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Nama: Wahyuni setiawati

Kelas: XI AKL 2
Climate Changes

The latest scientific research shows that the Earth's climate is changing at an
unprecedented rate, and this has serious implications for the future of our planet. The
question that we must address today is whether or not human activities are responsible
for this change. I am of the opinion that they are, and I will explain why, drawing on
the latest research from top climate science journals.
Firstly, let us look at the latest evidence from the journal Science Advances. A
recent study by Trenberth and Zhang (2021) shows that the increase in greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, primarily due to human activities such as burning of fossil
fuels, is responsible for the warming of the Earth's surface. The study concludes that
"the evidence unequivocally shows that human activities are responsible for the
observed warming of the Earth's surface."
Secondly, we can look at the latest research from the journal Nature Climate
Change. A study by Wolski et al. (2021) shows that the melting of the Antarctic ice
sheet is accelerating, and this is primarily due to human-caused climate change. The
study concludes that "the contribution of human-induced climate change to the
observed Antarctic ice sheet melting is likely to be substantial and increasing over
Lastly, let us consider the latest research from the journal Climatic Change. A
study by Kulp and Strauss (2021) shows that without significant efforts to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, sea level rise could reach 2.4 meters by 2100. The study
concludes that "the future sea level rise could be far larger than previously estimated,
posing unprecedented challenges to coastal cities and societies worldwide."
On the other hand, there are those who argue that climate change is a natural
process and that human activities are not responsible for it. However, the latest
research from top climate science journals clearly shows otherwise. The evidence
overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that human activities are responsible for the
current rate of climate change.
In conclusion, the latest research from top climate science journals shows that
human activities are responsible for the current rate of climate change, which has
serious implications for the future of our planet. It is time for us to take responsibility
for our actions and to work towards a sustainable future for ourselves and future

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