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Tes ng and Commissioning Plan for Chiller-Based HVAC System

1. Introduc on

The purpose of this Tes ng and Commissioning Plan is to outline the procedures and requirements for
tes ng and commissioning a chiller-based HVAC (Hea ng, Ven la on, and Air Condi oning) system. The
plan covers the various stages of tes ng, from pre-commissioning checks to final acceptance tests,
ensuring the system is installed correctly and func ons as intended.

2. Pre-commissioning Checks

Before commissioning the chiller-based HVAC system, the following pre-commissioning checks should be

a. Review of Design Documenta on: Ensure that the design of the system complies with the applicable
codes, standards, and specifica ons. Review the design documents, including drawings, specifica ons,
and equipment schedules, to verify their accuracy and compliance.

b. Visual Inspec on: Conduct a visual inspec on of the installed system components, including chillers,
air handling units, pumps, valves, ductwork, and control panels. Verify that they are correctly installed,
labeled, and free from any damage or obstruc on.

c. Documenta on Review: Review the manufacturer's documenta on for all system components,
including installa on instruc ons, opera on manuals, and maintenance requirements.

d. Controls and Sequence of Opera on: Review the control system design and the sequence of opera on
to ensure they are properly configured and aligned with the intended system func onality.

3. Tes ng Procedures

The following tes ng procedures should be conducted to ensure the proper func oning of the chiller-
based HVAC system:

a. Start-up and Func onal Tes ng: Start up the system and verify the opera on of each individual
component, including chillers, pumps, air handling units, cooling towers, and control panels. Test the
func onality of each component as per the manufacturer's instruc ons and the design specifica ons.
b. Air Balancing and Airflow Tes ng: Measure and adjust the airflow rates in each zone to ensure they
meet the design requirements. Perform airflow tes ng using calibrated airflow measurement devices
and adjust the dampers, diffusers, and grilles as necessary.

c. Chiller Performance Tes ng: Conduct performance tests on the chillers to measure and verify their
capacity, efficiency, and opera onal characteris cs. Monitor various parameters such as refrigerant
temperatures, pressures, power consump on, and water flow rates.

d. Water Balancing and Flow Tes ng: Measure and balance the water flow rates within the HVAC system,
including chilled water and condenser water loops. Ensure that the flow rates, pressures, and
temperatures are within the design parameters.

e. Control System Tes ng: Test the func onality of the control system, including temperature and
pressure sensors, actuators, valves, and the control logic. Verify that the control sequences, setpoints,
and interlocks are properly implemented and func oning as intended.

f. Performance Tes ng under Various Load Condi ons: Conduct performance tests under different load
condi ons to evaluate the system's capacity, efficiency, and response to varying demands. This may
involve conduc ng tests during peak cooling and hea ng loads.

4. Documenta on and Repor ng

Proper documenta on and repor ng are essen al throughout the tes ng and commissioning process.
The following documents should be prepared:

a. Test Reports: Document the results of each test conducted, including performance data, airflow and
water flow measurements, control system observa ons, and any devia ons from the expected
performance. Include any correc ve ac ons taken to address any deficiencies or issues.

b. Opera on and Maintenance Manuals: Compile all manufacturer's opera on and maintenance
manuals for the system components into a comprehensive manual for future reference. Include detailed
instruc ons for system opera on, maintenance, and troubleshoo ng.
c. Cer ficate of Compliance: Prepare a cer ficate of compliance sta ng that the chiller-based HVAC
system has been tested and commissioned in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, and
specifica ons.

5. Final Acceptance

Once all the tes ng and commissioning ac vi es have been completed successfully, the system can be
considered ready for final acceptance. This involves

obtaining approval from the relevant authori es having jurisdic on (AHJ), such as the building owner,
engineer, or project manager.

During the final acceptance process, provide the AHJ with the test reports, opera on and maintenance
manuals, and the cer ficate of compliance. Address any comments or concerns raised by the AHJ and
make the necessary modifica ons or adjustments, if required.

Upon receiving the AHJ's approval, the chiller-based HVAC system can be put into service and ac vely
monitored and maintained according to the specifica ons and industry best prac ces.

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