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BB Expense Report

Date 14/3/2023
Exp. Rept. # ER220124947
Employee GESB100269 Nur Faliana Lias
From 13/3/2023
To 14/3/2023
Currency MYR

Category 13/3 14/3 Total

Reimbursable Expenses
SGP - Employee Advances RM179.50 RM143.30 RM322.80
Total RM179.50 RM143.30 RM322.80
Total in Base Currency RM179.50 RM143.30 RM322.80
Total Non-reimbursable
Total Paid by Corporate Credit Card
Total Due RM179.50 RM143.30 RM322.80
Due RM322.80

I hereby acknowledge that the expenditures listed above were made for valid company purposes.

Employee Signature & Date:

Approver Signature & Date: Darlyn 14/3/2023

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