Anne Goj-Iyer-Ahmed V5-Final

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Study of transformer
explosion prevention with
bushing turret protection
1. Introduction breaks down, the resulting short circuit the transformer tank beyond its withstand
triggers a chain of chemical reactions that capacity to conditions where catastrophic
Liquid-filled power transformers typically produce a mixture of combustible gases structural failure is imminent. The explo­
contain thousands of liters of flammable such as acetylene and hydrogen. The sud­ sion of a transformer not only costs the
dielectric insulation. When this insulation den gas formation can quickly pressurize power industry substantial financial los­
ses, but also can endanger human life and
environmental safety.
ABSTRACT A 2015 survey report on transformer reli­
Liquid-filled power transformers typically contain thousands of liters of ability by CIGRE found that annual trans­
flammable insulation. When this insulation breaks down, there is a high former failure rates are on average about 1 %,
risk of transformer failure that would endanger human life, generate envi- with rates over 1.3 % per year for high risk
ronmental hazards, and destroy valuable assets. Because live tests involv- classes of power transformers [1].
ing arcing are expensive and potentially dangerous, numerical simulations
are a useful alternative to study faults over a wide range of transformers.
Among the various root causes reported,
failures related to bushings are frequent
Since bushings are common sources of transformer failure, we examine
sources of transformer fire and explosion.
the role of deploying a transformer fast depressurization system on two
The same 2015 CIGRE document conclu­
simulated transformer designs, with protections localized in the bushing
ded from a survey of 675 major failures
turret region, to ensure that the transformer is robust to internal arcs.
of transformers with voltage classes of at
least 100 kV that bushings were the sourc­e
KEYWORDS of failure for 48.5 % of cases resulting in
explosion or fire, for which the failure
transformer explosion, explosion prevention, NFPA 850 o­rigin is known.

64 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Anne GOJ, Ashwin Padmanaban IYER, Omar AHMED

2. The transformer fast The explosion not only

depressurization system
costs the utility sub-
The studied protection technology, the
stantial financial los­
shown in Figure 1. This technology is con­ ses, but also can en-
sistent with the NFPA 850 Recommenda­
tion published in 2015 [2] on transformer
danger human life and
fast depressurization systems, whose aim the environment
is to mitigate transformer failures due to
internal arcing.
ge to the transformer tank during internal
The transformer fast depressurization sys­ arcs. Two separate transformer designs
tem includes: are stud­ied to ensure that the presented
results are sufficiently general.
1. Tank depressurization set (DS), includ­
ing a decompression chamber;
2. Transformer turret or bushing depres­
3. Studied transformer
surization set; models
3. Oil and explosive gases separation tank We use two large power transformers as
and explosive gases evacuation to a re­ models to understand the typical behavi­
mote area; our associated with depressurization of the
4. Nitrogen injection to evacuate all explo­ tanks. The first transformer is a 166.7 MVA
sive gases contained in the transformer three-phase core-type transformer – which
tank before tank opening for transform­ we will call Model A, and the second
Short circuit in a er repairs. is a 363 MVA three-phase core-type
transformer leads to An installed transformer fast depres­
transformer – which we will call Model B.
The Computer-Aided Drawing (CAD)
a sudden gas forma- surization system is shown in Figure 2. geometry and tetrahedral mesh are shown
tion, which can quick- The bushing turret depressurization set,
marked as part 2 in Figure 1, is encircled
in Figure 3 for Model A, and in Figure 4
for Model B. Locations of simulated arcs
ly pressurize the tank in green in Figure 2. are highlighted in the same images.

beyond its withstand Because bushings are common sources Model A has a protection configuration of
capacity to the con- of transformer failure, and considering one 250 mm diameter vertical depressur­
that bushing turrets include high voltage ization sets (VDS) on the main tank and
ditions where catas­ elements in a constrained geometric re­ three 200 mm diameter bushing turret
trophic structural fail­ gion, we examine the role of deploying
depressurization sets strategically located
depressurization sets (BTDS) for each high
voltage bushing turret. Due to the higher
ure is imminent on the bushing turrets to mitigate dama­ power rating, Model B has a protection

Figure 1. Transformer fast depressurization system includ- Figure 2. Installation of a transformer fast depressurization system, including bush-
ing bushing turret protection ing turret protection

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 65

Figure 3. Model A transformer geometry, 166.7 MVA

We have examined how to prevent damage to the transformer tank during

internal arcs by deploying depressurization sets strategically located on
the bushing turrets

Figure 4. Model B transformer geometry, 363 MVA

66 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

The TP operates within 9 ms of the arc 5.1 Results: Average tank pressures

initiation, depressurizing the transformers

rapid­ly and keeping the pressure safely
below the tank withstand limit of 1 to 2 bar

configuration of two 300 mm VDS on the the bushing turrets are shown in Figures 7
main tank and three 250 mm diameter and 8; and the three-dimensional pressure
BTDS for each high voltage bushing turret. contours are shown in Figures 9 and 10.
Figure 5. Average tank pressure, 166.7 MVA
We observe that due to the early operatio­n
4. Numerical method of the TP, within 9 ms of the initiation
Model A transformer, 10 MJ Arc

