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MDIB 3096







Student confession
I acknowledge that this report is my own work except for quotations and summaries for each of
which I have indicated the source.

MATRIC NO: 2033001


Assalamualaikum w.b.t and greetings, Alhamdulillah I am grateful to Allah S.W.T because with
his abundance and permission, I have successfully completed this industrial training report. In
preparing this industrial training report, there was a variety of information learned, guidance given,
advice and experience gained which indirectly helped me prepare this industrial training report to
fulfill one of the requirements for the awarding of a Diploma from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa
Selangor (UIS). This report is proof that I have undergone industrial training at Jogja Ayam Gepuk
HQ (finance and marketing) and as a token of my appreciation to all parties who have given me
guidance during industrial training.

The highest appreciation goes to Jogja Ayam Gepuk and the Finance & marketing division,
especially for giving me the opportunity and space to undergo industrial training at this firm for
13 weeks 2 days from 13 December 2022 to 15 March 2023. A big thank you also to Puan Noor
Ruezzahana as my organizational supervisor throughout this industrial training. She has given a
lot of guidance, advice, and opened my eyes to reality and the real atmosphere in the banking
industry. Not forgetting the other office staff and all staff in this company who have served me
well and provided guidance throughout the 13-week period. Naturally, the experience gained, and
the work environment experienced during this industrial training are very beneficial and valuable.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my industrial training supervisor Puan Shahzlinda
binti Shahar who has helped and supported me throughout this industrial training period in addition
caring about her students' affairs. Not forgetting the high - high appreciation to the lecturers at
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor who have guided and helped me for the past 5 semesters
in teaching knowledge and giving me advice.

Not to forget, I would like to show my gratitude by saying thank you to friends and colleagues
who have helped and are willing to share information to complete this industry training report. In
addition, giving me full encouragement and support mentally to always be enthusiastic to face the
challenges of undergoing this industry training.
Thank you for being faithfully by my side in overcoming challenges when I was at Jogja Ayam
Gepuk HQ or when undergoing this industrial training.

Finally, I would like to say a thousand thanks to all parties involved directly or indirectly
throughout my training in this industry for giving me the opportunity to prove myself and further
achieve excellence.

Table of content

No Title Page

1.0 Introduction
1.0 Introduction of Industrial training
1.1 Industrial Training Learning Outcomes
1.2 Objectives of the Report 1-5
1.3 Importance of industrial training to students

2.0 Company background

2.0 Companies background
2.1 Companies information 6-7
2.2 Title and position of the officer in responsible
2.3Organizational chart

3.0 Summary of industrial training activities

3.0 Summary of activities
3.1 Finance department
3.1.1 Key in data for sale, expenses& petty cash
3.1.2 Calculation for online transfer and QR code payment and
3.1.3 Count or calculation for overtime salary for staff (December 8-26
3.1.4 Calculate and list stock at restaurant (food, item, and chicken

3.2 Digital Marketing department

3.2.1 Record video for marketing purposes
3.2.2 edit video for marketing purposes
3.2.3 Do a photoshoot of product and restaurant
3.2.4 Take customer picture for posting on social media
3.2.5 Do research for content idea
3.2.6 Learn to do poster with Muaz
3.2.7 Do a TikTok live (for peraduan makan dan menang and for
promoting sambal Jogja)
3.2.8 Make a copywriting for posting on social media and special
event (include research for forbidden things on copywriting and
3.2.9 Packaging Sambal Jogja and Sambal Ijo
3.2.10 Research and learn about ads

4.0 Working experience.

4.0 Working experience.
4.0.1 Work as a cashier
4.0.2 Work as a service crew

4.1 Project carried out

4.1.1 Reply to all customer chats, comments and feedback on
google review and whatsapp
4.1.2 Make a script and dialogue for a special event. 27-34
4.1.3 Make a copywriting and preparation method for new product

4.2 Special event

4.2.1 Peraduan makan dan menang
4.2.2 End of the year banquet and farewell party

4. 3 Problem encountered & solved.

4.3.1 Lack of ideas
4.3.2 Lack of confidence
4.3.3 Problem communicating with customer

5.0 5.0 Conclusion 35

6.0 6.0 Recommendations & comment on Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ 36

6.1 Suggestion on improvements to Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ
7.0 7.0 References 37

8.0 8.0 Appendixes 38-39

1.0 Introduction

Industrial training is one of the mandatory specializations that every college/university

student must undergo to meet the requirements to obtain a Diploma certificate. Each student
is required to undergo this industrial training for one semester, which is equivalent to 13
weeks in a government or private firm, or organization chosen by the student. The main
objective of this industrial training is to prepare the graduates for the experience and
industrial environment that the students will face in the future. The students can prepare
themselves physically and mentally to face the upcoming challenges.

In addition, it can also provide exposure to students about ethics and work methods that
have a high level of professionalism shown by the staff at the firm. It also aims to improve
the communication and social level of students between students and employers. During this
industrial training period, students were exposed to various activities and real tasks. The
assignment given is not the same as study time on campus, it is a new assignment that needs
to be carried out by students.

