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[ConcePTUAL —Toois. | By: Neil E. Cotter LAPLACE TRANSFORM et iged= isu Y oF¥g Goan Find vo (t) va(o-)= Izv, t,o) = 5A Flowing down - ~St ans: u(t) = - Siete *ooaze * V goth: We transform the circuit 42 the s-domain by taking the Laplace transform of ig(t), 2) taking " “ "Land ¢, and 3) including sources for initial condition in L and C. onVets) B sb o igo? < At this point, we may use Node -veltages, current meshes, Thevenin eguivalents, or any other method that we would apply when solving a problem snvolving impedances, Superposition is particularly useful since we may tind the response ot the circuit to each source, including those for tnitial cond ‘tions. Since we have a dependent source, we First define Vs in terms of node voltages). ys Neil E, Cotter LAPLACE TRANSFORM ‘CaRcuITS ‘domain waveforms EXAMPLE (CONT) We a the branch containing Vis The voltage aeross Rand is we th ae Vas) - ve). We use this bs oe ae = voltage in the voltage divider Formula to find the voltage fl across obs ™ 5c UG) -[n0)- | Use 3 R+Vse Adding VG) +2 velon) gives VyCs): 3 YG) = VG) Msc + yo") fs a R+ lsc 3 Re '4se or Vg(s) = Vi(s) _L__ + vy (07) sRe l+sRC 5 l+sRe At this point, we observe that we may represent the dependendent current seurce as two current sources that sum to produce current 0.4Y%y (s)~ + + ) YD e#wor) sre ies 3 (HSRC) VoG)Y ounygts) = V4G) ot (8) The eftmest of the two sources is eguivalent to an impedance, #= V/T: z =_Ve(s) = 1¥sR¢ 2. 0.4Ve($) nh Tare By: Neil E, Cotter LAPLACE TRANSFORM ‘CIRCUITS ‘domain waveforms ‘EXAMPLES (CONT) Because we already have four current sources in parallel, it is convenient to convert the branch ¢ontaining the C from /ts Thevenin form 0 a Norton eguivalent form, R i s ® « oO lors Ed = 1 Rei 3¢ ye (07) 3 We may combine the current source from this Norton eguivalent with the indepent source trom the eguiralent circuit for the dependent source : Ch) RCo-)/s ZL Re 24-07) see (I+ SRC) " elo") $C — o.45c-R] 8 I+ sRC Combining all of the abeve results and putting current’ sources together, we have a final model: zt Ty) By: Neil E. Cotter LAPLACE TRANSFORM carcutrs ‘domain waveforms EXAMPLE (CONT) Now we have VCs)= Ty, (8) + Bagg (6). We calculate Biyy Using the Allowing identity for impedances written as @i(s) = (9)/q(s) where 2:08) ancl a;(s) are polynomials in 9: flee en = kG) a(s) bs) bels) by () 4208) ay 3) = by Cs): bale). * by Cs) 1 es H 4,(s)be($).-. by) 142(8)b,(6)b3 (3)... by (S) 1 | | 9 (s)b, (5)... by. (8) = bys) oa(3) bls) a,(s)be(5)..- by(s)+42(5)b,(5)bs (3)... b,@) + ret ay (5) by (3)... by (8) This identity is based on conductance and the observation that, eg. alele * aoe athee Notes Tr our cage, we Aave 2,= Ret = I+sRC Bi 8¢ z = I+sRC a oF oe eh ee se 1 Using the idemtity, Zlleales =(rskc)sl : SC (J#SRC)sh +0.44(14sRC}sL-H Le sRC) [ConsePTUAL —TooLs | By: Neil E. Coter LAPLACE TRANSFORM CRCUTTS ‘domain waveforms EXAMPLES (CONT) After cancellation of 1+8RC + ao = Gesre) st S*LE + 0.43L +(l+5RC) Thus, we have VG)= 1g)ae IS A+i,(0") + velo) $C (1~0.4R) 3 3 I+SRC + Qasr) sb. SLC + O.4SL 4 1+ §RC = ISA-_L(1+s RC) SLC + 0.4L + 1 +8RC ~i,(o-) L(+8Re) S*LC+0,4 sL4 1 48RC +e (0-) CC 0. 4R) SL SLC+0.4sL 41 48RC Note: we retain the terms for each original Source and initial condition. Now we divide the numerators and denominatars by Le to get clenominatars with the coctticient of s* egual to unity. Vo(s) = a Gesre)Ze $74 G.4/C+R/L) 3 + 1/LC ~ itor) Cr ske)/e st @.4 e+ R/L)S+ I/Ue + veto) Gne4R)S sT4 (0.4/4 R/L)s + 1 /Le By: Neil E.Coter LAPLACE TRANSFORM aRcuITs ‘domain waveforms [EXAMPLE 4 (CONT) We find racts of the denominators: ste (o4serR) s+ Ice = s¥(0.4/0.2+4 16/0.2)8+ Y.2)02) 2 2 =$*+los+25 = (s+) Other numerical values we need: le sRd = 14 $ (1e)2) = l+8-8/25 I-o4R I~ oO4(Le) = Aes We now use partial fractions. Qesrcy/e = 148.8/25 =5Ki +5 Ke S'4(.4/e4 R/L)S+ LC GB) (02) (g45)* 945 where K,

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