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UNIT I lHeath Vocabulary After Student's Book, page 5 1 Complete the sentences with the words below, flavour # diet # vitamins # spicy 1. Weneed vitamins. so that we willbe healthy. 2 Thessauce willbe quite spicy’ if you put chill peppers in it 3. What flavour. is that yoghurt? Its banana ‘4. She follows a vegetarian. diet, so she won't eat that meat. 2 Match the sentences in A to the correct sentences in B. A 8 1. Yoga and meditation are known to lower stress. Experts advise starting with 20 minutes a day. 2. It's important to get enough sleep. ‘A well-balanced diet is very important. 3. Daily exercise is important for good health. Most teenagers need approximately eight hours. 4. Many people believe in positive thinking, But not everyane thinks being optimistic affects our lives. '5, Many people ignare the basies of healthy eating, The gentle movements and sitting quietly are beneficial biebhb eaoge 3 Complete the dialogue with the words below. fast-food # diet © protein « daly exercise « calcium « healthy eating yoga Dan: Jane, dont you want some chips? Jane: No, Ive started anew (1)... diel... decided to follow @ new (2} healthy: eating. plan. 'm not going to eat 3) fast-food items like chips! Dan: Is that yoghurt healthy? Jane: Yes its full of (4)... calcium, which we need fo strong teth and bones. And it also contains a lot of (5) protein, which we need'to maintain ever part of our bodies. Dan: What about (6) daily exercise. 7 Jane: Yes, t'm walking everyday and | also go 10 9 (7)... YORA.... ass once a week Dan: Good for you! But are you sure | can't give you one chip? Jane: Well, maybe just one . ‘After Student's Book, page 7 Words from the Text Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. face * breath # attempt * improve # weight # turned into 1. IF you start to exercise, your health will improve: 4. Fran has to gain. weight... She s too thin, 2 Let's face it, this a big problem. 5. can't run without losing my... breath. 3. Jackie is going to make an attemapt to run Five 6, This was a small problem, but it's turned into 2 kilometres in 15 minutes. major obstacle Grammar __ the Perfect Tenses After Student's Book, page 9 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple or Future Perfect Simple. | bought a new DVD yesterday, but | haven't played. (play it yet. There was no orange juice tis morning because my sister. lal crunk. (Grind ital last night. Sam hasn't been (be) to work fora few days because he has been il | haven’t had. (have) time to see Jan for-2 while, but | hope to see her tomorrow. 1 2 a 4 Weare late. Do you think that his train Will have arrived (arrive) by te time we get to the station? 5 6 Had. you ever... ale (eat) at that restaurant before, or did you go there forthe first time last Monday? 7. Next Tuesday, we will have lived (ive) in New York fora year. Choose the correct answ 1. Emma has been doing (had been doing yoga for three months before she hurt her foot How long has Stella been saving j had Stella been saving before she had enough money to buy 2 motorbike? I(Rave been playing) had been playing tennis since 2001, but I've never played competitively. 2, 3. They/re vey tired now. They have been working)/ had been working since earty tis morning. 4 5. | haven't been waiting hadn't been wating for very lng when my fiend arcived Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous. oe Hi Tanya, For weeks now, I(t) have been trying (ty) to find a walking partner. My friend Jane @2).had been. walking. (walk) with me, but she left two months ago (on a tip to india, | (3) have been managing (manage) to walk every day since Jane left, but it's becoming harder to motivate myself. The same thing happened when I belonged to a gym. After | (ac been working ©ulQwork out) there for about a year, | suddenly lost interest and stopped going. | hope by ths time next week, | will have a partner to walk with! hope you (6). haive been studying (study) hard for your upcoming exams, ‘and that you and James decided to go on the weekend trip you (@) have been talking. (tall) about since | last saw yout Sally UNIT 1 | Health Choose the sentence that is closer in meaning to the original sentence. 41. Shelly has been learning French since March. 6. Before the party, we didn’t know that Steve and Carrie @ She's stil learning French “B.A her French lessons were in March. 2. Jason has had his motorbike for six months. 4, Jason used to have a motorbike. (©) Jason has stil got 2 motorbike 3. had been working an the computer for an hour when te electricity suddenly went of. @ | was still working when the electricity went off. 8 “B. | had finished working by the time the electricity went off 4. How long had they been living in London before you 8. met them? (2) They moved to Londan before you met them. 'b. They met you, then they moved to London. 5. By the time we ative, Dad will have Finished cooking _a, Well ative while Dad stil cooking (&)Dad wan'tbe cooking when we arrive, 10. had broken up. (@ We learned about Steve and Carrie's break-up at the party. b. Steve and Carrie broke up at the party. Have you been waiting here long? Do you wait here every day? b) when aid you get here? ‘susan has just decided to apply to university (She dida't know what to do until recently. She sent her aplication 2 month ago. \ had already seen the film my friends were going to see. (@ won't go with my friends tothe cinema. © | didn’t go with my friends tothe cinema By ths time next month, we wil have been on holiday fora week. a, We have had our holiday. fe are going on holiday soon, (know) your boyfriend before you started dating? “Fl been eating eat) too much chocolate, so decided to give it up. (be) a vegetarian? (ovork) on my praject since this morning, | sti haven't finished (not fish). 5 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the perfect tenses. 1. Anne: Have you finished {finish} reading the book? Bill: No, |. (only read) the first two chapters. 2 Nancy: How long... had... you... known, Sandy: We hid been (be) frends for about a year, So Rabel ery ul By he tems ul ere he mate will have. started star! Jim: msureit,, hasnt started | (not start). There i plenty of time. 4 Gil: Last week realised that Meg: Have. you begun (begin) to miss it yet? 5. Leslie: How long... have you... been Mark: By this time next month, |..will have been (be) a vegetarian for five years! 6. Bella: Where... have. you... been... bel all day? Dave: 1. have been working 6 Correct the errors. 1. know my boyfiend since we were young 1 ve known my boyfriend since we were young 2. You ae late again! | am waiting here since 10.30. 2 Yous i again! I have been waiting here 3. SQV begam his walk because he had an accident a Few years before, Steyg bezap his walk because: he had had an accident afew years before 44. How lang were your parents going out before they got marced? 4 Lops. our parents been going out Pa a the gape won't have sate bythe Th un 7 Translate the sentences into your own languag laven't started by the time 5. Vo eng hve yo been wating xt? {Cudnto tiempo llevas haciendo ejercicio? Jee started doin iy cio Denies Gt Sau rc aapeag hacer serio diario porque kane orp low much Bae ‘will you have lost by this time next mont? Cuanto peso hapras perdido el. mes que viene Fae aeeing enough ee tis week No. hg estado durmiendo lo suficiente esta. iy the time Steve finished his walk, he had learnt to pace mapas Para cuando Steve termin6 el recorrido, habia, SHO GHR SSS umn else 7 Vocabulary After Student's Book, page 11 Choose the sentence that is closer in meaning to the original sentence. 1. They don't eat nutritious food 4. Michelle had a quick recovery 3. They naven't eaten junk food for a month 2. She could run quicky. b) They seem to live on biscuits, sweets and cola. (0) Her illness didn't ast long 2. mexhausted! 5. Steve caught a cold last week. (@ lets sop. ont run any moe a, He gave it to somebody Fean't wait to go running! (@)He gotit from someboty. 3. David is watching his weight. 6. We hala light meal after the fim (He's being careful not to eat too much (We ate ver litte By He looks in the mirtor every morning 'b Weate alot Complete the advert with the correct words below. diet © gain weight # overweight # poor health # meals ® unfit # recovered © multivitamins [ARE YOU UNHAPPY WITH YOUR WEIGHT? Whathor you oro (1) overweight and want to lose 8 few klos, or weigh less then you'd like and want to (2) ain. weight, ‘we can help. Our experts wil design a balanced (3) ._diet wth delicious (a). meals. whieh neds talong (PDP for those who rise them. In dion, they wl provid an exoreisa programme dasigned for you parsonally = whethar you ara in the best af shape, or (6)... Nfl. We also we offer spacil eating and ‘exercise programmes for people who have recently (7) fecovered from an illness, tor who are generally n (@) Poor health ‘Match the sentence in A with the correct sentence in B. A 8 He lost his appetite. He didn't eat anything He had 2 quick meal. He never feels very hungry. He eats prepackaged food all the time. He doesn't caak fresh food, He lost weight. He just ate a hamburger. He's aot @ poor appetite. He now weighs 5 kg less Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and one of the prefixes below. ‘You can use some of the prefixes more than once. Use a dictionary to help you. under= * pre= dis-# im=# un # in= over= 1. This food is inedible 1 can't eat (edible) 2. After the accident, she was ina lot of discomfort, (comfort) 3. When you bake this cake, you must Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. heat) 4. Unfortunately, many children in that area ard™“°r" Uris “because they don't get enough to eat (nourished) 5, The chicken was in the aven for too long, It is overcooked , (cooked) 6 She can't go mountain climbing because she is very unhealthy. (healthy) 7. The hospital isa cad, impersonal place. The people there arert very Friendly. (personal) 8. Late too much at lunch and now I've got indigestion. . (digestion) UNIT 1 | Health Writing an opinion Essay After Student's Book, page 13 Choose the correct answ 1. Because /(Due te 2. The bus was late, $0)/ since | because of | arived late at school. 3. Ive been eating less recenty therefore since / because | have lost ako. ‘ 5 o)] Consequently her poor health, my grandmother can't travel long distances. ‘Therefore / Consequently /(Because of her exercise programme, Sheila has become stronger. John didn't come to the party'since)/ due to / because of he was away last weekend. Choose two possible connectors that you can use to complete the sentences below. consequently # because # because of therefore # as.a result of # since 1. don't want any apple cake because. J. since | don’t lke fruit in cakes. 