As a result, students can take advantage of all the knowledge and experience provided by
the firm. The experience and knowledge gained can be used by students to face challenges in
the increasingly challenging era of globalization.

1.1 Industrial Training Learning Outcomes

The result of this industrial training program is to be able to prepare students to face the challenges
that will be faced in the industry. The working environment is very different when compared to
the study and learning environment which is a big challenge for college and university students
must overcome. Besides that, students can feel the pressure themselves and how to control the
pressure to be used as an experience to prepare themselves to face the challenges when they are
working later. Throughout the 3 months of intern here, the supervisor and friends of all colleagues
were very helpful and guided when doing a task. Among the learning outcomes obtained from this
industry training are:

A. Improve communication skills.

Good communication skills are very important when stepping into the job industry. A good and
orderly manner of conversation and behavior between staff, superiors and employers is very
important to ensure students do not feel awkward. Therefore, these communication skills will be
seen by the employer when we undergo an interview when applying for a job. This communication
skill is a “hidden gem” that can make a person look charming and can attract a lot of people

B. Exposure to the real working environment.

Students who undergo industrial training in a company will experience a work environment
surrounded by staff who always practice a high level of professionalism which is the most
important thing to apply to students. In addition, compliance with the rules set by companies and
guidelines from colleges and universities that must be followed can make students more
disciplined. The effect is that students can adapt to an organized way of working and can apply
high ethical values when entering the world of work later.

C. Cultivate responsibility and trust.

During this industrial training, each student will be given a task by the supervisor or employer to
complete. Each of these assignments has a deadline to be submitted and each of these assignments
must be completed before that date arrives. In addition, the tasks given must be completed as best
as possible and in an orderly manner. This can foster the nature of responsibility in students to
complete their assignments well and make students confident in the work they do. Therefore,
industrial training can cultivate this trait more effectively in students. Later in the world of work,
students do not have to worry anymore because they already have a responsible attitude in doing
work and assignments and are confident in the results of their work.

1.2 Objectives of the Report

Every college and university student undergoing industrial training is provided with a logbook or
daily report book for them to record the daily activities and tasks they perform in the book. Students
are required to fill in their daily reports in accordance with the guidelines set by the college and
the university. In addition, students are also required to document all of their activities.

Students who undergo industry training are also required to submit daily and weekly report books
to their supervisors to be signed and inspected. This is evidence that students have recorded all the
activities they do daily. At the end of their industry training period, students are required to provide
a report on their industry training. This report is based on their activities and assignments
throughout the industry training period. Among the objectives of this report are to:

a) Give the reader/ evaluate the students' activities and assignments

Organized and comprehensive reports can explain the work & assignments performed during the
detailed and comprehensive industry training period.

b) A source of reference
Comprehensive and neat reports can serve as a source of reference for other students in the future.

c) As a condition to meet the award of college and university diploma certificates.

Complete, neat and organized reports allow students to score high and thus qualify students to
obtain a Diploma certificate.

1.3 Importance of industrial training to students

Industrial training is very important and in line with today's industry needs, where graduates with
qualifications and experience will be given priority. In addition, it can expose students to real work
experience, and to provide new information and knowledge. Industrial training gives many
benefits to students, include:

a) Fresh graduates who are ready.

Industrial training can make polytechnic graduates prepare for the challenges they will face in this
industry, as well as make graduates more experienced than other university graduates. Industrial
training can also improve graduate marketability due to work experience in an organization.

b) Improve a lot of skills

Industrial training can enhance a wide range of students' skills such as communication skills. This
skill is very important in ensuring that students are more competitive and competitive.
Communication skills between staff, computer skills, skills performing tasks quickly and
efficiently is an example of the importance of this industry training to students.

c) Master and practice knowledge

All knowledge learned for 5 semesters in colleges or universities can be used and practiced when
performing assigned tasks. As a result, students will be more aware of the knowledge learned as
well as improve the skills they learn at college or university. They will also find the knowledge
useful for them.

d) Conditions to complete the study.

Any college or university has set each student to undergo industrial training as a condition of
obtaining a diploma certificate. This can be motivated by students to undergo this industry training
as best as possible and to gain excellent results and marks.

2.0 Companies background

Company logo
2.0 Companies background
Success Vigour sdn bhd or Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ restaurant is a company that conducts business
in the field of food and beverage. This company is a sole proprietorship. Success Vigour or Jogja
Ayam Gepuk is a subsidiary and owned by Taipan Group. Taipan Group also has several other
subsidiaries such as Taipan Mestika 1- Taipan Mestika 6. Taipan Mestika is a store and a supplier
of hardware goods. Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ offers a variety of authentic Indonesian food that is
interesting and appetizing.

2.1 Companies information

Store address 35, JALAN SERI PUTRA 1/8, Bandar Seri Putra, 43000 Kajang,
Phone number 014-311 2942

Main activity Food and beverages

Service option -Dine in
Hour operation 11.30 a.m. -9.30 p.m.

