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Day 1

Question – Explain the theory of origin of species by Natural Selection


 Charles Darwin proposed, “ The Theory of Origin of Species by Natural Selection ”

 In 1859, Darwin published a book called - ‘‘The origin of species by Natural Selection’’

Darwinism / Theory of Natural Selection is based on five main postulates,

1. Overproduction (Prodigality of nature)

2. Struggle for existence
3. Variation and Heredity
4. Survival of the fittest or natural selection -
5. Origin of new species

1_ Overproduction (Prodigality of nature)

 It is the natural tendency to produce more number of progeny in geometric ratio.

 All organisms have capability to produce more no of offspring.
a. Plant produce thousand of seeds.
b. Insects lay hundreds of eggs.

2_ Struggle for existence

 Every individuals compete with others species for basic necessities like_
 space, shelter & food
 to overcome adverse environmental conditions
 to escape from enemies

3_ Variation and Heredity

According to Darwin_
• variation are continuous
• helpful variation in the adaptation passed on to next generation.
• while the others will disappear.
According to darwinism_
• adaptive ability is inherited.
• “ Adapt or Perish ”_ Fitness (adaptability) is the end result of the ability to
adapt and selected by nature.

4_ Survival of the fittest or natural selection

 original idea of survival of fittest proposed by Herbert Spencer.

In the struggle for existence_

 only member with useful variations survives, i.e. natural selection

5_ Origin of new species

 Variations due to environmental changes are transmitted to the next generation.

 New generation become different from ancestors.
 New species originates.

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