2, Because of J As result ofthe new law that bans smoking in pubic places, smokers now gather outside pubs and restaurants to smoke. 3, She needs more Vitamin C in her diet. "Therefore. Consequently, she has started to eat an orange every day. Complete the opinion essay with the connectors and expressions below. ‘You can use one expression more than once. 82 result of # consequently # as far as I'm concerned # since HEALTH LESSONS IN DANGER Recently, some people have suggested cancelling secondary-school health lessons in order to save money. (0). AS Far as Em, this would be a fools thing to do Firstly, the health lasses focus on good nutrition and exercise. (2). As a result of , following fad diets, many teenagers don't get the nutrients they need. In addition, many do not exercise, and (3). consequently... are unfit, (4) Since. many teenagers don't learn abaut nutrition or exercise at home, schoo! health lessons area source cof valuable, accurate information. Secondly, if students don't learn the basies of good health, money that would be saved (5). a a resull of cutting the health classes might end up having to be spent on health care for students later in life In conclusion, | believe that another way should be found to save money and school health lessons shouldn't be cancelled. Bridge to Writing {In your notebook, express your opinion on the following topic: Should vending machines containing sweets and fizzy drinks be allowed in schools? Write 100-150 words. Getting Organised Useful Expressions step 1. Introduce and state your opinion on the issu In my opinion, ‘As far asm concerned, step 2 Support your opinion with facts and examples. As see it, [et J elieve that step 3. Conclude by restating your opinion. It seems to me that + IF you ask me step 4 Check your work for mistakes. Personally, ‘Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 1" 2 Extra Reading What is the main idea of the paragraph? 1. Researchers argue about sales and profits o 2. The food industry is partly respansible for people being overweight. 3. It’s easy to lose weight. Food Ifyou wane to lose weight, you have to eat a sensible diet and exercise more. It is simply a matter of willpower and self control. However, a growing number of the first and last sentence. studies are beginning to question this traditional approach to dealing with obesity and have found that environmental factors must also take some of the blame for the rise in obesity in the United States. Researchers argue that the food. industry, in its desire to increase sales and profits, has played an integral role in creating the country’s w and must be held accountable. problem Firstly, researchers suggest that the increase in portion sizes over the last 30 years in the United States has encouraged people to eat more. One experiment con.lucted by the University of llinos showed tha if given an extra large tub of popcom instead of a smaller container, cinemagoets will ¢at 45 to 50 per cent more, This theory is further the fact that in countries such as France, where people are thinner, portion sizes are the United States supported by gnificantly smaller than those in In addition, it would seem that itis the price of healthy food products which has the most effect on whether people are likely to buy them. In a recent study, researchers from the University of Minnesota found chat dropping the price of low-fat snacks by even a very small amount had a direct effect on the number of these snacks that were purchased. Although nobody can deny that the responsibility for eating healthily ultimately lies with the individual, experts believe thar many Americans would find it much easier to lose weight if portions were not quite so large and healthy food options were not quite so expensive. 2 Decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false {F). Find evidence in the text to support your answers. 1, The food industry can't be held responsible for weight pe che oa dee ees 1 HEC ee won A enebenene qemu gil cesses gas T_ 3. French people eat less than their American counterparts. Cae ee Pere ene ae igalteay SESE BS PURE ROU sees, T. 4, People don’t buy healthy food because of the price. Shopng ne piecating omer § ey SORES AoC RL T. Si"ingividbals'ar¥ Hot enitely to blame for the obesity ‘ovement Unied Sc specie eae eet ih ERA ne ily ans would ns Were ADL 3. Write four words from the text that have got the same sound as: cast /i/ eat, deal g, obesity, increase, eating, easier, these, believe 4 answer the questions. 1 ‘According to researchers, what motivates the food industry? ‘The fod industry is motivated by increasing sales and profits How can te food industry help people to lose weight? The food industry can lower the price of healthy snacks and reduce the portion sizes. 5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same a 1. determination (paragraph 1) ...villpower 2. important (paragraph 1) integral 3. responsible (paragraph 1) accountable 4. carried out (paragraph 2) ...conducted 5. bought (paragraph 3) purchased 6. in the end (paragraph 4) ultimately © Extra Listening — the nistory of Food You are going to hear a radio programme about food. Listen and choose the correct answer. Robert Davis. a. isa history teacher (0)is.a food historian © complained about his daughter's history lessons 2. Spoons... a, were used exclusively by kings during the Midlle Ages (0) didn't become popular until the end of the Middle Ages © became popular in the early 1600s BA (Ba large piece of bread on which food was served '. a type of stew a kind of soup fencher” was 4. Banquets in the Middle Ages _a. usually had one special food for each course (b) Featured up to 20 different types of food for each course ©. weren't limited to special days of celebration 5. tis believed that King Henry Vill and the nobility a. ate less than farmers who did physical labour _b. consumed about the same number of calories as farmers Gate twice as many calories as taday’s average English person 6. Potatoes @ were brousht to England from South America come to England fam North America €. came to England before the 16th century 7. Worcester Sauce: 2. was first commercially produced in india i was invented by Lord Marcus Sandys (©) Is based on an Indian recipe The combination of fish and chips .. a. originated with Spanish and Portuguese immigrants ts existed in England for hundreds of years (©) was probabiy fist served in London in 1860 UNIT 1 | Health 8 4 Check Your Progress Vocabulary Complete the phrases below. ialogues with the words and catch a cold # wateh my weight # unfit # light meal (quick recovery # nutritious ® balanced diet # overweight 1. What do you want to order? Im nt tery hungry 50 think have 3 light meal. 2. Bran eats only bread and ice. That's not abalanced diet 3. Should weara coat? Yes. IF you don't, you might@atch a cold, 4. Doyou think ned to Lose weight? aren't atall Overweight Atanas god or you? Yes, they're one of the most Nutritious. fruits, 6 Why it sohard for you to climb the sais? Because mally unlit | 2. Ws Viekyil fora longtime? No she nad aduick recovery 8 Wy aren you eating the biscuits baked? Because Fm trying toWatch my weight Replace the words in bold with the synonyms below. recover * in poor health # my diet « lose my appetite gain weight * exhausted * lose weight © strength 1. Ourneighbour has been constantly ill for the past few years in poor health 2. Miget fatter if | don't eat less. gain weight 3. I'S not a good idea to get thin quickly lose weight 4. [don't want to eat when I'm upset lose my appetite 5, Exercising gives your muscles more power. strength 6. | hope you get better soon! recover, 7. don't feel ike going out tonight. 'm very tire. exhausted 8. My doctar atvsed me to change what I eat, my diet Grammar 3 Choose the correct answer. 1. Tom's hands are so dirty! Whathas he had he done? 2 We gi! knew that she has been hiding had been) her true identity For years. 3. I'm sure that (have seen will have seen that man before, 4. By the time we arrive, the concert (started / has already started. ‘5. Beth had been taking /has been taking tennis lessons forsix months, but she still cart play very well. 6 How long will they have known //had they known each other before they started going out together? Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct perfect tenses. 1. Lamyis tired because he has been playin foatball all morning, 2. Thomas took up swimming because he (lay) had hurt (hurt) his back in an accident. 3. How tong ...been doing (40) judo? 4. By the end of this week, Will have fi training for the race 5. Our trainer finaly arrived after we had been waiting (wait) for two hours. | have just joined Gust join a fitness cub, ished finish) Writing Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 1. Our fat saute smal. share a bedroom with my sister (50) ug fa is quite small sof share a bedroom 2, Wewere out all day. Our dog was very lonely (since) Sig ener cada. out dg wa ey re Hh was very successful t made a lt af money. (as. resut) AAS aresull ofthe good reviews, the film was 4, Bible ated the'exam. He nacn't studied. (consequenty) Steve hacin't studied. Consequently, he failed 5. Alice nas Got talent. She won fst prize. (because of Rerause of er talent Alice wop first prize. / ceo tne piss OP et ei They cancelled tel maten. fe was raining. (due to They cancelled the match due to the rain, UNIT 2 | Jobs Vocabulary ‘After Student's Book, page 17 1 Choose the correct answer, 1. Jenny can start work any time from 9.00 to 11.00. She 01 havin profesional traning / eile working) ‘hours, 2. All our shop assistants receive the same contact information /’basie salary of €10 an hour. 3. The salary isn't great, but you get lot of money from hours / tips) ‘4 twill be alffcut for Mike to find work He hasn't got (a university degree job requirements. You need todo alot of lifting inthis job. You need (ohysical strength / an attractive appearance. 6. My sister wil receive university degree | professional) raining when she starts her new 0 2 Complete the crossword puzzle accor clues below. Across 2. brave 3. able to wait without losing one's temper 4. outgoing, nice to people 5. inventive, imaginative, having artistic ability Down 1. able to arrange and keep things in order 2. serene, not nervous 1g to the fo Fefo[«|rfafelelo[uls a 8 1] Pofafe Ji nft m a Prlrlifeafalily s Fe[ fe [a [t fi [v Te a 3 Choose the sentence that is closer in meaning to the original sentence. 