2.2 Title and position of the officer in responsible

In the office there are 4 staff including me which is my supervisor Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana, is the
executive admin here and is the backbone of Jogja Ayam Gepuk or Success Vigour Sdn Bhd. Puan
Noor Ruezzahana will arrange the staff and also the workers in the office and also the restaurant,
calculate the salary of the staff in the restaurant, make purchases and expenses for the company
and monitor all the staff while working. In addition, there is also Siti who is an admin assistant
who helps my supervisor in managing sales, expenses, stock calculations, and calculating overtime
wages. The third staff is Muaz who is a digital marketer at Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ who will make
advertisements, posters, postings, and videos on social media.

2.3 Organizational chart

Organizational chart

3.0 Introduction

During the industrial training period, each student is required to record all the activities they do
every day. Each student has been equipped with a journal book or logbook where the book
becomes their daily notebook. Written report must obtain a signature from the industrial training
supervisor at the firm each week. Students are also encouraged to attach photos of activities or
assignments done.

3.0 Summary of industrial training activities

At Success Vigour Sdn Bhd, I was assigned into two departments, which is finance department
and digital marketing department. This responsibility is very difficult, and I need to carry it out
with trust. This responsibility and trust will be borne by me throughout the industrial training
period until the end of the industrial training. The following is a summary of industry training
activities in the finance department and digital marketing department:

On the first day of industrial training, I must come for report on duty at Success Vigour Sdn Bhd
or Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ. The industrial training supervisor, Nana, gave a brief briefing on the
job scope. After that I was introduced to all the staff including the staff working in the restaurant
and sightseeing the office and restaurant. After that, I was given a brief briefing about the work
closely related to the finance department by the admin assistant, Siti. Siti also provided access to
the company's email to facilitate my work. This is the summary of activities in the finance

3.1 Finance department

3.1.1 Key in data for daily sales, expenses, and petty cash + briefing about task by Siti
For this assignment, the software I use is Microsoft Excel. Before starting the task, a briefing and
guidance will be given by the admin assistant, Siti. Each data needs to be entered in different excel
files. Before that, I will explain what daily sales, expenses, and petty cash.
Daily sales (including closing)
Daily sales are the total profit or sales at Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ for a day. Daily sales can be
accessed through the company's email and the company's WhatsApp group. Every day the daily
sales will be updated on the company email and company WhatsApp group. I just need to key in
the sales that have been updated in the email and the company's WhatsApp group to excel. Daily
sales need to be sent every day to Siti for checking. When it's been a month or 30 days, the daily
sales excel file needs to be sent to accounting group to be checked by Puan Noor Ruezzahana and

In daily sales, there are several important components such as cash in drawer, cash sales, online
transfer, QR code, foodpanda, grabfood, total profit and total net profit of the company. I will
explain these important components one by one. As for cash in drawer, cash in drawer is the
money in the cashier’s counter every morning when the restaurant open. Every morning, cash in
the drawer inside the counter is RM 150.Next, cash sales are payment made by customers who
come to the restaurant using cash. This cash will be counted when the closing of the restaurant.
Then, online transfer is the payment made by the customer using a debit card via payWave. While
the QR code is the customer’s payment by scanning the QR code on the counter. Both online
transfer and QR code payment methods have their own calculation, and I will explain it on the
second activities of industrial training.

Furthermore, Foodpanda, Grabfood and Shopeefod is the payment made by the customer when
ordering food by using these applications. Information and payment data can be accessed through
the company sales group. The last component of daily sales is total profit and total net profit. Total
profit is the total of all profits including cash in drawer, while the total net profit is the total profit
and net sales of the company after deducting cash in drawer RM 150.

Daily sale

Expenses (including closing)
Expenses are purchases, spending and payments made by the company or the boss. But most of
the expenses are the expenses of the company and the boss. Company expenses such as the
purchase of assets, office, and company necessities as well as payment of utility bills and office
or shop rent. The company's expenses are keyed in by me into Microsoft Excel software. I can see
these expenses data through existing purchase and payment receipts. I will enter the data in this
receipt into Microsoft Excel according to the date of expenditure or payment. Every day I will
check the files in the office to see the new spending receipt updates.

Every week, the expenses file will be sent to be checked by Puan Noor Ruezzahana and Siti
whether the amount of expenses is the same. After a complete month, I will do the closing and
expenses files will be sent again for review and if the amount is the same, the expenses file also
will be sent to the boss for review.


Petty Cash (including closing)
Petty cash is the money given by the boss to the company staff to purchase the company's
necessities, raw materials, and pay utility bills and the company's rent. At Success Vigour Sdn
Bhd, there are three staff who are trusted by my boss, my supervisor Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana, and
two other staff, Fitri and Suherman. Everyone has their own role, for example my supervisor Mrs.
Noor Ruezzahana makes the purchase of company goods and the payment of utility bills and so
on. While Fitri and Suherman purchase raw materials and wet ingredients for the restaurant.

