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John Ackland, Jeff White, Richard T. Waibel, and Stephen B. Londerville

4.1 Gaseous Fuels................................................................................................................................................................... 72
4.1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 72
4.1.2 Natural Gas........................................................................................................................................................... 72
4.1.3 Liquified Petroleum Gas..................................................................................................................................... 73
4.1.4 Refinery Gases...................................................................................................................................................... 73
4.1.5 Combustible Waste Gas Streams....................................................................................................................... 75 PSA Tail Gas........................................................................................................................................... 75
4.1.6 Flexicoking Waste Gas........................................................................................................................................ 76
4.1.7 Physical Properties of Gaseous Fuels............................................................................................................... 77
4.2 Gas Property Calculations.............................................................................................................................................. 77
4.2.1 Molecular Weight................................................................................................................................................. 77
4.2.2 Lower and Higher Heating Values.................................................................................................................... 82
4.2.3 Specific Heat Capacity......................................................................................................................................... 82
4.2.4 Flammability Limits............................................................................................................................................ 83
4.2.5 Burning Velocity.................................................................................................................................................. 84
4.2.6 Viscosity................................................................................................................................................................ 84
4.2.7 Derived Quantities.............................................................................................................................................. 84 Partial Pressure..................................................................................................................................... 84 Adiabatic Flame Temperature............................................................................................................. 85 Other Special Cases.............................................................................................................................. 85
4.3 Liquid Fuels...................................................................................................................................................................... 85
4.3.1 Production, Refining, and Chemistry............................................................................................................... 85
4.3.2 Oils......................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Light Oils................................................................................................................................................ 88 Heavy Oils............................................................................................................................................. 89 Residual Oils.......................................................................................................................................... 89
4.3.3 Liquid Naphtha.................................................................................................................................................... 90
4.3.4 Physical Properties of Liquid Fuels................................................................................................................... 90 Flash Point.............................................................................................................................................. 90 Pour Point............................................................................................................................................... 91 Distillation.............................................................................................................................................. 91 Viscosity................................................................................................................................................. 91 Density, Gravity, Specific Volume, and Specific Weight.................................................................. 91 Heat Capacity (Specific Heat).............................................................................................................. 93
References................................................................................................................................................................................... 94

72 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

4.1  Gaseous Fuels Example Pipeline-Quality Natural Gas
Minimum Maximum
4.1.1 Introduction
Major and minor components (vol%)
The term “gaseous fuel” refers to any combustible fuel Methane 75%
that exists in the gaseous state under normal tempera- Ethane — 10.0%
tures and pressures. Gaseous fuels are typically com- Propane — 5.0%
posed of a wide range of chemical compounds. Low Butane — 2.00%
boiling point hydrocarbons (both paraffins and olefins), Pentane and heavier — 5.00%
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and inert gases (nitrogen Nitrogen and other inerts — 3%–4%
and carbon dioxide) are among the many chemical Carbon dioxide — 3%–4%
constituents of common gaseous fuels. The purpose of Trace components
this section is to introduce many of the common fuel Hydrogen sulfide — 0.25–1.0 grains/100 scf
gas mixtures used as fuel in the hydrocarbon and pet- Mercaptan sulfur — 0.25–1.0 grains/100 scf
rochemical industries. Commonly occurring waste gas
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Total sulfur — 5–20 grains/100 scf

mixtures in flare systems are also described. Water vapor — 7.0 lb/mmcf
Oxygen — 0.2–1.0 ppmv
Other characteristics
4.1.2  Natural Gas Heating value, 950 1150
Btu/scf-gross saturated
Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel that is formed natu-
rally beneath the Earth and is typically found with or Source: Adapted from Gas Processors and Suppliers Association,
near crude oil reservoirs. According to the U.S. Energy GPSA Engineering Data Book, Vol. I, 10th edn., Tulsa, OK, 1987.
With permission.
Information Administration, in 2009, proven natural gas
Liquids: Free of liquid water and hydrocarbons at delivery tempera-
reserves in the United States totaled approximately 7.717 × ture and pressure.
1012 m3 (2.725 × 1014 ft3).1 Total natural gas consumption in Solids: Free of particulates in amounts deleterious to transmission
the United States in 2009 was estimated at 23.344 quadril- and utilization equipment.
lion Btu, 24.7% of the total U.S. energy consumption.2
Failure to remove the water vapor from raw natural
Natural gas consists of a fluctuating range of low boil-
gas prior to introduction to the pipeline network will
ing point hydrocarbons. Methane is the primary chemi-
result in increased corrosion rates, formation of solid
cal component, and can be present in amounts ranging
hydrate compounds that can restrict or interrupt gas
from 70% to 99.6% by volume. Ethane can be present in
flow, and freezing of valves and regulators during cold
amounts ranging from 2% to 16% by volume. Carbon
weather conditions.5 Techniques for the dehydration of
dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, propane, butane,
natural gases include the following:
and heavier hydrocarbons are also typically present
in the fuel analysis.3 The exact analysis usually varies 1. Absorption with liquid desiccants: Glycols
somewhat depending on the source of the gas and on (typically triethylene glycol) are used to absorb
any heating value adjustments or supplementation. water vapor via countercurrent-flow, packed-
Natural gas quality specifications have historically bed absorption columns.6
been negotiated in individual contracts between the
2. Adsorption with solid desiccants: Water vapor
natural gas producer and the purchaser or pipeline
is adsorbed onto a bed of inorganic porous solid
company. Specification parameters often include upper
material (silica gel, alumina, molecular sieves,
and lower limits for heating value, chemical composi-
tion, contaminants, water content, and hydrocarbon
dew point. Table 4.1 outlines general specifications for 3. Dehydration with calcium chloride: Solid anhy-
pipeline-quality natural gas, as provided by the Gas drous calcium chloride (CaCl2) absorbs water
Processors Suppliers Association (GPSA).4 Typical com- from the wet natural gas and forms various
mercial natural gas compositions, listed by production calcium chloride hydrates (CaCl2 × H2O). These
region, are contained in Table 4.2. hydrates are removed from the natural gas
In addition to the primary combustible and inert stream as a calcium chloride brine solution.6
chemical components discussed earlier, raw natural gas 4. Refrigeration: A refrigeration coil is used to cool
can also contain undesirable amounts of water, hydrogen and condense water vapor from the wet natu-
sulfide, and/or carbon dioxide. Before the raw natural ral gas stream. Separation of the liquid phase
gas can be deposited into a pipeline ­transmission net- is accomplished via a two-phase, vapor/liquid
work, these undesirable components must be removed. separation drum.5
Fuels 73

Commercial Natural Gas Components and Typical Ranges of Composition
Sample Gas Compositions by Production Region (vol%)
Fuel Gas Tulsa, North
Component OK Alaska Algeria Netherlands Kuwait Libya Sea Alabama Ohio Missouri Pennsylvania
CH4 93 100 87 81 87 70 94 90 94 84 83
C2H6 3 — 9 3 9 15 3 5 3 7 16
C3H8 1 — 3 <1 2 10 1 — <1 — —
C4H10 <1 — 1 <1 1 4 <1 — <1 — —
C5 and — — — — — — — — — — —
CO2 1 — — 1 2 — <1 — 1 1 —
N2 2 1 <1 14 1 1 2 5 1 8 1
O2 — — — — — — — — <1 — —
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H2 — — — — — — — — <1 — —
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Source: Adapted from Reed, R.J., North American Combustion Handbook, Vol. 1, North American Mfg. Co., Cleveland, OH, 1986. (Courtesy of
Fives North American Combustion, Inc.)

Hydrogen sulfide must be removed from the raw nat- conditions. LPG is vaporized for use as a fuel. The pri-
ural gas stream due to air pollution considerations and mary chemical components of LPG are propane, propyl-
corrosion hazards. The hydrogen sulfide content of com- ene, normal butane, isobutane, and butylene.8 The GPSA
mercial natural gas rarely exceeds 1.0 grains/100 std. ft3 Engineering Data Book contains industry standard prod-
(0.023 g/m3). A majority of pipeline companies respond- uct specifications for commercial propane (predomi-
ing to a 1994 poll limited hydrogen sulfide concen- nantly propane and/or propylene), commercial butane
trations to less than 0.3  g/100  std. ft3 (0.007  g/m3).8 In (predominantly butane and/or butylene), and commer-
addition, carbon dioxide is often removed from the raw cial butane–propane mixtures.4 LPG produced via the
gas because the inert component weakens the overall separation of heavier hydrocarbons from natural gas is
heating value of the gas stream.5 There are numerous mainly paraffinic, containing primarily propane, normal
commercial processes (chemical reaction, absorption, butane, and isobutane. LPG derived from oil-refinery gas
and adsorption) for the removal of acidic components may contain varying small amounts of olefinic hydrocar-
(H2S and CO2) from raw natural gas streams. The GPSA bons such as propylene and butylene.8
Engineering Data Book discusses many of these hydro- Most of the LPG used in the United States consists
carbon treatment processes in detail.6 Hydrogen sulfide primarily of propane.9 Due to their relatively high boil-
removed from the raw gas is generally converted to ele- ing point, LPG mixtures containing high concentra-
mental sulfur via the Claus process.6 tions of normal butane (boiling point = 31°F or −1°C at
After the necessary purification processes have been atmospheric pressure) or isobutane (boiling point = 11°F
completed, the commercial-grade natural gas is com- or −12°C at atmospheric pressure) are preferred for use
pressed to approximately 1000  psig (6.9  MPag) and is in warm climates. Conversely, LPG mixtures containing
introduced to a natural gas pipeline distribution net- high concentrations of propane (boiling point = −44°F
work.5 The gas is recompressed along the path to the or −42°C) are typically preferred for use in cold climates.5
consumer as necessary. Operating pressure at an indi- LPG is often used in the hydrocarbon or petrochemical
vidual natural gas burner located at a process furnace industry as a fuel gas supplement or as a standby/start-
inside a petrochemical or hydrocarbon processing facil- up fuel. However, due to its value as both a common pet-
ity is reduced to an operating pressure range that typi- rochemical feedstock and a marketable commodity, LPG
cally varies between 5 and 30 psig (34 and 207 kPag), is not typically preferred as a primary processing fuel.10
depending on the furnace’s heating requirements and
the individual burner’s design specifications.
4.1.4  Refinery Gases
Although commercial natural gas and LPG are often
4.1.3  Liquified Petroleum Gas
used as fuels in processing plants, internally generated
Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) is the general term used refinery fuel gases serve as the primary fuel component
to describe a hydrocarbon that is stored as a liquid under for most refineries, petrochemical plants, and hydrocar-
moderate pressure, but is a gas under normal atmospheric bon facilities. It is not usual for a process unit to produce
74 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

