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Eagle Cohort

Sprint 1 - Practice Week

21st December Session:
22nd December Session:
23rd December Session:

In this week all leetcode problems are to be solved using the brute force technique.

Day 1 Theory:
Monday, 26
December 2022 How to build strong programming logic

Complexity Analysis
3. More resources here.

Arrays & Strings:


LeetCode Problems:
1. 2325 Decode the Message
2. 804 Unique Morse Code Words

Non-tech Material:
● How to Make Best Use of the Most Important Tool in a Software
Developer’s Toolkit: Your Brain

Video Link of the session:

MentorSession with Ali:

Day 2 Theory:
Tuesday, 27
December 2022 HashMaps

LeetCode Problems:
1. 2037 Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone
2. 1051 Height Checker
3. 125 Valid Palindrome

Non-tech Material:
● How to Make Best Use of the Most Important Tool in a Software
Developer’s Toolkit: Your Brain

Video Link of the session:

MentorSession with Ali:

Day 3 LeetCode Problems:

Wednesday,28 1. 1217 Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position
December 2022 2. 20 Valid Parentheses
3. 242 Valid Anagram

Non-tech Material:
● How to Make Best Use of the Most Important Tool in a Software
Developer’s Toolkit: Your Brain

Video Link of the session:

MentorSession with Zainab:

Day 4 LeetCode Problems:

Thursday, 29 1. 575 Distribute Candies
December 2022 2. 1290 Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer
3. 409 Longest Palindrome

Non-tech Material:
Dr Ali Khayam’s talk “8 lessons from a curious career”:

Video Link of the session

MentorSession with Zainab:

Day 5 LeetCode Problems:

Friday, 30 1. 1598 Crawler Log Folder
December 2022 2. 119 Pascal's Triangle II
3. 217 Contains Duplicate

<Demo> Challenge Problem(submission deadline: Saturday, 31st

Dec 2022, 11:59 PM):
● 414 Third Maximum Num
Non-tech Material:
1. Deliberate Practice: What It Is and How to Use It
2. How to Use Deliberate Practice to Learn Programming More

Video Link of the session:

Sprint 2 - Coding Patterns

Day 1 Pattern 1: Sliding Window
Monday, 2
January 2023 Instructor’s Lecture:
1. Lecture - Part 1
2. Lecture - Part 2

1. (breaking down a problem to
see the pattern within)
2. Sliding Window Technique - Algorithmic Mental Models
3. Sliding Window Algorithm Technique | by Gul Ershad | ITNEXT

LeetCode Problems:
1. 1827. Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters
2. 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

Non-tech Material:
Learning how to learn

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session with Ali:

Day 2 Instructor’s Lecture:

Tuesday, 3 1. Algorithm Analysis - Part 1
January 2023 2. Algorithm Analysis - Part 2


LeetCode Problems:
1. 2379. Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks
2. 904. Fruit Into Baskets

Extra LeetCode Problems (optional)

1. 438. Find All Anagrams in a String
2. 567. Permutation in String
Non-tech Material:
Are you a giver or a taker? | Adam Grant

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali:

Day 3 Pattern 2: 2-Pointer

Wednesday, 4
January 2023 Instructor’s Lecture:
1. Two Pointer Pattern

1. Time-complexity analysis of loop in programming
2. Two pointer technique
3. How sliding window approach is different from two pointers

LeetCode Problems:
1. 905. Sort Array By Parity
2. 876. Middle of the Linked List

Non-tech Material:
1. The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
2. The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 4 Theory:
Thursday, 5
January 2023 LeetCode Problems:
1. 1332. Remove Palindromic Subsequences
2. 977. Squares of a Sorted Array

Non-tech Material:
1. Fawad Khaliq Talk

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 5 Theory:
Friday, 6 January
2023 LeetCode Problems:
1. 15. 3Sum
2. 844. Backspace String Compare
<Demo> Challenge Problem (submission deadline: Saturday, 7 Jan
2023, 11:59 PM):
1. 1658. Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero (SW)
2. 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray (2Pointer)

