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Part 1: Conversation
Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the dialogues.

1-4 Losing weight

Gary: Just look at the crowd today. I guess more and more people want to keep fit.
Joe: ______1______ My cousin, Andy, is joining us later.
Gary: Andy? ______2______ He thinks even walking is too much effort.
Joe: Well, ______3_______ He's serious about losing some weight.
Gary: He had better. ______4______
Joe: All I can say is, he needs our support and encouragement.

1. 1. Did they tell you that? 2. I've got an idea too.

3. You can say that again. 4. You know everything.

2. 1. I know him. 2. Ask him to come now.

3. He must work out! 4. I don't believe I'm hearing this!

3. 1. I'm not joking, and neither is Andy. 2. I'm convinced he'll lose some weight.
3. I managed to lose weight. 4. I felt he could lose weight if he tried.

4. 1. He's not too fat. 2. I feel so sorry for him.

3. I can't stand the sight of all his fat! 4. He's such a nice person too.

Part 2: Vocabulary
Directions: Choose the words that have the closest meaning to the underlined ones.

5. Herbal medicine relies on the real or imaginary curative properties of plants.

1. sacred 2. harmful 3. healing 4. remarkable
6. The chances of a healthy adult contracting the disease are negligible.
1. requested 2. ignorant 3. distinct 4. minimal

7. Be vigilant on public transport and at tourist sites, as pickpockets operate in these areas.
1. concentrated 2. cautious 3. hasty 4. curious

8. Alcohol significantly impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.

1. harms 2. boosts 3. modifies 4. confuses

Meaning in Context (5 items)

Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.

9. After the penalty was finally ______, motorists decided to ______ their poor driving habits.
1. created , continue 2. increased , alter
3. instituted , maintain 4. reduced , abandon

10. In order to ______ their power and unity, rich landowners often married other members of the
______, noble class.
1. defend , humble 2. imitate , royal
3. preserve , wealthy 4. destroy , influential

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions.

Passage 2
Naturalists and casual observers alike have been struck by the special relationship

between squirrels and acorns (the seeds of oak trees). Ecologists, though, cannot observe

these energetic mammals scurrying up and down oak trees and eating and burying acorns

Line without wondering about their complex relationship with trees. Are squirrels dispersers
(5) and planters of oak forests or pesky seed predators? The answer is not simple. Squirrels

may devour many acorns, but by storing and failing to recover up to 74 percent of them

(as they do when seeds are abundant), these arboreal rodents can also aid regeneration

and dispersal of the oaks.

Their destructive powers are well documented. According to one report, squirrels

(10) destroyed tens of thousands of fallen acorns from an oak stand on the University of

Indiana campus. A professor there estimated that each of the large white oaks had

produced between two and eight thousand acorns, but within weeks of seed maturity,

hardly an intact acorn could be found among the fallen leaves.

Deer, turkey, wild pigs, and bears also feed heavily on acorns, but do not store them,

(15) and are therefore of no benefit to the trees. Flying squirrels, chipmunks, and mice are

also unlikely to promote tree dispersal – whose behavior of caching (hiding) acorns below

the leaf litter often promotes successful germination of acorns – and perhaps blue jays,

important long-distance dispersers, seem to help oaks spread and reproduce.

Among squirrels, though, there is a particularly puzzling behavior pattern. Squirrels

(20) pry off the caps of acorns, bite through the shells to get at the nutritious inner kernels,

and then discard them half-eaten. The ground under towing oaks is often littered with

thousands of half -eaten acorns, each one only bitten from the top. Why would any animal

waste so much time and energy and risk exposure to such predators as red-tail hawks only

to leave a large part of each acorn uneaten? While research is not conclusive at this point,

(25) one thing that is certain is that squirrels do hide some of the uneaten portions, and these

acorn halves, many of which contain the seeds, may later germinate.
11. What does the passage mainly discuss?

1. The ecology of oak trees

2. Factors that determine the feeding habits of Squirrels

3. Various species of animals that promote the dispersal of tree seeds

4. The relationship between squirrels and oak trees

12. According to the passage, which of the following do squirrels and blue jays have in common?
1. They travel long distances to obtain acorns.
2. They promote the reproduction of oak trees.
3. They bury acorns under fallen leaves.
4. They store large quantities of acorns.

13. The phrase “pry off" in line 21 is closest in meaning to ________.

1. swallow 2. remove 3. squeeze 4. locate

14. According to the passage, scientists cannot explain which of the following aspects of squirrel
1. Where squirrels store their acorn caches
2. Why squirrels prefer acorns over other seeds
3. Why squirrels eat only a portion of each acorn they retrieve
4. Why squirrels prefer acorns from a particular species of oak trees

Part 4: Structure and Writing

Error Identification
Directions: Choose the underlined part that is grammatically incorrect.

15. (1) Everyone who witnessed the accident (2) were asked (3) to give a statement to (4) the police.

16. The president and vice president were both (1) welcomed by (2) the head of the committee;
(3) however, there were violent (4) demonstration on the streets outside the hotel.
17. Our new (1) sales manager found out that (2) get the job done is not (3) as easy as it first
(4) appears.

18. Learning (1) to play the guitar (2) is not (3) difficult as learning the bassoon (4) or the bagpipes.

19. Plants (1) are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic

(2) species and (3) have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms (4) designing to frustrate the

potential colonists.

Cloze Test
Directions: Choose the best answers to complete the paragraph.

Japan's Education System

Students in Japan must receive a total of nine years of compulsory education – six years of
elementary school and three of junior high schools.
After these nine years, 90% of students go on to high school or the equivalent. 40% of these
graduates then decide ___20___ their education, and enhance their career chances at universities,
___21___ colleges, vocational training schools, and ___22___ educational institutions. Many educators
believe, ___23___, that the school system in Japan places too ____24____ emphasis ___25___ entrance

20. 1. further 2. to further 3. furthering 4. to be furthered

21. 1. two years 2. two-years 3. two-year 4. two year’s
22. 1. another 2. other 3. others 4. the other
23. 1. however 2. moreover 3. despite 4. in contrast
24. 1. much 2. many 3. more 4. any
25. 1. with 2. at 3. in 4. on

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