its own fuel supply. Often, fuel gas streams from vari- to ensure a well-mixed, homogeneous fuel gas mixture.
ous processing units are delivered to a common mixing However, static mixers are often impractical in the pet-
point within the plant, before the new gas mixture is rochemical and hydrocarbon processing industries,
returned to the processing units as refinery gas. Refinery typically due to pressure drop limitations of the refin-
fuel gases contain an extremely wide variety of chemi- ery fuel gas system.
cal constituents, including paraffins, o ­ lefins, diolefins, Another problem often associated with the com-
aromatics, mercaptans, organic sulfides, ammonia, bustion of refinery fuel gases is the presence of liquid
hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc. hydrocarbons in the refinery fuel gas stream, which
Because plants must operate in a manner best suited to can accelerate the coking and plugging rates of down-
maximize profit, the individual fuel gas streams origi- stream gas burner components. Sources of unwanted
nating at each process unit will vary in composition and liquid hydrocarbons in refinery fuel gas streams include
quantity, depending on numerous economic and tech- condensation of heavier fuel gas components (C5 and
nical factors.11 Table 4.3 contains typical chemical com- higher) due to natural cooling of the fuel gas stream,
positions of fuel gas streams originating from various liquid entrainment into absorber or fractionator over-
process units within a petroleum refinery.8 head gas streams, and lubrication oil contamination of
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It is very important that the refinery fuel gas leaving the fuel gas stream. Potential solutions for the problems
the common mixing point is a homogenous mixture of associated with these liquid hydrocarbons include liq-
the fuel gas streams supplied. If the individual fuel gas uid extraction of the heavier chemical components (C5
supply streams vary significantly in calorific value, and and heavier) and filtration/coalescence of liquid compo-
if the supply streams are not combined in a homoge- nents from the gas stream. In addition, increasing the
neous manner, the calorific value of the nonhomoge- velocity of the flowing gas through burner components
neous refinery fuel gas mixture will also vary widely (tips, risers, etc.) has been proven to cool the hardware
and often instantaneously. Unless the gas burners and and inhibit the cracking reactions that eventually lead
control systems at each processing furnace have been to plugging and coking.
designed to accommodate instantaneous changes in Wet fuel gas can introduce problems in cooler cli-
fuel gas calorific value, the process will likely be impos- mates associated with the condensation and subsequent
sible to control. All of the combustion performance freezing of water vapor inside the fuel gas system. If the
parameters—including burner stability, emissions con- water vapor reaches the dew point in a cold atmospheric
trol, heat transfer efficiency, and heat flux—will suffer environment, there is danger of frost stoppage, freezing,
as a result of the nonhomogeneous fuel mixture.10 Static or bursting of lines—a considerable fire safety hazard
mixers are often used in various segments of industry that merits serious thought. Options to combat water

Composition of a Typical Refinery Gas
Refinery Fuel Gas Source (Dry Gas)
Fuel Gas Cracked Gas Coking Gas Reforming Gas Combined Refinery Combined Refinery
Component (%) (%) (%) FCC Gas (%) Gas—Sample 1 (%) Gas—Sample 2 (%)
CH4 65 40 28 32 36 53
C2H4 3 3 7 7 5 2
C2H6 16 21 28 9 18 19
C3H6 2 1 3 15 8 6
C3H8 7 24 22 25 20 14
C4H8 1 — — — — —
C4H10 3 7 7 0 2 1
C5 and higher 1 — — — — —
H2 3 4 5 6 3 3
CO — — — — — —
CO2 — — — — — —
N2 — — — 7 8 3
H2O — — — — — —
O2 — — — — — —
H2S — — — — — —
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

Source: Adapted from Nelson, W.L., Petroleum Refining Engineering, 3rd edn., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1949.
Fuels 75

present in the fuel gas system include dehydration sys- TABLE 4.4
tems (as discussed in Section 4.2.1) and steam/electric Typical Composition of Steam Reforming/PSA Tail Gas
tracing of refinery fuel gas lines.10
Fuel Gas Component PSA Tail Gas Composition (vol%)
CH4 17
4.1.5  Combustible Waste Gas Streams H2O <1
H2 28
The quantity and variety of combustible waste gas
CO2 44
streams in the hydrocarbon and petrochemical indus-
CO 10
tries is virtually unlimited. Many of these waste gas
N2 <1
streams are relatively high in inert concentration,
with large amounts of nitrogen and carbon diox- Total 100
ide often present. As a result, these waste fuels are Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook,
often low in heat content, with lower heating values CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.
(LHVs) in the range of 400–800 Btu/scf (0.42–0.84 MJ/
PSA is a cyclic process that uses beds of solid adsor-
Nm3). For these reasons, waste fuels are not usually
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bent to remove impurities such as carbon dioxide, carbon

compressed into the main refinery fuel gas system.
monoxide, methane, and nitrogen from the hydrogen
Two of the most widely used combustible waste gas
production stream. A simplified process flow diagram
fuels, pressure swing adsorption (PSA) tail gas and
of a typical steam reforming hydrogen production unit
Flexicoking gas, are discussed in detail in the follow-
using PSA is shown in Figure 4.1.
ing sections.
The steam reforming process is conducted in four
stages8,9,12,13:  PSA Tail Gas
1. Feedstock preparation: Feedstock (light hydro-
PSA tail gas is a low-pressure, low-Btu fuel gas produced carbons such as methane, propane, butane, and
as a by-product of a PSA process, a key purification com- light liquid naphtha) at approximately 450 psig
ponent in the steam reforming hydrogen production (31 barg) is preheated and purified to remove
process. Table 4.4 contains the approximate composition reformer catalyst poisons such as halogens and
of a typical PSA tail gas fuel stream. sulfur-containing compounds.


Steam Steam




99.9% Vol. H2

Simplified process flow diagram for hydrogen reforming/PSA. (Adapted from Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, 2nd edn.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, Chapter 6.2, 1997.)
76 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

2. Reforming: The purified feedstock is reacted with TABLE 4.5

steam to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen: Typical Composition of Flexicoking Waste Gas
Flexicoking Waste Gas
° F and Ni Catalyst  m
C nH m + nH 2O 1500
→  n +  H 2 + nCO Fuel Gas
Composition (by Volume)
 2 Component Sample 1 Sample 2
(4.1) CH4 1.0% 0.8%
H2 20.0% 21.0%
The reaction is endothermic and occurs within the
CO2 10.0% 10.5%
process tubes of a reformer furnace in the presence
CO 20.0% 18.6%
of nickel catalyst at approximately 1500°F (815°C). N2 45.0% 45.6%
3. Shift conversion: The water–gas shift reaction H2O 4.0% 3.5%
is employed to convert the carbon monoxide H2S 150 ppm 0
produced in the reforming step into additional COS 120 ppm 120 ppm
hydrogen and carbon dioxide: Total 100% 100%
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CO + H 2O → H 2 + CO 2 (4.2) Source: Adapted from Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum

Refining Processes, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill, New
The shift conversion step is exothermic and is York, 1997.
conducted at approximately 650°F (343°C) in the
presence of a chromium/iron oxide catalyst.
continuous fluidized-bed thermal cracking process
Hydrogen purification/PSA: Following the
used in the conversion of heavy hydrocarbon feedstocks
shift conversion step, the hydrogen production
(typically heavy gas-oils from atmospheric and vacuum
stream enters the PSA portion of the process.
distillation) to various gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon
Adsorbent beds remove the impurities (carbon
products. Table 4.5 contains the approximate composi-
dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, and nitro-
tion of two sample Flexicoking waste gas fuel streams.14
gen) and a small portion of the product. Typical
A simplified process flow diagram of the Flexicoking
hydrogen recovery is 80% or greater, with prod-
process is shown in Figure 4.2. In the Flexicoking process,
uct purity of approximately 99.9 vol%.
hot (500°F–700°F or 260°C–370°C) gas-oil is injected into
the reactor vessel containing hot, fluidized coke particles.
The PSA unit must be frequently regenerated via Thermal cracking reactions inside the reactor vessel pro-
depressurization of the adsorbent beds. When depres- duce fresh petroleum coke that is deposited as a thin film
surization occurs, PSA tail gas (sometimes referred to as on the surface of existing coke particles inside the reactor
PSA waste gas) is produced at a pressure of about 5 psig bed. Cracked vapor products exit the Flexicoking process
(0.35  kg/cm2g) or less. The PSA tail gas consists of the through the reactor vessel overhead stream for additional
impurities removed by the adsorbent beds, as well as downstream processing. Coke from the reactor vessel is
the hydrogen that is not recovered in the product stream. continuously injected into the top of a second fluidized
The tail gas serves as the primary fuel for the reformer vessel, the coke heater, where it is heated and recycled
furnace burners. Due to flame stability problems associ- to maintain a reactor-bed temperature of 950°F–1000°F
ated with firing the low-pressure, high-inert-concentra- (510°C–540°C). A portion of the coke fed into the top
tion (carbon dioxide and nitrogen) PSA tail gas alone, section of the coke heater is injected into the bottom of
the PSA tail gas is typically supplemented by a light a third fluidized vessel, the gasifier. Inside the gasifier,
refinery fuel gas. The PSA and refinery fuel gases are the coke is reacted with air and steam at approximately
fired in a dual-fuel burner specifically designed for the 1500°F–1800°F (820°C–980°C), producing a low-energy
steam reforming/PSA process. In this arrangement, the fuel gas, or Flexicoking gas, consisting primarily of nitro-
PSA and refinery fuel gases enter the combustion zone gen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide.
through separate fuel connections and burner nozzles. The Flexicoking gas flows from the top of the gasifier
The dual-fuel burners are capable of firing the two fuel to the bottom of the heater, where it provides the heat
mixtures separately or simultaneously, with PSA gas never necessary to maintain the reactor-bed temperature and
providing more than 85 vol% of the total reformer fuel. helps fluidize the coke heater bed. The high-­temperature
Flexicoking gas leaving the coke heater is used for high-
4.1.6  Flexicoking Waste Gas
pressure steam generation before entrained coke fines are
Flexicoking waste gas is a low-pressure, low-energy removed in a cyclone/venturi scrubber system. Because
fuel gas produced by petroleum refiners as a by-prod- the low-energy gas stream leaving the Flexicoking pro-
uct of the Exxon Flexicoking process. Flexicoking is a cess contains substantial concentrations of H2S (~150 ppm
Fuels 77

Tertiary Low Btu gas

cyclones to cleanup
To fractionator



Dry fines Venturi
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Simplified process flow diagram for flexicoking. (From Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill,
New York, Chapter 12.1, 1997.)

by volume), the gas must first be sent through a hydrogen Having assembled this information, the following for-
sulfide removal system before it can be burned as fuel.9,13 mulae are used to calculate molecular weight:

∑ MW × y =
4.1.7  Physical Properties of Gaseous Fuels 1
MW = (4.3)
∑ x /MW
i i
i i
Tables 4.6 through 4.8 provide physical and combustion
property data for a large variety of common fuel gas
mixtures and their chemical components. where
MW is the molecular weight of the mixture
MWi is the molecular weight of component i
yi is the mole fraction of component i
xi is the mass fraction of component i
4.2  Gas Property Calculations
4.2.1  Molecular Weight Example 4.1

Molecular weight is the mass in grams of 1 g-mol of a Given the mass percentages of 10% H2O, 25% CO2,
and 65% N2. Convert the mass percent to a vol-
chemical compound. Avogadro’s number defines the
ume percent basis.
number of molecules in a gram-mole to be 6.02252 × Taking the mass percentage composition of each
1023, a fundamental constant. To determine the molecu- gas and molecular weight will give the moles of
lar weight of a mixture of gases, it is necessary to know each gas per gram. The number of moles of H2O
the molecular weight of each compound and the com- in 1 g of mix gas will be 0.1 (gramH2O/gramMix) ×
position of the gases in terms of mole or mass fractions. (1 mol/18 g) = 0.0055 mol/g.
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Volumetric Analysis of Typical Gaseous Fuel Mixtures

Natural Gas (%) LPG (%) Refinery Gases (Dry) (%) Waste Gases (%)
Refinery Refinery
Fuel Gas Cracked Coking Reforming FCC Gas Gas PSA Flexicoking
Component Tulsa Alaska Netherlands Algeria Propane Butane Gas Gas Gas Gas Sample 1 Sample 2 Gas Gas
CH4 93.4 99 81 87 — — 65 40 28 32 36 53 17 1
C2H4 — — — — — — 3 3 7 7 5 2 — —
C2H6 2.7 — 3 9 — — 16 21 28 9 18 19 — —
C3H6 — — — — — — 2 1 3 15 8 6 — —
C3H8 0.6 — 0.4 2.7 100 — 7 24 22 25 20 14 — —
C4H8 — — — — — 100 1 — — — — — — —
C4H10 0.2 — 0.1 1.1 — — 3 7 7 0 2 1 — —
C5 and — — — — — — 1 — — — — — — —
H2 — — — — — — 3 4 5 6 3 3 28 21

The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

CO — — — — — — — — — — — — 10 20
CO2 0.7 — 0.9 — — — — — — — — — 44 10
N2 2.4 1 14 0 — — — — — 7 8 3 <1 45
H2O — — — — — — — — — — — — <1 3
O2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
H2S — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.
Physical Constants of Typical Gaseous Fuel Mixtures
Natural Gas LPG Refinery Gases (Dry) Waste Gases
Refinery Refinery
Cracked Coking Reforming FCC Gas Gas PSA Flexicoking
Fuel Gas Component Tulsa Alaska Netherlands Algeria Propane Butane Gas Gas Gas Gas Sample 1 Sample 2 Gas Gas
Molecular weight 17.16 16.1 18.51 18.49 44.1 58.12 22.76 28.62 30.21 29.18 28.02 24.61 25.68 23.73
LHV (Btu/SCF) 913 905 799 1,025 2,316 3,010 1,247 1,542 1,622 1,459 1,389 1,297 263 131
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HHV (Btu/SCF) 1,012 1,005 886 1,133 2,517 3,262 1,369 1,686 1,769 1,587 1,515 1,421 294 142
Specific gravity 0.59 0.56 0.64 0.64 1.53 1.1 0.79 0.99 1.05 1.01 0.97 0.85 0.89 0.82
(14.696 psia/60°F,
Air = 1.0)
Wobbe number, 1,318 1,343 1,108 1,416 2,035 3,110 1,540 1,694 1,726 1,579 1,538 1,541 312 157
Isentropic coefficient 1.30 1.31 1.31 1.28 1.13 1.10 1.24 1.19 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.23 1.33 1.38
Stoichiometric air 10,554 10,567 10,554 10,525 10,369 10,371 10,402 10,379 10,322 10,234 10,311 10,375 9,667 8,265
Stoichiometric air 805 806 805 803 791 791 794 792 787 781 787 792 738 630
Air required for 15% 12,138 12,152 12,138 12,104 11,925 11,926 11,962 11,936 11,870 11,769 11,858 11,931 11,117 9,505
excess air
Air required for 923 924 923 920 907 907 910 908 903 895 902 907 845 723
15% excess air
Volume of dry 10,983 10,956 11,141 10,953 10,962 10,996 10,890 10,909 10,871 10,847 10,911 10,904 11,722 13,517
combustion products
Weight of dry 865 862 876 863 870 874 861 864 862 860 864 862 985 1,103
combustion products
Volume of wet 13,257 13,258 13,415 13,163 12,788 12,757 12,935 12,862 12,771 12,689 12,821 12,902 14,198 15,585
combustion products
Weight of wet 973 971 984 968 957 958 958 957 952 948 864 957 1,102 1,201
combustion products
AFT (°F) 3,306 3,308 3,284 3,317 3,351 3,351 3,342 3,348 3,359 3,371 3,353 3,345 3,001 2,856
Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.
Note: All values calculated using 60°F fuel gas and 60°F, 50% relative humidity combustion air.

80 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

Physical Constants of Typical Gaseous Fuel Mixture Components
Gas Density Ideal Gas, 14.696
Specific Heat Latent Heat of psia, 60°F Btu/scf Heating Value
Boiling Vapor Capacity, Cp Vaporization
3 Btu/lbm
Point Pressure 60°F and 14.696 psia and Specific Gas Specific
Fuel Gas Chemical Molecular 14.696 100°F 14.696 psia Boiling Point Gravity Density Volume LHV HHV LHV HHV
No. Component Formula Weight psia (°F) (psia) (Btu/lbm/°F) (Btu/lbm) (Air = 1) (lbm/ft3) (ft3/lbm) (Net) (Gross) (Net) (Gross)

Paraffin (alkane) series (CnH2n+2)

1 Methane CH4 16.04 −258.69 — 0.5266 219.22 0.554 0.042 23.651 909 1010 21,495 23,875
2 Ethane C2H6 30.07 −127.48 — 0.4097 210.41 1.038 0.079 12.618 1619 1770 20,418 22,323
3 Propane C3H8 44.10 −43.67 190 0.3881 183.05 1.522 0.116 8.604 2315 2516 19,937 21,669
4 n-Butane C4H10 58.12 31.10 51.6 0.3867 165.65 2.007 0.153 6.528 3011 3262 19,679 21,321
5 Isobutane C4H10 58.12 10.90 72.2 0.3872 157.53 2.007 0.153 6.528 3000 3252 19,629 21,271
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6 n-Pentane C5H12 72.15 96.92 15.57 0.3883 153.59 2.491 0.190 5.259 3707 4009 19,507 21,095
7 Isopentane C5H12 72.15 82.12 20.44 0.3827 147.13 2.491 0.190 5.259 3699 4001 19,459 21,047
8 Neopentane C5H12 72.15 49.10 35.9 0.3866 135.58 2.491 0.190 5.259 3683 3985 19,390 20,978
9 n-Hexane C6H14 86.18 155.72 4.956 0.3864 143.95 2.975 0.227 4.403 4404 4756 19,415 20,966