Example Demo video:

<Demo> Submission Link:

Video Link of the session:

Sync Session with ASH:

Sprint 3 - Coding Patterns

Day 1 Pattern 4: Merge Intervals
Monday, Jan 9
2023 Instructor’s Lecture:
1. Merge Intervals

1. Code Visualization

LeetCode Problems:
1. 457. Circular Array Loop
2. 56. Merge Intervals

Non-tech Material:
Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence | Daniel Goleman | Talks at Google

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 2 Theory:
Tuesday, Jan 10
LeetCode Problems:
1. 986. Interval List Intersections

Non-tech Material:
Focus: the Hidden Driver of Excellence | Daniel Goleman | Talks at Google

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:
Day 3 Merge Interval - Demo Problem:
Wednesday, Jan 1. 57. Insert Interval
11 2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline: Wednesday, 11 January 2023, 11:59 PM

Pattern 3: Fast & Slow Pointer

Instructor’s Lecture:
1. Fast and Slow Pointer


LeetCode Problems:
1. 141. Linked List Cycle
2. 876. Middle of the Linked List

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session with Zainab:

Day 4 Theory:
Thursday,Jan 12
2023 LeetCode Problems:
1. 457. Circular Array Loop

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Time Management

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session with Zainab:

Day 5 Theory:
Friday, Jan 13
2023 LeetCode Problems:
1. 202. Happy Number
2. 234. Palindrome Linked List

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Time Management

Video Link of the session:

Sync Session with Ash:

Fast & Slow Pointer - Demo Problem:

1. 142. Linked List Cycle II
➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline: Saturday, 14 January 2023, 11:59 PM
Sprint 4 - Coding Patterns
Day 1 Pattern 5: Cyclic Sort (CS)
Monday, Jan 16
2023 Instructor’s Lecture:
1. CS - Part 1
2. CS - Part 2

Cyclic Sort Programming Pattern

LeetCode Problems:
1. 268. Missing Number
2. 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

Non-tech Material: The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 2
Tuesday, Jan 17 Theory/Resources:
LeetCode Problems:
1. 1539. Kth Missing Positive Number
2. 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

Non-tech Material: The Growth Mindset | Carol Dweck

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 3 Cyclic Sort- Demo Problem:

Wednesday, Jan 1. 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array
18 2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline: Thursday, 19 January 2023, 11:59 AM

Pattern 6: In-place Reversal of a LinkedList (IPR)

Instructor’s Lecture:
1. IPR - Part 1
2. IPR - Part 2


LeetCode Problems:
1. 206. Reverse Linked List
2. 92. Reverse Linked List II

Non-tech Material: Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela

Lee Duckworth

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab: <will be uploaded soon>

Day 4 Announcement: Coderbyte queries were shared with Dr.

Thursday,Jan 19 Ayesha. Please respond to her msg in the announcements
2023 channel.


LeetCode Problems:
1. 61. Rotate List
2. 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group

Non-tech Material: How to work hard

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 5 IPL - Demo Problem:

Friday, Jan 20 1. 61. Rotate List
2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline: Saturday, 21 January 2023, 11:59 AM

Pattern 7: Modified Binary Search & Recursion

Instructor’s Lecture:
1. Binary Search & Recursion

1. Binary search
2. Recursion
3. Tail Recursion

LeetCode Problems:
1. 704. Binary Search (Binary Search)
2. 22. Generate Parentheses (recursion)

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Sync Session with Ash:
Sprint 5 - Coding Patterns
Day 1 Announcement: Please attemp all binary search problems
Monday, Jan 23 using recursion

LeetCode Problems:
1. 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower (BS)
2. 744. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target (MBS)

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 2 Announcement: Please attemp all binary search problems

Tuesday, Jan 24 using recursion
Binary Search - Demo Problem:
1. 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array
➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline: Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 11:59 PM


LeetCode Problems:
1. 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
2. 658. Find K Closest Elements