Every petty cash given to the 3 people earlier will be included in the company's expenses file. All
purchase and payment receipts must be kept as evidence and must be keyed into the petty cash
file. The purchase receipt information will be keyed into excel petty cash and sorted by date. The
petty cash file must be sent to Ms. Noor Ruezzahana and Siti for them to check whether the amount
of petty cash is the same or not. In the end of the month, I will do a closing for petty cash and petty
cash file will be sent to the boss for review and as proof of all expenses and payments made by the
three people who got petty cash.

Petty cash Fitri

So, this key in data task for daily sales, expenses and petty cash will be updated and done every
day until the end of the month. This key in data task for sales, expenses and petty cash has helped
me a lot to become more proficient and understand how to use excel at the same time improve and
get new skills. The skill using excel is useful and important for student to use when work in future.
The thing that I learned when doing this task is can make me focus to key in data carefully without
making mistakes.

3.1.2 Calculation for online transfer and QR code payment and transaction
Calculation for online transfer and QR code payment transaction is an important component in
daily sales as I mentioned above. Briefing about task always given by Siti before I start do the
calculation task. Calculation for online transfer and QR code has a calculation method. Online
transfer payment information can be obtained and viewed through the receipt after the restaurant
is closed, while information for QR code can be obtained in the staff group WhatsApp. The
purpose of this calculation is to identify if the online transfer and QR code money is enough. After
the calculation process, I can identify if the money for online transfer and QR code is sufficient
or not.

Calculation for online transfer

3.1.3 Count or calculation for overtime salary for staff (December 2022)
For the calculation for overtime hours salary for staff, the admin assistant which is Siti taught and
briefed me on 28 December 2022 to calculate overtime hours for the staff before I calculated it
myself. The way to calculate overtime hour for staff is what time that the staff end working minus
the time that the staff started work. That’s the formula for calculation overtime hour for staff. One
hour of overtime is calculated at RM 8. So, for example, if an staff has 13 hour of overtime, the
13 hours of overtime need to be multiplied by RM 8 so the total overtime salary for the employee
is RM 104. I was only taught by my supervisor which is Puan Noor Ruezzahana to calculate
overtime wages for staff only, but she didn’t teach me how to calculate the staff wages for one
month. Picture can’t be included in the report because it is private and confidential only the admin
and admin assistant can know the total of the staff salary but it’s an exception for me.

3.1.4 Calculate and list stock at restaurant (food, item, and chicken stock)
The task at hand involves two main objectives: creating a list of all food and beverage items
sold in the store and calculating the stock, including chicken stock, using the prescribed formula.
To achieve these objectives, the necessary information and data can be accessed through the
company's email and WhatsApp group. The collected data will then be added to an Excel sheet,
which will help keep track of the stock levels and will ensure the accuracy of the stock records.
All food and beverage menu items sold in the store or through the Rider Tab will be included in
the Excel sheet. Additionally, chicken stock will be calculated using the prescribed formula. The
purpose of this calculation is to determine how many chickens have been sold and to ensure the
accuracy of the number of chickens sold. Overall, the goal of this assignment is to establish an
accurate and thorough record of the company's inventory levels, which is crucial for successful
operations and financial management.

Check and list stock and item

3.2 Marketing department
In the digital marketing department, I work with Muaz who is a staff that handles digital marketing
for Success Vigour Sdn Bhd or Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ. I learned a lot from Muaz about digital
marketing, how to do digital marketing, how to schedule postings and many other things. Among
the summaries of the activities that I do in the digital marketing department ar
3.2.1 Record video for marketing purposes
At Success Vigour Sdn Bhd or Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ video is a very important form of digital
marketing. This is because creative and interesting videos can make customers interested in
coming to a certain place or location. Muaz and my supervisor, Puan Noor Ruezzahana, who taught
me a lot and gave me good ideas for making videos. The video that has been taken will be posted
on all the company's social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. However, before
this video is posted, this video will be sent to the boss to be checked and if the video gets approval
from the boss, then it can be posted on social media. Examples of videos include food menu videos,
sambal videos, store atmosphere videos and videos of customers coming to the restaurant. This
video I take can attract and can also promote Success Vigour Sdn Bhd or Jogja Ayam Gepuk Hq
to customers out there. This social media is a very effective platform in doing marketing and
promotion because nowadays many people use it regardless of age. All the videos I shoot are using
my phone.

Video that I record

3.2.2 Edit video for marketing purposes
My second task when I was in digital marketing department is do some editing video. During the
editing process, it is essential to ensure that the video aligns with the brand's objectives, has a clear
message, and engages the target audience. This can be achieved by incorporating different editing
techniques such as adding text overlays, music, and transitions. Additionally, I also need to ensure
that the video's length is appropriate and does not exceed the social media platform's limit. For
instance, Instagram allows videos of up to 60 seconds on the feed, and stories have a limit of 15
seconds. In summary, video editing is an integral part of social media marketing, and it is crucial
to ensure that the video aligns with the brand's message and goals. Working closely with Muaz
and the boss ensures that the final product meets their expectations and is successful in engaging
the target audience.

