Bashar - Positive - Manifestation

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Bashar: Channeled by Darryl Anka

from "Transformers" 1995


We have discussed many times that sometimes when you see events occur, both
in your personal life and events occur on the planetary scale that seem to
say, "Oh, things could not get any worse," we remind you, once again, that
because of the structures you have created in the past, it will be
necessary for these structures in some way, shape, or form, to break down
in order that they can be reconstructed. How you experience these
structures breaking down is up to you -- whether you experience them in a
negative way or whether you experience them in a positive way is up to you.

And the idea is that it is all a part of the orchestration, all a part of
the picture of your planet at this time; and that each event is connected
to every other event, whether you can see that on the surface or not.
Knowing that it is will help you to allow yourselves to see how they all
blend, how they all fit, what your part is within the whole picture and how
you can assist your world, as well as your personal life to accelerate
towards positive reality, positive outcome.

We again desire to reinforce that we are not just speaking in flowery

terminology, we are not just saying these things because it sounds good to
your ears. We again, always wish to stress that these principles -- the
idea, the concept, in and of itself, of creating a reality of joy, constant
joy, positive manifestation and ecstasy, is not too good to be true. That
this is actually a practical and pragmatic way to live, that this is the
way the universe can work for you if you choose to let it do so. Because,
in that sense, you have been created with free will, you have been created
with the power to choose; you are reflections of the Infinite Creator and
what you say in your reality does stick, if you believe that that is the
most likely choice that will manifest.

It is a matter of exploring, as we have done many times in the past, the

ideas of your beliefs, beliefs that you may no longer require in your life,
beliefs that may no longer be representative of who you prefer to be. And
in discovering those beliefs, to transform the definitions of those beliefs
into what you prefer them to be -- and so see your lives
reflect those changes physically, in physical terms, so that it changes in
the way that is representative of the life you wish to have.

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