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1) A couple in Cornwall 1_______ a bakery from being SAVE

2 _____ than 100 years ago, the Old Bakery used to sell pasties MANY
and other baked foods to miners.
Julie and Lee repaired the building and have reopened it as a
bakery for the 3) _____ time in 15 years. ONE

2) A girl who sent a letter to Lego, saying she 1 ____ represented, NOT FEEL
has inspired a new range of minifigures.
Eight-year-old Sofia from Sussex, England, has a limb difference
– she 2 _____ without a left hand. BEAR
She 3 _____ on BBC Breakfast, where she spoke about the APPEAR
need For toys that represent her.
Lego 4 _____ Sofia with a new range of toys, including a SURPRISE
Character like her.
Sofia said the figure 5 ____ “amazing”. BE

3) A crew of 1 _____ more than 100 miles out to sea rescued FISHERMAN
a long-eared owl after they spotted it on their boat.
They believe the owl was blown off course before landing on
2 _____ boat. THEY
The crew cared for the owl and it stayed with 3 ____ for the rest THEY
of their fishing journey off the north coast of Scotland.

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4) On 31 October, Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary,
Admitted she 1 _____ her personal email account to send USE
Government documents six times.
This broke security rules and Braverman 2 _____ down from STEP
Liz Truss’s Government on 19 October.
When Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister, he made Braverman
Home Secretary again, 3 _____ than one week after she resigned. LITTLE

5) People in the Ireland voted for their 1 ____ female president ONE
on 8 November 1990. Mary Robinson was born in County Mayo,
Ireland, in 1944. She was a lawyer and a strong supporter of
human rights. As president, Robinson 2 ____ for laws to CAMPAIGN
protect 3 ___’s rights in Ireland. She served as president until WOMAN
1997 and then joined the United Nations (an organisation of
193 countries) to take charge of 4 ___ work on human rights. IT

6) Pupils who wear 1 ___ hair in natural Afro styles to school THEY
will now be protected against discrimination (when someone
is treated differently or unfairly because of their race, religion
or disability). New guidelines 2 ____ with schools in SHARE
England, Scotland and Wales to make sure pupils 3 ___ NOT PUNISH
for hairstyles such as Afros, braids or cornrows. The guidelines
come from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC),
an organization that 4 ___ sure everyone in the UK is treated MAKE

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7) Superbins that store up to 5,000 litres of waste in giant
underground containers 1 ____ in Liverpool, England. INSTALL
The 2 ___ of the bins can hold a week’s worth of rubbish from BIG
20homes. They are 3 ___ smelly than wheelie bins and will mean LITTLE
4 ___ black bin bags are left outside, which can be easily torn and FEW
spill rubbish onto the streets. Liverpool City Council is installing
the superbins in 12 places to reduce litter.

8) Fela Kuti, a Nigerian musician who 1 ___ create a type of HELP

music 2 ___ Afrobeat, is being honoured by an exhibition CALL
in Paris. It recreates Kuti’s famous nightclub, The Shrine.
Kuti, who died in 1997, 3___ many musicians, INSPIRE
including Jay-Z, Beyonce and Burna Boy. He is also known
for 4 ___ music to protest against Nigeria’s government. USE

9) Celebrations for the annual Dia de los Muertos (Day of

the Dead) festival 1 ____ at the end of October, as people BEGIN
2 ___ relatives who have died. Families place REMEMBER
photos of 3 ____ ones on an altar (special holy place) at LOVE
home, 4 ____ by candles and personal items. SURROUND
Events also include a colourful parade in Mexico City.

10) On 23 October, people in the town of Kasterlee, Belgium,

1___ giant pumpkins across a pond – a yearly tradition. RACE
2 ___ up as animals, pirates, vegetables and witches, they DRESS
raced in 65 teams. The races 3 ___ in 2008 when local growers BEGIN
4 ___ what to do with their large pumpkins. Clara De Somer, NOT KNOW
who dressed as a shark in this year’s event, told Reuters news
agency the race is “hilarious”.