Napthene (cycloalkane) series (CnH2n)

10 Cyclopentane C5H10 70.13 120.60 9.917 0.2712 137.35 2.420 0.180 5.556 3513 3765 19,005 20,368
11 Cyclohexane C6H12 84.16 177.40 3.267 0.2901 153.25 2.910 0.220 5.545 4180 4482 18,849 20,211

Olefin series (CnH2n)

12 Ethene C2H4 28.05 −154.62 — — 207.57 0.969 0.074 13.525 1499 1600 20,275 21,636
13 Propene C3H6 42.08 −53.90 226.4 0.3541 188.18 1.453 0.111 9.017 2182 2333 19,687 21,048
14 1-Butene C4H8 56.11 20.75 63.05 0.3548 167.94 1.937 0.148 6.762 2879 3080 19,493 20,854
15 Isobutene C4H8 56.11 19.59 63.4 0.3701 169.48 1.937 0.148 6.762 2860 3068 19,376 20,737
16 1-Pentene C5H10 70.13 85.93 19.115 0.3635 154.46 2.421 0.185 5.410 3575 3827 19,359 20,720

Aromatic series (C0H2n-6)

17 Benzene C6H8 78.11 176.17 3.224 0.2429 169.31 2.697 0.206 4.857 3591 3742 17,451 18,184
18 Toluene C7H8 92.14 231.13 1.032 0.2598 154.84 3.181 0.243 4.118 4274 4475 17,672 18,501
19 o-Xylene C8H10 106.17 291.97 0.264 0.2914 149.1 3.665 0.280 3.574 4958 5210 17,734 18,633
20 m-Xylene C8H10 106.17 282.41 0.326 0.2782 147.2 3.665 0.280 3.574 4956 5208 17,734 18,633
21 p-Xylene C8H10 106.17 281.05 0.342 0.2769 144.52 3.665 0.280 3.574 4957 5209 17,734 18,633

Additional fuel gas components

22 Acetylene C2H2 26.04 −119 — 0.3966 — 0.899 0.069 14.572 1424 1474 20,769 21,502
23 Methyl CH3OH 32.04 148.1 4.63 0.3231 473 1.106 0.084 11.841 766 867 9,066 10,258
24 Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 46.07 172.92 2.3 0.3323 367 1.590 0.121 8.236 1448 1599 11,918 13,161
25 Ammonia NH3 17.03 −28.2 212 0.5002 587.2 0.588 0.045 22.279 359 434 7,966 9,667
26 Hydrogen H2 2.02 −423.0 — 3.4080 193.9 0.070 0.005 188.217 274 324 51,625 61,095
27 Oxygen O2 32.00 −297.4 — 0.2186 91.6 1.105 0.084 11.858 — — — —
28 Nitrogen N2 29.16 −320.4 — 0.2482 87.8 0.972 0.074 13.472 — — — —
29 Carbon CO 28.01 −313.6 — 0.2484 92.7 0.967 0.074 13.546 321 321 4,347 4,347
30 Carbon CO2 44.01 −109.3 — 0.1991 238.2 1.519 0.116 8.621 — — — —
31 Hydrogen H2S 34.08 −76.6 394.0 0.2380 235.6 1.177 0.090 11.133 587 637 6,537 7,097
32 Sulfur dioxide SO2 64.06 14.0 88 0.1450 166.7 2.212 0.169 5.923 — — — —
33 Water vapor H2O 18.02 212.0 0.9492 0.4446 970.3 0.622 0.047 21.061 — — — —
34 Air — 28.96 −317.6 — 0.2400 92 1.000 0.076 13.099 — — — —
Fuels 81

TABLE 4.8 (continued)

Physical Constants of Typical Gaseous Fuel Mixture Components
Unit Volume per Unit Volume of Combustible Unit Mass per Unit Mass of Combustible

Required for Required for Flammability

Stoichiometric Stoichiometric Stoichiometric Stoichiometric Limits (vol.%
Combustion Flue Gas Products Combustion Flue Gas Products in Air Mixture)
Fuel Gas
No. Component O2 N2 Air CO2 H2O N2 SO2 O2 N2 Air CO2 H2O N2 SO2 Lower Upper No.

Paraffin (alkane) series (CnH2n+2)

1 Methane 2.0 7.547 9.547 1.0 2.0 7.547 — 3.989 13.246 17.235 2.743 2.246 13.246 — 5.0 15.0 1
2 Ethane 3.5 13.206 16.706 2.0 3.0 13.206 — 3.724 12.367 16.092 2.927 1.797 12.367 — 2.9 13.0 2
3 Propane 5.0 18.866 23.866 3.0 4.0 18.866 — 3.628 12.047 15.676 2.994 1.624 12.047 — 2.0 9.5 3
4 n-Butane 6.5 24.526 31.026 4.0 5.0 24.526 — 3.578 11.882 15.460 3.029 1.550 11.882 — 1.5 9.0 4
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5 Isobutane 6.5 24.526 31.026 4.0 5.0 24.526 — 3.578 11.882 15.460 3.029 1.550 11.882 — 1.8 8.5 5
6 n-Pentane 8.0 30.186 38.186 5.0 6.0 30.186 — 3.548 11.781 15.329 3.050 1.498 11.781 — 1.4 8.3 6
7 Isopentane 8.0 30.186 38.186 5.0 6.0 30.186 — 3.548 11.781 15.329 3.050 1.498 11.781 — 1.3 8.3 7
8 Neopentane 8.0 30.186 38.186 5.0 6.0 30.186 — 3.548 11.781 15.329 3.050 1.498 11.781 — 1.3 8.3 8
9 n-Hexane 9.5 35.846 45.346 6.0 7.0 35.846 — 3.527 11.713 15.240 3.064 1.463 11.713 — 1.1 7.7 9

Naphthene (cycloalkane) series (CnH2n)

10 Cyclopentane 7.5 27.939 35.81 5.0 5.0 28.939 — 3.850 11.155 14.793 3.146 1.283 11.155 — — — 10
11 Cyclohexane 9.0 33.528 42.970 6.0 6.0 33.528 — 4.620 13.386 17.750 3.146 1.283 11.155 — 1.2 8.4 11

Olefin series (CnH2n)

12 Ethene 3.0 11.320 14.320 2.0 2.0 11.320 — 3.422 11.362 14.784 3.138 1.284 11.362 — 2.7 36 12
13 Propene 4.5 16.980 21.480 3.0 3.0 16.980 — 3.422 11.362 14.784 3.138 1.284 11.362 — 2.0 11.7 13
14 1-Butene 6.0 22.640 28.640 4.0 4.0 22.640 — 3.422 11.362 14.784 3.138 1.284 11.362 — 1.6 10 14
15 Isobutene 6.0 22.640 28.640 4.0 4.0 22.640 — 3.422 11.362 14.784 3.138 1.284 11.362 — 1.6 10 15
16 1-Pentene 7.5 28.300 35.800 5.0 5.0 28.300 — 3.422 11.362 14.784 3.138 1.284 11.362 — 1.3 10 16

Aromatic series (C0H2n-6)

17 Benzene 7.5 28.300 35.800 6.0 3.0 28.300 — 3.072 10.201 13.274 3.380 0.692 10.201 — 1.2 8.0 17
18 Toluene 9.0 33.959 42.959 7.0 4.0 33.959 — 3.125 10.378 13.504 3.343 0.782 10.378 — 1.2 7.1 18
19 o-Xylene 10.5 39.619 50.129 8.0 5.0 39.619 — 3.164 10.508 13.673 3.316 0.848 10.508 — 1.0 7.6 19
20 m-Xylene 10.5 39.619 50.129 8.0 5.0 39.619 — 3.164 10.508 13.673 3.316 0.848 10.508 — 1.0 7.0 20
21 p-Xylene 10.5 39.619 50.129 8.0 5.0 39.619 — 3.164 10.508 13.673 3.316 0.848 10.508 — 1.0 7.0 21

Additional fuel gas components

22 Acetylene 2.5 9.433 11.933 2.0 1.0 9.433 — 3.072 10.201 13.274 3.380 0.692 10.201 — 2.5 80 22
23 Methyl 1.5 5.660 7.160 1.0 2.0 5.660 — 4.498 4.974 6.482 1.373 1.124 4.974 — 5.5 44 23
24 Ethyl alcohol 3.0 11.320 14.320 2.0 3.0 11.320 — 2.084 6.919 9.003 1.911 1.173 6.919 — 3.3 19 24
25 Ammonia 0.75 2.830 3.582 — 1.5 3.330 — 1.409 4.679 6.008 1.587 5.502 — 15.5 27 25
26 Hydrogen 0.5 1.887 2.387 — 1.0 1.887 — 7.936 26.323 34.290 8.937 26.353 — 4.0 74.2 26
27 Oxygen — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 27
28 Nitrogen — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 28
29 Carbon 0.5 1.877 2.387 1.0 — 1.887 — 1.410 1.897 2.468 1.571 — 1.870 — 12.5 74.2 29
30 Carbon — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 30
31 Hydrogen 1.5 5.660 7.160 — 1.0 5.660 1.0 4.682 6.093 0.529 4.682 1.880 4.3 45.5 31
32 Sulfur dioxide — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 32
33 Water vapor — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 33
34 Air — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 34

Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.
82 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

The table presented here gives the number of compound and the composition of the gases in terms of
moles/gram of each gas and their normalized vol- mole or mass fractions. Having assembled this informa-
ume, calculated from the mole fraction of each gas tion, the following formulae are used to calculate heat-
to the total moles of mix gas. ing values:

Gas Mass Percent (%) mol/g

Volume Basis (%)
HVv = ∑ HV
v,i × yi (4.4)

H2O 10 0.00555 16.11

HVm = ∑ HV
m ,i × xi (4.5)

Example 4.2 HVv is the heating value of mixture, volume basis
HVv,i is the heating value of component i, volume basis
Find the density of flue gas at 350°F (180°C) and HVm is the heating value of mixture, mass basis
2 atm. The composition of the flue gas by volume
HVm,i is the heating value of component i, mass basis
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

is 17% H2O, 6% CO2, and 77% N2.