Process editing using Capcut Sent video to Muaz.

Sent video to boss or companies

3.2.3 Do a photoshoot of product and restaurant
My third assignment while in the Digital Marketing Department is to do a product photoshoot.
So far Success Vigour Sdn Bhd or Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ has 2 products which is sambal Jogja
and sambal Ijo while the second product is a Pes Kuah Kacang Jogja. The purpose of the
photoshoot of the product picture is to do posting for paid ads and unpaid ads. What is a paid and
unpaid ad? Paid ads or boost ads are the post once a week posted by Muaz to promote Jogja Ayam
Gepuk HQ to target audience on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. With these
paid ads, these products and ads can reach the target audience that have been posted during posting.
Fee will be charged when using this paid ad.

While non-paid ads are a regular post that I and Muaz do on social media without spending money
and capital. But these ads don't get much like, comments and shares. The restaurant photoshoot
will also be done to promote the Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ to customers out there while also
enhancing the company's image to be well known. Photoshoot is usually done using my mobile
phone as well as the company's mobile phones. The thing I got during this assignment was that I
was able to learn a lot of new knowledge and add to the skill of taking pictures from Muaz. I can
see the improvement of the photographic skill has become better than ever. In addition, I can find
out the types of ads that a company can do for marketing. I got this valuable knowledge for free
when I did my industrial training here.

Photoshoot sambal Photoshoot Pes Kuah Kacang Photoshoot for restaurant

3.2.4Take customer picture for posting on social media
My fourth task when I was in the digital marketing department was to take pictures of customers
who came to Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ. The purpose of this assignment is to post on social media as
a sign of appreciation and gratitude to all the customers who come to the restaurant. Every day in
the evening I will go down from the office to the restaurant to take pictures of customers who
Before taking photos, I prioritize the customer's comfort first, so I will ask the customer's
permission to take the customer's photo. If they agree I will take a picture and will thank them all.
There are some customers who are uncomfortable if their picture is taken casually, and they
consider it impolite. Muaz and my supervisor Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana emphasize that etiquette is
very important when dealing with customers, especially regular customers.

Customer picture Customer picture

3.2.5 Do research for content idea
The fifth task I did when I was in the digital marketing department was to research content ideas.
Ideas and content are very important because every content that is produced needs to be fresh and
creative to attract many people to watch the video or the content that is made. So, I did some
content research for new and constantly changing ideas so that the audience or viewers will not
get bored. Among the reference sources for idea content research is to watch a lot of videos from
social media to spark new inspiration to create content. If there is a video or content that is of
interest to me, I will save the content as a reference source and trigger ideas to do something
content and video. The video will be shared with the boss to ask his opinion about the content.

Apart from researching content ideas, I also ask about Muaz's opinion every day regarding what
content he wants to do every week. Muaz will also do research about what content he wants to do
every week. So the idea content research is a collaboration between me and Muaz and not done by
just one party. So, after that we will decide and choose which content to do every week. Muaz and
I will compile the table and content schedule for each month. This schedule will be given to my
supervisor to follow up the latest updates and developments of the content that we have scheduled.

Table schedule List of content idea

3.2.6 Learn to do poster with Muaz

My sixth assignment when I was in the digital marketing department was learning to make digital
posters with Muaz. Muaz has more experience in the field of design for 8 years. So, I just learned
to make posters with him. Because Muaz has more experience in this design field, I have not
revealed much about making posters, but there are also posters of mine that are used as Instagram
story posts. The designs and posters that Muaz does are very beautiful, and he has his own unique
level and style in making designs and posters. However, Muaz also often asked my opinion
regarding the poster he produced, whether it was okay or not. Overall, I learned a lot about digital
poster design from Muaz, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with someone so
skilled in this field. I believe that the skills and knowledge I gained from this assignment will be
invaluable to me as if I continue to work in the digital marketing industry.

Example of poster that I do

3.2.7 Do a TikTok live (for peraduan makan dan menang and for promoting sambal Jogja)

The seventh task I did when I was in the digital marketing department was to make a live on
TikTok. The first TikTok live that me and Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana handled was when we made a
live peraduan makan dan menang. I have checked all the names of the participants and listed them
if they have complied with the contest conditions. A total of 56 participants have joined this contest
and I have entered their names in the wheel of luck. This live will take place on December 23,
2022, at 4 pm. A total of 11 winners have been selected and announced by Puan Noor Ruezzahana
and many attractive prizes have been prepared.
Next, I also made TikTok Live to promote and make packaging for Jogja sambal and Ijo sambal
with Muaz. The two of us will do TikTok live while making packaging for Jogja sambal and Ijo
sambal that have just been restocked. While doing the live, we also promote this sambal product
to the audience that enters the live. Muaz and I will read the audience's comments and indirectly
be able to interact with them. We will make TikTok live when all the respective work is completed.
What I gained when doing this task was to be able to increase my confidence to communicate with
the audience live and therefore improve my communication skills.