1. She has got an attractive appearance. 3a) She al ways looks nice. She appears in a lot of films. 2. {haven't gota knowledge of languages. 2. | don't know the name of the language that's ___ spoken in Iran. )I'can't speak other languages. 2. Mark has got good people sil _a. He knows how to choose good fiends (tHe is Friendly and interacts well with everyone. Mary has got areat deal of physical strength, (@) Mary isn't weak at tL te Its difficult for her to carry heavy things. ‘After Student's Book, page 19 Words from the Text Complete the sentences with the words below. warning * caused * task * suspend © aims + earned researching . The news caused were doing and liste. 2. When Ihave. eared enough money, 'm going to buya computer. 3. My mother gave mea... (ask clean my room. 4 ve been fesearching information about workers’ rights. 5. The policeman gave me a. Wari. not to park there again 6, Weecant miss school The head teacher wll suspend us. 7. Our aims are to improve local transport and to build more bridges across the river everyone to stop what they «She tald me to 8 Grammar _ feported Speech ‘After Student's Book, page 21 1 Complete the sentences so that they are in reported speech. 1. "We didn't go to see-a film lastnight. Emily mentioned that they hadn't one to see a fim the previous night "These biscuits taste awful’ Daniel said that. those awful. 3. "Are you going to Fiona's party next week?” Jason asked me whether | was gang to Fina's dReRSHSH Ime week / he week ees 4. "Idan't see your glasses here” Mark said that he didn't see my glasses there biscuits tasted 2 Choose the correct answer, 1. "took the dog fora wale today. Lynda told me that she. the dog fra walk that dy. 2, tock (Bad taken promise that Il be home by 10.00 tomorrow night Andrew promise that he... home by 10.00 the next right @wouldbe willbe 4. *iease don't stand so closet the painting. The museum guard asked us...s0 close to the painting. a. tonotstand (6) not to stand iy mobile phone hasn't been working properly since last week” Hugh complained that his mobile phone properly since the previous week. 3. wasn't working (6) hadn't been working re you staying in hotel near the beach?" Joni enquired whether we... n @ hate near the beach, (@were staying. stayed 3 Write the sentences in reported speech. 6 1. “haven't seen Brian since last week” Carl said. Carl said that he hadn't seen Brian since the week before / the previous week 2. Fiona sa, “Sam doesnt eat meat. We will have to go toa vegetarian restaurant.” Fiona said shat Sam didn’t eat meat and that they would have to go to a vegetarian restaurant, 3. "We are going tothe shopping centre now. 'm going to buy some shoes,” Rachel said Rachel said that they were going to the shopping centre then and that she was going to buy some shoes Complete the sentences in reported speech. What did you and Mary ‘argue about last week? Tpruasetns Vt Maize Le areued about the ‘Have you already {finished cleaning “your room?’ Mur wondered if / whether I had already cleaning my room. [ETT Let's buy the tickets to London tomorrow. HERS ey behekedy sheng fxgndon te “Please don't tell Steve about the surprise party next week. Gi asd me now, pe Sieve about the surprise party ao ‘me your Ficence, piease. ‘The policeman ordered the driver fo. show him his / her licence, UNIT 2 | Jobs 5. Rewrite the sentences in direct speech. 6 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. 1. Paul asked his father if he could borrow the ear that Do.not change the original mesning of the afternoon, sentences. “Can. | borrow the car this aftemoon?”" Paul 1. "Don't leaye your shoes here!" Dan's mother ordered 2. FESS Gael thae she nad kissed Michael the oa Sy Whee iis te Hm. NOL 0. previous night 2. "an barrow Your Poa?" Susan asked me. (whether) “Lkissed Michael last night.” Teresa confided. usay agked me whether she could borrow APC 4. My mother suggested that we go shoring the 3. Welfettan old Hugh Grant fm tonight” Maureen following Saturday. suggested. (that) a i “Let’s go shopping next Saturday.” my mother Ko rane that we rent an ol ) 7 lush Grant film that mish 4 SUGERHESL that ne hasbeen living in London fora 4. Ryouko that fa and bn broke up at jonth. week?" Mona asked me. (if) Lay, been living in London fora month,” Mops riko mod kn rata Gla 5. Hie bibldbsi tha she hoped people woud enjoy 5. "Bring your projects to school tombrron he yon her new film, reminded us. (to) Te cores tsaeeacntie ba von ened oe beams ape ep el oat ry ee SACO Sim ay PRR ey ane 7 Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sf | Derasit Fonte Tet Size Hi Gina, ‘You!l never guess who | interviewed for the school newspaper - Zandra, your favourite singer! “The first thing she told me was that she (1) had written. (write) for her school paper when she was at school! Then we discussed her music. She said that she (2)! heen workin. (work) on her new CD {or several months, and that it @) would be released (release) in January. She even played one of the songs for me and asked mei! (4) like___(ike) it! Of course, I did! Then | asked her whether she 6 had. (have) a boytiend, and she said that she (®) 28. (be) sony, but she never (7)answered (answer) questions about anything other than her music and career. But then she srriled and told me (8) Not {0 Pelieve _ (not believe) the rumours about her and Mickey D. At the end of the interview, she said that she (9) had enjoyed (enjoy) meeting met Molly 8 Correct the error 9 Translate the sentences into your own languag 1. Theimtrvewer sod that! could earned alot of money. 1. My boss asked i wold be abe to work overtime The inerviewer sald that could eam alotof, Meter prezunt ye podria hacer hoes 2. TREWiviewee wanted to know if was there a chance 2. -Fiilriewee aimed that se had a degree in ‘of promotion in that job. marketing. The interviewee wanted fo know if there was & Laentrevistada aseeurs que.tenfa un titulo en a. RijBlyie! Beene age thdePeusien 2. FRE Fep6H enquired if he candidate had enough My physics teacher suggested that I study EH iene ey recut si el apdidato/n tenia ™ 4. ABRUABIGH ordered me that | didn't arrive late the 4. Hy Englh feather suggested that we try a ON" falling morning, \etnamese restaurant pear Camden rare. Ars ae agin eh oto ai ne the aera teat geet le ear eet en, 5. RIGS BRRG SU) me a ete satan 5, The punta of MldhaelS Shot edvset fio nah My boss offered (0 give me a better salary. his homework. El dietor/a del goleaio dg Michel le conse} que acabaratlos deberes. " 6 Vocabulary After Student's Book, page 23 Look at the pictures and complete the speech bubbles with the correct form of a word or expression below. be hired ® retire © apply for * be fired * overtime 4m delighted that you applied 10r ihe job You are hired Le Pm sorry that you “aecided to retite We'll all miss you! “There is so mud work to do. I have to work overtime Complete the phrases with the words job or work. job application work satisfaction tite 1. a part-time 2 job 3. out oF 4 job 5 job 6 back to. work Complete the sentences with the correct collocations from Exercise 2. job title. issales manager back to work _ after my 1. Lynda’s new 2. Itwas dificult to 99 holiday in Jamaica 3. Please fill n the job application. before the interview. 4. Sam has only gota part-time, job because he Studies in the mornings. 5. Since I began working here, | have been happier and have greater. job satisfaction 6. When the economy is bad, many people are ‘out of work 4. Complete the sentences with the words below. productive # responsible # ambitious ® retirement assistance 1. She wants to be the head of a big company. She is very ambitious. 2. Her father is 67 and he doesn’t work any more, But he came out of Fetiremient to help her complete the project. 3, Fmvery Fesponsible . My employer knows that | always complete my work on time: 4, David needs some ASSISLANICC with his project. 5. finished three projects today. | was veryproductive: 5 Complete the sentences with the word in brackets and one of the suffixes below. Use a dictionary to help you er tion # a1 #-ing © -ed © fu You've got good ideas. They ae very. helpful (help) 2. asked for more money an my employer. agreed to increase my salary. employ) 3. For this postion, we need someone whois very experienced, (experience) She is aPFOLESSIONA singer (profession) My job is very challenging, | work hard (challenge) Please give my application to your employer. (apply) 6 Complete the passage with the words below. Make any other necessary changes, work experience # unemployed * jab title * company job satisfaction © are hired SHADOW PLANNING Have you ever heard ofa "shadow specialist"? Most people are not familiar with the (1) job title “shadow specialist, but we see the results oftheir work every dy. Shadow specialists (2) are hired. by architecture {a)__..companies”__ and city governments to determine whether a building that isting planned wil block toa muh sunlight from parks or nearby buildings. Most shadow specialists enter the profession after many years af (4) work experience as architects. They have great (5) job satisfaction. because they fel they help make ites more pleasant places. And with many cities around the world experiencing building booms, shadow specialists are never (6) unleniployed for long! UNIT 2 | Jobs Writing 4 Format Letter of Application ‘After Student's Book, page 25 Complete the sentences with the correct connectors of purpose below. There may be more than one correct answer. so that © s0 as nat to * to * in order to 1. sent the manager an e-mail so that he couldn't say | hadi told him about the situation 2._ Ben parked the car on the opposite side of the road 80 aS NOL {Oblock the pathway. 3. put the advert in the paper ..(0./ in. finda babysitter orderto 4. I'mcalling the company {0/11 find out I got thejob. PY order to 8 Read the letter of application and replace the words in brackets with the formal expressions. below. enclosed, please find # require * look forward to hearing would like * in the near future * Yours sincerely contact me 16 Chelsea Lane London SW10 1th August 2008 Ms Elizabeth Hall Office Manager MG ‘Television Productions Lid 29 Wardour Street. London Wi Dear Ms Hall, ‘Lam writing in response to your advertisement for part-time office assistant. (want) (1)__.Would Tike to apply for the positon. (Look for) (2) Enclosed. please my CV, as well as a letter of reference {rill Samantha Jones, head ‘of Channel 6 news division Please (get in touch with me) 3). contact me ityou (need) (4) require further Information. 