Solutions 3e Intermediate Skills Project 2

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Solutions Third Edition

2 Intermediate 21st Century Skills Project

Presentation: new purpose for an old building
21st Century Skills The world around me: respecting diversity, Collaboration: getting involved in projects
Key Competences 5 Social and civic competence, 6 Mathematics, science and technology, 1 Digital competence
Useful language 4A parts of a house and garden, describing houses and rooms, 4B comparison, 4D imaginary situations,
from the units 4G phrases for gaining time, 5A digital activities, computing verbs, computing: useful collocations,
5B quantifiers, 5G introducing opinions, 6B defining relative clauses, 6D non-defining relative clauses

STEP 1: UNDERSTAND THE TASK   Work in small groups. TAS  K Your local council has decided to transform an old
Read the task and the council’s aims. What does the
building into a centre for young people. On their website,
council want you to do? What would you like to do
[Design: A plan of the
theylayout of theyoung
have invited building.
peopleThe building
to present has
their 2 of
with the building? What activities would you like to
floors, plus a basement.
what they would like the youth centre to look like, and the
do in the new centre? What facilities and equipment
would you like to be available? Make a list.
floor: one large room,
equipment two
and smallthey
facilities rooms,
would kitchen,
One of the small rooms is between the kitchen and the toilets
and is labelled 3. There is a reasonably large corridor on this
First floor: 4 medium-sized rooms, toilets. Counof Info
cilthe rmation
City One rooms,
labelled 7, is the largest and has lots of windows <>
Youth services
A lift
Large outside space] Council’s aims:
, at tractive
• toacpreovfoidr eyoaunsagfepe ople to
meet together
tivities that
• to facilitate ac
want to do.
young people
e accessibility
• to incorporat
in all
for the disabled
facilities and ac

Basement Ground floor First floor


8 9 2 Toilets 3 4 5
Lift Lift Lift

10 1

Youth centre plan

1 4 8

2 5

Toilets Toilets
Toilets Toilets
Kitchen 7 13
Lift 3 Lift 6 Lift 12 Lift

Basement Ground floor First floor Second floor

Solutions THIRD EDITION Intermediate 21st Century Skills Project 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press­  1
Solutions Third Edition

2 Intermediate 21st Century Skills Project

Presentation: new purpose for an old building

STEP 2: PREPARE   Study the photo

and the plan of the building. KEY PHRASES
Discuss the questions in your Introducing opinions Phrases for gaining time
group. It seems to me that … Let me see …
1 Can the building accommodate In my opinion / view, … I’m thinking …
your ideas from Step 1? Personally, I think / don’t think that … Actually, now I come to think about it, …
2 What would you use each room / I believe that … I suppose the thing is, …
space for? What equipment The way I see it, … All things considered, …
would you need? For me, the important thing is (that) … What else? Well, …
3 How would you make the That’s a good point.
activities and facilities accessible
for disabled people?

STEP 3: ANALYSE   Read short extracts from

three students’ presentations. Did they have
the same ideas as you? Which do you think is
the best presentation? Why? Compare your OK, so our idea for the big room downstairs is to have a table tennis
ideas with your group. table or pool table in the middle and some sofas around the outside.

People would be able to have a game or sit with a drink from the
vending machine. And we could have some TVs too. There might
We would create an art studio in Room 4 be a problem if people get hit by a ball, but players would just have
on the first floor. We have chosen this room to be careful. We would make space around the table tennis table
because, as you can see from the plan, it for wheelchair users. Anyway, it’s the biggest room, so we should
has more windows than the other rooms have some sports activity in it.
and, therefore, more natural light. Setting
up an art room wouldn’t require a lot of
expensive equipment, but art books for
inspiration would be useful. Also, we would
like a variety of materials to be available 3
for young artists to experiment with, for
example, paper, paints, scissors, glue, ink Now let’s turn to Room 3 which is situated downstairs between
and brushes. Many young people, including the lift and toilets, as shown on the floor plan. This would be our
those with disabilities, would benefit from computer room, with desks along the walls. It’s a small room,
expressing themselves through art. The but the desks near the door could be wheelchair accessible. There
council could employ an artist as a teacher would be a few computers which you would sign up to use –
or mentor for younger artists. maximum 30 minutes. Young people could also bring their own
laptops and tablets as there would be free Wi-Fi.

STEP 4: CREATE   Work in your groups. Write your STEP 5: PRESENT   Give your presentation to the class. When
presentation to inform the council of your ideas. Include you have listened to all the presentations, discuss this
one or more plans to refer to if you wish. Use your ideas question in your groups. If you were the council, which
from Steps 1 and 2. presentation would you prefer? Why?

STEP 6: SELF-EVALUATION   Copy the statements into your notebook and score yourself from 1–4. 4 very well
a I can obtain and use relevant information from a range of sources. 3 well
b I can contribute ideas and opinions in a group discussion. 2 needs practice
c I can organise ideas in a presentation. 1 not very well
d I can make reasoned judgements about presentations.

Solutions THIRD EDITION Intermediate 21st Century Skills Project 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press­  2

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