TikTok live with Muaz TikTok Live for peraduan makan & menang
3.2.8 Make a copywriting for posting on social media and special event (include research for
forbidden things on copywriting and posting)

My eighth task in the digital marketing department is to create copywriting for social media
posting. Muaz helped me a lot in copywriting. Before doing copywriting, I need to do research and
ideas on how to do good and interesting copywriting. Muaz also gave an assignment to do research
on things and words that are forbidden when doing copywriting. Among the things that are
prohibited when creating copywriting is that it is forbidden to mention words that carry sensitive
elements such as offensive and racial words.
Copywriting is very important for posting. What is copywriting? Copywriting is a marketing
sentence that can attract customers to read the copywriting. Interesting copywriting can make
customers feel happy and interested in buying a product. Because I was not taught how to make
posters, I must play an important role in making good copywriting. As usual before posting, I will
send the copywriting that I have completed to Muaz and Muaz will send it to the boss to check
whether the copywriting is okay or not.
The copywriting I produce is the result of looking at tips and looking for ideas by looking at
other people's copywriting as the main idea to produce my own copywriting. I also put some
slightly unique elements in my copywriting such as putting poems in my copywriting and the boss
quite likes the copywriting I produce. However, in producing copywriting I also asked a lot of
opinions from Muaz and Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana. What I gained when doing this assignment is that
I can be more creative in generating ideas to produce good and interesting copywriting.

Example of copywriting that I made

3.2.9 Packaging Sambal Jogja and Sambal Ijo

The eighth task I did when I was in the digital marketing department was packing Jogja sambal
and Ijo sambal. This Jogja sambal and Ijo sambal will be packed by me and Muaz when the new
stock arrives. Jogja sambal and Ijo sambal are processed in the factory and will be sent to the office
or HQ to be packaged. There are several ways to wrap this sambal such as:

- Wipe the greasy sambal bottle and make sure the lid of the sambal bottle is tightly closed.
- Installing sambal stickers according to the type of sambal
- Installing a plastic seal on top of the sambal bottle lid
- Put an expiration date on sambal.
After that, the Jogja sambal and Ijo sambal can be taken to the restaurant to be sold to customers.
Sambal Jogja and Sambal Ijo can last for 6 months only. This sambal is available at restaurants,
shops and TikTok shops. If there is an online order from a customer, Muaz and I will pack the
sambal and send the sambal to the delivery center. Through this task, I realized that digital
marketing involves not only promoting products or services online, but also ensuring that the
physical products are of high quality and properly packaged for delivery. It was a hands-on
experience that gave me a better understanding of the overall process and importance of product
packaging in the marketing strategy.

The finished product Packaging sambal for delivery Process of packaging sambal
3.2.10 Research and learn about ads

My last task when I was in the digital marketing department was to do research and learn about
advertisements together with Muaz. Muaz gave an assignment on the difference between search
ads and discovery ads. The difference between discovery ads and search ads is:

Moreover, I learned that both search ads and discovery ads have their own unique advantages and
disadvantages. Search ads are great for targeting a specific audience who are already interested in
a particular product or service. On the other hand, discovery ads are great for expanding reach and
introducing a product to a new audience.

Overall, the research helped me to gain a deeper understanding of digital advertising and how
different types of ads cater to different business needs. This knowledge will prove to be extremely
useful in my future career endeavors.

Note for research

4.0 Working experience

During my industrial training at Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ, I was also given the opportunity to gain
work experience here. I accept this opportunity voluntarily to add more to my work experience.
Puan Noor Ruezzahana, my supervisor, guides and helps me a lot when working with other
colleagues. I am grateful to have a supervisor who is very kind and caring towards me and the
other employees. Among my work experiences while doing industrial training here are:

4.0.1 Become cashier at counter

I was trained by the supervisor to be a cashier and take customer orders. At first, I was a bit scared
and clumsy when dealing with customers. But over time I got used to being a cashier and taking
customer orders. Through this assignment, I gained the courage to face customers and
communicate with them. I apply what my supervisor taught me, which is that customer service is
very important to give satisfaction to customers. Almost all jobs in any industry will offer customer

Work as a cashier at counter

4.0.2 Work as service crew
In addition, I also work as a service crew with friends at the restaurant. My supervisor asked other
work colleagues to teach me to provide service to customers. I am very happy because I have good
colleagues who care about me and always help in doing work. Among the services I provide is to
deliver food to customers who dine in at the restaurant. I will also clean the tables of customers
who have finished eating to ensure the restaurant is always clean. Furthermore, I learned the
importance of teamwork in the workplace. When working as a service crew, it is not only my
responsibility to provide good customer service, but also to help my colleagues when needed. We
work together to ensure that the restaurant operates smoothly and efficiently.

Overall, my experience as a cashier and service crew has taught me valuable lessons that I can
apply in my future career. I learned the importance of customer service, teamwork, and the proper
procedures to follow in the restaurant industry. I am grateful for the opportunity to work in this
environment, and I look forward to continuing to develop my skills and knowledge in future roles.