To calculate the density of flue gas, one should
take the density of air at standard temperature Example 4.3
and pressure and molecular weights of flue gas
and dry air. The molecular weight of flue gas can Determine the HHV of a gas mixture comprised
be found by taking the volume percentages and of 60% natural gas and 40% H2 in Btu/ft3.
molecular weights of each gas. For the gas mixture, one should take 1 ft3 of
the gas mix coupled with the HHV of each indi-
vidual gas.
mole H 2 O g mole CO 2 g
MWFG = 0.17 × 18 + 0.06 × 44 The HHVs are presented as follows:
mole FG mol mole FG mol
CH4 = 1012 Btu/ft3
mole N 2 g g H2 = 325 Btu/ft3
+ 0.77 × 28 = 27.26
mole FG mol mol

For the molecular weight of air, it will be com- ft 3 CH 4 Btu ft 3 H 2 Btu Btu
0.6 3
× 1012 3 + 0.4 × 325 3 = 737.2 3
posed of 21% dry O2 and 79% N2, thus resulting in ft mix ft ft3 ft ft

 g   g  g Example 4.4
MWAir = 0.21  32 + 0.79  28 = 28.84
 mol   mol  mol
Determine the HHV of a gas mixture comprised
of 30% natural gas, 50% H2, and 20% N2. Calculate
Using the temperature of air at STP, one can solve heating values based on the mass of gases.
for the density of flue gas at the given tempera- Similar to the earlier example, one should take
ture and pressure: 1 lbm of mix gas with the heating values to get the
mixture HHV. The HHV of each gas based on
mass will be
 2   27.26   288  kg
ρFG = 1.2    = 1.46 3
 1   28.84   273 + 176  m CH4: 23,875 Btu/lbm
H2: 61,095 Btu/lbm

4.2.2  Lower and Higher Heating Values lbm CH 4 Btu lb H Btu

0.3 × 23, 875 + 0.5 m 2 × 61, 095
lbm mix lbm lbm mix lbm
The LHV of a gas is the heat released by combustion of
a specific quantity of that gas with the products of com- Btu
= 37 , 710
bustion remaining as vapor. The higher heating value lbm
(HHV) adds to the LHV the latent heat of any steam pro-
duced as a combustion product. It represents the total
4.2.3  Specific Heat Capacity
heat obtained by first burning a fuel and then cooling
the products to standard temperature. Heating values The specific heat capacity of a gas is the energy that must
may be provided on a volume basis, typically Btu/scf be added to a specific amount of the gas to raise its tem-
(kJ/m3), or a mass basis such as Btu/lbm (kJ/kg). perature by 1°. If the gas is maintained at constant pres-
To determine the heating value of a mixture of sure during this heating process, the value is referred
gases, it is necessary to know the heating value of each to as cp. If the gas is maintained at constant volume, the
Fuels 83

value is referred to as cv. Specific heat is not a constant The specific heat of the gas mix coupled with the
for a given gas; it is a function of temperature. Specific molecular weight can be used to solve for the spe-
heat can be defined on a volume basis, typically Btu/ cific heat on a mass basis:
lbmol-°F (kJ/kgmol-°C); or on a mass basis such as Btu/ Btu 1 lbmol Btu
lbm-°F (kJ/kg-°C). 7.24 × = 0.265
lbmol °F 27.26 lbm lbm °F
To determine the specific heat of a mixture of gases, it
is necessary to know the specific heat of each compound
at the mixture temperature and the composition of the 4.2.4  Flammability Limits
gases in terms of mole or mass fractions. Having assem- Flammability limits define the range of fuel concentrations
bled this information, the following formulae are used to in air that will sustain a flame without additional air or
calculate specific heat (cp and cv formulae are analogous, fuel. The upper flammability limit (UFL) is the maximum
only cp formulae are shown): fuel concentration that can sustain a flame and the lower
flammability limit (LFL) is the minimum. These limits are
cp ( vol) = ∑c p,i ( vol) × yi (4.6) often tabulated for fuels at some standard temperature,
typically 60°F (16°C). Flammability limits are not constants
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for a given gas; they are functions of the air/fuel mixture

cp (mass) = ∑c p,i (mass) × xi (4.7) temperature. An extensive discussion of this subject can be
found in the work of Coward and Jones.15
Wierzba and Karim16 present a method for estimating
the flammability limits as a function of mixture temper-
cp (vol) is the specific heat of mixture, volume basis
ature by calculating adiabatic flame temperature (AFT).
cp,i (vol) is the specific heat of component i, volume
First, the AFT for the standard temperature mixture is
determined. Next, the mixture temperature is set to the
cp (mass) is the specific heat of mixture, mass basis
desired level and the fuel concentration is varied until
cp,i (mass) is the specific heat of component i, mass
the calculated AFT for the nonstandard temperature
matches the AFT for the standard temperature. They
provide an approximating method for calculating AFT
Example 4.5 for sub-stoichiometric mixtures.
Both Coward and Jones and Wierzba and Karim indi-
Calculate the specific heat of a gas mixture on a
mole basis or mass fraction. The mixture consists
cate that a form of Le Chatelier’s rule can be used to
of 17% H2O, 6% CO2, and 77% N2. calculate LFL and UFL for many combinations of fuels
and inerts. Both references also mention that this rule
fails to accurately predict for a few important situa-
Btu/ Btu/ cal/ cal/ tions. One notable example is a mixture of ethylene and
Gas MW lbmol° F lbm · °F g · °C g · mole · °C carbon dioxide that differs substantially from normal
N2 28 6.94 0.248 0.248 6.94 calculated LFL and UFL. Another example is any mix-
H2O 18 8.02 0.445 0.445 8.02 ture of chemicals that is prone to react with another at
CO2 44 8.80 0.200 0.200 8.80 temperatures below the ignition point, such as ethylene
and hydrogen. Mixtures involving significant amounts
of inert compounds (e.g., H2O, N2, and CO2) require
The mix gas-specific heat, based on percentage special treatment either by the AFT method described
values, is calculated to be earlier or by grouping the inerts with fuel components
in known proportions matching conditions for which
moleH 2 O Btu mole CO 2 Btu LFL and UFL have been measured. This latter method
0.17 × 8.02 + 0.06 × 8.80
moleMix mole °F moleMix mole °F is described in detail by Coward and Jones.14
With these exceptions in mind, the following mixing
mole N 2 Btu Btu
+ 0.77 × 6.94 = 7.24 rules can be used to calculate LFL and UFL for most
moleMix mole °F lbmol °F
common gas mixtures:
Taking the molecular weight of the gas mixture LFL = (4.8)
will yield

∑ yi/LFLi

lbm UFL = (4.9)
∑ y /UFL
MWmix = 0.17(18) + 0.06 ( 44) + 0.77(28) = 27.26
lbmol i i
84 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

4.2.5  Burning Velocity 4.2.6 Viscosity

Flame speed and burning velocity are terms that are Viscosity is discussed in detail in Chapter 8. A useful
often used for the rate of propagation of a flame through mixing rule is also provided.
a flammable mixture. The burning velocity is depen-
dent not only on the fuel gas composition, gas/air mix-
ture ratio and temperature of the mixture, but also on 4.2.7  Derived Quantities
the physical dimensions of the combustion device and
In addition to the specific properties described earlier,
the interaction of the flame with heat absorbing sur-
there are a number of useful derived parameters that
faces. Burning velocity is thus not an absolute value, but
may be of interest when studying combustion systems.
is measurement device dependent. Quoted values for
flame speed or burning velocity should include infor-
mation regarding the method of measurement. Since  Partial Pressure
the measured burning velocity is not an absolute value,
comparisons of burning velocities for various fuels Partial pressure is the pressure exerted by a single
must be made on the basis of data collected on identical component of a mixture when that component alone
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test instruments. occupies the entire volume at the mixture temperature.

