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3 major factors groverning us eof energy

Geographical restrcitions

has to do with where the resource is located .

Technological limitations


Factors influencing use of energy sources

Political – has to do with the governmental policies of the certain country

- Privatisation :
- Nationlisation : this arises when companies are placed under the control of the government
which enables the government to tap into that resource reserve so that it can be used a source
of energy
- Foreign Direct Investment : This arises where a government incentivizes a foreign investor to
invest in a natural resource such as geothermal power . Unlike privatization , although they may
invest in the resource , the local company still owns it . For example in Trinidad and Tobago
foreign investors have invested in the Oil resource however Trinidad still owns it . The foreign
investors would exploit butTrindad still benefits as they have oil at their disposal .

Social – Is concerned with the size of the population . A larger population will require more energy to
meet the needs of the citizens . Additionally the income of individuals willusually determine how
much energy that they use as they are more cautious of the amount of electricity that they
consumer . Turn off appliances when not in use , limit lighting so just one light in house.

After the electricity has been generated it is transmitted to the nearby susbstations and then distributed
to the various communities , villages .

Electricity is generated at a voltage of 25kv to reduce energy lost in long distances .

Distribution of electricity to customers :

Power grid – Is basically a network that bridges or connects the supply with the customers

Factors affecting electricity generating capacity :

1. Gorvernmnet policies
2. Storage and Stockpiling capabilities :
3. Diversity of energy sources
4. Generation rate and Human patterns :
Generation rate is the amount of energy that can be produced or generated within a certain
time period . Usually must be in excess of demand patterns to lower possibility of a
blackout . Humans patterns affects the electricity generation because the activities that take
place call for a higher energy generation
Requirements of a valid lease-
There must be a dorminant and servient tenenment - . servient tenement sufficiently
defined in the grant – Keefe v Amor
Must accommodate dorminant tenement Heart v Pierce not a personal advantage like in hill
v tupper
Right must be capable of roming subject matter of grant
Sufficiently defined Web v Bird
Must not prevent servient’s tenement’s access – Copeland v Greenhalf

Creation of easements
Prescription Dalton v Angus
The case Dalton v Angus explains the basis of prescription in which it was stated that for
prescription to vene take place somebody must do an act on aonther’s land , the owner
knows , that person has no power or permission to do that act , owner hss power to stop it
but dies nothing
–Prescription arises where someone has enjoyed and used of somebody for a long
uninterrupted time with that person’s knowledge .

Three main requirements of prescription are that the land was used
As of right
continuous user ( Hollins v Verny )
In Fee simple
Methods of Prescription
Common law – Darling v Peirce must show land enjoyment 20 yrs or time inmmemorial
Fiction of modern lost grant
Prescription Act
Statue Extent of easements :

Implied reservation/implied grant – London V riggs – If land is granted for agricultural

purposes, then agricultural activities must continue to occur on the land and some other
activities eg. Construction
formation of ozone – sunscreen in atmosphere & pollutant in the troposphere
How does ozone form in the troposphere ?
It is formed when lightning breaks down the oxygen molecules into free oxygen
atoms which then recombine with oxygen molecules to form O3 which is ozone
How does form in the stratosphere ?

Define CFC’s – CFC’s are inert meaning that they are chemically inactive . CFC’s are colourless , odorless
gases which are mostly used in aerosols ,refrigerants and fire extigushers . They rise quickly into the
stratosphere release free chlorine which reacts with the ozone .
Liability for animals ;

 Liabilty for Cattle

 Liability for Dogs
 Liabilty for dangerous animals
 Liablity in negligence
Liabilty for cattle arises where the cattle is intentionally brought on another’s land or the cattle
went there independently

East Coast v Singh (Pongola Grass )

Held : P was liable for cattle even though he was just trying to avoid the rain

S14 of the Trespass Act : If the owner can show that he/she sufficiently fenced the land from all direction
and the fencing would be able to keep out cattle nonetheless the Cattle still entered the land , this land
owner can claim that the owner is liable for the damage . ( Designed to persuade land owners to fence
their land)

 West v Reynolds - In a decided case cattle entered onto P’s land . Owner tried to use defence of
sufficient fencing but it was only block on 2 sides therefore it cannot keep out cattle .
 Who can sue for cattle trespass ? The individual must have an interest in the land sometimes
beneficial (Aziz v Singh)
 P gave y permission to tie his cattle on his land . It caused damage to D’s land . Y cannot be sued
as he has interest in the land (third party /privity)
 S13 of the Trespass – if the owner of cattle can show that
o Cattle was lawfully being driven along the road
o the cattle was being properly controlled and with care
o The land near to the road was not properly fenced to keep out cattle

Liability for Dangerous Animals :

Scienter – Refers to an individuals state of mind . d knows that conduct or act is wrongful , but there
intent despite that knowledge .

Animal naturae farae – Naturally fierce animals ( Elephants , Tigers , Lions )

Animals mansuete naturae – Naturally tamed animals ( cats , dogs )

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