Using software defined and validated in of the arc conditions, the transformers
[3] and [4], post short-circuit fluid pres­ rapid­ly depressurize, and are safely below
sures are studied in these model trans­ the tank’s static withstand limit within a
formers. time scale of approximately 200 ms. In
contrast, the unprotected transformers
This simulation software solves the reach steady pressures far in excessive of
Navier-Stokes equations of a two-phase 1 bar, the approximate static limit trans­
compressible fluid system using a finite former tanks are typically designed to with­
volume methodology with a Godunov stand. This 1 bar static withstand limit for Figure 6. Average tank pressure, 363 MVA
solver to calculate the solutions to the transformer tanks is based on the CIGRE Model B Transformer, 10 MJ Arc
Riemann problems. The solutions are A2.33 Guide for Transformer Fire Safety
based on a reduced set of five equations, Practices [9], which notes that, “the tank’s 5.2 Results: Bushing turret
representing the advection of the static pressure withstand limits [...] are pressures
gas phase fraction, and conservation typ­ically within the 1.0 – 2.0 bar (at base of
equations for the densities of both phases, tank) unless special higher strength tank
the momentum of the liquid-gas mixture, design has been specified.” For transform­
and the total energy of the mixture [5]. er A, the steady pressures were approxi­
mately 45 bars, and for transformer B, the
Within this model, both gas and liquid steady pressures reached nearly 70 bars.
phases within a tetrahedral cell relax These pressures are sufficiently large to
infinitely quickly to a local pressure and rupture the transformer tank.
velocity equilibrium [6]. The thermo­
dynamic relationships between internal Based on anecdotal evidence observed
energy, density and pressure are calculated in the field, we consider that a protection Bushing turret 1
assuming the ideal gas equation holds technology that depressurizes a transform­
for the vapor phase and the stiffened er within this 200 ms time scale will prevent
gas equation holds for the liquid phase. catastrophic tank rupture, and subsequent
The stiffened gas equation of state is an fires. Therefore, using this criterion the
equation of state often used in explosion protection solutions simulated would be
research to account for the compressibility sufficient to ensure that the transformer
of liquids at extreme pressures [7]. will not experience an explosion and fire.

A 10 MJ arc was simulated in both tanks, As pressures in the bushing turrets reach
as it is generally considered to be an arc even higher values – approximately 50 bars
Bushing turret 2
energy sufficient to rupture a transformer for transformer A and around 80 bars for
tank, in the absence of a fast depressuri­ transformer B, these locations are at high
zation system [9]. The duration of the arc risk of tank failure. This can be attributed to
is set at five cycles, a typical time scale for the constrained geometric region, allowing
circuit breakers to act within, which is ap­ pressures to localize. Although the arcs
proximately 83 ms for transformer A and were simulated to be relatively distant from
100 ms for transformer B. the bushing turret depressurization sets,
the proximity of the high voltage conduc­
tors to ground in these regions make them
5. Results high probability arcing locations. Further­
Bushing turret 3
The spatially averaged pressures calculated more, failure in the bushing turret region is
in these transformer tanks are shown in highly likely to lead to a subsequent failure Figure 7. Pressure in bushing turrets for
F­igures 5 and 6; the pressures localized in in the bushings. 166.7 MVA Model A transformer, 10 MJ Arc

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 67

5.3 Results: 3D tank pressure Due to much lower oil outflow and slower
tank depressurization, PRD is not as effec-
tive as TP in preventing rupture, given a 10
MJ arc