Figure 4.3 shows burning velocity data for a variety Dalton’s law states that the total pressure of a mixture
of fuel gases. Note that the maximum velocity generally is the sum of the partial pressures of the components.
occurs in a fuel-rich mixture with less than 100% theo- While this law has been demonstrated to be somewhat
retical combustion air in the fuel/air mixture.8 in error, especially at high pressures, it is often useful

Blue water gas

3.6 9.0

3.2 8.0
Burning velocity, ft/s (except hydrogen and acetylene)

Burning velocity, ft/s (hydrogen and acetylene only)

2.8 7.0

2.4 6.0

2.0 Carbureted 5.0

water gas

1.6 4.0
Coke oven gas
Carbon Illuminants
1.2 monoxide 3.0

0.8 2.0

0.4 Natural gas

Methane 1.0

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Primary air, % of theoretical

Burning velocity for various gaseous fuels.
Fuels 85

for estimating purposes to determine whether a more mixtures that also require enrichment and supplemen-
detailed analysis is justified. The basic relationship is tal fuel firing to maintain ignition. Fertilizer plants and
other chemical plants produce ammonia, which may
pi = yi ↔ TP (4.10) be sent to a flare in an emergency. Waste gases that are
sent to flares in these facilities may be pure ammonia or
Partial pressures are of interest when estimating the diluted with nitrogen or water vapor.
probability of forming condensate in a gas mixture. The variety of gases and the hazards associated with
When the partial pressure of a component exceeds the each requires careful review of all aspects of system
vapor pressure of that component at the mixture tem- design to ensure that these fuels are safely handled,
perature, condensation is likely. whether in a flare, a furnace, or an incinerator.  Adiabatic Flame Temperature

The AFT is the temperature at which the enthalpy of the
products of combustion equals the sum of the enthalpy
4.3  Liquid Fuels
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

of the reactants plus the heat released by the combus-

tion process. Heat loss due to radiation, convection, or 4.3.1  Production, Refining, and Chemistry
conduction is not included; hence the reference to adia-
The primary concern for a typical refinery is to convert
batic. Accounting for dissociation of combustion prod-
a barrel of crude oil (42 U.S. gallons) into usable prod-
ucts is important. Customarily, the AFT is determined
ucts. A barrel of crude oil can typically be refined to
for a stoichiometric fuel/air mixture, although other
provide 11 gal of gasoline, 5.3 gal of kerosene, 20.4 gal of
mixtures such as LFL and UFL are sometimes studied
gas-oil and distillates, and 5.3 gal of heavier distillates.9
for special purposes, as discussed in Section 4.3.2.
The end products derived from crude oil number in the
thousands. Table 4.9 provides a listing of many of these  Other Special Cases products. The processes that produce these different
products are vast and complicated. Figure 4.4 provides a
Landfills and digester facilities produce an off-gas that
general refinery flow diagram.
must be disposed to prevent odor problems in the com-
munity. The gas is generally a mixture of CO2 and CH4. TABLE 4.9
Landfills are rarely above 30%–40% methane, while
Quantitative Listing of Products Made by the U.S.
digesters may be as high as 60%–70% methane. In some Petroleum Industry
landfills, perimeter wells are used to draw air into the
edges of the landfill, which prevents the spread of anaer- Product Classification Number of Individual Products
obic bacteria and methane. In these cases, the methane Lubricating oils 1156
content is even lower and some air is also sent to the flare. Chemicals, solvents, misc. 300
Marine and truck loading facilities burn the vapor Greases 271
displaced from the tankers or trucks during the loading Asphalts 209
operation. In many cases, the displaced vapor is mostly air Waxes 113
with some amount of evaporated gasoline or diesel fuel. White oils 100
Depending on the ambient temperature, the resulting mix- Rust preventatives 65
ture could be very rich in hydrocarbon vapor, or very lean. Diesel and light fuel oils 27
Medical equipment, such as bandages or hypodermic Motor gasolines 19
needles, is often sterilized by contact with ethylene oxide Residual fuel oil 16
(ETO) vapors. ETO sterilizer flares are designed to receive Liquified gases 13
the ETO vapor after the sterilization process is complete. Other gasolines 12
The composition coming to these flares generally con- Transformer and cable oils 12
sists of a mixture of ETO and either air or nitrogen. It Kerosenes 10
Aviation gasolines 9
should be noted that ETO has a flammability range from
Jet fuels 5
3% to 100% and a very low ignition temperature.
Carbon blacks 5
Flares are often used as backup equipment for inciner-
Cokes 4
ators during maintenance or malfunctions. In this type
Fuel gas 1
of service, the waste gas is usually enriched with a sub-
stantial amount of clean fuel gas to ensure reliable burn- Total 2347
ing. Steel mills produce off-gases that consist mainly of Source: Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E., Petroleum Refining, 3rd edn.,
H2, H2O, CO, CO2, and air. These are generally low LHV Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994.
86 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook


Typical refinery

LPG and gas Vapor Refinery fuel

recovery gas

Stabilizer Straight run gasoline

section LPG

Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

Naphtha Hydro Reformate

Crude Reforming Premium
unit gasoline

TWR Middle distillates Hydro Solvents
section treating
Aviation fuels

HVY atmos gas oil Catalytic Gasoline

cracking Diesels
VAC gas oil

Crude Heating oils

Fraction bottoms

Lube oils
Vacuum Solvent
section extraction
Gasoline, naphtha,
Lube base stocks
Hydro and middle distillates

Lube oils Industrial

Solvent fuels
Propane dewaxing Waxes

fuel oil
Gasoline, naphtha, and middle distillates
Fuel oil


Delayed Gasoline, naphtha, and middle distillates


Refinery flow diagram. (Adapted from Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E., Petroleum Refining, 3rd edn., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994.)
Fuels 87

The primary chemical components of crude oil are constituents of crude oils are alkanes (paraffins), cyclo-
carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. The alkanes (naphthenes), and aromatics.
percentages of these elements found in a crude oil are Alkanes (also called paraffins after the Latin parum
most frequently used to characterize the oil. Two terms affinis, “little affinity”) are those chemical structures
frequently used when referring to crude oil are “sweet” that are based on carbon atoms having only single bonds
crude and “sour” crude. Sweet crude is oil that contains and that are completely saturated with hydrogen atoms.
less than 0.5 wt% sulfur, while sour crude contains greater Some of the alkane hydrocarbons are listed in Table 4.8.
than 0.5 wt% sulfur. Sulfur content is of importance and The basic chemical formula for an alkane is CxH2x+2,
concern, due to the sulfur oxides that are produced during where “x” is the number of carbon atoms present. Crude
combustion. SO2, for example, is a gas that has been shown oils can contain structures with up to 70 carbon atoms.9
to contribute significantly to several different environ- However, the vast majority of the compounds contain
mental problems—namely, in acid rain formation and in 40 carbon atoms or less. When the number of different
its ready conversion to sulfuric acid, H2SO4. The nitrogen constitutional isomers (different chemical connectivity
content of crude oil is of special interest to the combustion and different physical properties, yet identical chemi-
industry due to the high levels of nitrogen oxides or NOx cal formulae) is considered (tetracontane [C40H82] has
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

(see Chapter 10) produced during combustion of these over 62 trillion possible isomers18), it is evident that the
fuels (e.g., approximately 0.2 lb/MMBtu NOx or 142 ppm compositional diversity between differing crude oils is
can be attributed to “Fuel NOx” for an oil that contains almost limitless.
0.47 wt% nitrogen). Like SOx, NOx is an environmentally Cycloalkanes (cylcoparaffins or naphthenes) are
damaging group of gases. Any time a fuel is burned in alkanes in which all or some of the carbon atoms are
air with a hot flame, NOx gases are produced. The greater arranged in a ring. When a cycloalkane contains only
the flame temperature of the combustion, the greater the one ring, the general formula is CxH2x. The most sta-
amount of NO that will be produced. NO is then oxidized ble cycloalkane is cyclohexane, while cyclobutane and
to form NO2 (over a period of minutes or hours), which is a cyclopropane are the least stable. The properties of
major contributor to photochemical smog. In general, the cycloalkanes are very similar to those of alkanes, as
fate of SO2 and NO are intertwined, as can be seen by the shown in Table 4.8.
following reaction sequence17: Aromatic compounds are those compounds that con-
tain at least one benzene-like ring. Benzene, discovered
SO2 + OH− → HSO 3− in 1825, has a chemical formula of C6H6, and is stable
and nonreactive relative to alkanes and cycloalkanes.
HSO 3− + O 2 → SO 3 + HOO − Aromatics, such as the heterocyclic compounds pyridine
and furan, are composed of rings that contain elements
SO 3 + H 2O → H 2SO 4 (g ) other than carbon. For example, the benzene ring contains
six carbon atoms, whereas the pyridine ring contains five
H 2SO 4 (g ) H
→ H 2SO 4 (aq ) carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom. Properties of some
of the aromatic compounds are contained in Table 4.8.
The following is a parallel reaction that takes place It is worth mentioning the group of compounds called
between nitrogen oxide and the hydroperoxy radical, alkenes (olefins). Alkene compounds do not occur natu-
thus producing more of the hydroxyl radical to feed the rally in crude oil, but are produced by reaction during
aforementioned initial reaction: the refining process. Therefore, it should be expected
that a refined end product will have some percentage of
ethylene, propylene, or butylene, for example. Alkenes
HOO − + NO − → OH − + NO 2−
have the general formula of CxH2x and contain a carbon–
carbon double bond. Properties of some of the alkenes
The overall reaction is then are contained in Table 4.8.
When a crude oil is refined, the first step is, invariably,
distillation. The purpose of distillation is to separate
SO 2 + NO − + O 2 H
→ NO −2 + H 2SO 4 (aq)
lighter components from heavier ones, based on their
respective volatility. The target of distillation is to sepa-
Crude oil compositions are relatively constant. rate the crude oil into different fractions. Each fraction
However, slight deviations in composition can result in consists of a boiling point range that will yield a mixture
vastly different refining methods. Crude oils also con- of hydrocarbons; see Table 4.10. Some of these mixtures
tain inorganic elements such as vanadium, nickel, and can then be used as product (fuels, solvents, etc.) or fur-
sodium, and usually contain some amount of water and ther refined into gasoline or other desirable mixtures.
ash (noncombustible material). The main hydrocarbon Catalytic cracking is a typical process used to break
88 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