1 (can't wait to hear) (6) 100k forward (0 _ from you (soon) ear © inthe Teal future, (alihe tes (Yours sincerely. Miranda Bennett ar Bridge to Writing In your notebook, write a letter of application for the job below. Write 100-150 words. Be a part of London's exoiting club scene! Manager requires fulltime assistant. Responsibilities: booking bands for performances - onganising private parties Requirements: minimum age 20 familiarity with current music ood interpersonal skills creative Send letter of application and CV to: Annabel Stone Accept all logical and Maxwell's srammatically correct 14 Camden Road “WETS London NW1 c step 1. Use the correct format for a formal letter step 2 State your reason for writing step 3 Outline your relevant personal details and qualifications. step 4 End your letter with a suitable closing statement: step 5 Use appropriate formal language. step 6 Check your work for mistakes, Useful Expressions Greeting: Dear Sir | Madam, Dear Mr Mrs {Ms Reasons for Writing: Iam weting in reply to | would like more information about I wish to enauire T T aa Concluding Remarks: hope you will consider my application favourably. Ifyou require any further information, please contact me. ook Forward to receiving your reply. Es 1+ Closing: L Yours sincerely, Yous faithfully 19 Extra Reading 1 Read the first paragraph. What conclusion can you infer? 1. Some people go to parties for a living, 2, People feel satisfied at parties 3, People are affected by how others perceive their jobs. | Are You Proud of Your Job? The next time someone ata party asks you what you do for a living, think very carefully about how you answer, isi Research has shown that job satisfaction may be greatly affected by what other members of society feel about a particular job. A survey conducted by Harris Interactive demonstrated that teachers have become more highly rogarded in the USA aver the past 30 years. Interestingly, this finding corresponded to a similar rise in the percentage of teachers who said that they were very satisfied with their career. The reaction you get to what you say may well have a direct effect on how satisfied you continue to feel at work Yer, ifthe amount of prestige that is given to a particular job is indeed important, this poses a problem for compani The Harris survey found that low-paid jobs such as teachers and firefighters scored well on prestige, while the pr of professional athletes has fallen as their incomes have risen. This suggests that there is little correlation hetween prestige and money. As a result, it cannot be influenced by a standard incentive such as an increase in salary, 30 organisations must develop new strategies if they wish to influence what peaple in society think about a particular job. ‘With this idea in mind, the American Trucking Association is attempting to improve the low morale of lorry drivers by altering the perception people have of them. [¢ has introduced a Highway Watch progeamme which encourages drivers to look out for potential terrorist and criminal activities, in the hope that it will improve their prestige However, prestige can often be influenced by factors that are beyond a company's control. For example, when the well-known American comedian Jay Leno made an unfair joke about the employees of 7-Eleven, the popular convenience shops in the USA, no amount of marketing by the company could undo the damage done. It would seem that if employers truly wish to improve their workers reputation, they have their work cut out for them! 2 Now read the whole text and choose the best 4. The Harris survey showed that a. people atimired teachers more in the past bs teachers have to be more than 30 years old (©)people admire teachers more highly today 2. The American Trucking Association wants to @improve the status ofits drivers help drivers to realise their potential «. cateh terrorists two words from the text that have got the sa on i ald. demonstrated. USA. caver SRS apna: hoa satisfied, highly, tise, firefighters, society, idea, mind, Highway, drivers 4. Decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to support your answers. T 1. People care what others think of their jobs Rough RASHES eal as F_ 2. Teachers in the USA used to have more prestige sea “ coer fase mee AN eae 1a, REBRRLs Sagres tS» See areal teeta welll 5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same as: 1. showed (paragraph 2) demonstrated. 2 connection (paragraph 3) correlation 3. regular (paragraph 3) standard 4 reward (paragraph 3) incentive 5. spirit (paragraph 4) morale 6 changing (paragraph 4) altering UNIT 2 | Jobs © Extra Listening —carcers pay You are going to hear a speaker at a school Careers Day talking about employment in the hotel and food industry. Listen and choose the correct answe The hospitality industry .. consists mainly of hotels includes hotels and the food and drink industry © isa part ofthe hotel industry 2. In the UK, 1.8 milion people work .. a. as restaurant staff bin hotels (©)in the hospitality industry 3. Which sentence is true? 3} There are approximately 48,000 hotels in the UK. There are about 48,000 large chain hotels in the UK. «. There are 250,000 hotels in the UK. 4. Front-office staf a. refers only to reception-desk clerks 14 don't interact with the public (includes reception-desk clerks, and special-events and concierge staff 5. Which characteristic or skil does Christine NOT mention for front-office staff? 2) adventurous patient © ability to problem-solve 6. "Back-office’ staf in a hotel a. usually begin as trainees (b) usually need a university degree © often begin as junior staff 7. Someone with a hatel-management degree .. a. can usually become 2 manager immediately _b. doesn't need practical experience (©) must sil gain experience in different hotel departments The housekeeping manager at one of the Mayfield hotels... @ started ner career with a summer job Wy decided to become an accountant €. was not promoted from within Check Your Progress Vocabulary Complete the passage with the words or phrases below. overtime # responsible * applied for * employer retirement ® employee ® fired # are hired * helpful WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? You have (1) xpplied for. several jobs, and then you (2).-ate hired. for one. However, before you begin, i's (@) helpful. to find out your rights as an (4) cmployce. Here area few questions you should ask: I you work (5) .0vertiMe _, will you be paid forthe cota hours? Will your new (6) eMPIOYEF pay you when you are ill and cannot work? Will the company put money away for you, fo use one day when you reach (7) telirement age? Ifyou are (8) ited, will you be told ahead of time, or can they send you home the same day? Remember - be (9) responsible and ask al the right, questions. Match the beginning of each sentence in A to the end of the sentence in B. A 1. can't work mare than half a day, so 2. They ask for so many details, 3. | don't think theyil hire me because 4. Tome, money is less important 5. |don't want temporary work so 6. | won't leave my job until | find another one, 7. You can sometimes get money from the government 8, My jab hasn't changed, but 8 a. I'm looking for a steady job, b. they've given me a new jo title. cif you are unemployed. 4. I'm looking fora part-time job. because | don't want to be aut of work inthis job application! 9. lve got no work experience h. than job satisfaction Bbhorub Grammar 3 Complete the sentences in reported speech. 1. "Ive been working in this company for 15 years” He informed us that he had been working in that company for 15 years. 2. “Lintend to have my hair cut tomarro Helen announced that she. intended Het hair eats follow 3. “Let's goto the theatre next week? My friend suagested that we 20 / going to the theatre the followin week / the week Did you call my mobile phone yesterday?” Chae epquted whether haul called i mobile phone the previous day /. bite phone og ray pelos tone aay/'he ay alter 4. Change the following sentences in reported speech. 1. “Where did you put my book?™ My sister wanted to know Where I had put her book 2. "Don't wake the baby." My aunt told me not to. wake the baby 3. “Have you ever been here before?” n wondered if / whether I/ we had ever been iNen worded ‘here before 4. "Tm leaving now!" Jeanne declared 5. “Ive been trying to get in touch with you since Tuesday" Brad complained that he had been trying to get i iaines oi swith me 7 us since Tuesday that she was leaving then Writing 5 Complete the passage with the words and phrases below. Yours faithfully © wish to enquire ® Dear Sir Madam enclosed, lease find # do not hesitate (1)Dear Sir / Madam, 11am writing in order to apply forthe job you advertise in vesterday’s Post. 2) Enclosed. please: my Cy, Please (3). d0. not hesitate to contact me if you (4) wish to enquire. about anything, (5) Yours faithfully , Brenda Roberts 6 Choose the correct answer. 1. I'm taking a computer course‘in order to so that improve my chances of getting a job. 2. asked a lot of questions 0 as to/ not to understand exactiy what they were offering. 3. The interviewer asked me to come later in order to / Go that! didn't have to wait 00 long UNIT3| Shopping Vocabulary After Student's Book, page 37 1 Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B, A 8 forgot to bring cash." im a student. Do | Rave to pay the fll price?” regret buying these can’t pay for this all at once!™ think this costs too much.” a. “Maybe you can bargain over the price. b. "You can use a credit card.” “You can pay in instalments” 4. "No, you get a discount.” ©. "You can return the purchases.” bivinbin 2 Choose the correct answer. 1. 'm going to the greengrocer’s. | need to buy some fruit jeans. ‘You can always fd designer jeans /oldclothed)in car boot sales { don't like online shopping. | don’t like using the @omputer)/ car to do my shopping. The trouble witha chain stor is that they sel the same) different clothes everywhere. The boutique near our house sels @xelusive designs clothes you can get in any shop. 3 Complete the dialogue with the correct words or phrases below. bargain over the price # return purchases # use a credit card * market # second-hand items * pay in instalments Mark: Same of these things look new. Are you sure this (1) market has onfy got (2). secand= ? Tina: Yes, and the best thing that tere are no pice tags, so you can @Pbazain ovec!MNd NEMS Mark: Can you (4) USE 2.cFEUit or do you have to pay in cash? Renae Tina: Most of the sellers only want cash, Also you can't (5)... ay in. They want all the money nov. Mark: So suppose you can't (6). eturn.ifyou decide you don like something Tina: Right. But it's stil a great place td Sop. ‘After Student's Book, page 33 Words from the Text Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. et rid of # average # gifts «site © owner ® appreciates 1. INestill got three .f1S. 0 buy for my family. 