Deliver and serve customers food to their table

4.1 Project carried out
The project carried out is a more challenging assignment given to internship students. The project
may involve research, analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. It should be challenging
enough to provide a significant learning experience, but also achievable within the training
timeframe. Projects should be closely monitored and supported by a mentor or supervisor to ensure
that students are on track and achieving project goals. Among the projects carried out that I did
4.1.1 Replied to all customer chats, comments, and feedback via WhatsApp and google review.
I have replied to all customer chats, comments, and feedback via WhatsApp and google reviews.
The goal of the project is to expose the internship students to the procedures for responding to all
customer messages, reviews, and feedback from customers. Customers are important people who
will help increase the sales of a company, so we must listen to messages, reviews and feedback
from customers and respond in the right way so that customers will always be with us. My
supervisor always tells me when I reply to all comments and reviews from customers, try to put
ourselves as customers who make a purchase and then I understand what my supervisor is trying
to convey.

Replying customers review and feedback

4.1.2 Make scripts and dialogues for special events such as eating and winning contests.
Besides that, I also make scripts and dialogues for special events such as eating and winning
contests. I made this dialogue and script for my supervisor who was the host to announce the
winners who participated in this contest. The dialogue and script I made was intended to help my
supervisor to explain what he wanted to convey to all the participants and launch the eating and
winning contest. Alhamdulillah with the script and my dialogue, the TikTok live peraduan makan
dan menang went smoothly.

Example of script that I made

4.1.3 Create copywriting and preparation methods for the new Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ product
Finally, I was also given the responsibility to create copywriting and preparation methods for the
new Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ product, which is the Jogja peanut sauce paste. This project is very
difficult because I must do research and see examples of copywriting and preparation methods
from other products out there. After getting the idea, I produced the copywriting and how to
prepare it and sent it to Muaz for review. Muaz also needs to get approval from the boss, and the
boss agrees with the copywriting and preparation method that I produced.

Preparation method for new product New copywriting for new product

4.2 Special event

At Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ there are several special events held and celebrated by the company.
Special events held have their own purpose. When I underwent industrial training, I had the
opportunity to attend three special events held by the company. Among the special events held
by the company are:

4.2.1 Peraduan makan dan menang

The first special event held by companies is a peraduan makan dan menang. This special event
lasts for 10 days starting on December 12 until December 22. The announcement of the winner
will be held on 23 December 2022 via live on three social media platforms Facebook, Instagram
and TikTok. The condition of participation is that customers who make a purchase of Rm50 and
above will be eligible to enter this contest and will receive a QR code to fill in the participant's
information. I made a script and dialogue for the supervisor to make the process of the ceremony
easier. I also handle, check, and fill in all the names of the participants into the lucky wheel. A
total of 56 participants have participated in this contest and only 11 lucky winners will be selected
through the lucky wheel.

Poster of winner peraduan Live peraduan makan

makan dan menang dan menang

4.2.2 End year banquet and farewell party

The second special event is the year-end banquet and farewell banquet. The end of the year
banquet is held at the end of December to welcome the new year. The year-end banquet was held
at Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ and all staff, restaurant workers and bosses were also present. My
supervisor started the ceremony by giving a speech to all the staff. Various types of food are served
when this feast is held. The last special event was a farewell party in conjunction with my last day
and two other staff, namely Husna and Rial. This ceremony is held on a small scale and in secret
because there are many customers in the restaurant. My supervisor Mrs. Noor Ruezzahana and Siti
bought a cake and food for all the staff in the restaurant. During the farewell party, we shared
stories and memories we had during our time working together. We exchanged contacts with each
other and took some group photos as a keepsake. It was emotional to say goodbye to my coworkers,
but I was also excited for the new chapter of my life. Overall, these special events have created a
strong bond between the staff and me. I am grateful to have worked with such a wonderful team
and I will surely miss them. These events have given me more than just memories, but also lifelong

Farewell party Year end banquet

4.3 Problem encountered & solved.

While undergoing industrial training, I also faced some problems while doing assignments. This
has become a habit because every student will experience difficulties in doing a task, especially
when doing a task for the first time. Among the problems I faced and how to solve them are:

4.3.1 Lack of ideas when creating content and copywriting(problem) + do research on social

Ideas for copywriting and content must always be fresh and renewed so that the audience and
customers will not get bored. Every time I want to make a schedule and produce copywriting, I
will always experience the problem of lack of ideas. But every problem will have a solution. The
way I deal with this problem is that I will take time to do research and look at content on social
media such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. After getting a new and fresh idea, I will continue
to start doing the given task with enthusiasm. I will also always ask Muaz's opinion when I want
to do a task.

4.3.2 lack of self-confidence in doing the assigned task(problem)+ always ask the opinion of all

When I have completed an assignment, I will feel misgivings and not confident in the results of
my own work. This is because I will always feel that there is a deficiency in each of my works. I
will also always be afraid to show my work because of the lack confidence in the work although I
have completed the task. Therefore, the solution to this problem is that I always ask all the office
staff about the results of the work that I have prepared before I send the assignment to them.
Alhamdulillah all the office staff are very helpful and give opinions for me to always improve my
work and provide quality work.