TABLE 4.10 to gas flames, while heavier oils require a more compli-
General Fraction Boiling Points cated process and produce flames that are quite radiant
and more highly dependent on atomization techniques
Distillation Fraction Temperature Range
than the light oils. Oils are fired in burners by them-
Butanes and lighter <90°F selves, or in combination with fuel gas, waste gas, or
Gasoline 90°F–220°F both. Naphtha is frequently fired in combination with a
Naphtha 220°F–315°F PSA or other waste gas, and requires good vaporization
Kerosene 315°F–450°F to provide a quality flame.
Fuel oils 450°F–800°F
Residue >800°F 4.3.2 Oils
Source: Leffler, W.L., Petroleum Refining for the Non- According to the American Standard Testing Methods
Technical Person, Penn Well Publishing, Tulsa,
OK, 1985. With permission.
(ASTM) D-396, fuel oils are divided into grades, based
on the types of burners for which they are suitable.20 The
grades are determined by those values determined to be
down and rearrange alkane mixtures produced via dis-
most significant in figuring performance characteristics.
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

tillation into smaller, highly branched alkanes by heat-

The two classifications that separate these fuel oils are “dis-
ing the mixtures to high temperatures in the presence of
tillates” and “residuals,” where distillates indicate a distil-
a variety of catalysts. Figure 4.5 shows a fluid catalytic
lation overhead product (lighter oils) and residuals indicate
cracking process.19 Due to the reactions that take place
a distillation bottom product (heavier oils). Table 4.11 helps
during catalytic cracking, the product streams are gen-
in differentiating between these various classifications, and
erally heavier than the feed streams. Alkanes that are
Table 4.12 reveals typical analyses for these oils.
more highly branched are desirable because they have
a higher octane rating than their unbranched cousins.  Light Oils
Of particular interest are the liquid fuels produced
during the various refining processes that are used Grade 1 and 2 oils are light distillate (fuel) oils used
by the hydrocarbon and petrochemical industries. primarily in applications that do not require significant
Refineries frequently burn these liquid fuels in process atomization by air or steam in order to reduce droplet
heaters so that the heat liberated during combustion can size for proper burning. No. 1 oil will typically vapor-
be used to drive a more profitable process. Light fuel oils ize when it comes into contact with a hot surface or gas.
are relatively easy to burn and produce flames similar No. 2 oil is significantly easier to burn than residual oil


Fuel gas
To C3C4 to treating
flue gas
Debutanized gasoline

Main column

Light cycle oil

Heavy cycle oil

Main-column bottoms

Heavy recycle

Air Fresh feed

Flow diagram of UOP fluid catalytic cracking complex. (From Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill,
New York, Chapter 3.3, 1997.)
Fuels 89

TABLE 4.11
Requirements for Fuel Oils (per ASTM D 396)
No. 4 Distillate
Classification No. 1 Distillate No. 2 Distillate (Heavy) No. 6 Residual
Density (kg/m ) @ 60°F (15°C), max
3 850 876 — —
Viscosity @ 104°F (40°C) mm/s2
Min 1.3 1.9 >5.5 —
Max 2.1 3.4 24 —
Viscosity @ 212°F (100°C) mm/s2
Min — — — 15
Max — — — 50
Flash point °F (°C), min 100 (38) 100 (38) 131 (55) 140 (60)
Pour point °F (°C), max −0.4 (−18) 21 (−6) 21 (−6) —
Ash, % mass, max — — 0.1 —
Sulfur, % mass, max 0.5 0.5 — —
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

Water and sediment, % vol., max 0.05 0.05 0.5 2.0

Distillation temperature °F (°C)
10% volume recovered, max 419 (215) — — —
90% volume recovered, min — 540 (282) — —
90% volume recovered, max 550 (288) 640 (338) — —
Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.

TABLE 4.12
Typical Analysis of Different Fuel Oils
No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 Fuel
Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Oil (Sour)
Ash (%) <0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.05
Hydrogen (%) 13.6 13.6 11.7 11.2
Nitrogen (%) 0.003 0.007 0.24 0.37
Sulfur (%) 0.09 0.1 1.35 2.1
Carbon (%) 86.4 86.6 86.5 85.7
Heat of combustion 20,187 19,639 19,382 18,343
(HHV), Btu/lb
Specific gravity 0.825 0.84 0.898 0.97
Density (lb/U.S. 6.877 6.96 7.488 8.08

Source: Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.

due to the reduced amount of atomization and preheat-

ing requirements. Atomization is the breaking apart of a FIGURE 4.6
liquid into tiny, more easily combustible, droplets using Burner firing heavy oil no. 1. (From Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink
steam, air, fuel gas, or mechanical means. These light Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.)
distillate oils will typically distill out between 450°F
and 800°F (230°C and 430°C).  Residual Oils  Heavy Oils
No. 6 oil is a heavy residual oil sometimes referred to as
No. 4 oil is a heavy distillate oil typically blended from, Bunker C oil. This oil requires significant atomization for
and thus having characteristics of, both light distillates proper combustion. Due to its high viscosity, No. 6 oil
and residual oils. These oils do not readily combust and requires heating during handling and further heating prior
therefore require some type of atomization, but still fall to combustion chamber injection. No. 6 oil is usually pre-
into a viscosity range that does not require preheating heated to 150°F–200°F (66°C–93°C), to decrease its viscos-
prior to burning (Figures 4.6 and 4.7). ity, before being atomized and injected into the burner.
90 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

TABLE 4.13
Naphtha Elemental Analysis
Component Vol%
n-Heptane 1.610
Methylcyclohexane 2.433
2-Methylheptane 5.618
4-Methylheptane 1.824
3-Methylheptane 4.841
1c,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 3.252
1t,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 1.040
1t,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 1.169
n-Octane 16.334
1c,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 1.674
1,1,4-Trimethylcyclohexane 3.500
2,6-Dimethylheptane 2.094
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

1c,3c,5-Trimethylcyclohexane 2.638
m-Xylene 2.426
p-Xylene 0.797
2,3-Dimethylheptane 1.475
4-Methyloctane 3.417
2-Methyloctane 4.491
3-Methyloctane 4.576
o-Xylene 1.137
n-Nonane 10.120
Other 23.534
Total 100.000

Burner firing heavy oil no. 2. (From Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink 310
Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.)

4.3.3  Liquid Naphtha 290

Liquid naphtha is similar in its characteristics to kerosene 280

(Table 4.13). Figure 4.8 shows a typical naphtha distilla-
tion curve. In general, naphtha will boil out of a mixture
between 220°F and 320°F (100°C and 160°C). Naphtha is 260
categorized, based on its volatility, into light, intermedi-
ate, and heavy naphtha. Naphtha is a major constituent
of gasoline; however, it generally requires further refin- 240
ing to make suitable quality gasoline. Prior to firing naph- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Cumulative percent volume
tha in a burner, care must be taken to vaporize it so that
the combustion will be more complete and uniform.
Naphtha distillation curve. (From Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink
4.3.4  Physical Properties of Liquid Fuels Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.)
When liquid fuels are encountered, there are certain
properties that determine into which category they are that will ignite when exposed to an ignition source.
divided, and for what processes they are suitable. The standard method for determining flash point is
ASTM D-93. Under certain conditions, ASTM D-56 can
be used for light distillate oils. Some flash point values  Flash Point
are provided in Table 4.11. The flash point is an impor-
The flash point of a liquid is the lowest temperature at tant property for indication of volatility and for storage
which enough vapors are given off to form a mixture requirements.
Fuels 91  Pour Point When the Reynolds number is less than 2100, the flow
is typically streamlined and smooth, and called lami-
The pour point of a liquid is determined by ASTM D-99
nar. However, when the Reynolds number increases
and indicates the lowest temperature at which an oil
above 2100, internal agitation takes place, and the flow
will flow at a controlled rate. If the fluid temperature
is considered turbulent. As seen in the Equation 4.11, as
goes below this point, flow will be inhibited.
the viscosity increases, the flow becomes more laminar,
assuming the other properties stay constant. Viscosity is Distillation divided into two different categories: kinematic viscos-
ity and absolute viscosity.
The distillation of a liquid gives an indication of its vola-
Kinematic viscosity (ν) is dependent on fluid den-
tility, as well as the ease with which it can be vapor-
sity, and has units of length 2/time. Typical units for
ized. The test evaluates the vaporization range of a fuel
kinematic viscosity are stokes (0.001 m 2/s), centistokes
between its end point (the point at which 100% of the
(stoke/100), Seconds Saybolt Universal (SSU), and
volume has vaporized) and the initial boiling point (the
Seconds Saybolt Furol (SSF). Because the density of
point at which the liquid begins to vaporize). Figure 4.9
a fluid is dependent on temperature, the viscosity of a
shows a typical crude oil distillation curve.
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