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11) The world’s 1 ____ passenger train completed a journey LONG
through Switzerland’s spectacular Alps. The train, which
2 ___ 100 coaches and was 1.2 miles long, travelled 15.5 HAVE
miles along a track that 3 ____ many tunnels and INCLUDE
bridges. The record train journey 4 ___ to mark the MAKE
175th anniversary of Switzerland’s first railway.

12) Elephants in Namibia’s deserts often compete with humans

for food and water. A conservation project 1 ___ PEACE is CALL
helping local people and elephants live side by side peacefully.
The team explains to villagers how elephants live and behave,
and how to protect crops without 2 ___ the animals. It also HARM
3 ___ sure that elephants and people MAKE
4 ___ to access water from the same spot. NOT NEED

13) People in Nepal marked the second day of the Tihar

festival, which is dedicated to 1 ___ dogs. The WORSHIP
festival 2 ___ with the Hindu god Yama, and each ASSOCIATE
day is dedicated to a different animal. At a shelter, which
is home to 170 dogs, people spent the day 3 ___ dogs GIVE
treats and 4 ___ orange garlands around their necks. PLACE

14) Wuhan, the area of China where Covid-19 was 1 ___ ONE
detected in late 2019, 2 ___ into lockdown from 24 to 30 GO
October. In one district, 800,000 residents 3 ___ to stay TELL
at home. Wuhan has been reporting around 20 new Covid
cases each day. More lockdowns are being introduced
across China, 4 ___ millions of people. AFFECT

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15) On 25 October, for the first time, there 1 ___ more BE
women than men who make laws in New Zealand’s
parliament. Soraya Peke-Mason 2 ___ Trevor Mallard, REPLACE
who 3 ___ down. There are now 60 women and 59 STEP
men in parliament. Peke-Mason said, “While it 4 ___ a special BE
day for me, I think it is historic for New Zealand.”

16) A 280-metre-tall skyscraper, which 1 ___ 80,000 plants, CONTAIN

2 ___ in Singapore. The office building is also a “green OPEN
oasis” for people to visit and explore. On the top floor there is
a 420-square-metre rooftop farm, which 3 ___ herbs, PRODUCE
flowers, fruit and vegetables for three restaurants in the
building. It 4 ___ that the farm grows between 70 and ESTIMATE
100 kilograms of food products each month.

17) Climate change is a threat to all life on Earth. Many

countries 1 ___ to reduce the amount of gases PROMISE
that cause climate change they produce by 2050.
However, many people believe that this is not enough
and 2 ___ to the streets to protest and urge TAKE
governments to do more to address climate change.
Some climate protests, such as Greta Thunberg’s Fridays
for Future, which 3 ___ children and young people INVOLVE
4 ___ school, were popular. However, other types of MISS
protests, such as throwing soup at famous paintings and
blocking roads, seem to make people very angry. It’s
even argued that blocking roads and attacking art actually
harm efforts to tackle climate change.

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18) On 1 July, teacher Jasmine Harrison set off on a
swim. It was a journey that 1 ___ her 900 miles TAKE
along the length of the UK from Land’s End in the
south-west of England to John O’Groats in Scotland.
After 110 days of 2 ___ in the sea, she became SWIM
the first woman to complete the distance. Harrison
called the adventure a “truly epic experience,” but
admitted it 3 ___ “tough” spending up to 12 hours BE
in the water every day with stinging jellyfish and sores
from wearing her wetsuit. Her achievement 4 ___ RAISE
money for environmental charities including Surfers
Against Sewage.

19) James Anderson of Lancashire, England, 1 ___ CALL

“Britain’s kindest plumber”. A plumber is someone
who fits and repairs pipes for water and heating systems
but Anderson 2 ___ much more than that. His company DO
helps to pay people’s bills, provides free boilers (tanks
that heat water in homes) and even delivers food parcels.
He launched the company five years ago to help the
elderly and people with 3 ___. “I thought if I could DISABILITY
just help one [person] at a time, I would be doing some
good,” says Anderson. With the help of donations,
Anderson’s team 4 ___ more than 52,000 people in HELP
the UK.

