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Department of Chemical Engineering

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

■ Quiz 1 – Spring 2023
Course Title: Thermodynamics II for Chemical Course Code: CHE332 Credit Hours: 4(3,1)
Course Instructor/s: Dr. Um-e-Salma Amjad Programme Name: BS Chemical Engineering
Semester: 6th Batch: FA20 Section: A/B Date: 15th March 2022
Submission Deadline: Maximum Marks: 10
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
 Make sure to submit answer sheet on time, late submission of answer sheet will not be accepted.
 Write down your Name and Registration numbers and section on Answer sheets.
CLO-1: Solve engineering problems using equations and data from tables/charts of thermodynamic
properties of fluids

Question 1: (10)

(CLO-1, C3, PLO-1)

Data encountered in solving problems often do not fall exactly on the grid of values provided by property
tables, and linear interpolation between adjacent table entries becomes necessary. Using the data provided
for water, estimate the following states on sketches of the p–v, T–v diagram

(a) T = 120°C, p = 5 bar.

(b) T = 120°C, v = 0.6 m3/kg.

(c) T = 120°C, p = 1 bar.

Question 2: (10)

(CLO-1, C3, PLO-1)

Using the data provided for the fluids, estimate the following states on sketches of the p–v, T–v diagram

(a) For Refrigerant 22 at p = 3 bar and v = 0.05 m3/kg, determine T in °C and u in kJ/kg.

(b) For water at T = 200°C and v = 0.2429 m3/kg, determine p in bar and h in kJ/kg.

(c) For ammonia at p = 5 bar and u = 1400 kJ/kg, determine T in °C and v in m3/kg.

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