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 3 <backlog completion>

Wednesday, Jan Theory:
25 2023
LeetCode Problems:

Non-tech Material:
Video Link of the session:
Mentor Session by Zainab:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 4
Thursday,Jan 26 Pattern 8: Tree BFS Pattern
Instructor’s Lecture:
1. TreeBFS - Part1
2. TreeBFS - Part2

1. Trees
2. Difference between binary search and binary search tree?
3. How To Not Be Stumped By Trees
4. Leaf It Up To Binary Trees

LeetCode Problems:
1. 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
2. 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Non-tech Material: Guest Lecture Owais - Emumba

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 5 Theory:
Friday, Jan 27
2023 LeetCode Problems:
1. 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Sync Session with Ash:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for
Day 6 <backlog completion>
Saturday, Jan
28 2023 OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)
Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 7 Tree BFS - Demo Problem:

Sunday, Jan 29 1. 199. Binary Tree Right Side View
2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Sunday, 29 January 2023, 11:59 PM

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Sprint 6 - Coding Patterns

Day 1 Pattern 9: Tree DFS Pattern
Monday, Jan 30
2023 Instructor’s Lecture:
1. DFS Pattern


LeetCode Problems:
1. 112. Path Sum

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

Video Link of the session:

Sync with Ash:
Mentor Session by Ali: <apologies, the session was not recorded :( >

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 2
Tuesday, Jan 31 Theory:
LeetCode Problems:
1. 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

Video Link of the session:
Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 3 Tree DFS - Demo Problem:

Wednesday, 1. 543. Diameter of Binary Tree
Feb 1 2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Thursday, 2 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM


LeetCode Problems:

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 4 Pattern 10: Dynamic Programming

Thursday,Feb 2
1. Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up (Dynamic Programming for Beginners)
2. What is Dynamic Programming?
3. Top 5 Dynamic Programming Patterns for Coding Interviews
4. After solved 1000 leetcode medium level I found these patterns —
Dynamic Programming

LeetCode Problems:
1. 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum
2. 494. Target Sum
3. 474. Ones and Zeroes

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

OKR - Database Knowledge: (1 hour to be watched today)

Database Design Course - Learn how to design and plan a database for

Day 5
Friday, Feb 3 Theory:
LeetCode Problems:
1. 64. Minimum Path Sum
2. 213. House Robber II

Non-tech Material: Randy Pausch - Achieving your childhood dreams

Video Link of the session:

Session by Ash: <no session was conducted>

Day 6
Saturday, Feb 4 Theory:
LeetCode Problems:
1. 935. Knight Dialer
2. 1027. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence

Day 7 DP - Demo Problem:

Sunday, Feb 5 1. 119. Pascal's Triangle II
2023 ➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Sunday, 5 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM

Sprint 7 - Coding Patterns

Day 1 Pattern 11: Top K Elements
Monday, Feb 6
2023 Theory:
1. Top K Frequent Elements

LeetCode Problems:
1. 703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream
2. 1481. Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 2 OKR - Database Knowledge Assessment @ 4pm

Tuesday, Feb 7
2023 Top-K - Demo Problem:
1. 347. Top K Frequent Elements
➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Tuesday,7 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM


LeetCode Problems:
1. 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 3 Dynamic programming - Backlog completion

Feb 8 2023 Theory:
1. Demystifying Dynamic Programming
2. What Is Dynamic Programming and How To Use It
3. Introduction to Dynamic Programming – Data Structures and
Algorithm Tutorials
4. Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems &
Coding Challenges

LeetCode Problems: <backlog completion>

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 4 Dynamic programming - Backlog completion

Thursday,Feb 9
2023 Theory:
1. Demystifying Dynamic Programming
2. Introduction to Dynamic Programming – Data Structures and
Algorithm Tutorials
3. What Is Dynamic Programming and How To Use It
4. Dynamic Programming - Learn to Solve Algorithmic Problems &
Coding Challenges

LeetCode Problems: <backlog completion>

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 5 Pattern 12: Topological Sort (Graph)