fluid is likewise dependent on temperature. As the

temperature increases, the viscosity of a fluid will Viscosity decrease (become more fluid or less viscous), and vice
In layman’s terms, the viscosity is a fluid’s resistance to
Absolute viscosity (μ) can be calculated by multi-
flow. Technically, the viscosity is the ratio of shear stress
plying the kinematic viscosity by the density of the
to shear rate of a fluid in motion. Most fluids under con-
fluid. The most common units for absolute viscosity
sideration in this chapter (gases, fuel oils) are Newtonian
are the poise (1 Pa s) and the centipoise (cp), which is
fluids because the ratio given earlier is constant with
respect to time, at a given temperature and pressure.
The viscosity of oil is a very important consideration
A  very important factor in the determination of fluid
in proper burner design. As previously mentioned, the
flow is the dimensionless quantity called the Reynolds
more viscous the fluid, the more preheating required
number. The Reynolds number is calculated as
prior to burning. Several useful conversions are listed
DVρ DV as follows:
Re = or Re = (4.11)
µ ν
1 lbm/ft h = 0.00413 g/cm · s
D is the pipe diameter 0.000413 kg/m · s
V is the fluid velocity 1 cP = 0.01 P
ρ is the fluid density 0.01 g/cm · s
μ is the fluid absolute viscosity 0.001 kg/m · s
ν is the fluid kinematic viscosity
6.72 × 10−4 lbm/ft s
900 Residue
1 St = 0.0001 m2/s = 100 cSt
800 centistokes = (0.266 × SSU) − (195/SSU) for SSU 32–100
Boiling temperature, °F

700 (0.220 × SSU) − (135/SSU) for SSU > 100

See also Table 4.11 and Figure 4.10.
400 Kerosene
300 Density, Gravity, Specific Volume,
200 and Specific Weight
100 Density is a fluid’s mass per unit volume, and is impor-
Butanes and lighter
0 tant due to its effect on other properties, such as viscos-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
ity. Additionally, the density is used to calculate the heat
Cumulative percent volume
capacity of an oil. The densities of liquids are frequently
given as the American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity
Crude oil distillation curve. (From Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink or the specific gravity (SG). Density and specific gravity
Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.) are related in that a liquid with a specific gravity of 1 has
92 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200

20,000 100,000
10,000 50,000
5,000 20,000
2,000 10,000
400 2,000

200 1,000


Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

Kinematic viscosity, centistokes

40 200

av 100



Viscosity, SSU

15 80

10 60






–20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 240 280 320 360 400

Temperature, °F

Viscosity of fuel oils. (From Baukal, C.E. (ed.), The John Zink Combustion Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001.)

a density of 1 kg/m3 (62.4 lb/ft3). The specific gravity of a Water is frequently used as a reference substance
liquid can be calculated by the formula and, at 60°F (16°C), has a specific gravity of 1.0 and a
ρ density of 1.94 slugs/ft3 (999 kg/m3), where 1 slug =
SG = (4.12) 1  lbf ft/s2. Specific gravity for gases requires an addi-
tional assumption relating to pressure and tempera-
where ture. Gas-specific gravity is defined relative to air as the
ρ is the density of the substance in question at specific reference substance and is generally determined at a
conditions standard temperature and pressure. Under those condi-
ρref is the density of a reference substance at a specific tions, gas-specific gravity can be calculated as the ratio
condition of molecular weights.
Fuels 93

Example 4.6 The specific volume (volume per unit mass) is the
In a typical combustion situation, determine reciprocal of the density, and is commonly used in ther-
the  molecular weight of flue gas at 15% excess modynamic calculations.
air, the wet O2 percent, and dry O2 percent pres- The specific weight of a fluid (γ) is defined as its weight
ent in the flue gas. Assume natural gas as the per unit volume. The relationship that relates specific
working fluid. weight to the density is γ = ρ × g, where ρ is the density,
Following the general combustion equation, the and g is the local acceleration (32.174 ft/s2 or 9.81 m/s2).
balanced stoichiometric equation will be The specific weight of water at 60°F (16°C) is 62.4 lbm/ft3
(9.80 kN/m3).
CH 4 + 2φ [ O2 + 3.76 N2 ]

→ CO 2 + 2H 2 O + 2φ  O 2 + 3.76 N 2  − 2O 2  Heat Capacity (Specific Heat)

The heat capacity, or specific heat, of a fluid is defined as
where ϕ = 1 + EA%. the amount of heat that is required per unit mass to raise
The following table provides the calculated the temperature by 1°. Typical units of heat capacity are
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

byproducts per mole of CH4 Btu/(lbm · °R) or kJ/(kg · K) in SI units. Heat capacity is

temperature dependent, and is defined in terms of con-
stant volume or constant pressure, as can be calculated
Moles/ by the following equations:
Mole CH4
Moles/Mole CH4 @ 15% EA Grams/Mole CH4
 δh 
Cp =  (4.14)
CO2 1 1 1 × 44 = 44  δT  p
H2O 2 2 2 × 18 = 36
O2 2ϕ−2 0.3 0.3 × 32 = 9.6
 δh 
Cv =  (4.15)
 δT  v
N2 7.52ϕ 8.648 8.648 × 28 = 242.1

The molecular weight of flue gas will be the total where

mass of resultant products divided by the Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure
total moles produced, as can be seen here: Cv is the heat capacity at constant volume
δh is the change in enthalpy
g FG δT is the change in temperature
MWFG = ( 44 + 36 + 9.6 + 242.1)
mole CH 4
To calculate the heat capacity of a petroleum liquid, to
1 mole CH 4 g within 2%–4% accuracy, the following equations can be
× = 27.66

(1 + 2 + 0 .3 + 8 .648 ) mol
l e FG mol employed:
0.388 + (0.00045 × °F )
The wet and dry O2 products formed will be C= for units of Btu/(lbm -°R )
the moles of O2 produced divided by the total
moles including and excluding moles of H2O, (4.16)

1.685 + (0.039 × °C )
0.3 C= for units of kJ/(kg-K ) (4.17)
O 2 wet = × 100 = 2.51% SG

0.3 where
O 2dry = × 100 = 3.0%
11.948 − 2 C is the heat capacity
SG is the specific gravity (relative density), so long as
°API is inversely proportional to specific gravity; the liquid temperature is between 32°F and 400°F
therefore, as °API increases, the density decreases. (0°C and 205°C) and the specific gravity is between
When a fluid and water are compared at 60°F (16°C), the 0.75 and 0.96 at 60°F (16°C)8
°API can be calculated as
Further information about gaseous and liquid fuels
141.5 and their properties can be obtained from the references
°API = − 131.5 (4.13)
SG listed at the end of this chapter.21–24
94 The Coen & Hamworthy Combustion Handbook

12. Nelson, W.L., Petroleum Refining Engineering, 3rd edn.,

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949.
References 13. Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes,
1. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997, Chapter 6.2.
Data Report, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of 14. Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes,
December 31, December 30, 2010. 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997, Chapter 12.1.
2. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Total Energy 15. Coward, H.F. and Jones, G.W., Limits of Flammability of
Data Report, Annual Energy Review, October 19, 2011. Gases and Vapors, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of
3. Reed, R.J., North American Combustion Handbook, Vol. I, Interior, Bulletin 503, Pittsburgh, PA, 1952.
North American Mfg. Co., Cleveland, OH, 1986. 16. Wierzba, I. and Karim, G.A., Prediction of the flamma-
4. Gas Processors and Suppliers Association, GPSA bility limits of fuel mixtures, AFRC/JFRC International
Engineering Data Book, Vol. I, 10th edn., GPSA, Tulsa, OK, Symposium, Maui, HI, October 1998.
1987. 17. Baird, C., Environmental Chemistry, W.H. Freeman,
5. Austin, G.T., Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, 5th edn., New York, 1995, Chapter 3.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. 18. Solomons, T.W., Organic Chemistry, 5th edn., John Wiley
6. Gas Processors and Suppliers Association, GPSA & Sons, New York, 1992.
19. Meyers, R.A., Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes,
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 22:20 30 October 2017

Engineering Data Book, Vol. II, 10th edn., GPSA, Tulsa,

OK, 1987. 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997, Chapter 3.3.
7. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C., and Harriot, P., Unit 20. American Standard Testing Methods, ASTM D-396:
Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th edn., McGraw- Standard Specification for Fuel Oils, 1998.
Hill, New York, 1993. 21. Dean, J., Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry, 14th edn.,
8. Perry, R.H., Green, D.W., and Maloney, J.O., Eds., Perry’s McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 7th edn., McGraw-Hill, 22. Munson, B.R., Young, D.F., and Okiishi, T.H.,
New York, 1997, Chapter 27. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 2nd edn., John Wiley &
9. Leffler, W.L., Petroleum Refining for the Non-Technical Sons, New York, 1994.
Person, PennWell Publishing, Tulsa, OK, 1985. 23. Heald, C.C., Cameron Hydraulic Data, 18th edn., Ingersoll-
10. Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E., Petroleum Refining, 3rd Dresser Pumps, Liberty Corner, NJ, 1994.
edn., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1994. 24. Van Wylen, G.J., Sonntag, R.E., and Borgnakke, C.,
11. Reed, R.D., Furnace Operations, 3rd edn., Gulf Publishing, Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics, 4th edn., John
Houston, TX, 1981. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994.

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