ข้อสอบเข้าม.1 EP วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ

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Pre-Test สอบเข้าม.

1 Gifted ปี 2566
คาชี้แจง 1. ข้อสอบนี้มที งั ้ หมด 30 ข้อ คะแนนเต็ม 30 คะแนน
2. ข้อสอบนี้มท ี งั ้ หมด 4 ส่วน ได้แก่ ส่วนบทสนทนา ส่วนคาศัพท์ ส่วนไวยากรณ์ และส่วนการอ่าน
3. ข้อสอบเป็ นรูปแบบปรนัย 4 ตัวเลือก โดยให้เลือกตอบเพียงตัวเลือกเดียวเท่านัน ้
Part I: Conversation (Items 1-7)
Directions: Choose the best response.
1. A: The printer is out of paper.
B: _____________________
A. Yes, it’s out of order. B. There’s more in the drawer.
C. You should buy a new printer. D. Please take the paper out.

2. A: Do you mind if I smoke?

B: ____________________
A. No, don’t do that. B. Not at all. Go ahead.
C. Sure, please do so. D. Yes, I don’t mind smoking.

3. A: We need someone to organize the store room before our next shipment arrives.
B: _____________________
A. I’ll take it for granted. B. I’ll keep it up.
C. I’ll be on the go. D. I’ll see to it.

Long Conversation
Directions: Choose the best answer.
Operator: Fantastic Arts Company, Can I help you?
Melisa: Hello, this is Melisa Wong calling from Next Gen Solution Company. 4.________
Operator: Wait a minute, please. I’ll transfer you to Mr. Carter’s office.
Miss Julia: Mr. Carter's office. Julia speaking. May I help you?
Melisa: Oh, hi, Miss Julia. This is Melisa from Next Gen Solution Company. How are
you? I'm calling again to discuss the new project with Mr. Carter. 5. ________
Miss Julia: Sorry, Melisa. I’m afraid Mr. Carter can't talk to you right now. 6. _________
He said he would be free tomorrow. I think you two could discuss it over
lunch. Is that OK for you?
Melisa: Perfect! Thanks so much for your help. 7. ________
Miss Julia: You’re welcome. We'll talk later then.

4. A. Can you tell Mr. Carter about me, please?

B. Can you send me to Mr. Carter’s office, please?
C. Can you put me through to Mr. Carter’s office, please?
D. Can you pass me to Mr. Carter, please?

5. A. Is he available? B. I’m afraid he isn’t in right now.

C. Can you put him on hold, please? D. Can you give me a chance to talk to him?

6. A. He’ll reject your call for sure. B. He’s all tied up in the meeting.
C. Do you still want to talk to him? D. He’s in no mood for talking.

7. A. I owe you one. B. It’s my pleasure.

C. I couldn’t agree more. D. That’s all right.

Part II: Vocabulary (Items 8-15)

Directions: Choose the best answer.
8. It will be ________ to close the swimming pool while the repairs take place.
A. necessary B. useless C. flexible D. harmful
9. A spelling bee is a ________ in which people try to spell words correctly.
A. measure B. policy C. competition D. campaign

10. Detectives are still trying to ________ the mystery surrounding the sheriff’s death.
A. implicate B. infringe C. disguise D. unravel

11. It is not easy to explain the ________ that still exists between the men’s and women’s
A. concurrence B. disparity C. dilemma D. hoax

Directions: Choose the word that has a similar meaning to the underlined.
12. On September 17th, reports stated that tear gas was used to halt protests at a Mandalay
high school.
A. chase B. track C. kill D. stop

13. The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire.
A. destroyed B. improved C. replaced D. faded

14. She was under five feet five inches tall, but strikingly good-looking, with dark hair and eyes
and vivacious manners.
A. kind B. polite C. lively D. funny

15. With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and
unprepared mountain walker.
A. realizes B. prepares C. disappears D. represents

Part III: Grammar (Items 16-23)

Directions: Choose the best answer.
16. She ________ a strong desire to go back to her home country before she died.
A. has B. had C. has had D. will have
17. He and his wife were able to climb out of the truck before it burned, but both ________.
A. seriously injured B. were serious injured
C. serious injured D. were seriously injured

18. ________ I can’t help admiring the man’s courage, I do not approve of his methods.
A. Despite B. Although C. Because D. However

19. Not only ________ a pay increase, but they also want reduced working hours.
A. the nurses want B. want the nurses
C. do the nurses want D. the nurses wanting

Directions: Choose the underlined part that is grammatically incorrect.