2. On... VEFALE I spend E10 when | go out with fiends 3. I don't lke this sweater. want to..getrti of it 4 Will the. OWI. of @ blue mobile phone please come to the office? 5. Dave really appreciates... the help that | give him. 6 Abouta milion people visited the Sil© durin the holidays. 23 uf Grammar __ the Passive / The Causative After Student's Book, page 35 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. London Fields. a8 Sritlen (write) by Martin Amis, 2. By the time | got to the party, most ofthe food had been eaten (eat 3. Ournew chars Will be delivered / (delved early next week 4 Right orca ashes Ey used. (use) 5. couldn't ride my motorbike last week because it. vas being repaired (repair) 6. 'msure that his phone number. ca be found. ean find) inthe directory 7 Has he. been asked fast) to take photos at the graduation ceremony yet? 8. The latest Johnny Depp film should not be missed (should not / miss). ‘Mark each sentence passive (P) or active (A). Then complete the sentence without changing the meaning, A, You can buy the concert tickets online. Tickets (for the concert) can be bought online P 2. My backpack was stolen! Someone stole my backpack : ‘A 2. The radio station is giving away 10 iPods next week. Ten... iPods are. being given. away. next week 4, Beyonce's new CD hasn't been released yet. Beyoncé hasn't released her new CD yet A'S. How often do you have to walk your dog? How often does your dog have to be walked? z A.6, Everyone had heard the rumaurs about them for a longtime. Fora long time, rumaurs had been. heard about them Write both passive forms of the sentences below. 1. Peggle give children too much junk food. Children are given too much junk food, Too much junk food is given to,children, 2. The airline should offer us money For our lost baggage. Me should be offered money. for our lost Money should be offered (by the airline) bagsage (by the airline). for our Tost baggage. 3. [wife you your change n'a moment. Your change will be given to you in a ‘You will be given your change in a moment, jomen| 4. Wegave the dog a bone. The dog was given a bone, A bone was given to the dog, 5. They should have offered you a discount You should have been offered a discount A discount should have been offered to you. 6. The charity is asking for donations from the public. nations are Being asked for from the public The public is being asked for donations (by y the charity), the chant. Complete the passage with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets. 4 FAMOUS DEPARTMENT STORE Selfridges is a department store in London where everything from food to designer brands (1). can be bought (ean buy). Many services (2) are, also... provided. (provide) in the shop, from ear piercing to bicycle repairs. Londoners 3), \esHopps (shop) therefor neary a century, andit (4). 18. also__visited isi) by thousands of tourists every Year. It (5) lias heen located (locate) at the same address in Oxford Street since its establishment in 1909 by Harry Gordon Selfridge, an American. He (6) is credited (credit) with bringing a new spirit ‘of shopping to England, because he (7) used, {use) unusual tactics to tempt customers to come to the shop. For example, he arranged for the first plane that (8)... had flown... {fty) over the English Channel to be transported to London and displayed inthe store. Recently, Selfridges ()has unclergone (undergo) major renovations and opened branches in other English cites, thus ensuring that people (10). will continue. (continue) to enjoy this special store For 2 longtime to come UNIT 3 | Shopping 5 Complete the sentences using the causative (have / get something done) form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Tomorrow 1 “BCI DRVtI 1 my picture seh ata She hasn't hal "Sher eyes... examined Last week, Sue. bad/ Bote hair We... have/ get... urhouse cleaned You should have/ get. the invitations taken. (not examine) in over two years coloured. (take) for my new passport. (colour) at the hairdresser's, (deal every week because we're too busy ta doit ourselves. printes (orint) soon. 6 Write a sentence about each situation. Use the causative and the words in brackets. ‘Make any necessary changes. This key doesn't work. (let's / make /.) Let's get / have a new key madi Their windows were dirty. clean f.) They got / had their windows cleaned, His camera is broken. (should / fix J.) He should get / have his camera fixed, They didn't go out for Chinese food. (deliver |). They: had / got Chinese food delivered, ove your haie! (where / cut | 2) Where did you have// get it cut? 7 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 8 Correct the errors. 1. Now, unwanted gts are been sold on ey. Now, unwanted gifts are being sold on eBay. 2. This ft was given my bofiend for is birthday This gift was given to my boyfriend for hi 2. Ba RStmas, thousands of gts did be wanted by theredlints Last Christmas, thousands of gifts weren't 4. Yor Bens hve 35 bee tld te eth a8 soon as possible. Your parents have to be told the truth as soon 5. SREY bedom ast meek while we were obra Thad / got my bedroom painted last week While Bo Wetedistoal” L 2 3 4 The teacher will tell me my exam mark tomorrow. (oe). will be told my exam mark tomorrow. Richard Curtis directed that film, (by) That film was directed by Richard Curtis. Someone repaired my mobile phone last week. (got) I got my mobile phon ‘Someone must take this rubbish bag outside. (be} This rubbish bag must be taken outside. The dentists going to clean Mike's teeth next week. (have) MIB. is going to have / shaving his teeth eleaned The director hired an unknown actor for the part. (was) An unknown actor was hired for the part (by. the director), ‘The sales assistant is helping another customer at the moment. (helped) Anotlier By noon, the boxoffice had sald all the tickets. (been) By noon, all he'tckels repaired last week. angen 9 Translate the sentences into your own language. Second-hand items are easily sold on the Internet [Los antfculos de sesunda mano se venden nie) 5 a esl Brands Bai be found on eBay aay tambien se pee enconrarnaas fe Hse BO, Iidhd Bots ns aver een ona 35 oy pissin Bde Arona ants nuge ehangonceido arse ance uae Ben cing |was ered eu Después de quejarme, me ofrecieron un iow i iH mney rend bese ste ns vntepy wt te pdt mame devolvieron el dinero porque estaba descontenta con el product 25 Ey Vocabulary ‘After Student's Book, page 37 Replace the words in bold with a suitable phrasal verb below. Make any necessary changes. take back * pay for ® try on # pick up check out # pick out 1. liked these boots when | put them on in the shop, tried..... om 2. We chose 9 DVD at the rental shop. picked out 3. Cindy is going to collect ner new glasses pick up 4. Take a look at these great T-shirts! Cheek out 5. John purchased the tickets with cash. paicl for 6. Steve didn't lke the belt so he returned it tothe shop. took it back Circle the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the word or phrase in italics. 1. Ina recent survey, consumers were asked about their uying/ selling habits. ~ A special offers available for a short time} all the time 41 Her boss was angry because she had spent nore than less than the budget alone 44 Jeremy’ fats brand-new. Nobody / Many people lived i it oefore him, 5. These purchases are free /(¢ ost a lot of money. Choose the sentence that is closer the original sentence. meaning to Unfortunately this diamond's an imitation I's genuine (B)it looks real, but it's fake 2. Jason has got into debt @He's been spending too much, bh He's been careful not to spend too much 3. Thats 2 rip-off 3. Its sucha low price! You should buy it (Dit too expensive! ‘4. I'm not going to shop around for jeans. a. I'm not going to buy any. (B)1"m oniy going to go to one shop. 5. can't afford these jeans. I can only buy cheaper jeans bs lve got a large budget Pao Answer: ihe quest ns so they are true for you. Pia ec aeane 1 P'vihat hawe you bought this year thot was 2 bargain? 4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words or phrases below. bargains * picked out ® brand-new * taken back check out * budget © consumers # special offer purchases * second-hand * paid for SHOPPING IN DARLEY ‘Shoppers will find plenty of choice in Darey. Those with a large (1) budget. should look at the trendy boutiques and the brand-name merchandise in Ashley Prace. (2). Comsuumers with less money to spend should (3)... check Out the (4)_-bargains and items on (5) special offer in the smal shaps in Darley Road. There is also the famous flea-market! There, (6) second-hand. clothes in good condition can be Found, slong with 8 wide selection of (7). Drand-neW leather goods. At the market, everything must be (8) paid for in cash In addition, make sure you have (9) picked out.” exactly what you want, since (10). purchases. cannot be (11)..taken back ‘grammatically correct answ. How many purchases do you make in a month? What item would you like to buy that you can't afford? Do you prefer shopping in boutiques or chain stores? Why? Do you prefer to buy things brand-new or second-hand? Why? UNIT 3 | Shopping Writing 4 summary After Student's Book, page 39 Replace the words in bold with words from the list below. apparently * consequently * although ® obviously 4. There is no doubt that you will pay less fr this if you 3. The sales assistants in that shop were rude. As a result, wait For the sale. ‘many ofthe shop's customers began to shop elsewhere. Obviously Consequently. 