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Pre-Test ระดับมัธยมต้น

Part I: Grammar

Directions: Choose the best answer.

1. These researchers _______ biology for ten years. They ______their first lesson when they
______ in secondary school.
A. were studying / started / are B. have studied / started / were
C. studied / have started / were being D. have studied / have started / were

2. Fortunately, we had ______ time to spare.

A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

3. While Mr. Jackson was on holiday, his house ______.

A. burgles B. burgled C. is burgled D. was burgled

4. My sister says she is looking forward to ______ you.

A. meet B. meets C. meeting D. will meet

5. The country’s economy depends ______ tourism.

A. with B. in C. on D. at

6. On the average, a healthy heart _____ to pump five tablespoons of blood with every
A. ought B. must C. should D. can

7. The temperature was well below zero - much _____ cold to spend more than a few
minutes on deck.
A. so B. such C. too D. as

8. I helped him choose _____ for his house.

A. furnitures B. a furniture C. the furniture D. some furnitures

9. If I _____ a plant, I would love the rain.

A. am B. was C. were D. would be

10. There were strange sounds _____ from the next room.
A. coming B. to come C. came D. which come
Part I: Vocabulary

Directions: Choose the best answer.

11. People _____ her for her beauty and intelligence.

A. admire B. mock C. pity D. resemble

12. Cody doesn’t feel at ease when he talks to people he doesn’t get used to. He's quite
A. timid B. hot-headed C. sensible D. stubborn

13. It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and _______.
A. recall B. regret C. approve D. appreciate

14. _____ weather conditions made it difficult to play the game.

A. Persistent B. Adverse C. Autonomous D. Ideal

15. A newborn baby needs ______ care and attention.

A. different B. core C. convenient D. constant

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the underlined.

16. Eight people were killed, and four are still in a critical condition.
A. dangerous B. chief C. constant D. prosperous

17. Freud had many diverse interests in psychology.

A. different B. thriving C. complex D. strong

18. She tried to conceal the fact that she was pregnant.
A. block B. disclose C. hide D. explain

19. Wearing badly-fitting shoes can deform your feet.

A. resist B. distort C. cure D. protect

20. The woman scarcely spoke a word of English.

A. clearly B. easily C. carefully D. hardly
Part III: Cloze Test

Directions: Choose the best answer.

A man from 21. _____ South Africa found stones which looked like crystals in the ground
near his village. The man told other villagers about the 22. _____. Soon after that, those
villagers 23. _____ to the field because they want to get some stones, too. They said that selling
the stones could help solve their problems with money and crime.
The stones were later studied by geologists and other experts. It was not clear 24.
_____ stones are real diamonds or not, but some villagers started selling them. However, the
villagers were told to leave the field and let experts 25. _____ their work. People called this
situation a “diamond rush.”

21. A. - B. a C. an D. the

22. A. improvement B. plan C. project D. discovery

23. A. strolled B. rushed C. climbed D. crushed

24. A. whether B. where C. why D. what

25. A. do B. does C. did D. to do

Part IV: Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions.

Reminiscing about their childhood days, many older adults in Japan who climbed
persimmon trees may remember being scolded by their grandparents. “If you fall, you’ll die in
three years,” they would shout. They may also utter some curses to bewilder and scare the pants
off them. But where does this superstition come from?
Many Japanese people believe that persimmon trees have a deep connection with life and
death in Japanese folklore and religion. For example, it was customary for people in Nara
Prefecture to plant a persimmon tree to mark gravesites or to be used as fuel for cremations. In
Nagano Prefecture, spirits are believed to be found under persimmon trees, and souls will cling
to persimmon trees near their family homes. Having such a belief, the natives of Nagano do not
cut persimmon tress near their houses.
In addition, persimmon trees are also associated with good luck and longevity. Many
families will hang a string of Hoshigaki (dried persimmons) in their homes through New Year’s
Eve, wishing that dried persimmons will bring them happiness and prosperity for the next year.
However, some also believe that eating a “strange” persimmon fruit gave birth to a disabled child.
However, while there is already a lot of superstition surrounding persimmon trees, the
“death in three years” story was likely invented just to keep kids from falling out of trees.
Persimmon trees are known for having fragile branches. Too many kids coming home with
scraped knees and broken bones likely started this tale.

Adapted from:

26. What is the best title of this text?
A. Trees and Superstitions
B. Falling from a Persimmon tree
C. Superstitions Attached to Persimmon Trees
D. Persimmon Trees and Life After Death

27. What is the purpose of the author of the text?

A. To disprove false beliefs about persimmon tress.
B. To convince readers that persimmon trees are sacred trees.
C. To inform readers of superstitions surrounding persimmon trees.
D. To persuade readers to plant persimmon trees near their houses.

28. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. It is believed that persimmon trees have a connection with eternal life.
B. People in Nagano Prefecture believe that evil spirits dwell in persimmon trees.
C. Children who climb persimmon trees are usually punished by their grandparents.
D. The real purpose of a “die-in-three-years” tale is to prevent children from having

29. Which of the following words has a similar meaning to ‘prosperity’ in paragraph 3?
A. success B. kindness C. safety D. enjoyment

30. In which source will you probably find this text?

A. a comic book B. a scientific journal
C. a documentary book D. an entertainment magazine

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