20. The grizzly bear, which can grow up to eight feet tall, has been called a more dangerous
A. B. C.
animal of North America.
21. Not alike other European countries, Belgium does not have a single public broadcasting
A. B. C. D.

22. Thirty years ago a patient with severe cancer insisted that he be treated with an
A. B.
experimental drug calling Krebiozen.
C. D.
23. At the start of the American Revolution, lanterns were hanged in the Old North Church as a
A. B. C.
signal that the British were coming.
Part IV: Reading Comprehension (Items 24-30)
Directions: Read the following notice and answer the question.


24. What does this notice mean?

A. You can smoke in this area only.
B. Smoking in this area is free of charge.
C. Smoking in this area is prohibited.
D. You can get some fresh air here.

Directions: Read the comic strips and answer the questions.

25. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The man’s son does not often watch TV.
B. The man’s son was disgusted by the show.
C. The two men are enjoying watching the show.
D. The man thinks that this show is suitable for children.
26. From the context, what does “gross someone out” probably mean?
A. To make someone feel angry
B. To make someone feel excited
C. To make someone feel distaste
D. To make someone feel depressed

Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions.

Reminiscing about their childhood days, many older adults in Japan who climbed persimmon trees
may remember being scolded by their grandparents. “If you fall, you’ll die in three years,” they would
shout. They may also utter some curses to bewilder and scare the pants off them. But where does
this superstition come from?
Many Japanese people believe that persimmon trees have a deep connection with life and death
in Japanese folklore and religion. For example, it was customary for people in Nara Prefecture to
plant a persimmon tree to mark gravesites or to be used as fuel for cremations. In Nagano
Prefecture, spirits are believed to be found under persimmon trees, and souls will cling to
persimmon trees near their family homes. Having such a belief, the natives of Nagano do not cut
persimmon tress near their houses.
In addition, persimmon trees are also associated with good luck and longevity. Many families will
hang a string of hoshigaki (dried persimmons) in their homes through New Year’s Eve, wishing that
dried persimmons will bring them happiness and prosperity for the next year. However, some also
believe that eating a “strange” persimmon fruit gave birth to a disabled child.
However, while there is already a lot of superstition surrounding persimmon trees, the “death in
three years” story was likely invented just to keep kids from falling out of trees. Persimmon trees
are known for having fragile branches. Too many kids coming home with scraped knees and broken
bones likely started this tale.
Adapted from: https://blog.gaijinpot.com/7-spooky-japanese-superstitions-and-their-origins/

27. What is the best title of this text?

A. Trees and Superstitions
B. Falling from a Persimmon tree
C. Superstitions Attached to Persimmon Trees
D. Persimmon Trees and Life After Death
28. What is the purpose of the author of the text?
A. To disprove false beliefs about persimmon tress.
B. To convince readers that persimmon trees are sacred trees.
C. To inform readers of superstitions surrounding persimmon trees.
D. To persuade readers to plant persimmon trees near their houses.

29. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. It is believed that persimmon trees have a connection with eternal life.
B. People in Nagano Prefecture believe that evil spirits dwell in persimmon trees.
C. Children who climb persimmon trees are usually punished by their grandparents.
D. The real purpose of a “die-in-three-years” tale is to prevent children from having accidents.

30. Which of the following words has a similar meaning to ‘prosperity’ in paragraph 3?
A. success B. kindness C. safety D. enjoyment

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