2. Inspite of the fact that the shoes were slightly too 4. Itseems that the prices are much higher than they were large, she decides to buy them. last year Although ‘Apparently A Bridge to Writing Read the text below. Then, in your notebook, write a summary. Write 60-80 words. AN ALTERNATIVE TO BUYING 1. Have you ever given a friend a CD to keep in exchange for one of his or hers? Or offered to do one of your sister's chores and then she lets you borrow a sweater? You prabably have ~ which means you have engaged in barter. To barter means to exchange, or trade, goods or services instead of purchasing ther. It’s thought to be the oldest economic system, as this was how people obtained everything necessary to live before money was used. 2 Bartering within a family or a close circle of friends is mast often an informal arrangement. But barter is conducted between strangers as well and usually involves more formal organisation. A popular type of bartering Is a home exchange. This involves travellers from two different places living in each other's homes for the same period of time, 3. Another type of barter between strangers is the exchange of diferent goods and services - and these are naw often conducted via websites such as Barter Planet or Craigslist. On these sites, people list what they want to trade, or what they'd like to receive. For instance, recently on Craigslist, a free flat was offered in exchange for receipt of full-time secretarial or cleaning help, On Barter Planet, the emphasis is on trading goods - and many of these sites also point out that trading things is good for the enviranment because it's a form of recycling, Sait seems that bartering can save not only money, but also contribute to saving the planet! ene ea Useful Expressions. ‘step 1 Read the text carefully and identify the main i although Eoin L. eee ae + consequently apparently step 2 Paraphrase sentences when passibe ete step 3 Use connectors to shorten sentences or combine sentences to be more concise step 4 Check your work for mistakes Aci ly correct answers, pt all logical and grammat a 20 Extra Reading 1 Scan the text and find the name of a company. — Impulse Shopping via Text Message You are looking through your favourite magazine. You come across an advertisement for at bag that really appeals 60 you. You tear out the advertisement and put But younever actually get round to it. At be in your pocket, intending ter buy the hag at the earliest opportunity. the magazine advertisement ends up ina pile of similar alvertisements that you never look at again and, eventually, it finds ts way to the rubbish bin. have to do is simply send the text code printed next to the then takes the order, charges the customer's creditcard and ships out the product straight away Executives at ShopText believe that shopping on the Internet, or e-commerce as it has become known, is limited since it requires an Internet connection. They claim that mobile phone shopping, or m-commerce, isthe future of shopping. ‘Text messaging is not the only way to use mobile phones for purchasing, and other companies are busy investigating different technologies that will enable people ta shop using their mobile phones. But text messaging is already popular, particularly among young people, and as a result, ShopText hopes to take advantage ofthe evolving m-commerce market. Although itis still unclear which markets will turn out to be the most suited to this new form commerce could become a viable shopping ince people are rarely without their mobile phones, consumers may soon find themselves making numerous purchases simply by moving theit quite a worry for the impulse shoppers among us! of shopping, there seems to be no doubt that n alternative in the not too distant futu thumb allhisisabout tochange. Thanks toa new system developed| by company called ShopText, shoppet are now able to onder proxlucts on the spot without having to go to a store or visit a website. All th item in the ad asa text message. ShopText 2 Read the text and choose the best answer. 1. Today, magazine advertisements 2. are not attractive to consumers 1. do not make readers want to buy the product © are often not succesful at selling products 2. ShopText (@ accepts orders with a text code te is investigating different ways to use mobile phones . Sends text messages to shoppers 3. Using m-commerce (B) requires a mobile phone is more papular than e-commerce €. is wery popular amongst teenagers 3. Write three words from the text that have got the same consonant sound as: bbish. ShopText, shoppers. ships, stow Jy spbbish, 4 Answer the questions. 1 ys the ptendeeapd by Steely to feng me sae aed 6 St Rrople are rarely without their motile phones. Ladd OE AARTHE A I eee fomcme? Its 89 easy to purchase things that 10. purchs things -ople may. spend more money than they intend t 5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same a 1. immediately (paragraph 2}00 the spot straight away 2. just paragraph 2) simply 3. especially (paragraph 4) particularly 4, developing (paragraph 4} evolving 5. workable (paragraph 5) viable UNIT 3 | Shopping © Extra Listening — famous shops You are going to hear a radio interview about some famous shops. Listen and choose the correct answer. William Fortnum and Hugh Mason ... “aL both worked in Buckingham Palace (b.) began their business by selling used candles ©. Sold candles to Buckingham Palace 2. In the mid-1700s, Fortnum’s . @) began importing Indian spices and tea 6. sold ready-to-eat meals 6. created the frst "Yos foods 3. Fortnum's food hampers 2) are often given a5 Christmas presents “pare baskets forharses at ascot © are sald at elite events 4. Fortnum’s a. is exclusively a food shop (b)is particularly known forts fod hall ©: is noted fora huge selection of goods other than food 5. The clock has got branze figures that. (@) come out every hour by emerge every quarter of an hour © don't move 6. Giles included Macy's in the book because it 2. Is partiulaiy unusual 8: is the most famous American department store (introduced many things that are typical in department store today 7. Which of the following was Macy's NOT the fist store to use? a. dramatic window espays Abi lifts: 6. escalators 8. What was the reason forthe fist annual Macy's parade? a. so immigrant employes could celebrate Thanksgiving Oay ©, to celebrate the end of Worlé War I (©) 50 immigrant workers could celebrate being Americans Check Your Progress Vocabulary 1. Mark the sentences T (true) oF (false). Then correct, the false sentences. F.1, Ifyou get discount, you pay more than the normal pre. F 2. Consumers ae the people who sel things. F.3. Arip-offis something that you paid a reasonable price for. People try on clothes to see how much they cot. F 5. Something that is brand-new has been used ‘T 6. you get into debt, you have spent too much money 7. An imitation looks real, but it isn't. FB. if you shop around, you look in only one shop. 1. You pay. less than the normal price, 2. Consumers are the people who buy things. 3. A rip-off is something that you pay. an unreasonable price for. 4, People try on clothes to see how they look. 5. Somethi 8! If you shop around, you look in mat that is brand-new has never been used shops. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of words and expressions below. Make any other necessary changes. pay for * brand-name * purchase * pick it up ® budget bargain # special offer # take it back 1. People often pay a lot of money forbrad-niame. clothes. 2. Our jeans are on special offertoday, Don't wait til tomorrow to buy! 3. The book you ordered has arrived at the shop. Pick it Up. whenever you like. 4. We'd love to buy a fla, but it's beyond our 5. Patrica offered to budget Day for the meal atthe restaurant. 6. I lke to return this shit, Do you think | can take IU back to the shop? 7. Did you really pay only €2 for that CO? What a ay bargain 8. Think carefully before you decide to make a purchase 3 Mark the following sentences A (a Grammar e) or P (passive). Then rewrite the active sentences passive, and the passive sentences in the active. ‘A. 1, They have already sent a letter to Bevery. Beverly My already been sent a letter. / A pa tne Sistine Chel vas paiiedoy Mighcndela, Michelangelo painted the Sistene Chapel. A. 3, They are building some new houses near our school. Seine new houses are being built near our P. 4, thE Bedtem has been solved by a group of experts. A group of experts.has.solved.the. problem. A. 5. Were they telling me the truth? Was the ruth being told? / Was I being told the truth the 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the causative, 1. Imade a few phone calls while my sister ‘was having./ gettingher hair done... (do). 2 1bad/ got. my car washed {wash} last week, and now it’ dirty again 3. Weve decided that wee? £01NS 10 Hae Jour new house... designed (desighf by an architect. 4. Carl has/gets.hishouse painted (paint) atleast once every five years Writing 5 Replace the expressions in bold with the words below. obviously © although e finally ® apparently * consequently 1. They decided to give big discounts at the shopping centre this weekend. AS a result of this decision, the place is erondes. Consequently 2. Itis very clear that these shoes are a rip-off Obviously 3. Inspite of the fact that they were the wrong colour, | decided to buy the boots Although. 4. After thinking about it for along time, | decided not to waste my money on make up. Finally 5, Many people have the impression that the shop is very successful Apparently UNIT A| Relationships Vocabulary ‘After Student's Book, page 43 1 Complete the sentences with the words below, confused satisfied # grateful ® annoyed ® jealous # loyalty terrified # relieved i'm so. 2ralefll for your help in maths. | got a veey high mark in my exam! Jane found the £50 she thought she had lost. She's. relieved 1 ‘Ann's boyfriend was i@al0US because she danced with Mark Sandy didn't answer my e-mails or my messages. I'm nn0Yed_ with her Bob regretted going onthe rollercoaster. He was _TETTiIEd the entire time. John is. ConfUSeC by Sara's behaviour. Sometimes she seems to like him, and sometimes she ignores him, 7. I'm... Satisfied. with the mark | got in my last test, | got 90. 8 There is no doubt about her loyalty to him. She always supports him. 2. Match the sentences in A with the correct sentences in B. A B ‘Amanda is nice, but it's hard to find things to talk about. | haven't got much patience. | want to be with her all the time. | don't always like her sense of humour. Mary sometimes tells jokes that | don’t understand. I'm amazed at her generosity One of my friends is younger than me. It doesn’t bother me that we're not the same age. \'m glad that Cindy told me the truth We don’t share any common interests. | get angry when | don't understand something immediately. | have complete trust in her. ‘My aunt is paying for my trip to New York Honesty is very important to me. ‘My older sister always gives me good advice. We've got similar backgrounds. | think i'm in love with her. Our families came from the same town in Europe: ‘After Student's Book, page 45 Words from the Text Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. carriage © turn their backs on © forbidden * hardly * experience © break away from lifestyle 1. 