Synthesis Outline

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● Hook (Allusion, Question, Statistic, Story, Quote)

How is the first amendment being threatened in modern culture is

one of the things I often find myself considering?

● Thesis Statement (specific and arguable and based on the essential


In our society today, the 1st Amendment's liberties are in danger

because... The government employs social media companies, which
are private businesses, on their websites and in what is posted. The
users' rights under the First Amendment are frequently in conflict
with this. When it comes to racial issues in the classroom, children
shouldn't be penalized for speaking up about the issue.

Body Paragraph One: (First reason your amendment is at risk)

A. Claim: In schools, the first amendment is in jeopardy. When students

voice their opinions and protest at school, they are often punished. When a
student needs extra support, teachers should listen to him or her rather than
merely follow the school's instructions. Then, when it comes to social
media, how and what people post is determined by the companies.

(Two texts that discuss ONE idea in claim)

B. TEXT A TITLE: Can Schools Discipline Students For Protesting?

QUOTE: (Evidence and MLA in-text citations)

The passage stated that…“The school would mark their absence if they aren't in
the class due to going and joining in on the protest”. The paragraph further reads
“that students should be able to say what they want. It's their right to do so and
say what they want to say”.

Work Cited
Eidelman, Vera. “Can Schools Discipline Students for Protesting? | News & Commentary |

American Civil Liberties Union.” ACLU, 22 February 2018,

Accessed 17 January 2023.

C. Analysis: (How does this evidence prove the amendment at risk?)

My research shows that students are punished for expressing their opinions
on an issue that exists in the environment in which they learn, even though
it is their constitutional right to do so. Children shouldn't be declared absent
simply because they wish to express their disapproval of the state of the

D. TEXT B Title: Perez v. Sturgis public schools, et al

QUOTE: It is stated in the passage “petitioner Miguel Perez filed a due process
complaint with the Michigan Department of Education, alleging that his school district
violated the IDEA and Americans with Disabilities Act. The hearing officer dismissed the
ADA claim for lack of jurisdiction, and the parties settled the IDEA claim.”

The passage also reads, ”Perez then sued the school district and board of education in
federal court, claiming that the school discriminated against him by not providing the
resources necessary for him to participate in class. The district court dismissed the ADA
claim based on failure to exhaust the administration.”
E. Analysis: Instead of only considering the school's point of view and
failing to consider all points of view, the court should have let him and his
family speak. That the court should have reconsidered the case before
dismissing it to see whether there was anything else wrong with it. He was
unable to use his IDEA and ADA rights to obtain the educational rights he
deserved. The school did not give the necessary resources for the student's
achievement. If the court looked at the case now, they would uncover more
information that could benefit the man and make the trial fair. It wasn't fair
that he wasn't allowed to express his wants and frustrations. It appeared as
though the court quickly moved on and didn't thoroughly consider the

Body Paragraph Two: (Second reason your amendment is at risk)

A. Claim: When it comes to talking negatively about other people's races

and spreading misinformation on social media, there should be a restriction
on what everyone says. When people talk about such things on the internet,
it might affect a lot of people and make them feel bad about that platform. It
has various effects on humans.

(Two texts that discuss ONE idea in claim)

B. TEXT C: Social Media Censorship Violates the First

According to the article, “why should a person who was spreading misinformation only get
banned from one plate form and not all of them.”
The article also states, “should the white house get censored when they get their facts wrong
about something? How come the Big tech companies don’t censor the government but they are
quick to censor what the people say.”

Work Cited
Bill, Hagerty. “"Social Media Censorship Violates the First Amendment."” Gale Opposing

Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2023. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, 17 Jan.

January 2023,

&xid=cf73aac9. Accessed 17 Jan. 2023. January 2023.

C. Analysis:

What people and the government can say on social media platforms should
be limited. The government wants the people to be the only ones who are
restricted, and they believe they do not have to be. The first amendment
provides that people have the right to say whatever they want and how they
feel about it. When it comes to race, religion, and other sensitive themes,
they should put a restriction on them. People do, however, have the right to
express themselves freely. However, people should be careful what they say
because race is a sensitive topic people want to criticize how people of that
race do things or how different they are from that race. What that race does
wrong, how they act, and what they believe. Overall, social media should set
limits on what people can do while without infringing on people's rights.

D. TEXT D: Indecency in the Media Should Be Restricted

QUOTE: According to the passage, “I do not think the First Amendment

prevents the government from restricting minors' access to entertainment that
glamorizes violence causing serious bodily injury or death, no matter how
exploitative, gratuitous, graphic and easily imitable it is.”

It also specifies, “I also do not think the First Amendment was intended to shield
the media from all responsibility for any and all harms resulting from
irresponsible portrayals of violence. In discussing the extent of freedom of the
press, the Supreme Court said in Near v. Minnesota, 283 U.S. 697, at 713-715 (1931).”
E. Analysis: When it comes to younger children, social media should be
restricted because when they see murders and people saying it's okay to
have sex and bully other races, they believe that type of behavior is
acceptable when it is not. People should limit what they post on social
media since it might have an impact on younger children and encourage
them to do the same. They believe that what they are doing is correct. I
know the first amendment states that everyone has the right to free speech,
which means they may say whatever they want, but when it comes to
uploading inappropriate content, they could simply ban it. When someone
uploads anything that is inappropriate for the rest of the world to view,
social media networks should simply remove it. What people do on social
media can have an impact on them and what they do in real life, not only
on the internet.

Conclusion Paragraph

Re-state thesis:

The rights guaranteed by the First Amendment are under threat in our
society today as a result of... Private companies that the government uses on
their websites and what is uploaded are known as social media corporations.
This causes several disputes between users and their First Amendment
rights. When it comes to racism in the school district, when students
protest, they should not be penalized for expressing their concerns.

Explain how the thesis was proven:

My thesis is demonstrated since all of the information I presented shows

that pupils do not get the opportunity to express their views on what is
going on. Schools should allow people with disabilities and their families to
discuss what is going on and what they can do to assist them if they are
suffering. The school should not simply ignore things; instead, they should
focus on what a pupil needs.
Connect your ideas to the world:

My ideas simply demonstrate the need for schools to provide children the
freedom to express themselves when speaking about sensitive issues or
when a teacher or other individual has made a poor judgment call and they
want to take action to ensure that person receives the appropriate
punishment. If students wish to protest or hold a group discussion about
what happened, how they felt about it, and what other measures can be
taken, the school cannot simply inform them of what happened or make
them behave badly. Students have the freedom to express their opinions on
what they think should be done and how they feel about the circumstances
surrounding them. My other idea indicates that the world should only put a
restriction on social media but not take away people's rights, just make some
things censored when it comes to difficult or sensitive themes.

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