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20) Humans sound different 1 ___ on where they DEPEND
come from – and so do animals. In a study, it 2 ___ FIND
that different types of wolf have different types of howl.
In South America, red-handed tamarins change their
calls to sound like their pied tamarin 3 ___ when in NEIGHBOUR
their territory, and a study of sperm whales 4 ___ that SHOW
the clicks they use vary depending on where they come
from – Caribbean whales click differently from whales in
the Mediterranean.

21) Chariots were like fast cars for the 1 ___ WEALTHY
Egyptians. 2 ___ by horses, they could reach speeds of 25 PULL
miles per hour. King Tut 3 ___ with six chariots. BURY
The ceremonial 4 ___ were coated in gold and three were ONE
for travel and hunting.

22) The king 1 ___ with jewellery including BURY

brooches, golden toe and finger protectors and necklaces.
This is a pectoral – 2 ___ on the chest. The gold falcon WEAR
3 ___ the symbol for eternity (everlasting life) in HOLD
4 ___ claws. IT

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23) Museums around the world will host special
exhibitions to mark the100-year anniversary. The
original contents of Tutankhamun’s tomb remain at the
Grand Egyptian Museum however, which 1 ___ OPEN
this year. The spectacular museum 2 ___ 20 years to TAKE
build and contains 100,000 Egyptian treasures. 3 ___ to CLOSE
home, an exhibition 4 ___ TUT 100 in Dorset, England, CALL
has recreated the tomb so visitors can enter, just like Carter
did 100 years ago.

24) In the US, doctors can prescribe a video game to

young people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder). The game 1 ___ EndeavorRx, and it stimulates CALL
certain areas of the brain which can improve attention in
some people. In the game, players control an alien who
2 ___ through different worlds TRAVEL
3 ___ objects. It has been designed to help the player do COLLECT
several things at once and ignore distractions. The patient
4 ___ to play the game for a certain period of time each day ASK
for a number of weeks, and their parents report any positive
changes on an app as they go.

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25) Young people’s coach Maria Evans says that it 1 ___ useful BE
to keep your affirmations in places where you’ll often see
them: “Pin them to your noticeboard, save them as the
screensaver on your phone, or stick them in your school
planner. Your brain naturally 2 ___ to find the negative in TRY
everything so you need to give it as many opportunities to
see the positive as you can! 3 ___ your affirmations handy HAVE
means you can remind 4 ___ of them any time you need.” YOU

26) Grace, 12, shares how she uses positive self-affirmations:

“When I 1 ___ low in energy and I have to do something FEEL
like homework, I know that it’s useful to try and turn that
around by saying to myself, ‘I 2 ___ with energy, I can do FILL
anything I put my mind to, I am capable.’ If I have to socialise,
I tell 3 ____, ‘I am a brilliant listener and great at I
4 ___ questions. People like me and want to be around me. ASK
I radiate smiley, happy energy’.”

27) In the 1 ___ book in the Twitchers series about a group of TWO
young birdwatchers-turned-detectives, there’s a wildlife
criminal on the loose. Jack 2 ___ a hurt cat and suspects RESCUE
there’s foul play going on. 3 ___ to investigate, he is soon RUSH
entangled in a deepening mystery 4 ___ sinister plots and INVOLVE
sightings of a strange bird.

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28) The basket of goods 1 ___ changes in people’s tastes. REFLECT
The first basket, in 1947, contained 2 ___ beef, rabbit and CORN
cinema and football tickets. Fish fingers and crisps 3 ___ ADD
in 1962, and chicken nuggets were first included in 2005.
Computer 4 ___ were included in 1993 and smartphones in 2011. GAME

29) Harry Houdini was born as Erik Weisz in Budapest,

Hungary, and grew up in the US. After 1 ___ a professional BECOME
magician he began dazzling audiences around the world with
daring escape acts and feats of endurance, such as 2 ___ off JUMP
bridges while 3 ___ and being submerged upside down by HANDCUFF
his ankles in a tank of water. His dangerous stunts usually
4 ___ clever tricks. Houdini died on Halloween in 1926 from INVOLVE
appendicitis, aged 52.
handcuff – надевать наручники

30) The charity The Carers Trust 1 ___ for more CALL
support for young carers, following a survey 2 ___ on PUBLISH
Young Carers Action Day (16 March). In the survey, 3 ___ MANY
than half of young carers said the time they spent caring for
family members each week 4 ___ in the past year. They RISE
also reported feeling worried, lonely and stressed. The Carers
Trust has called on the Government to support young carers
better and make sure they have enough time off.