1 hardly. _ ever play football these days. I'm too busy doing other things. 2. | want to go and workin Africa and experience. Iie in adferent eounty 3. Smoking is FOrDideM jn restaurants in the UK 4 Rem has goto very heathy TESTYTE He works aut tre times a week and eas lot oF frit and vegetables. 5 ‘ 7. Unt the beginning ofthe 20h century, people traveled by horse and -catiage Unfortunately many people [UL UNE the poor and do noting to hel Feank want to break away’ the group ana start working on his own 31 Grammar __conditionals and Wish Clauses ‘After Student's Book, page 47 Choose the sentence that is closer 1. If Lweren' ied, | would goto the party. @ Im tired,so.'m not going tothe party. rm tired, but Fm stil going to the party 2. ASSooM a5 | save enough money, ll buy a motorbike _a._ I've got enough money to buy a motorbite. (©) | haven't gat enough money to buy 2 motorbike. 3. IF had had breakfast, | wouldn't have been hungry by 1000. @ | was very unary at 10.00 | wasn't hungry at 10.00. 4. Providing that the tickets aren't too expensive | might want t0 goto the concert, (@) | won't go to the concert unless the tickets are cheap. Even ifthe tickets are expensive I'l still go ta the concert Choose the correct answer. 1. | Would apologise to Thai. you wouldbe @ were. would if they ad played tance instead of 0s music? Would you dance b. Willyou dance ) Would you have dance 2. Mora can join us he. er work on time © ‘rises il fish © Nuldtish 4 ifthe fm hat ben ovale. more a. would enjoy b. had enjoyed (©) would have enjoyed 5. Thsspaghet sauce wil ate better ifyou more sh a. will add @ add © added 6. Ife doit hurry, we .. the taint - miss ta would miss ©) will miss If Thad known about the problem, | Could ave helped 6 coud help © canhelp If knew Tom better, | him. () wouldn't be © won't be s0 nervous about phoning 'b wouldn't have been ‘meaning to the original sentence. 5. When Jack arrives, we'll decide what todo tonight 3. Jack will decide what to do, (B)We can't decide what to do unt Jack arrives. 6. You can use the car today as long as you il it with petrol, The cari ul soit doesn’t nee any petro nless you fil the car with petrol, yu can't boraw it 7. Take an umbrella with you incase it ans. It already raining, so you need an umbrelia, (B)IFit rains later, you will need an umbelia. 8. IF we had arrived at the airport earlier, the queue would have been shorter. @If we had come ear, the queue wouldn't have been sa long be Queues a the airport are always short early inthe morning, Complete the sentences without changing the ‘meaning of the original sentence. Cathy didn't take the exam because she was IF Cathy hadn't been il, she would have taken the exam. Because he runs everyday, John i extremely fit InJoha didn't Tun every day. he wouldn't be so fit 3. Lwant this computer game, but | haven't got enough money to buy Ie IF had more money, | would buy. this, computer game 4. Oh dear, its so late. We can't goto the film now. If it weren't so late, we. could / would, the film. 5. Well be cold unless we wear jackets itwe don't Wear jackets, we'll be cold 4 Choose the correct answe 1. You would have loved the concert last night. | wish yous! a. would be there (B) could have been there 2. Susie hates her room. She wishes it a. is bigger (&) were bigger 3. Lastnight, the neighbours! music was so loud! couldn't study | wish | had asted them to tum it down 1. would ask them to turn it down 1'm afraid ofthat dog, | wish its owner @)would keep it on a lead By had kept i ona lead 5. She's sory that she's going to miss the party. She wishes she (were going tit —& cango toit 6. mo upset that | argued with Jason F only |. would take back my angry words ()eould take back my angry words 5 Write suitable sentences for each situation. Use the correct wish clause and the words in brackets. 1. didnt give you permission to wear my sweater! (ask before take my things) Twish you would ask before you take my th 2. hate my hair this short! (longer) Twish it were longer 3. My parents insist that be home by 1.00. (can stay out all night) Lwish I could stay out all night We shouldn't have gone to that Chinese restaurant t wos tere! (go ote alin restaurant) Twish we'd gone to the Italian restaurant, 5. All my friends have got dates tonight. (have date) Twish Thad a date. UNIT 4 | Relationships 6 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Naney:_ | need some advice. Trevor hasn't rung me for three days. | wish | knew (know) what to do! Jane: FL... Were (be you, would call — (call) him, 2. Mum: ifyou_.don't.tidy. (not tidy) your room today, you can't go out this evening! Mike: That's so unfair! | wish you dlidn’ (not care) so much about tidiness! 2. Ellen: | wasn'ta schol the day the exam date was announced. somebody Ha told itl me. t woutd have susie frit Joe: Imsompift had remembered {remember) you were absent that day, | would have told. (tell you about it 7 Correct the errors. 1. Pete will buy 2 motorbike as soon ashe will save enough money. Pete will buy a motorbike as soon as he saves enough money. 2. ‘Amish youth won't become full members oftheir community unless they rejected the modern world Amish youth won't become full members of thei Community uniess they reject the modern wor 3. Would Maggie came with me fl asked her? Would Maggie come with me if | asked her? 44. Marge wouldrt has broken up with me if had told hee the truth Mioyee Wotldn’th oid her the tt 5, only the party wast canceled lastnight. Ifonly the party hadn't been cancelled last night. neil we broken up with ¥e p 8 Translate the sentences into your own languag: 1. Sophie won't go to university unless she takes her tudes mare seinysy ‘ophie no ita'a fa Yinjversidad a no ser que se {othe sus estudios mas sertamente. 2. What would your parents do if you left school? (,Qué harfan tus padres si dejaras el instituto? Some Amish youth will break aay from thelr ‘community as soon as they are not obliged to follow ifgrulesAlgunos jovenes Amish se separarin id tan pronto como no se les obligue a seguir sus Teelas 4. The Amis lifestyle wouldn't have remained the same if they hadn't isolated themselves from the rest of the world. El estilo de vicla de los Amish no se habria nag igual si eljgs no se pbiera aislado asi mismos del resto dek mundo, 5. wish my parents would let me wear the clothes | like. Ojala mis padres me dejaran ponerme la ropa que me gusta, Vocabulary ‘After Student's Book, page 48 Circle the correct answer. 1. I'm really sory about the plate | didn't mean to break buy it 2. don’t get along with my sister. We don’t argue /argué a lot. 3. [felt sorry for Tom because he apologised broke his leg.) 4m happy that Sue keeps in touch. She oftenalls/ kisses me. 5. John's siblings are hisi uncles. & enjoy seeing the family/friends when we have Sunday lunch with relatives. 7. She's very nie) shy and has always made frends easy. 8 I'm very pleased with my new MPS. i's Fantastic terrible 8. Heis-afraid of sakes. Hethates / loves them. 10. They're an interesting couple | ike‘both al of them, "You shoul should complain, You shoul be gat fr the things youve got. 12. Weare proud of you. You passed) failed all your exams. Choose the correct answer. 1. My father often loses his patience when he drives. 4. didn't Feel comfortable with Stephen a: He is always very calm. 2, We sat on very uncamfortabe chairs (0) He gets angry very quickly. ‘bolt wasn't easy for me to talk to him. 2. Inthe flm Notting Hil, a man and a famous actress 5. She has no sense of humour fallin love a, She never thinks 'm being serious. @ They are romantically attracted to one ancthee. (She never understands my jokes. “They want to be Friends 6. ‘Allan makes friends easily 3. I's not easy to get to know Fiona. @ Everyone lites tim, (2) She is very shy and doesn't talk much °B. Allan knows al my friends She doesn't know many people. ns below. Complete the blog with the correct form of the words and expres: get on my nerves * date * get in touch * get to know fond of ® couple * break up feel comfortable with # treat ® afraid of proud of LINDA'S BLOG. + ‘As everyone who reads this blog knows, | have wanted to go out on a(1) date: with lan for along time. Well, we've gone out alot recently, Now that ve (2) 201.10 know hima bit better, 'm not sure how | feel about him. He's always late, which really (8) 2°18,08.1 Also, on our second date, we went out fr dinner with ancthor (4) GOUPIE nat he know. Athough thy were friendly, I dian (6) lee! eomforable them, and lan didnt pay much attention to me. However, when I told him later that he hadnt (6) treated. me very nicely he apologised and said he was very (7) fond. of... me. Since then, we've had some good conversations ~ and he's even Confded in me that he's (8). afraid Of not being accepted to university - because he wants his parents to be (@) proud of him. Should | (10). break up. with him or Continue to see him? If anyone has got any good advice, please (11) £et in touchy UNIT 4 | Relationships Writing a For and Against Essay After Student's Book, page 51 1 Circle the TWO correct answers in each sentence. 1. Even though | Although Despite | love John, 'm not ready to get married yet 2. Shelly goes to university and works(n addition / As well as (Furthermore, she does voluntary work a a hospital 3. Dary! liked the joke, in spite of while whereas! didn't think it was funny. ‘4. | wish | didn't have to wake up so early tomorrow however)/ moreover [[but our fight leaves at 8.00. 5. Anna isa talented guitarist.What's more jAlso)/ Nevertheless, she's an excelient student. 2 Complete the essay with the words below. furthermore # despite # on the other hand e it is important to ® in my opinion TEENS AND MONEY In the United State, where many teenagers have got after-school jobs, te issue of pocket money is often debated. Some parents think that working teenagers should pay for their own clothes and entertainment, while others believe that pocket money should still be provided (1) le'spile the fact that their children are werking. (nthe one hand, working teenagers who pay for their own expenses lear the importance of living within a budget (@)Furthermore, they also have the satisfaction that comes from saving for special purchases. (3). 