measurements to a liquid filled transform­ The final steady state pressures calculated
er, we multiply the specified speeds with for the tank without explosion preventi­
the ratio of the square root of air density, on devices were much greater than 10 bar,
at a temperature of 298 K and a pressure pressures sufficiently high to lead to tank
of 1.01 bars, to the oil density, 850 kg/m3. rupture since transformer tanks are de­
Bushing turret 1
Because these measurements are made for signed to withstand steady pressures of
limited pressure differences, this should only 1 bar. Pressures were higher for the
be considered only a preliminary analysis. bushing turret region than the main tank,
indicating possible bushing failure.
The results in Figures 11 and 12 show that
the outflow associated with the TP is at For the same arc models, the transformer
least several times larger than the outflow tanks simulated with the fast depressuri­
associated with all PRDs for each trans­ zation system showed that all depressuri­
former tank. We note that for the largest zation sets activated by 9 ms, far earlier
transformer, only the first 50 ms of flow is than the arc duration. Over the course
Bushing turret 2
depicted, since the subsequent time evo­ of the depressurization, the maximum
lution may not account for flow back into transi­ent pressures within the tank de­
the tank. The lower performance can be creased by at least a factor of two. Finally,
attributed to the inertia associated with the fast depressurization system depressu­
PRD spring, and the smaller flow area. rized the tanks to safe levels within appro­
ximately 200 ms, a time scale consistent
We conclude that because the much lower with preventing tank rupture based on
oil outflow would not lead to a fast depres­ manufacturer experience.
surization of the transformer tank, the
PRD is not sufficient to prevent rupture in In summary, the transformer fast depres­
these transformer tanks, given a 10 MJ arc. surization system, including depressuri­
zation sets appropriately sized and placed
Bushing turret 3 in proximity to high voltage bushing tur­
Conclusion rets, is an effective tool for reducing risk of
Figure 8. Pressure in bushing turrets for
363 MVA Model B transformer, 10 MJ Arc Simulations of pressure rise within a transformer tank explosion and fires.
three-phase 166.7 MVA transformer, and
a three-phase 363 MVA transformer have
5.4 Results: Comparison with the been used to evaluate effective tank rup­
pressure relief device (PRD) ture mitigation strategies, given a typical [1] CIGRE A2.37, Transformer Reliability
high energy arc of magnitude 10 MJ. As Survey, 2015
Because there are no standards for the li­ these simulations are limited in scope,
quid depressurization performance for a i.e. they do not model all possible arcing [2] National Fire Protection Association,
PRD in a power transformer, the gas per­ scenarios nor do they consider the energy NFPA 850, 2015
formance is used as a proxy. Specifically, a absorbed by the transformer tank struc­
conservation of energy argument can be ture through wall deformations and vib­ [3] S. Muller, R. Brady, G. de Bressy, P.
made relating the change in kinetic energy rations, these conclusions should be con­ Magnier and G. Pergaud, “Prevention of
of the oil to the pressure difference across sidered a representative guide of a typical Transformer Tank Explosion, Part 1: Ex­
the PRD, as viscous forces are negligible arcing situation and a qualitative demon­ perimental Tests on Large Transformers,”
compared to the pressure gradient and in­ stration of the marked differences between in ASME PVP, Chicago, USA, 2008
ertial forces in this parameter space. This a sealed tank without transformer explo­
implies that the speed of outflow scales in­ sion protection and the same tank equip­ [4] B. Landis, O. Ahmed, S. Yoon, A. Goj
versely proportionally to the square root p­ed with a fast depressurization system. and G. Perigaud, “Development of a Two-
of the density. Way Fluid Structure Coupling for Study­
Based on the simulations, we may con­ ing Power Transformers Subjected to In­
The IEEE C57.156 standard [8] has mea­ clude that the transformers without the ternal Dynamic Overpressures,” in ASME
sured speeds for the outflow of gas that we fast depressurization system showed a PVP, Paris, France, 2013
will consider as upper and lower bounds sustained increase in tank pressures well
of PRD performance. To translate these over the expected safety threshold of 1 bar. [5] H. Guillard and A. Murrone, “A five

68 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Special Edition: Bushings, 2017

Time No protection Transformer protector No protection Transformer protector




Figure 9. 3D tank pressure contours, 166.7 MVA Figure 10. 3D tank pressure contours, 363 MVA
Model A transformer, 10 MJ arc Model B transformer, 10 MJ arc

equation reduced Model for compressib­ hing flows,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 607, pp. [8] IEEE C57.156, Guide for Tank
le two phase flow problems,” INRIA, Vol. 313-350, 2008 Rupture Mitigation of Liquid-Immersed
4778, 2003 Power Transformers and Reactors,
[7] R. Menikoff, “Empirical EOS for So­ 2016
[6] R. Saurel, F. Petitpas and R. Abgrall, lids,” in Shock Wave Science and Tech-
“Modelling phase transition in metastable nology Reference Library Vol. 2, Berlin, [9] CIGRE A2.33, Guide for Transformer
liquids: Application to cavitating and flas­ Springer-Verlag, 2007, pp. 143-188 Fire Safety Practices, 2013

Anne Goj has been involved in multi-disciplinary
computational research since completing a PhD in
Theoretical and Physical Chemistry in 2007. She is
currently a Research Engineer at Transformer Protector
Corp. She is spending so much time calculating quantities
with physics that she occasionally wonders how her
degrees all have “chemistry” written on them.

Figure 11. Oil outflow, 166.7 MVA Model A Ashwin Padmanaban Iyer has been involved in
transformer, 10 MJ arc performing Finite Element Analysis to evaluate structural
integrity for various applications after completing an
MS in Mechanical Engineering in 2011. He is currently
a Research Engineer at Transformer Protector Corp. His
other interests include trekking and traveling.
All TP Depressurization Sets
Outflow rate [L/s]

Estimated Lower Bound PRD
Omar Ahmed has been involved in scientific computa­
Estimated Upper Bound PRD
Performance tion with a focus on Computational Fluid Dynamics
950 L/s since completing a MS in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics in
250 L/s
0 10 20 30
Time [ms]
40 50
2010. He is currently the Research Department Manager
at Transformer Protector Corp. In his free time, he enjoys
Figure 12. Oil outflow, 363 MVA Model B cooking and biking.
transformer, 10 MJ arc

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