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31) Max Woosey, age 12, 1 ___ two years camping outside SPEND
for charity. Through the challenge he 2 ___ howling BRAVE
winds and rain to raise more than £500,000 for a hospice near
his home in Devon, England. Woosey is marking his 3 ___ TWO
anniversary with a Big Camp Out, 4 ___ young people to join INVITE
in from their garden or to make a den in their living room to
raise money for any charity they choose.

32) A solar farm in Wales has, at times, provided all the

energy 1 ___ to run Morriston Hospital in Swansea. A NEED
solar farm is a large collection of solar panels that collect
energy from the Sun and turn it into electricity. It 2 ___ HOPE
that the solar farm 3 ___ a fifth of the hospital’s PROVIDE
energy every year. However, this target has already been
beaten and the hospital has saved £120,000 in electricity bills
since the nearby farm 4 ___ in November OPEN

33) Wild pigs in Edmonton and its surrounding valley 1 ___ POSE
a threat to other wildlife. The wild pigs 2 ___ DESTROY
grassland and damaged crops as they search for food.
According to Professor Ryan Brook, they are “the 3 ___ BAD
invasive wild mammal on the planet”. Residents have called
on local 4 ___ to tackle the wild pigs. AUTHORITY

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34) Students at a primary school in California, US, 1 ___ LAUNCH
a free phone line for people to call if they need 2 ___ CHEER
up. It features 3 ___ messages from pupils RECORD
aged from five to 11. They offer advice such as “Buy an ice
cream if you 4 ___ nervous”, and tell callers, “You are FEEL
ok.” The helpline has received up to 9,000 calls per hour.

35) A new exhibition at the Detroit Institute of Arts, in the

US, 1 ___ work by Italian women artists who lived CELEBRATE
between 1300 and 1800. The show 2 ___ 17 painters who FEATURE
3 ___ famous when they were alive. It includes work by NOT BE
Artemisia Gentileschi, who is now recognized as one of the
4 ___ painters of the 17th century. GREAT

36) The world’s 1 ___ local elections took place in India LARGE
across five states. A local election is when people choose
their state’s government, not the country’s rulers. The
ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 2 ___ first in four states COME
including Uttar Pradesh, where more than 200 million
people live. In Punjab, the AAP party 3 ___ 92 out of 115 WIN
places in the assembly and Bhagwant Mann 4 ___ ELECT
chief minister.

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37) A group of adventurers 1 ___ a Guinness World SET
Record for the highest tea party ever 2 ___. The tea party HOLD
took place at 6,495 metres above sea level on the slopes
of Mount Everest in Nepal. It 3 ___ by Andrew ORGANISE
Hughes, from the US, and involved hauling supplies such as
homemade cookies and tea across 4 ___ waterfalls. Hughes FREEZE
hopes the feat will “inspire others to seek their own dreams,
no matter the heights”.

38) Schools in Tokyo, Japan’s capital, 1 ___ to drop AGREE

strict rules that include 2 ___ pupils which colour hair they TELL
must have. 3 ___ pressure from students and teachers, FOLLOW
around 200 public high schools will scrap five rules,
including a ban on a certain hairstyle. The rules even asked
curly 4 ___ students to prove that their curls are natural. HAIR

39) 1 ___ a “national treasure” by the president of Sri DECLARE

Lanka, a 68-year-old elephant 2 ___ Raja has been NAME
given a state funeral. Raja was known for 3 ___ CARRY
Buddhist relics (important religious items) at an annual
parade. This role is given to an elephant with special
features, such as curved tusks. Raja carried out these 4 ___ DUTY
for more than a decade. His body will be stuffed and put in
a museum.