0.1NE most omer working tenagers hav Tow-pvig jobs and) its remember hat tey eam to ite to Sy Yr dl ar ces and entertainment. important to (5). params af wong teenagers shold ay fr neces such 8 Shes, but at rove packet money for things Such as fast-food meals or CDs. | believe that ths solution would stl allow teenagers to learn how to spend thelr money wisely. A Bridge to Writing In your notebook, write a for and against essay discussing whether teenagers should work at after-school jobs. Write 100-150 words. Getting Organised Useful Expressions eee eee The aston = Lu step 2 Present your argument for and against theistic (On the one han, To sum up, in two clear paragraphs (nthe other hand, In short, step 3. Use connectors to show the connection between crate (ecice ee L ‘your ideas. : : i ; step 4 Include your pinion inthe closing paragraph. cn eens Le step § Check your work for mistakes Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. Extra Reading 1 Find the following words in the text and say what they refer to. 1. They Cline 1) Parents 3. Itline 13) recent study Ni 2 their(line 10) colleges” 4 theylline 18) children Helicopter Parents ——— ‘They constantly send text messages to their kids and are quite comfortable picking up the phone and steaming college profesor bat a mark. ‘These are today’s “helicopter” parents, so-called because of their tendency to hover over their children and swoop in at the slightest crisis. In recent years, society has become increasingly competitive and this has resulted in parents wishing to protect their children more than ever. In aukltion, mobile phones have facilitated parental involvement, making it much easier for parents and children to be in constant contact. University and colleges are artempring to deal with this new style of parenting. Some colleges are even including | parent seminars in their orientation programmes for new students. These programmes attempt to help parents to sepatate from thei ofspring while remaining an integal part of theit lives, Although detractors of “helicopter” parenting fel that these parents are doing their children a disservice, data from a recent stu suguests that parental involvement isa positive thing. Ie showed thar students whose parents were often in contact with them and frequently intervened on their behalf were more satisfied with their college experience, These students were also mor likely to do independent research and hold extra discussions with professors. The study suggests that involved parents are aetually helping their chikren to fulfil their potential. However, itis important for parents to remember that there isa fine line beeween appropriate involvement and ‘overinvolvement. Ifehildren are to develop into productive members of adult society, they must be allowed to take responsibility for themselves, even if that means making a few mistakes along the way! 2. Now read the text and choose the best answer. 4. Answer the questions according to the text. 1. Universities and colleges... 1. What are “helicopter parents? a. weleome helicopter parenting They are parents who hover over their B. don’t want parents tobe involved in their chilaren's children and are involved in their college education cdueation © are attempting to encourage appropiate 2 "Woy ts re eer a ease we mint involvement by parents Rate heehee : aed exuit tnd soopane the a huts Society has become more competitive, so parents a pails shoud ot ve Iecked tn tel cilre’s ‘want to protect their children more, and mobile phones fives once they eave home have made it easier to be in constant contact. (® parental iovavement can bebeneical to studen's 5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean €. children of involved parents do not succeed atcalege Find words 0 | 1. Intervene (paragraph 1) swoop in 3 Wits tin ore nasi near Eee DEE 2. more and more (paragraph 2) _increasingly one 3. important, essential (paragraph 3) integral sack /v/ 44 suitable (paragraph 5), appropriate constantly, helicopter, of, hover, competitive, 5. useful, ereative (paragraph §) productive constant, contact, colleges, offspring, positive, often, on, involvement, along UNIT 4 | Relationships © Extra Listening — Giving advice You are going to hear an agony aunt being interviewed about the advice she gives. Listen and choose the correct answer. ‘Agony aunt Amanda Grant isa 2, tained counselor b, psyetotogist, © journaist 2. Which of the following is true about agony aunts? a, They give therapy, (B) Mey are good at research ©. They have had professional taining, 3. Which is NOT true about Amanda's radio programme? @ She speaks to every person who cali “More peop call n than she con talk to on te rao, € It.aims to have a variety of questions 4. What IS true about Amanda's radio programme? «2. The producer speaks to every caller on-ait by tis meant tobe informative, ot entertaining. (© The producer selects the callers who wil speak to Amanda 5. An unsuitable caller to Amanda's programme who is NOT mentioned is someone who cries all the time B. speaks very softly «calls asa joke 6. When Amanda refers a caller to a specific organisation, 8. she provides the phone number on the air by she provides the phone number after the programme © the producer provides the phone number, and it appears on the station's website 7. Letters for Amanda's magazine column 3) are published under false names ‘are selected according to the age of the letter writer © are generally on one topic & Amanda .. 2. angers onl the eters that are published GD parsnaiyovawers every lier she recees docs del with seus problems Check Your Progress Vocabulary Complete the dialogues with the words below. couple © treat © miserable © get to know get along * annoyed # date fll in ove with 1s Dads when you desde to mary Mum? Wel | FEI OVE er the fst time we met! 2. Do you and your brother argue a lot? No. Infact. £et along. with him very wel 2. Where are you going tonight? Yim going ona date witha gi met at night 4. Why does Fiona want to breakup with Andrew? ‘She says that he doesn't ..‘F€al_ her well. 5. Why does Greg look so upset? He's miserable because his girlfriend broke up with him. 6. Hasn't Ronny returned your maths book yet? No,and I'm getting annoyed. 1 7. Are you going out tonight? Yes, Carol and | are going out with another ‘couple 8. Jane doesn't seem very nice. | think you'l change your mind when you get to know her better, The sentences below do not make sense. Make ‘them logical by replacing the words or phrases in bold with the words or phrases below. break up * relieved # fond of pleased for has a sense of humour ® siblings 1. Im very eatous of Sandy, She's my bestfriend rondo 2. Allthe students felt terrified when the teacher cancelled the exam. relieved 3. Ivegot three spouses ~ twa brothers and a sister, siblings 4. Im planning to make friends with my boyfriend. I never want to see him again! ‘break up) 5. My friend has just gota great job | feel very sorry for he pleased for 6. Ronald always makes me laugh, He really gets on my ‘ius a sense of humour Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, 1. did no his phone number had known [Would Teaver stleGt cy pen. 2 2. vegota lat of work to do. I wish someone would help... (help) me. 3. Ifyou ate more vegetables, you. would feel. (fel better 4 you invite tite Jenny to he party ste 5. ['m bored. | wish | had. (have) something todo. 4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verb in brackets. A TEENAGER’S BLOG ‘My parents and | argue all the time. wish that we a got. et) along better! Sometimes leave the house without saying goodbye, because | know that if (2). tell (cell) them rm going out, they'l ask me all sors of questions. Yesterday, they didn't Want me to go to a party, and I got really upset. L wish TO hat ted Gea more eam I they hed Histned to me, 1 (4) mightypot have (might not lose) contol! | was aftaid that they Would punish me if L (went (go), but that didn't stop me ~1 went anyway. I didn't even have a good time, and I wish 16). hadn“t gone (wot go). know that my mu and dad only want the best For me. If they (7) didn’t care (not eare) about me, then they ‘Wouldn't worry so much, But I really think If they (8) gave give) me more freedom, we would get along much better. Writing 5 Choose the correct connector. 1. Fist we did warm-up exercises. , we learned some new dance steps a. Inthe beginning () Not «Before 2. Haris and Betsy ae in love... they are planing to get marred (@) Furthermore b Aswellas —c. Nevertheless 3. berrow clothes from my sister. she doesn't like it. inspite of despite) although 44, 'm old enough to live on my own... .| earn enough money. @ Inaddition John is quite clever a. What's more b. However ¢. Although «he doesn't get very high marks. (h) Nevertheless c. Moreover UNITS | Tourism Vocabulary ‘After Student's Book, page 57 1. Write the words according to the clues. 1. faror separate from other places:iS Late d 2 fullofpeople:er awd e d 3. notinteresting: boring 4 full of activity, or outgoing: |i v ely enjoyable or amusing: Fu not tense or stressful: r awesome:im press ive unsafe'dan ge Lous 2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. guided tour # safari # look for adventure © cruise « historical 1. The. cruise. includes visits to 10 different islands in the Caribbean on a luxury ship. 2 Wewenton a guided tour. of Rome last summer. | enjayed seeing... historical places where famous events occured, 3 They go to the same place every summer. | suppose they have no desire to lock for adventure 4. My father ad always dreamt of going to Africa, so for his SOth birthday, my mother took him on a..._safari 3 Match the sentences in A with the sentences in B. A 8 1. The music is very loud near the pool. 6. a Let's go and meet the locas. 2. He wants to do something in his gap year to kb It'sworth seeing them because oftheir importance. Contribute to others. 5c He should go on a camping trip. 3. He wants to take it easy this summer 2. d He can do volunteer work in an underdeveloped place. 4. Weare going to see many historical places. 3. & He should go on a relaxing holiday 5. He wants to get back to nature. Lf. It’s too noisy for me. 6. I don't want to stay with the other tourist. ‘After Student's Book, page 59 Words from the Text Complete the sentences with the words below. reminder * occurred # sites © thrill # justify * events, Itwas-sucha thrill to goin the ha-sr balloon, Please send me a.feminder. $0 don't forget about the meeting. Some terble things have occurred... this year There are several famous sles. in the city that| want to vst The festival will be marked by some wonderful. events Uhope you can... justify. youractions atthe meeting

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