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BDA 10903
CHAPTER 1 – Part 2



1. Normal Strain under Axial Loading

2. Stress-strain diagram
3. Deformations under Axial Loading
4. Statistically indeterminate problems
5. Thermal stress
6. Poisson ratio
7. Generalised Hooke’s Law
8. Shear Strain
9. Relation Among E, v, and G
1.6 Normal Strain under Axial Loading
 When loads are applied to a body, some deformation will occur resulting
to a change in dimension.
 Consider a bar, subjected to axial tensile loading force, F. If the bar
extension is  and its original length (before loading) is L, then tensile
strain is:

= = normal strain

L 
Normal Strain:
 Normal Strain (ε) = Change in Length
Original Length

 As strain is a ratio of lengths, it is


 Similarly, for compression by amount, dl:

Compressive strain = - /L

 Note: Strain is positive for an increase in

dimension and negative for a reduction in

= = stress

= = normal strain
Example 13:

 Determine the corresponding strain for a bar of

length L=0.6m and uniform cross section which
undergoes a deformation =15010-6m.
1.7 Stress-strain diagram
Stress-Strain Diagrams:

Modulus Young – elastic zone

• A-B = elastic • Point D= ultimate stress
• Point B = linear limit • Point E = fracture E=
• Point C = upper yield point
The Stress-Strain Diagram
 Tensile test is an experiment to determine the load-
deformation behavior of the material.
 Data from tensile test can be plot into stress and strain
 Example of test specimen
- note the dog-bone geometry
 Universal Testing Machine - equipment used to
subject a specimen to tension, compression,
bending, etc. loads and measure its response
1.8 Deformations under Axial Loading
• From Hooke’s Law:
 P
 = E = =
• From the definition of strain:

• Equating and solving for the deformation,
 =
• With variations in loading, cross-section
or material properties,
Pi Li
 =
i Ai Ei
4.1 Elastic deformation
Sign Convention
Sign Forces Displacement
Positive (+) Tension Elongation
Negative (−) Compression Contraction

4.1 Elastic deformation
Example 14:
Example 15:
Determine the deformation of the
steel rod shown under the given
loads. (E=200 GPa)
Solution (cont.)
1.9 Statistically indeterminate problems
• Structures for which internal forces and reactions
cannot be determined from statics alone are said
to be statically indeterminate.
• A structure will be statically indeterminate
whenever it is held by more supports than are
required to maintain its equilibrium.
• Redundant reactions are replaced with
unknown loads which along with the other
loads must produce compatible deformations.
• Deformations due to actual loads and redundant
reactions are determined separately and then added
or superposed.
(Compatibility equation)
 = P +B = 0

Example 16:
Determine the reactions at A and B for the steel bar
and loading shown, assuming a close fit at both
supports before the loads are applied.

• Consider the reaction at B as redundant, release

the bar from that support, and solve for the
displacement at B due to the applied loads.

• Solve for the displacement at B due to the

redundant reaction at B.

• Require that the displacements due to the loads

and due to the redundant reaction be
compatible, i.e., require that their sum be zero.

• Solve for the reaction at A due to applied loads

and the reaction found at B.
• Solve for the displacement at B due to the applied
loads with the redundant constraint released,

P1 = 0 P2 = P3 = 600  103 N P4 = 900  103 N

A1 = A2 = 400  10− 6 m 2 A3 = A4 = 250  10− 6 m 2

L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = 0.150 m

Pi Li 1.125  109
L =  =
i i iE E

• Solve for the displacement at B due to the redundant


P1 = P2 = − RB
A1 = 400 10 −6 m 2 A2 = 250 10 −6 m 2
L1 = L2 = 0.300 m

δR = 
Pi Li P1 L1 P2 L2
= + =−
1.95 103 )RB
i Ai Ei A1 E1 A2 E2 E
Solution (cont.):

• Require that the displacements due to the loads and

due to the redundant reaction be compatible,
 = L +R = 0

= −
1.125 109 1.95 103 RB )
RB = 577 103 N = 577 kN

• Find the reaction at A due to the loads and the

reaction at B
 Fy = 0 = R A − 300 kN − 600 kN + 577 kN
RA = 323 kN
Example 17:
Example 17 (cont.):
Example 17 (cont.):
Solution (2nd Method):
P = 20 kN
400mm 800mm

P = 20 kN
Example 17 (cont.):
Method of superposition
Example 18:
Example 18 (cont.):
Example 18 (cont.):
Joint B

PBD = 78.7kN

Joint C

Example 19:

Solution (cont.):
Example 20:
The three A-36 steel bars shown in the figure
are pin connected to a rigid member. If the
applied load on the member is 15 kN
determine the force developed in each bar.
Bars AB and EF each have a cross-sectional
area of 25 mm2, and bar CD has a cross-
sectional area of 15 mm2.
Example 20 (cont.):