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40) When she was a teenager in Jamaica, Magi Sque spent
Saturdays 1 ___ at a clothes shop. She was saving up to WORK
come to the UK and work as a nurse but the job gave her a
passion for fabrics. “My family would tell you I have always
said, ‘When I can, I’m going to have my own clothing brand,’”
Sque said to The Guardian newspaper. After five decades of
2 ___, Sque followed her dream and launched Magi Rose a NURSE
few days before her 72nd birthday. However, she isn’t out
to make money for 3 ___. “There’s nothing I need,” she SHE
says. Sque 4 ___ to give what money she makes to hospitals HOPE
in Jamaica. “First I have to get this business up and running,”
she says.

41) Three years ago, campaigner Lowri Moore from

Nottinghamshire, England, wrote to Disney bosses 1 ___ ASK
them to create a leading star who wears glasses, just like 2 ___. SHE
When Moore’s letter 3 ___ film director Jared Bush, who REACH
was at the time working on Encanto, it was already decided
that the main character in the film 4 ___ to wear glasses. GO

42) Elsewhere in Africa, scientists are celebrating the

rediscovery of a rare bat that 1 ___ for 40 years. NOT SEE
A team captured and photographed the Hill’s horseshoe bat
(which had been feared extinct) during a 2019 survey
of caves in Rwanda’s Nyungwe rainforest, but it 2 ___ three TAKE
years to confirm 3 ___ species. Horseshoe bats get their name IT
from the shape of their noses, which they use to detect 4 ___ ECHO
from their high pitched calls as they hunt in darkness.

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43) Electronic gadgets are useful but when they break
or get 1 ___ it’s easy to end up with a collection REPLACE
of old cables and devices. Recycling electronic
waste, or “e-waste”, doesn’t just clear out your
clutter – it also 2 ___ the planet by HELP
3 ___ down on the amount of rubbish we create and CUT
by 4 ___ valuable materials that devices contain. REUSE

44) Fossil researchers have found the youngest 1 ___ KNOW

survivor of a famous group of prehistoric ocean
predators called the eurypterids, or sea scorpions.
Scientists from Australia and Germany analysed
a fragment of a metre-long eurypterid 2 ___ in FIND
Queensland, Australia, in the 1990s, and found that it
died around 252 million years ago. This makes it 11
million years 3 ___ than the previous youngest RECENT
known specimen. It suggests that the sea scorpions,
which evolved around 488 million years ago, finally
4 ___ extinct during a “mass extinction” event that wiped GO
out 96% of all marine life.

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45) Scientists from the University of Washington in the
US 1 ___ a new sensor that can spot areas of INVENT
tooth decay before it creates 2 ___ (holes), so dentists CAVITY
can see when teeth are at risk of damage. A safe chemical
dye 3 ___ to the teeth, then an intense light is shone APPLY
onto it. Chemical reactions with the most acidic areas in
plaque (the sticky film that covers teeth) make the dye glow,
and this shows up where decay 4 ___ to eat into the START
enamel (the hard protective layer on your teeth).

46) A new computer program uses human-like intelligence

to suggest the 1 ___ missing words and letters from LIKELY
2 ___ ancient Greek texts. It can even use the style of DAMAGE
writing to estimate their date and where they were written.
The program, called Ithaca, is a project 3 ___ between SHARE
historians and Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) project
DeepMind. AI describes any system that uses computers to
imitate human learning and intelligence; in this case, the
DeepMind team taught Ithaca by showing it 60,000 complete
Documents 4 ___ as stone inscriptions and ancient scrolls RECORD
from Greek-speaking areas around the Mediterranean Sea
between around 700BC and 500BC.

47) International Day of Happiness is on 20 March. The day

1 ___ by the United Nations (an organisation of 193 CREATE
countries that 2 ___ on issues that face humanity) to highlight WORK
the importance of happiness and wellbeing. Since it 3 ___ START
in 2013, the day 4 ___ with a different theme each MARK
year. For 2022, the theme is “Build Back Happier”.

