFi IC in all the smart mobile phones currently coming in the market.

How to find WiFi on mobile phone motherboard?

There is also an oscillator that produces a certain value of frequency near Wi-Fi. The exterior of this oscillator can be shaped
like an RF coil or a coupler. There is also an antenna interface near the IC.

Note: If the RF is placed near the Wi-Fi IC and the network IC, it is difficult to distinguish which network IC and which Wi-Fi
IC. The Wi-Fi IC is housed alone on the motherboard, while the network IC, power amplifier IC and bandpass filters are
placed nearby.

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Other ICs used in mobile phones process input and output data between Power IC, Network IC, WiFi IC, Charging, Sound
IC, USB IC. In this way, the processor is exchanging all the data between everyone. That is why this IC is called Central
Processing Unit CPU. The processor is considered to be the most important IC because other ICs work under the direction
of this IC.

How to find the processor IC on the motherboard of the mobile phone?

The processor in mobile phones is a bit bigger than other ICs, the exterior is also better and often in Square Shape. Chinese
and high-end mobile phones often use processors such as Spreadtrum, MTK (Media Tek), MStar, Infineon, Sky Works.

6.Flash Memory (NAND/eMMC/eMCP)

The operating software for operating the mobile phone is kept within this memory. This flash memory is also called (NAND /
EMMC / EMCP / UFS IC). The commands we give from the keypad or touchpad of the mobile phone go directly to the
memory through the processor and the processor reads and writes the data in the memory. Such memories are used in
different sizes (Capacity) according to the mobile phone. This memory contains operating software as well as space for
storing user data.

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How to find flash memory IC on mobile phone motherboard?

Flash memory is placed close to the processor and it does not have as many small components as other ICs. Flash memory
is in IC (Rectangle Shape).

7.Touch  IC

This type of Touch IC is used in all smart mobile phones. This Touch IC is used as the interface between the Touch Pad and
the processor of the mobile phone. If this IC is bad, the touch pad will not work. Touch IC is placed on the address of the
touch pad in most mobile phones and on the motherboard in some mobile phones.


USB IC drives data as an interface to the device connected between the processor and the micro USB connector.

How to locate USB IC on mobile phone motherboard?

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USBIC is often connected to a charging connector or power IC. Is placed nearby. This IC is a bit smaller than other ICs and
the non-polar capacitors are housed close to this IC, as in the Power IC.

9.LED Driver IC(Light IC)

The lead diver IC is designed to give voltage to the LEDs placed inside the display of the mobile phone. Lead diver IC and
boost coil are given to the lids placed inside the display by boosting the voltage. If this IC is bad, the back light will not come.

How to find lead diver IC on mobile phone motherboard?

The lead diver IC is much smaller in size than other ICs and a boost coil is placed near this IC.

10.Voltage Regulator IC(DC to DC Converter-LDO)

The voltage regulator IC is used to regulate the voltage like the power IC. This type of IC is also called DC to DC Converter
(DC to DC Converter) IC. It can also be like the external structure and size of the IC.

11.Audio Ampilifier IC

The audio amplifier IC is to amplify the audio signal and give it to the ringer speaker. It is connected to the IC Ringer
speaker. If the IC is bad, the mobile phone will not ring and the hands will not be free. This IC is also found in small size only
on bar phones near the speaker interface.

12.Protection IC

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A small IC placed on a mobile phone for security is called a protection IC. This protection is usually made by placing diodes
and resistors inside the IC. This type of IC is found for protection around SIM connector, memory connector, headphone
connector, display connector, USB connector.

Mobile Connector ,Interface & Test Point

(Charging Connector,Battery Connector, Memory Connector ,SIM Connector, Camara Connector, Display Connector)

What is the IMEI No of a mobile phone and why is it kept?

IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a 15-digit number that appears on the back of the mobile phone set or on
the cover as shown in the picture below when the battery is removed. Such IMEI No. Because of the identity of the mobile
phone, each set is different. In fact, this number is like the engine number of a Vehicle. IMEI No. Apart from the battery
cover, the chip in the PCB (Motherboard) of the mobile phone set is kept inside.The IMEI No. of the mobile phone press
*#06#  View directly from Key Pad or Touch Pad. IMEI No. Since the manufacturing company has different models for each
model, if a mobile phone is stolen or lost, it can be traced by looking at the same number. IMEI No. of mobile phone set This
number is not easily changed as it is very necessary for security. Hackers use some tools to use IMEI No. Changed but
found to have done so will result in legal action.

Mobile Cell Phone Repairing Dictionary( Glossary)

1G: 1St Generation in Mobile Telephony.

2G: 2Nd Generation in Mobile Telephony.

3G: 3Rd Generation in Mobile Telephony.

4G: 4Th Generation in Mobile Telephony.

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5G : 5th generation mobile Telephony.

3GP:  3rd Generation Video Format

AVI:  File Format for Video Files

AV: Audio/Visual

AC: Alternate Current.

AFC: Automatic Frequency Control

APN:Access Point Name

BGA: Ball Grid Architecture

BSC: Base Station Controller

BTS: Base Transceiver Station

BSI: Battery Status Indicator.

CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

CPU: Central Processing Unit

CD: Compact Disk

DTMF: Dual Tone Multi Frequency

DCS: Digital Cellular System

DVD: Digital Versatile Disk or Digital Video Disk

DCT: Digital Core Technology.

FBUS: Fast Serial Bus

GSM: Global System For Mobile Communication

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service


HTTP: Hypertext Transport Protocol

HSCSD:High Speed Circuit Switched Data

ISP: Internet Service Provider

IC: Integrated Circuit.

IP rating:Ingress Protection rating

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IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity

IMAP:Internet Message Access Protocol

JPEG: Joint Photographic

Kbps:Kilobytes per second

LAN: Local Area Network

LCD: Liquid Crystal Display

Li-Ion:An abbreviation for Lithium-ion

LED:Light Emitting Diode.


Mp3: An Audio File Format MP3

MPEG: Motion Picture Experts Group

MTSO: Mobile traffic Switching Office

MSC Mobile Switching Center

MMC: Multimedia Card

Midi: Mutual Instrument Digital Interface

MF: Multi Frequency Tones

MNO:Moblie Network Operator

Megapixel:A megapixel is one million pixels

MMS:Multimedia Messaging Service

OS:Operating System

PCS: Personal Communication Service

PCB: Printed Circuit Board

PFO: Power Frequency Oscillator

PMM: Permanent Memory Management

PPM: Post Programmable Memory

PX: Receiving Signal

PIN:Personal Identification Number

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PUK:Pin Unblocking Key;

PSTN:Public Switched Telephone Network

PTT:Push To Talk

RTC: Real Time Clock.

RX: Receive / Receiver (Receiving Section).

PDA: Personal Digital Assistant.

RAM: Random Access Memory.

ROM: Read Only Memory.

RF:Radio Frequency

SP LOCK: Service Provider Lock

SIM:Subscriber Identity Module

SMD: Surface Mount Device

SMS:Short Message Services

SAR:Specific Absorption Rate

TX: Transmitting Signal

TFT:Thin Film Transistor

USB: Universal Serial bus

UEM: Universal Energy Manager

USIM:Universal Subscriber Information Module

UMTS:Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service

VCO: Voltag VGA

VGA:Video Graphics Array

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