Friday, Feb 10
2023 Theory:
1. Topological Sort (medium)
2. Topological Sort - Leetcode 210

LeetCode Problems:
1. 973. K Closest Points to Origin

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Session by Ash:

Day 6
Saturday, Feb TS- Demo Problem:
11 2023 2. 210. Course Schedule II
➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Saturday,11 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM

Day 7 <backlog completion>

Sunday, Feb 12

Sprint 8 - Coding Patterns

Day 1 Pattern 13:Two Heaps
Monday, Feb 13
2023 Theory:
1. Heap (data structure)
2. Coding Pattern - Two Heaps
3. <for python coders>

4. Git: An introduction to Github

LeetCode Problems:
1. 295. Find Median from Data Stream [description] [solution]
2. 480. Sliding Window Median [description] [solution]

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:
OKR - Github Knowledge: Github hands on workshop

Day 2
Tuesday, Feb 2Heap - Demo Problem:
14 2023 3. 502. IPO [description] [solution]
➔ Submission link:
➔ Submission deadline:Wednesday 15 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Ali Saeed:

Day 3 Pattern 14:Subsets

Feb 15 2023 Theory:
1. Permutations
2. Combinations
3. Permutations Vs combinations

LeetCode Problems:
1. 90. Subsets II

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

OKR - Github Knowledge: Top 50 Git Interview Questions and Answers

Day 4 Theory:
16 2023 LeetCode Problems:
2. 784. Letter Case Permutation

Non-tech Material:

Video Link of the session:

Mentor Session by Zainab:

Day 5
Friday, Feb 17 <backlog completion>

Day 6 subsets - Demo Problem:

Saturday, Feb 4. 96. Unique Binary Search Trees
18 2023 3. Submission link:
4. Submission deadline:Saturday,18 Feb 2023, 11:59 PM

Day 7 <backlog completion>

Sunday, Feb 19

Cheat Sheet - Coding Patterns

Sliding This algorithmic technique is used when we need to handle the input
Window data in a specific window size. E.g.
● Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters
● Fruits in a Basket
● Permutation in a String

2-Pointer In this technique, we use two pointers to iterate the input data.
Generally, both pointers move in the opposite direction at a constant
interval. E.g.
● Squaring a Sorted Array
● Dutch National Flag Problem
● Minimum Window Sort

Fast & Slow In this technique, we use two pointers that traverse the input data at a
Pointer different speed. E.g.
● Middle of the LinkedList
● Happy Number
● Cycle in a Circular Array

Merge This technique is used to deal with overlapping intervals. Given two
Intervals intervals (‘a’ and ‘b’), there will be six different ways the two intervals
can relate to each other as discussed in the session. E.g.
● Intervals Intersection
● Conflicting Appointments
● Minimum Meeting Rooms

Cyclic Sort Use this technique to solve array problems where the input data lies
within a fixed range. E.g.
● Find all Missing Numbers
● Find all Duplicate Numbers
● Find the First K Missing Positive Numbers

In-place This technique describes an efficient way to reverse the links between
Reversal of a a set of nodes of a LinkedList. Often, the constraint is that we need to
LinkedList do this in-place, i.e., using the existing node objects and without using
extra memory.

Modified Use this technique to search a sorted set of elements efficiently. E.g.
Binary ● Ceiling of a Number
Search ● Bitonic Array Maximum

Tree Breadth As the name suggests, this technique is used to solve problems
First Search involving traversing trees in a breadth-first search manner. E.g.
● Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
● Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree
● Connect Level Order Sibling

Tree Depth As the name suggests, this technique is used to solve problems
First Search involving traversing trees in depth-first search manner. E.g.
● Path With Given Sequence
● Count Paths for a Sum

Two Heaps In many problems, where we are given a set of elements such that we
can divide them into two parts. We are interested in knowing the
smallest element in one part and the biggest element in the other part.
This technique uses a Min-Heap to find the smallest element and a
Max-Heap to find the biggest element.

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