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48) With nine in 10 people worldwide 1 ___ polluted air, BREATHE
trend-forecasting company WGSN is predicting clean air to
become the 2 ___ wellness trend. However, it’s not just LATE
outdoor activities that are leaving us at risk. Thanks to the
3 ___ air and high levels of CO2 in our gyms, our indoor RECYCLE
fitness sessions may be threatening our wellbeing too. The
lack of ventilation also means there are particles entering the
air from mats and bags that are being pummelled as people
exercise, while 4 ___ breathing through your mouth, rather HEAVY
than through your nose’s filtering system, may be
compromising your lungs’ health.

49) “While full-fat cream, butter, bread, tarts and croissants

are the norm, behaviour around food is what 1 ___ the diet MAKE
special,” says Thurner. “The big difference is 2 ___ SMALL
portion sizes and the speed of eating. Because the French
celebrate their food, they eat much 3 ___ slowly, which MUCH
allows fullness signals to reach the brain before overeating.”
The French eat twice as much cheese as we do, but research
shows that 4 ___ cheese means you produce higher levels of EAT
butyric acid, which boosts your metabolism.

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50) Before 2004, no one 1 ___ of parkruns. But thanks HEAR
to Paul Sinton-Hewitt CBE, on 2 October that year, the royal
park held its first free run event under its original name,
Bushy Park Time Trial. 2 ___ with just 13 runners on its START
first day, the partgrassy, part-footpath route now holds the
UK’s record number of entrants for a parkrun with 2,011 on
Christmas Day 2018. It’s pretty fast and flat, and the
scenery doesn’t disappoint either. Originally 3 ___ as a ESTABLISH
4 ___ ground by Henry VIII, you may spot a deer or two. HUNT

51) Depending on who you talk to, 1 ___ a holiday home is HAVE
either the new property investment of choice, with returns of
up to 12% a year. Or the next financial – and ethical – black
hole, thanks to 2 ___ stamp duty and pricing out local INCREASE
residents. (St Ives and Gwynedd have imposed restrictions
on second-home ownership and other councils are set to
follow.) The consensus is that a holiday let, which the owner
uses but also rents out (3 ___ costs plus bringing visitors COVER
and income to the local economy), is 4 ___ than a second home, GOOD
which spends most of the time empty.

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52) Maya Angelou 1 ___ a poet, writer and activist who was born BE
in 1928 in Missouri, US. She fought to change racist laws
(laws that treat people unfairly because of the colour of their skin)
and worked with civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King
Jr. She published her 2 ___ book in 1969 and wrote many books ONE
and plays. In 2010, President Barack Obama gave Angelou the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. Four years 3 ___, Angelou died LATE
4 ___ 86. Obama said she was “one of the brightest lights of our AGE

53) A silver object 1 ___ a knight emerging from a snail SHOW

shell that rests on top of a goat could be a medieval joke,
according to the British Museum. The piece 2 ___ FIND
in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, last year but was only
announced by the museum on 22 March. It 3 ___ MAKE
between 1200 and 1350. The British Museum’s Beverley
Nenk said that snails 4 ___ a symbol of cowardice at that time BE
and it was probably making fun of an enemy or a knight.

54) Scientists from the University of Bologna 1 ___ GROW

the world’s 2 ___ cherry. It took 10 years of HEAVY
cross-breeding different types of cherry to develop a
variety known as Sweet Stephany. The fruit 3 ___ at GROW
Salvi Vivai orchard last year but experts have now confirmed
it as the world’s weightiest cherry. It 4 ___ 26.45 grams WEIGH
and beat the previous record holder – a cherry grown in Chile –
by 2.52 grams.

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55) A 16-year-old referee 1 ___ charge of a football match TAKE
between two of Zambia’s leading clubs on 24 March. Raphael
Mbotela told the BBC that the game between Zesco United and
Forest Rangers was the biggest one he 2 ___ so far. He REFEREE
now hopes the Zambian Football Association can help him with
his career. Mbotela has been refereeing since he was 13, when
an ankle injury stopped his dreams of 3 ___ a footballer. “I was BE
completely unfazed,” he said. “Once I step on the pitch, I don’t
look at my age or the big players. I 4 ___ the man in charge.” BE

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