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What technology do you often use,

computers or cell phones?
Well, my laptop is, hands down, an indispensable item to me ‘cause it
really facilitates my work and study. I used it for so many purposes such
as word processing, taking online courses, and posting photos on social

● an indispensable item (n) một vật không thể thiếu

● facilitate (v) làm cho dễ dàng, thuận lợi hơn
● word processing (n) đánh máy

Xem thêm: Describe a time when someone apologized to you | IELTS Speaking Part

2. What electronic devices have you

bought lately?
I haven’t picked up any new gadgets, to be honest, because I’m not
much of a tech junkie. However, I’m batting around the idea of
purchasing a new iPhone as my current one is a bit old-fashioned now.

● pick up (v) mua

● tech junkie (n) người nghiện công nghệ
● bat around the idea: cân nhắc đến việc

3. What do you think are the trends in

technology today compared to when
you were young?
Well, the first trend that comes to mind is the use of social media,
which is gaining in popularity in many countries. It’s a wonderful tool
for people to make friends with people across the globe with
like-minded interests and share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Another thing that has become sort of all the rage now is to work from
home which has a host of advantages for workers like less commute
stress and better work-life balance.

● like-minded interests: có cùng sở thích

● All the rage (adj) đang thịnh hành
● A host of (adj) nhiều

4. Is there any technology you don’t

Actually, I do not dislike any technology as I think technological
breakthroughs all make life much easier and more convenient. For
example, extraordinary inventions such as the washing machine,
dishwasher, and vacuum cleaner significantly reduce the burden of
doing household chores for many people.

● technological breakthroughs (n) đột phá công nghệ

● the burden of doing household chores (n) gánh nặng làm việc

What do you use your computer for?

Sample answer

I use my computer for nearly everything needed for my work and study:checking and replying emails,
saving and organizing data, searching for information on the Internet.

Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?

Sample answer

Being able to use a computer is a must in the modern era because for the most part, human activities
depend on it. Computers also help people to work more efficiently and smoothly so knowing to use a
computer is very essential.
● What do you use the Internet for?

I mainly use the Internet to read newspapers and news items, mostly about sport. I also

use it to do a bit of research on things to do and things to see at the weekends. I do a bit of

internet shopping, like booking flights and accommodation for my holidays.

● Does everyone have access to the Internet in your country?

I think so. Obviously, people in urban areas have wider access to the Internet. Irs still a very rural
country though, so, on second thoughts, rm not sure that everybody is connected. And certainly not
everyone has broadband.

● Do you think older people are scared of new technology?

Some older people embrace new technology. My granddad, for example, was a technophile and
wanted to keep up to speed with the latest technology. However, I would say that most older people
don’t bother learning about new technology simply because they can ‘t see what it would bring to
their lives.

● Do you think young children should have mobile phones?

I can’t see that young children have much use for mobile phones, at least in terms of using

the phone as a phone. They might find it interesting to have a device to listen to music and

take photos. But I can ‘t imagine many young kids making calls.

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