4.3.3 Problems communicating with customers(problem)+ always practice and dare to

communicate with customers(solution)

Usually there will be a day when there are not enough workers at the restaurant for certain reasons,
so I was asked by the supervisor to help other colleagues to work at the restaurant. I am a shy
person and don't talk much with colleagues. Likewise, when I was assigned to be a cashier, I was
a bit shy and afraid to communicate with customers. However, I did not use my shyness as an
excuse not to work. The solution is, I always practice and dare myself to communicate with
customers, over time when I get used to it, I can communicate with customers and other colleagues
well. Not forgetting all the staff and supervisors who always give good advice and encouragement,
thanks to all of them I was able to overcome this problem.

5.0 Conclusion

For 13 weeks and 2 days in undergoing this industrial training, students have gained a variety of
knowledge and valuable experience in this firm. This exposure provides many benefits to students
to strengthen themselves in addition to making students more prepared to enter the world of work.
This industrial training can strengthen students physically and mentally to meet the upcoming
challenges. In addition, it can increase students' confidence in carrying out professional duties, in
addition to sharpening communication skills between staff and superiors. Students can also prepare
themselves to face stress and find ways to overcome that stress. Because of that, the
implementation of this industrial training program can produce university graduates with the
caliber and ability to adapt to the environment and challenges in the employment industry in this

Next, make university graduates famous for high marketability of graduates in the industry.
Success Vigour Sdn Bhd is a firm that is quite suitable for students taking Diploma in Finance and
Islamic Banking courses at universities and colleges. Systematic work procedures in addition to
assignments related to the study program make students gain a lot of valuable knowledge and
experience. In addition, it is also eye-opening and gives students a very clear picture of the real
atmosphere and challenges that will await when graduates start stepping foot into the financial and
banking industry. In addition to the regulations issued by the firm and the practice of high work
ethics make students more disciplined when undergoing the industrial training program at this
firm. Exposure to real bank documents such as invoices and receipt makes students more
knowledgeable and able to familiarize themselves when they are faced with real situations. In
addition, the staff and workers here show a high level of professionalism among them which can
be used as role models and examples for students to follow.

Indeed, the experience of feeling the atmosphere and work together with qualified staff and
professional is very prestigious and provides many advantages for university and college
graduates. In conclusion, industrial training that has been made mandatory by universities and
colleges for graduates has many advantages. Students have been exposed to a variety of knowledge
and gained a variety of useful experiences from organizations and firms that they join. As a result,
this industry training can strengthen graduates, as well as increase the marketability of university
and college graduates in Malaysia.

6.0 Recommendations & comment on Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ

For 13 weeks students undergo industrial training in the finance department, students find that it
is very suitable for students to undergo industrial training in this firm. This is so because it is in
line with the major program taken by the students, in addition to the students themselves being
able to feel the atmosphere and experience of working together with professional staff. However,
there are some weaknesses in this department. Among them are:

a) Sensitive assignments
In the Finance Department there are many very important company documents. Most documents
and modules are 'Private & Confidential' i.e., secret, and private. However, even though this
document is private, this document helps students to complete some of the tasks given, for example
the key in daily sale task is a difficult thing that only the director, admin and admin assistant can
know. I also have access to companies email to make my work easier, which is also private and

b) Lack of staff in certain units such as the digital marketing department

There is a shortage of manpower in certain units. Furthermore, most important units such as the
digital marketing department have a small number of employees. This causes their tasks to be a
little delayed and they must ask for help from other staff. During my industrial training here, I was
the person that helped Muaz who was in the digital marketing department.

6.1 Suggestion on improvements to Jogja Ayam Gepuk HQ

Based on observations throughout 13 weeks of undergoing industrial training at this firm, some
suggestions can be taken into account to improve problems or obstacles that arise, including:

a) Appoint more staff.

Adding more staff in important and critical units. This can further launch management operations
and can improve the quality and quality of work to a higher level. For example, in the digital
marketing department, the company needs to appoint an employee who will be a content creator
to facilitate Muaz's work to create posters and designs.

b) Make a letter of agreement with any employee or student who conducts an internship.
The letter of agreement between the employee and the internship student must be there to ensure
that each employee and student complies and does not disclose the company's confidential
information to outside parties. Employees and internship students who violate the letter of
agreement may be subject to action according to the letter of agreement that has been made by the


List of reference materials used:


Office staff
1. Puan Noor Ruezzahana binti Zainor (industrial supervisor)
2. Siti Ammar Hajar binti Ariffin (admin assistant)
3. Muaz bin Fauzi (digital marketing)

8.0 Appendixes

Do expenses and stock help to take customer picture

Interact with customers Take customer picture for posting Farewell birthday cake

Training at restaurant Check receipt for online transfer transaction

Take picture with my supervisor Training and work with colleagues


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