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Automatic stabilizers

Automated teller machines (cash dispensers)

Aggregate demand
Asset 5
account 7
crowding out

Banker's draft
Boom 4
Busts 4,5
Borrower 8,9
Big-ticket items
Bitcoins 7,8
Bubble 6
Bonds 4,5
Budget surplus

Cheques 7
Cards 5
Contractionary 14
Consumption spending
Crowding out
Consumer spending
Chairman 8
Calamities 10
Consumption 10,11
Changing estimates
Countercyclical 15
Credit crunch
Collateral 10
Circulation 11
Counterfeiter 13
Cling out
Cyclical surplus

Direct debiting
Discounting bills
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
Disposable income
Despicable 10
Discount policy
Discount loans
Dual mandate
Depositor 9
Defer payments
Deficit 7

Expansionary 12
Employment 10
Employed waiters and waitresses
Economic calamities
Expand 6
Equilibrium 11
Enterpreneurship 16

Fluctuations 12
Fiscal multiplier
Federal funds rate
Face value
Fix 3

High employment
High rates of economic growth
Hedge funds
Herding behavior
Highly leveraged
High purchase

Investment 10
Idle 4
Imperfect tool
Increased employment
Identification 14
Implement 9
Issue 5

Government-sponsored enterprises
Gilt-edged securitles

Loan 4
Lenders 6,7
Liquidity 9
Long-term real interest rates
Liquidity trap
Liability 9

Mitigate 8
Mutual funds
Monetary policy tools
Monetary policy targets
Monetary growth rule
Mortgage-backed securities
Moral hazard problem
Monetarist 10
Maturity 8

Nemesis 7
Net exports
Negative nominal interest
Notice 6
nest-egg 7

Overdraft 9
Overall economy
Opportunity cost
Open market operations

Price stability
Policymakers 11,12
Punchbowl 9
Price level

Recession 9
Ripple effect
Reserves 8
Reserve requirements
Residential mortgage loan
Real output

Standing orders
Sophistication 14
Sophisticated (often non-standard)
Specialization 14
Safe custody
Safety deposit boxes
Security 8
Securitization 14
Shadow banking system
Speculation 11

Sub-prime loans
Secondary market
Settle 6
Supervise 9
Slump 5
Taylor rule
Troubled Asset Relief Program
Tight 5
Treasury bonds
Tax rates

Underused 9
Underemployed 13
Unemployment construction workers
Velocity of money
Velocity 8
Vault 5

Waitresses 10
Weapons 7
Watermark 9
Withdraw of money
Welfare 7
Haggle 6
enterprise 10
claim 5
market 6
price 5
currency 8
figures 7
payment 7
venture 7
thrifty 7
Commission 10
Income 6
Waste 5 money
Higher 6 wages 5
Agenda 6
Chair 5
Expense 7
Handle 6
Taking 6
Bargain 7
Charge 6
Fortune 7
Unavailable 11
Challenged 10 the figures 7
Financial 9 means 5
Make a wise 4 investment 10
come into a fortune 7
free of charge 6
on easy terms 5
commercially 12 viable 6
in credit on expenses 8
appreciate 10
hard 4 up 2
prosperous 10
rise 4
wasteful 8
dear 4
purchase 8
squander 8
worthless 9
announced 9
priceless 9
thrifty 7
subsidy 7
accustomed 10
cash 4 dispenser 9
exchange 8 rate 4
expenses 8
fortune 7
lender 6
retainer 8
to redeem 6
to restrict 8
daily 8 turnover 8
revenue 7 tax 3
cash 4 flow 4
liquidity 9
mortgage 8
adverse 7 balance 7
direct 6 debit 5
back 4 interest 8
draft 5
overdraft 9
balance 7
borrow 6
deduct 6
external 8
funding 7
instalments 11
overdue 8
rate 4
savings 7
settle 6
acquire 7
resources 9
contracted 10
financially 11
payment 8
profit 6
contracted 10
rating 6
bounced 7
withheld 8
central bank
debit 5 card 4
retainer 8
bank transfer 8
contract 8 a debt
bank statement 9
withhold 8
overdue 7
extension 9
budget 6
non-cash turnover
draw 4 out
encumber 8
lending 7 rate
restrict 8
part payment
commercial 10 bank
economical 10
terms of payment 8
exchange 8 rate
merchant 8 bank
remittance 10
multiplier 10
sectors 7
fluctuations 12
stimulate 9
crowding 8
boom 4
recession 9
employment 10
expansionary 12
unemployed 10
ripple 6
contractionary 14
busts 5
fiscal 6 policy 6
monetary 8 policy tools / target
bonds 5
commercial 10
monetarist 10
tight 5
velocity 8
prices 6
inflation 9
output 6
the exchange rate
aggregate 9 demand
invest 6
bank runs 4
responsibility 14
dual 4 mandate 7
liquidity 9
discount 8 loans
opportunity 11 cost
market 6 operations 10
federal 7 funds rate
Consumption 11
Net 3 exports 7
Expansionary 12
contractionary 14 monetary 8 policy
changing 8 estimates 9
countercyclical 14
monetary 8 growth 6 rule
sub-prime loans
crunch 6
government-sponsored enterprises 10-9 10
leveraged 9
illiquid 8
primary dealers 7 7
moral hazard 5 6
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) 8 5 6 7
double coincidence of wants 6 11
commodity money 9 5
barter 6
liquid 6
Standard of deferred payment 8 8 8
standardized quality 12 7
divisible 9
durable 7
Fiat money 4 5
vault cash 5 4
required reserves ratio 8 8 5
simple deposit multiplier 6 7 10
excess reserves 6 8
bank panic 4 5
fractional reserve banking system 10 7 7 6
lender of last resort 6
trading desk 7 4
residential mortgage loan 11 8 4
securitized / Securitization 11 14
mortgage-backed securities 8-6 10
Hedge funds 5 5
Leveraged 9
Velocity of money 8
Hyperinflation 14
Reparations 11

a short-term nominal interest rate

e-money such as PayPal
prisoner-of-war camps
profit-making private firms
Short-term borrowing

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