Develop the compatibility equation based

on the displacement of point A, C and
which have proportional triangles.
Thermal stress
• A temperature change results in a change in length or
thermal strain. There is no stress associated with the
thermal strain unless the elongation is restrained by
the supports.
• Treat the additional support as redundant and apply
the principle of superposition.
 T =  (T )L P =
 = thermal expansion coef.
• The thermal deformation and the deformation from
the redundant support must be compatible.
PL  = T +  P = 0
 (T )L + =0
P = − AE (T )
= = − E (T )
34 A
4.3 Thermal Stress
Example 21:
A steel railroad track (E= 200 GPa, =11.710-6/C was lain out at a temperature
of 6C. Determine the normal stress in the rails when the temperature reaches
48C, assuming that the rails :-
(a) are welded to form a continuous track
(b) are 10 m long with 3-mm gaps between them.


Example 22:
Example 22 (cont.):
Example 22 (cont.)
• For member AB, T is
negative as the rod length
increase due to thermal
effect and point B will deflect
downward, while P is
negative as the support
reaction force will compress
the rod and B deflect
• Upward movement is +ve
• Downward movement is -ve

Note:Can use either AB or BC to find the deflection in B. The answer

will be the same

B = + LBC BC (T )
=-0.500 mm

E = 200 GPa
A rod consisting of two cylindrical portions AB
and BC is restrained at both ends. Portion AB is
made of steel and portion BC is made of brass.
Knowing that the rod is initially unstressed,
determine :
(a) the normal stresses induced in portions AB
and BC by a temperature rise of 36ºC,
(b) the corresponding deflection of point B.

( Es = 200 GPa, αs = 11.7 x 10-6 / ºC ) (Eb = 103 GPa, αb = 18.7 x 10-6 / ºC ).

Example 23:

At room temperature (21°C) a 0.5 mm gap exists between the ends of the rods
shown. At a later time when the temperature has reached 160°C, determine
(a) The normal stress in the aluminum rod,
(b) the change in length of the aluminum rod.
Example 23 (cont.):
Example 23 (cont.):
Example 24 :
Knowing that a 0.5-mm gap exists when the temperature is 20°C, determine
(a) the temperature at which the normal stress in the aluminum bar will be equal
to – 90 MPa,
(b) the corresponding exact length of the aluminum bar.
Example 24 (cont.):
Example 24(cont.):
Poisson ratio
• For a slender bar subjected to axial loading:

x = y =z = 0
• The elongation in the x-direction is accompanied
by a contraction in the other directions.
Assuming that the material is isotropic (no
directional dependence),

y = z  0

• Poisson’s ratio is defined as

lateral strain y 
= =− =− z
axial strain x x
Example 25:
Generalized Hooke’s Law:
• For an element subjected to multi-axial loading,
the normal strain components resulting from
the stress components may be determined from
the principle of superposition. This requires:
1) strain is linearly related to stress
2) deformations are small

• With these restrictions:

 x  y  z
x = + − −
 x  y  z
y = − + −
 x  y z
z = − − +
Shear Strain:


• A cubic element subjected to a shear stress will deform into a

rhomboid. Shear strain is defined as change of angle of side faces
that originally perpendicular to each other.

The shear strain,  (gamma) is given as: For small  ,  = 

 = = tan 
It is dimensionless and is measured in radians.
Shear strain:

• A plot of shear stress vs. shear strain is

similar the previous plots of normal stress vs.
normal strain except that the strength values
are approximately half. For small strains,

 xy = G  xy  yz = G  yz  zx = G  zx

where G is the modulus of rigidity or shear

1.14 Relation Among E, v, and G
• An axially loaded slender bar will
elongate in the axial direction and
contract in the transverse directions.
• An initially cubic element oriented as in
top figure will deform into a rectangular
parallelepiped. The axial load produces
a normal strain.
• If the cubic element is oriented as in
the bottom figure, it will deform into a
rhombus. Axial load also results in a
shear strain.
• Components of normal and shear strain
are related, E
2(1 +  )
Example 26:
In a standard tensile test a steel rod of 22 mm diameter is subjected to a tension force
of 75 kN. Knowing that v = 0.3 and E = 200 GPa, determine
(a) the elongation of the rod in an 200 mm gage length,
(b) the change in diameter of the rod.
Example 27:
A standard tension test is used to determine the properties of an experimental plastic.
The test specimen is a 15-mm-diameter rod and it is subjected to a 3.5 kN tensile force.
Knowing that an elongation of 11 mm and a decrease in diameter of 0.62 mm are
observed in a 120-mm gage length, determine the modulus of elasticity, the modulus of
rigidity, and Poisson’s ratio of the material.
Example 27 (cont.):
Example 28:
The change in diameter of a large steel bolt is carefully measured as the nut is tightened.
Knowing that E = 200 GPa and  = 0.29, determine the internal force in the bolt, if the
diameter is observed to decrease by 13 m.

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